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Showing posts with label chanllenges. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Human Revolution Means "To Turn Things Around"

(You can now subscribe and get these posts in your email - see the box ar the right) This is the complete quote that Kate read to me last Friday. This quote lead me to determine to chant 2 hours a day this week to show victory by May 3rd. 
It is not too late to make your determination towards May 3rd! See if this inspires you. 
I especially like the part at the end.

From the April 2015 Living Buddhism Magazine, pages 54 - 55. Published by the SGI. This is from the section "Guidance Series" by Daisaku Ikeda. 

Human Revolution 
to Turn Things Around.

"Human revolution is not something unusual or special. For example, say that one day a boy who is always playing and never studies makes the decision, "From now on, I'm going to study" or tells himself, "I'm going to make efforts for the sake of my future." When he does that, he is engaging in Human Revolution...

In other words, 
human revolution is opening your eyes wide 
and looking beyond your ordinary concerns, 
smiling, and dedicating your actions 
to something higher, deeper, broader.

Someone who at first may seem to be a hopeless case can, by achieving a major self-realization, through their Buddhist practice, become an inspiration to countless others.

Also, times when you are suffering intensely, when you don't know what to do or which way to turn, can become important opportunities for making great strides in your human revolution. 

If you tend to be easily discouraged, 
just refresh your determination each time that happens. People who are resolved to see problems as opportunities and keep trying again and again, 
forging ahead with unflagging optimism, 
will definitely succeed in their human revolution...

Human revolution 
is a revolution in our actions and behavior. 
It means to purposefully engage in behavior 
that is grounded in compassion, 
in actions that break free from the cycle of the six paths (hell, hunger, animality, anger, humanity and heaven - all based in response to our environment) 
and bring us to the worlds 
of Bodhisattva and Buddhahood...

"Revolution" means to turn things around. It signifies a sudden, radical change.

The natural process is for people to grow little by little, with the passage of time. 
Human revolution 
is a step beyond that gradual process, 
propelling us rapidly in a positive direction. 
And while there is rapid movement, 
it is also growth that continues throughout our lives. 
There is no end point. 
And our Buddhist practice is the engine, 
the driving force, for our human revolution."

Let's do our Human Revolution. Let's speed it up by making firm determinations to have a complete turn around by May 3rd. Why not? Join us! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!