Showing posts with label shakyamuni. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shakyamuni. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Chanting for Kosen Rufu

I just finished today's first hour of chanting just for kosen- rufu. I felt totally connected to my own power... the power we all possess...the power of the universe....Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.

How do we define Kosen rufu? 

In Faith into Action, pages 226-230 there are many quotes from Sensei on Kosen Rufu. Here are a few:

"A Buddha holds others in the highest regard; the ability to do so is the Buddha's intrinsic virtue. Kosen-rufu means promulgating this attitude of respect for human beings." page 227

"Joy is no simply your personal, egoistic happiness. Nor is it making others happy at the expense of your own happiness. You and others delighting together, you and others becoming happy together - this is the Mystic law and the wondrous thing about our realm of kosen-rufu. The Daishonin states, "Joy means that both oneself and others have wisdom and compassion." p. 227

"Our spirit changes our being. It changes our lives. Why does the Buddha have an indestructible, diamond-like life? Shakyamuni explains it is because he has steadfastly and thoroughly protected the true law. Having a strong spirit for kosen-rufu enables us to develop diamond-like lives." p. 228


"Those who struggle to the full extent of their abilities now, at this time, will also gain eternal honor. Imagine 100 or 200 years hence when our descendants proudly say. "Think of it, my ancestors devoted their lives to kosen-rufu in this area." p. 228

As I was chanting, I kept the intention for kosen-rufu in my mind while visions of kosen-rufu came tumbling into my mind's eye...a world of respect for all beings, happy people smiling at one another, no weapons poised for war, people speaking in loving tones with loving, glowing hearts and minds. 
As I was chanting for kosen-rufu I could feel my prayers activating the gears of the universe. I felt myself and all the Buddhist deities, all pulling...all heading for what is good, and true and right. Occasionally some other thoughts entered my mind, my family smiling, all of you facing the Gohonzon with happiness and appreciation in your hearts...

And as I was chanting I was releasing my concerns...all the things on my list...all my desires... and just enjoying this feeling that everything will be taken care of...and that somehow, in this one prayer for the happiness of all beings, that everything I need will just be taken care of...and the wisdom to take the most correct action will flow into my life...and I will take it...advancing always. 

I wish you a glorious day full of love and light and laughter. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.