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Showing posts with label what is buddhism.. Show all posts

Sunday, January 3, 2016

4 Ways to Write Goals ~ Powerfully Starting the New Year!

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It's not too Late! 
You can start the New Year Powerfully RIGHT NOW! 

This is the year of 

Expansion in the New Era of Kosen-Rufu (world peace.)

We chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo (I fuse my life with the mystic law of cause and effect through sound vibration) and participate in the Soka Gakkai organization. Click on the link to the right to find out more. I practice in the Western Suburbs of Chicago, and there are members worldwide. This practice enables us to draw forth all the strength, wisdom and vigor we already possess and obtain our goals. We are all Buddhas expressing our Buddha Nature and overcoming our lesser selves. The goal of this practice is our own happiness, and the happiness of others. 

I have written my goals in a new way this year:  

1. I wrote my actual goals in narrative form.

2. I wrote my daily guidelines for fulfilling these goals - For example, my primary guideline this year is to be more present with everyone I am take the focus off myself and listen more intently than hear their Buddha nature speaking, and reinforce it in any way I can. And to enjoy each moment and add new lifelong friends every day. I also have specific business, health and other guidelines. 

3. I have written a Mind Map for my goals. I took a blank page and put a small sun in the center of it. I drew one long ray for each of the ways I want to expand this year. And I wrote the name of the ray at the end. 
Rays/Goals include: Ben's Memorial Mile. Writing. Public Speaking. Goals for the District. Health etc. and along those rays are lines with action items about the goal. 

4. Across from each goal I wrote the obstacles that appear in my mind, and the emotions I feel in my body when I read them  - and I am using this page to be aware of what to "tap on" using EFT tapping, and to focus my chanting. I am determined to master my mind and override anything holding me back. 

5.  I am also devising a DAILY EXPANSION SHEET - a checklist of all things I must do to keep advancing step by step towards my goals. 

Do you have some goals you want to share...some determinations? Write me at!