Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Universe is in the Palm of Your Hand! Be joyful!

It's true. You hold the key to the entire universe that is already within you. All the power of the rushing waterfalls of the earth...all the power of the exploding supernovas...all the power of one person's triumph over evil, all the good and the bad that exists ANYWHERE  - You and I are microcosms of this power. We know this in our hearts. We feel it with our cellular memory. Science is lining up with it at an ever-increasing rate. And WE, you and I, are ahead of the game with the gem of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo in our lives. 

We are ALL pioneers. We are all learning from each other. I'll bet if you and I sat down and had a cup of tea together we would each learn from each other. Soka Gakkai members (Value Creating Society) are mirrors of each other, and together are increase everyone's benefit. 

When we chant we SUMMON this power that is already in our lives. We awaken the knowledge and experience of our OWN power. We OWN it...we own all of it, the good, the bad and the ugly. We don't have to cower at the things we don't like about ourselves, or the unhappiness that still exists in our lives. We can continue to vanquish it through our chanting and determination. 
Through my years of practice I know my own inherent darkness well. It emerges as a voice that makes me feel lonely alone and without hope. But I have raised my awareness of it to the point that I understand it for what it is...just my inherent darkness coming forth...NOT anything REAL, and I can vanquish these thoughts by chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and saying "No! No inherent darkness is arriving to darken MY day! Be gone! I replace dark thoughts with smiles and feeling of JOY and happiness and fulfillment! I am a Buddha! I have the power!"

We ALL can have determinations that make our lives sparkle! Today I am chanting:

"I now raise my life condition and experience every moment of this day as a Buddha. I will soak up every possible sparkling moment of happiness. I will be easy and unstressed! I will enjoy my wonderful family and create memories that will last forever. Everyone will have a great time at my house today, and we'll enjoy this beautiful fall weather and the pleasure of each other's company. I chant to expand my capacity for feeling joy all the way down to my toes! I expand my capacity for connection and love and warmth! Today, on this Beautiful Sunday when my Dad and Mom-Jan are visiting from Asheville North Carolina we will create a brilliant, sparkling memory of song, laughter and joy!" 

What sparkling determination can YOU have today? You BUDDHA You! 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Growing with Each other

I've attached a link here that I know you will find extremely amazing and useful. This is my dear friend Julia's blog. She has an incredibly profound and precise way of expressing this practice. 
I hope you will appreciate the beauty, sincerity and power of this post! Julia is showing tremendous actual proof of this practice...growing in faith and strength and health every moment of every day. 

May you be inspired by her words:

Friday, October 5, 2012

Access Your Own Power!

We Buddhists know all about to access our own power. Many others who haven't found out about this practice also KNOW they have power within them. But for too many people, they don't know how to bring it out consistently, and channel that power in the direction they want it to go. 

That's where we come in. Every time we have a benefit...every time we share it with others...we help others to get a glimpse of their own power. And when everyone has the tools to tap into their own power, that's how we will create Kosen Rufu together.
World peace through individual happiness! 

None of us is perfect. None of us has a life without problems. I don't have a carefree life...but I must admit, most days I shine like the sun and have a smile on my face...and I love to spread that to others. Life is too short to be glum...even though sometimes it feels like it is the only way. Did you know that you can cheer yourself us just by raising your eyes, looking up and putting a smile on your face? Did you know that a brisk walk can bring energy into your body and oxygen to your brain and improve your spirits? 

These are things I am definitely bearing in mind as the weather hits the mid fifties today. I admit it, I am a warm weather person. I like a good warm fire in the winter, but I prefer a warm beach in the sun. The winter can be hard for my spirits. 

I am following the guidance I gave you yesterday. I am chanting to change in any way possible to convert any disappointment into fulfillment, to change any hunger to fulfillment, so be satisfied and happy and energized. I am chanting to expand my really reach as far as I can with the good I can do in this world...and I am saying and believing "All the Best is coming to me NOW"

Have a great day!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

You can change any problem - and become stronger than ever using this prayer!!!!

If you've been chanting to change things in your life...if you've been chanting about relationships, your career etc...consider looking inward and chanting to change yourself. Changing your SELF - doing your human revolution is vital to your successfull practice. 

What is the process?

1. Own the problem...realize that whatever you want to change may LOOK like it is outside yourself...but it's roots are within your life. That means that you cannot complain or say "WHY ME?". Really you have to own it...not BLAME yourself for it...not feel guilty about it. It's okay to get a little angry and make a fierce and roaring declaration to change whatever you need to change.

2. Turn your prayer INWARD. Chant to change YOURSELF. Chant to have the courage to make the changes you need to make in order to generate the results you want to create in your life. Remember that all change starts from within. And your environment will change to reflect the inner changes you have made. 

A SuperPrayers to accomplish this could be:

"I am determined to make any changes I need to make in my thoughts, my actions, my chanting, to make continual positive causes that will result in rooting the cause of my negative karma OUT OF MY LIFE!  I am determined to make the changes inside do my own human revolution and raise my life condition! I am determined to change in any way I need to change to attract the .......(you fill in the blank) into my life. Life! I am bringing the determination, wisdom and fire I need to create the life of my dreams. I AM NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO! I AM ROARING LIKE A LION IN MY OWN LIFE! I WILL CREATE MY LIFE! I do this not only for me, but for everyone who is suffering. I am determined to glow within my own life. I am determined to be a shining light for all who are suffering. I am determined to be the beacon of hope that ANYONE can solve their problems by chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. I am ready to meet people who are ready to hear about this practice!  I chant to have the most inspiring life. Gohonzon (my life) I need to see these results now!"

You can do this! You Buddha YOU!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

You WILL LOVE this post!!! A reader has a breakthrough!

Here is a great experience for you!
I originally heard from this reader in May. She and I exchanged several emails (not all of which I'm publishing here...but I promise, if you send me an email I will do my best to respond personally to you) 

My first email from this reader:

"I hope all is great.

Just been reading some articles on your blog and wanted to say thank you many times for 
your writings! I came into Buddhism after my heart was shattered too and every day I am feeling that I am letting go
and gaining a clear understanding of what kind of relationship I need. I also attracted a man who takes very good care of me
and who truly seems to like me. "

Later, she and I exchanged a few personal emails. Then she sent me an email describing how she had fallen and not gotten hurt, and how that incident was a realization for her as follows:

However, i realized that the focal point should be us asking Gohonzon
to strengthen our Buddhanature. 
Just as I fell physically and got back on my feet with great ease - it is important to cultivate and maintain a personality which is strong and well balanced. 
Reaching our goals is important, 
but many of them may only be reachable when we are truly ready spiritually
and psychologically. 
The main purpose is building that powerful self 
which can become capable of using all those benefits we ask for. 
So, I feel for having good relationships it is important to be your own best friend 
and be self - loving and reflect this attitude of self-love 
in the way we interact with other people - 
and by chanting many daimokus for “us” (family, other SGI members). 
I also believe that one can improve once self-confidence and self-esteem 
and thus be even more capable and strong 
for holding down one`s desired job and reaching the set goals (
or identifying them as nonsense). 
What i also like about this Buddhism is that no matter the circumstances - 
we do not throw the towel. Perseverance is key. 
Kosen Rufu starts with every single one of us fostering peace in ourselves, 
with our friends, at work. 

And her breakthrough came:

Just wanted to let you know that things have improved considerably. 
I got a better job situation and a nice place to stay AND my last boyfriend called me on
my birthday and he was really super sweet to me. He paid me a lot of compliments
and said me and my best friends should come to NY and he will keep me up 
to date on what is going on in his life. What a break through! Been chanting soooo
much for everything and my life right now is very, very impressive. 
Nichiren Buddhism is soooo goood. Sooooo goood. I am really grateful for having been introduced and it works wonders!!

Here are some of the elements she followed to produce her breakthrough! 

1)  I found that idea of making wishing lists very helpful
2) You encourage people do keep going even though their might not be any kind of proof at first. I kept chanting, chanting and chanting for a great situation with my ex even though "everybody" told me to just let it go....the results are impressive: as if all of that negative stuff had never happened  between us. 
3) I like the fact that you encourage people to demand proof. In my SGI circles people often tell me the Gohonzon is exlusively inside yourself and everything which happens is done by you. But, I noticed that chanting creates situations I would not have been able to control just by being me. So, yes, my Buddhanature get evoked, but things also start happening around me without me putting too much effort. It is almost like chanting puts me into favorable situations.  

I LOVE Hearing your Experiences! you can encourage others by letting me post them here. Thank you so much my friend!!! You GO Girl! 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

If you REALLY are ready to change your karma ... do these things!

I am receiving mail from many of you who are lacking in hope and finding it hard to chant. Pleas read this post and consider it as personal guidance to YOU. YOU can do it. No one else can change your karma and change your life. You are the only one. You have all the tools you need! You are one of the lucky ones! You have found this practice. It's your time to take this practice and make the changes you want...and really become happy! 

I have always said that practicing Buddhism is not easy. It requires courage. It not only requires courage but it helps to BUILD courage and a strong sense of self. When you practice as I've outlined here you will be strong. You can take on ANYTHING. You will be happy. It takes perseverance, but I am here to tell you that you can achieve whatever you want. You can be happier than you ever imagined possible. But it takes work! And your life and happiness is WORTH IT!

There are 5 KEY aspects to a correct practice of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.

And when we are activating them ALL we are all HAPPIER in every possible way. Until you have activated these actions in your life you will never really know your own full will be able to ROAR LIKE A LION. You will have power in your won precious life! 

1. It is important to be in the ORBIT OF FAITH! Attending SGI meetings is crucial. We really can't practice adequately alone. We all act as mirrors for each other. Our meetings serve to deepen our ties to each other and our ties to the world. If there is something you don't like about your meetings, chant to change them! How you feel about your Buddhist meetings is really a reflection of your own tendencies. If you "look down" on all the people at the meetings, you also "look down" on people everywhere. Have patience with yourself. See if you can summon the Ichinen (will put into action) to make a difference. Many of us have struggled with this at some time. I love being a leader because I infuse each meeting with energy. I chant at least an hour for the success of each meeting...I chant for every member to have a deep and meaningful experience at every meeting - refreshed in faith, more determined, happier!

2. Help others! Try this! Don't take my word for it! Encouraging others in their faith is crucial. And telling others about chanting is crucial too...even just giving them a Nam Myoho Renge card. I give out cards every single day. I have to. I feel I have discovered the key to absolute happiness and it fills me with joy to pass it on to others. I went to the doctor yesterday and the two lovely nurses may come to a meeting soon. I always give cards to people who help me in stores. They are always happy to get them. I love makeup and perfume and love to spend time trying new things. Last night I got a call from someone who I gave a card to TWO years ago at Sephora (a makeup store). She said she now works in the makeup department of another of my favorite stores and she told someone about me, and they had one of my cards too. Last week she came my study meeting, and she plans to come this week too! 

3. Chant every morning and evening. Chanting twice a day PUTS YOUR LIFE IN RHYTHM TO WIN! THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR THIS! It sounds hard, but it is really the easy way. Chanting is MUCH HARDER when you do it every once in a while...and your results are less consistent too. You decide how long you will chant. I know that the more effort I put into my daily practice, the harder I work to stay focused, the MORE I connect with the Gohonzon (which is my life itself) the easier the rest of my life goes. I chant a minimum of an hour in my "laboratory of my life" every day. When I began this blog I was chanting a minimum of two hours a day. I often find I chant more when I have a lot of challenges, and the more I chant the more I WANT TO chant. Try it!

4. Study with the intention of deepening your faith.  In Nichiren Buddhism FAITH IS A VERB and a MUSCLE! Chant to strengthen  your faith. Chant to have the kind of benefit that makes you truly believe your own power. And do this again and again! THIS is exercising the muscle of FAITH. It is the power you muster while you are chanting to activate the power of your prayer. Studying is like working the muscle of faith. It will help you produce results. It will strengthen your faith. Studying the Gosho by Nichiren Daishonin, and the words of our mentor, Daisaku Ikeda will help you become happier and healthier and stronger in every way!

5. MAKE A STRONG DETERMINATION. Write it down. Really, writing it down is powerful! What do you want? What do you really want? How do you want to feel? What do you want to make happen? Who do you want to BE? Avoid the tendency to blame your environment. Blaming the people, things, jobs etc. is not useful. Instead, accept that your karma is your karma and vow to change it! That is where your power lies! Not in complaint!Chant to root your suffering out of your life. I visualize the roots of a tree inside my body and literally pull them out in my mind while I am chanting. Chant to expand the power within your own life. Chant to raise your life condition and be the strong Buddha you are meant to be! 

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Exercising that MUSCLE of faith!

Good beautiful Saturday Morning!!!

This is such a unique practice! You don't HAVE to believe that chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo works because it is a LAW. It doesn't have a personality. It doesn't CARE whether you believe it works. It works turning on a light. 

You chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and you tap into the life force of the universe that is your birthright. We are children of the universe...that is not just some song from the sixties! Our eyes are the stars, our veins are the rivers, our hair is the trees, we ARE microcosms of the universe and we have always known this.  And now, because of some very brave people who risked (and lost) their lives - we can now tap into the life force by chanting the name of the rhythm of life itself NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO! 

When we chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo we TELL our lives what we want. That's what we are doing when we chant. 

I posted an experience by Kathy Fisher a couple of weeks ago. She chanted for the perfect job and it took her a while to find it....and this job is totally amazing. She got everything she chanted for and more. I'm asking her to write a new experience to tell you how incredibly cool her first month has appreciated she she feels she has found a perfectly she understands her role there and how much she loves the actual job and the people. It is HER job, and that's what she was chanting for. She didn't get discouraged because it didn't appear for a while. She kept chanting...undaunted...and she kept encouraging people...and bringing people to meetings...and she KNEW she would be victorious. 

That's how we ALL need to be. 

Chant for what you want and don't give up.!!!! Some things take longer than others. Some happen that very same day (as you know!) but the important thing is to not give up. 

There are a few key things I want to pass along to you today. Remember when you are having challenges with ANY PERSON...ANYWHERE to chant sincerely for their happiness. It works 100% of the time. Don't believe me! Try it yourself. We are ALL connected. Chanting for others brings happiness to them, to you, to all of life. This is Buddhism. This is the pure energy of interconnectivity that we live in. Isn't it wonderful!

And another are WORTHY of EVERY HAPPINESS and EVERY DESIRE! You are WORTHY! You were born worthy! You are so wonderful and precious, so beautiful and new. The world has never seen a more beautiful being with a bigger heart than YOU! Please chant for ANYTHING you desire...even if your friends tell you you shouldn't. Tapping into your real, honest and true desire will lead you to chant sincerely and become the happiest YOU possible. 

And one other thing, and I KNOW I say this all the time...please make sure to join the orbit of faith and meet your friends along the path at your local SGI meetings! They are there to teach you and to learn from you! Send me a note if you need help finding your local meeting. They take place all over the world. 

And send me your comments and experiences! You know how I love hearing from you!!! I'd LOVE to post YOUR experiences in faith on this blog! THink of how much you can help others by inspiring them! 

I am heading out into a lovely day filled with people and adventures I have brought into my life through chanting for my desires. I am living the life of my dreams. I wish you ALL a wonderful joy-filled day!