Monday, May 27, 2013

What is Success in Life?

Daisaku Ikeda states:

"Just what is success? 
The English thinker Walter Pater (1839-94) wrote: 

"To burn always with this hard, gemlike flame, to maintain this ecstasy, is success in life." 

The person who lives like fully, 
glowing with life's energy, 
is the person who lives a successful life." 

From Faith in Action, page 68. 

Power Prayer for Overcoming Depression and Hopelessness

Those of us who chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo 
are the lights of our families, 
our neighborhoods 
and our countries. 
We are able to tap into the vast source of life itself every single day, every morning, and every evening. And if we can continue to have hope and continue to draw on our higher nature...continue to see ourselves as the Buddhas we are and not give in to feelings of hopelessness and despair...we can make the impossible possible in our lives...there is nothing we can't do. 

"Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is like the roar of a lion, what sickness can therefore be an obstacle?"
Nichiren Daishonin, Letter to Niike. 

"A sword is useless in the hands of a coward."
Nichiren Daishonin, Reply to Kyo'o

So we must be brave and forge ahead, even when we feel darkness in our hearts. 

My goal is to inspire you with my life, and for you to actively seek out Daisaku Ikeda and Nichiren Daishonin's heart, and for all of you to make good friends in the SGI, the organization full of regular people awakened to their Buddhahood who are dedicating their lives to helping others become happy through this practice.  

It is because of my mentors, and the heart-to-heart guidance I have received from my friends in the Soka Gakkai - my "good friends in faith," that I have been able to vanquish depression and anxiety from my life. 
And I am telling you this for sure - if I can do it so can you. My depression was a deep-seated karmic depression. My mother had it and it runs deep within her side of the family.  I'd wake up in the morning encased on a veil of sadness. I knew the moment my eyes opened that it was back. And every day, in my morning Gongyo I learned to face it down and chase it out of my life. 

My friend-in-faith Kate got rid of her own depression and counseled me to chant with fierce determination in my heart and to create this power prayer:

Power Prayer for Vanquishing Depression

While chanting, have this determination:

"I don't CARE how many times you rear your ugly head depression. I WILL defeat you! I will defeat you to show actual proof for kosen-rufu, so I can encourage others.  I will come back and chant time and time again until you are gone from my life forever. You are no match for me hopelessness and depression! I reveal my life state as the life of the Buddha. I embrace my mission to encourage others. I will win!" 

And I won. It's over. I no longer feel depressed. I no longer wake up into darkness for no reason. 

Prayer and action are the key. Because of my prayer I stopped trying to escape into bad habits that just made the depression worse. I began working out vigorously 20 minutes each morning. I also changed my eating habits and lost weight. Earnest prayer gives rise to positive action. 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Aaron Leaves for Bolivia Today

Aaron Silver and Meg Groom

It's a big day here at the Silver household.
Aaron and Meg, his wonderful new friend, 
are taking off to do medical duties 
in Bolivia through a program at their medical school. 

They really don't know exactly what the trip will hold, 
only that it is a grand adventure.  

It is at times like this that I am especially grateful to be able to be at home chanting for Aaron and Meg. 
I will take every fear, and all of my love and happiness and put it into my Daimoku 
for the next month for them both, 
and for the whole group. 

Oh heart, that hold us all together, I send my prayer today
For happiness, protection and all good fortune. 
May all their timing be perfect. may their flights be uneventful and easy, and may they work hard, laugh hard and appreciate every moment, even the difficult ones. 
May they create memories 
of golden moments and cherished friends. 
May their hearts be even further opened 
and their missions give them vision, 
purpose, enthusiasm and hope. 
May they be absolutely inspired by the beauty that exists inside each and every human heart. 
May their lives shine like the sun. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

What Does Nam-myoho-renge-kyo mean?

~ And why does chanting these words have such a profound effect on each person?  

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, to those of us who wake each day and chant these words, is the means to put our lives in rhythm with the universe and bring out our own highest and best qualities. Life itself is a duality, and each one of us has choices to make at every moment of the day. Chanting these words help us to "true" our choices in a way that leads us to greater happiness.  

It is a law, the mystic (unfathomable) law. And it works whether we believe it or not. But please, don't take my words for it. If you're new to chanting I have several blogposts on how to chant. You can find them in the archive section. The link to the SGI-USA Portal (to the right) has listings of centers in your area where there are wonderful SGI members who would love to answer your questions and help you learn this practice.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

We are Connected

"When we have a genuine sense that, 
no matter how difficult 
our present circumstances, 
we are not alone—
that we are vitally connected with others
and with the world—
we will, without fail, 
rise up to the challenge of living again."

Daisaku Ikeda

Chanting for kosen-rufu and taking action for world peace unlocks our own happiness

Do you realize how strong and capable we all are? 

All of us who chant Daimoku (Nam-myoho-renge-kyo) have the power to ROAR LIKE LIONS and create the lives of our dreams! 
All we have to do is realize it, and when we chant...demand results from our own life. 
When we chant we are connecting with our own life, so we are not asking anyone or anything for "favors." 
No, we are connecting with our highest life power...that of the entire life and power of the whole universe. 
Nam-myoho renge-kyo is the name of the rhythm of life itself. It is already inside you. 
Please chant with the knowledge that Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is your life itself. And claim your birthright. Claim your power. Don't settle for a life of suffering. 

We also need to understand the shared struggle of mentor and disciple. It is essential to our Buddhist Practice. 

In the May Living Buddhism (SGI-USA publication) President Ikeda states "Therefore, when we embrace faith in the GOhonzon it is important that we wholeheartedly believe in the justice of Nichiren Daishonin's struggle. Unless we have the resolve to share in this struggle and participate in widely propagating the mystic law, the supremely noble life state of  Buddhahood will not manifest powerfully within us. The essence of faith in Nichiren Buddhism is for disciples to strive for kosen-rufu with the same spirit as their mentor. (May, 2013 Living Buddhism page 20)

"What is kosen-rufu? According to the same edition of Living Buddhism the definition is as follows: Literally "to widely declare and spread." Nichiren Daishonin defines Nam-myoho-renge-kyo as the Law to be widely declared and spread throughout the world. Kosen-rufu refers to the process of securing lasting peace and happiness for all humanity bt establishing the humanistic ideals of Nichiren Buddhism in society." May 2013 Living Buddhism, page 3. 

I have also heard kosen-rufu described as a world with respect for all of life. 

All of us, striving every day for kosen-rufu will create a world of fulfillment and happiness for all people, through our own happiness. Our own Human Revolution and happiness is where it starts.  

"Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is like the roar of a lion, what sickness can therefore be an obstacle?" Nichiren Daishonin, Letter to Niike

"Sickness" in the above quote means any problem, any challenge, any trouble ~ from illness to relationships, to depression...ANYTHING. 
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo...and your chanting can break through anything. You just have to dig deep and realize Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is your life itself, and chant with conviction. 

You are an honorable Buddha - you deserve the absolute best. 

Chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with happiness and conviction. Write a list of what you want for your life. 
Chant to have the kind of benefit that will strengthen your faith. 
Chant to strengthen your faith! When you chant with the faith that you know your prayers will have an impact - they will. Every determination should have the greater prayer of kosen-rufu as part of its fulfillment. Such as: "I am determined to win in all aspects of my life so that I can show actual proof of this practice and inspire others to chant."

I know you have heard me say these things over and over, but I repeat them so that we can all be reminded of the correct way of practice to become true victors in our lives. 

Chanting takes courage. You can do it. You can make any change you want to see for yourself and others. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Power of Prayer

"Prayer is the courage to persevere. 
It is the struggle 
to overcome our own weakness 
and lack of confidence in ourselves. 
It is the act of impressing 
in the very depths of our being 
the conviction 
that we can change the situation 
without fail."

Daisaku Ikeda