Aaron Silver and Meg Groom
It's a big day here at the Silver household.
Aaron and Meg, his wonderful new friend,
are taking off to do medical duties
in Bolivia through a program at their medical school.
They really don't know exactly what the trip will hold,
only that it is a grand adventure.
It is at times like this that I am especially grateful to be able to be at home chanting for Aaron and Meg.
I will take every fear, and all of my love and happiness and put it into my Daimoku
for the next month for them both,
and for the whole group.
Oh heart, that hold us all together, I send my prayer today
For happiness, protection and all good fortune.
May all their timing be perfect. may their flights be uneventful and easy, and may they work hard, laugh hard and appreciate every moment, even the difficult ones.
May they create memories
of golden moments and cherished friends.
May their hearts be even further opened
and their missions give them vision,
purpose, enthusiasm and hope.
May they be absolutely inspired by the beauty that exists inside each and every human heart.
May their lives shine like the sun.