Friday, June 5, 2015

100 Day Gongyo Challenge !

Do you have any idea what this is? 

If you look closely, you can see that this is a flower blooming from an artichoke! I found this in Ojai. 
Now, who would ever think that inside an artichoke - which is already beautiful and unusual - that there is a purple flower waiting to burst forth if properly tended? I bet you can see where I'm going with this...

Our Buddha nature is just like this. It is already part of our life...we are already Buddhas, and chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo gives us the exact tools and prescription to bring it out and let it bloom. 

As Daisaku Ikeda writes in 
The Heart of the Lotus Sutra: 

"In general, every time we do gongyo 
and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, 
we praise the Buddha nature in our own lives. 
We also praise the Buddha nature 
in the lives of all others, 
and we commune 
with the Buddha nature of the universe. 
What a solemn ceremony this is! 
How fortunate we are 
to live according to the principle 
that faith expresses itself in daily life."

And we perform this sacred ceremony twice a day...every day. We are so incredibly fortunate to have encountered this amazing tool. 

I like the line above that says "faith expresses itself in daily life." To me, this means that when we exert ourselves in faith...when we chant twice a day, and continually work to improve our practice. When we study, encourage others, go to SGI meetings and do shakubuku we WILL, without fail, see the positive effects of this practice in our lives. 

I have a recommendation to make, 
one more time, 
from my heart. 
And that recommendation 
is to do Gongyo, 
twice a day, 
every day. 

If you set a goal to do this for 100 days I promise you, that the things that are looming as problems in your life will look very different VERY soon! 

Go ahead and make your list of what you want. 

Challenge yourself to do Gongyo twice a day, 
and YOUR LIFE WILL RESPOND. Just like this flower that bloomed from an artichoke ~ Your life will respond in a very positive way! 

Write me at

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

9 More Types of Fortune from Reader Simran Kalsi

1. Fortune is having a family who supports you like a rock.
2. Fortune is having Gakkai friends who will help you without asking for anything in return.
3. Fortune is knowing each and every second of the day that the protection of the Gohonzon is there with you.
4. Fortune is to be able to sit and chant in the most favourite part of your house.
5. Fortune is to see people changing around you when you least expected them to.
6. Fortune is to be able to see each problem as an opportunity for growth.
7. Fortune is knowing that you have the treasure house of good karma through so much practice which is more precious than all the gold of the whole gold put together.
8. Fortune is knowing that come what may you always have something so beautiful like this practice to go to.
9. Fortune is encountering this practice and to be able to see things and understand them in such a wonderful way.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

PowerPrayer to Appreciate YourSELF!

Your words DO have great power. 
Make sure when you speak to yourself 
that you use kind and loving words. 
Often we are hardest on our own selves, right? 

As far as I am concerned, society is always telling us what we are doing WRONG. School reinforces what is wrong with us. People who are insecure reinforce what is wrong with us. 
It is up to each one of us to reinforce what is RIGHT with us, and to switch our focus away from the feeling that we are guilty or bad. Changing our focus to the positive is at the core of revealing our own Buddha Nature. I love Buddhism, because its very focus is on what is RIGHT with us. 

Of course, as we all know, the law of cause and effect operates in our lives all the time. If we focus our daimoku on what we are doing right, chant to make positive causes, and to reveal our Buddha Nature, we will see positive effects in our lives. 

So, my ideas for changing a negatively focused life to a positively focused one follow:

1. Before you get out of bed in the morning think of at least 10 things you are grateful for. They can be anything from health to friendships to ANYTHING. What are you grateful for? I advised my sweet Mommy to do this when she was feeling depressed, and she said it entirely lifted her depression. This is one of those things that sounds like a good idea, but really, if you try it, it does make a difference. 

2. When you chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo every morning and evening, start with a feeling of gratitude. SUMMON gratitude. Work your spiritual muscle. Think of what you are grateful for, and make your own life, and your own self be part of that prayer. We are all so fortunate to have heard of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.  We are all fortunate to be practicing, to have a Gohonzon, and to be a part of the Soka Gakkai organization with our mentor Daisaku Ikeda and countless sincere members worldwide.  Bring forth that feeling of appreciation when you chant. 

3. Chant to reveal your Buddha nature. Chant to believe in the goodness within yourself. Chant to shine your life from within. 

4. When you focus on your life being the actual proof that this practice works you will see benefit. When you focus on being an example, and having your life and actions inspire others to begin chanting, you will see benefit flowing in all directions into your life. Chant to do shakubuku and help others become happy, and you will experience greater joy than ever before. 

5. Realize that you ARE the Buddha. You are the walking, talking embodiment of someone who is awakened to the law of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. This realization alone is a great cause for your happiness. Chant to see yourself as a Buddha and to feel yourself as the true Buddha you are. 

6. I chant to see the world through Daisaku Ikeda's eyes and to share his heart for Kosen Rufu. Sometimes when I chant I imagine him sitting here with me, and that our prayers for the happiness of all people are joined. 

Power Prayer for revealing your Buddha Nature and Appreciating YourSELF

"I chant to reveal the pure, sparkling Diamond
 of resilience, strength, wisdom and heart
 that lies within me. 
With every Daimoku, I chant to be more aware 
of how wonderful I am every single day. 
I chant that every cause I make, 
at every single moment of every single day 
leads me to see my Buddha nature. 
I chant that my Buddha Nature emerge 
and flow from my life touching everyone I see. 
I chant that I see my life 
as the brilliant sparkling Diamond that it is. 
I chant that throughout the day 
I say only nice words to myself. 
I chant to praise myself with my every thought. 
I chant to believe in my own goodness 
and to see it revealed in my actions. 
I pray to realize my life as the Buddha I am.
I chant that those around me are inspired to begin chanting, just by seeing my happiness flow. 
I chant to meet the people who are looking for this law, 
and to be able to help them practice"

Buddhists Take Action!

This blog is not on official publication of the SGI. It is written by a 30 year practicing SGI member. My purpose is to share the profundity and actual proof of chanting through my own life. You can subscribe by putting your email in the box to the right. You can translate using the translate button at the top right. If you want to share this blog please include the name Thanks! 

There is a reason for everything, right? And Ben's cause is a noble one. I have my son Ben's permission to share this with you. 

As many of you know, my 22-year-old son Ben was a star athlete who received a full college scholarship to run at a private university. But he was injured and could never compete again. 

The stress of this situation brought on a mental illness when he was 20 years old. For the past 2 years, Ben has been in and out of the hospital and various treatment centers. He has tried to end his own precious life many times, and I firmly believe it is my Daimoku, our Daimoku, and his mission, that has kept him alive.  

We recently found a place for him to live in Evanston Illinois called Albany Care psychiatric facility. Our hopes were that Albany Care could help him get back on his feet, gain confidence, and hope...and eventually he could live the life he was born to of value and fulfillment. 
He had only been there a week when the following occurred:

Last Sunday Ben and I were heading out to a movie, but he was agitated. We parked in a 6 story parking garage. I put on warmer shoes while he stepped out of the car. He went down the elevator before I did and I could not find him when I reached the ground floor.

I began calling people in terror. Aaron, (Ben's brother), and Meg, (Aaron's girlfriend) were only blocks away (so myoho!) they live about an hour away - and Paul, Ben's Dad, was also close. 
They showed up quickly and began looking for Ben. I also called 911. 

When we "found" him he was standing on the narrow ledge of the parking garage, 6 stories above us, in an altered state of mind. 

Police and fire department officials worked together to rescue him. He was in this altered state because he had stopped taking one of his medications. These medications are deadly if someone stops taking them. We have got to do a better job and find better forms of treatment!

It was an amazing event. The man who snuck up behind him and saved him was an off-duty detective, Ken Carter, who was having lunch in a restaurant directly beneath where Ben was standing. His fiance looked up, saw Ben, and they called for reinforcements. MYOHO! 
(I didn't know where Ben was at this time - we were all looking for him on the ground)

And the detective who talked with Ben while Ken snuck up behind him has been chanting since the age of 12 and was raised as a Buddhist by one of my mentors. Thank you Detective Corey McCrary. MYOHO! 

Ben is determined to live. He snapped out of it right after he was rescued. He said he wanted to live. He chanted Daimoku with me and Aaron in the hospital that night. We chanted in tears of gratitude. I was thinking of all of you and our shared Daimoku all day. When I saw him on that ledge I thought "It's up to you shoten zenjin!" 

Ben also chanted Daimoku with me last night at the psychiatric hospital when I went to see him. He had to ask for a private room for us to do this. And HE did it. 

And the other amazing thing is this:

When I called Albany Care in Evanston (the place he'd been staying) to plead with them to take him back, I talked with their Administrator. 

He told me that unless funding is restored by the state of Illinois legislature Albany Care (and ALL psychiatric facilities in the state of Illinois) will be CLOSED by July 1st 2015! I was already going to write letters of thanks to the police, fire department, and newspaper... 

Now my letter writing has taken on new meaning. I am writing letters of thanks that include pleas for people to contact their congress people. 

It is crucial that it stay open. ALL the psychiatric intermediate care places will close if funding is not restored. We can't let this happen. People will end up in the hospital, in prison or on the street. It will not save the state money. It will cost the state money and cause immeasurable human suffering. 

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! Onward and Upward! 
Buddhists chant and take action! 

Buddhists summon the unfathomable power of the Mystic Law within our lives. 
Buddhism is about chanting and intelligence...knowing when to take action, and what action to take. I am chanting strongly every single day to know what to do - and to do it! 

(If you live in Illinois and want to take action, contact me at and I can tell you how to look up your government officials.) 

Saturday, May 30, 2015

8 More Forms of Fortune

8 More Forms of Fortune

Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo brings fortune into our lives...far better than "things" or money can ever do. Don't get me wrong, money is great...but it doesn't bring absolute happiness or fortune!


1. Fortune is being wise in every situation of life.. 
2. It is being a person who can never hurt anyone and      himself or herself too... 
3. It is being happy all the time and believing that we will get what we want.. 
4. Fortune is a feeling of having something, what we really don't have and still being happy, just because we believe we have that.. And then by feeling it, we get it...

and a few more from me: 

Fortune is

1. Hitting all the green lights.
2. Being on time
3. Knowing you've helped others
4. Having friends

Write me your ideas of fortune at

Friday, May 29, 2015

When You're Down - Just Keep Chanting

(I share these posts as a fellow SGI member, not in an official SGI capacity. (Although I love the organization and strongly encourage you to follow the link to the right to find out more! If you'd like to subscribe to the blog please enter your name at the right)

Sometimes life seems to hit you from all sides all at once. I'll just bet you know what I mean. We call this sansho shima, (the fundamental darkness in life) and we know our problems are tailor made to strengthen our lives. We know this. We know we can turn any poison into medecine. 

But we are human, and occasionally we get a little down. 
When I woke up this morning I felt heavy with worries. I went for a walk and sat down to chant. For the first 15 minutes, I had very unsatisfying chanting (Daimoku). My mind was full of "What if I did this? What if I do that? Maybe I should..." I was attempting to strategize my worries away. But I know this is not the most powerful way to chant. I knew I had to get back to my lion's roar of Daimoku. 

"Help!" I thought. And I reached for a recent World Tribune (that's the SGI newspaper in the U.S.), and found this quote by my mentor, Daisaku Ikeda. He was quoted in Gitima Sharma's experience from the April 20th, 2015 World Tribune.
"The daimoku (Nam-myoho-renge-kyo) that we not a weak, imploring pleas for something. It is a lion's roar that reverberates with all our being, and is powered by making a personal vow, setting our minds on realizing it and aligning our lives with the fundamental law of the universe. Ther is no force stronger or more sublime." 
Gitima goes on to state in her experience, "With the roar of a lion, I prayed: I will shine as President Ikeda's disciple and use my education to advance kosen-rufu."

And I went back to chanting in front of my Gohonzon. Once again realizing I am a Buddha. 

After this, I chanted another hour of hope-filled dynamic Daimoku to change any part of me that could be limiting me in any way. I chanted to fulfill my vow to use my talents for kosen-rufu.
I chanted in appreciation, and I chanted for kosen-rufu, and every member and all my friends...especially a dear friend in the hospital. 

And I ended my morning chanting feeling refreshed and ready for the day. So the moral is, if you feel stuck chanting and strategizing don't give up. Reach for a quote of Sensei's and chant until you feel satisfied and strong!  

Thursday, May 28, 2015

We Are The World (1985) (Official Video)

A reader in New York sent this to me.

I love the unity of the performers and yes, 
WE are the world!

Sending love and joy. Enjoy!