Sunday, April 17, 2016

12 Ways Nichiren Buddhism Rocks! Please share!

(You can now subscribe to this blog by putting your email in the box to the right)

Why do we chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, and what makes this practice different than any other form of Buddhism? 

1. The goal of this practice is RESULTS, also called actual proof, or benefits. In other words - you get what you chant for- or something better - as long as you do not give up. 

2. In this practice, each person is a Buddha and possesses the entire power of the universe within their own lives. This is the awakening that the original Buddha experienced under the Bodhi tree. 
We all possess the potential for bringing forth our own Buddhahood (happiness and strength) through chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, right now, in this lifetime  ~ without having to focus on making other changes in our lives. 

3. We have a Living Mentor ~ 
Daisaku Ikeda is the President of the Soka Gakkai International. I write about him often. Several of the posts last week were on the mentor and disciple relationship. Daisaku Ikeda is an extraordinary human being that we connect  with through his writings, his speeches, his actions and through our own hearts. 

4.There are no lifestyle, diets, rules of behavior or “paths” to memorize or carefully trod. There is the keen awareness that life operates under the strict law of cause and effect, and at each moment WE are creating our lives, but most of us knew that already! 

5. Desire is not the enemy. Your desires lead you to chant...when you chant you change your karma. Each person chants for their desires from their heart. Alleviation of desire is not the goal of this practice. Neither is mindlessness. We focus when we chant.  

6. There are no clergy, no robes and no temples. YOU have direct access to the power of the universe, your own Buddha power within. No intermediaries are needed. We SGI members practice together because we grow and learn together. There are SGI (Soka Gakkai - Value Creating Organization) community centers, and many smaller meetings are held in people’s homes. We are all normal people in the world living extraordinarily happy lives.  

7. We are changing our karma every time we chant. We can change our karma. Karma is not immutable. Suffering is not "Noble", but it is part of life. The goal of chanting is HAPPINESS, not to learn to be better sufferers. 

8. We do not chant “to” anything outside of us. There is no Higher Power in this practice. When we are chanting we access our own wisdom and power as a the Buddha, or awakened one. We are chanting to our own lives. 

9. The main practice is reciting the words Nam-myoho-renge-kyo over and over and over. Everyone on earth recites the same phrase. It means: "I fuse my life with the mystic (unfathomable) law of cause and effect through sound vibration"

10. The SGI does not discriminate for any reason. All people...ALL people have the right to access the Mystic Law within their own lives. We are all Buddhas. 

11. There is no guilt, there is only the awareness of the law of cause and effect. 

12. You do not need to convert to try this practice. Anyone can chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo regardless of religion. Test it. See how you feel, and watch what happens. When you see the results, you want to learn more...and you increase results and happiness as you go. 

And it's easy to start chanting. You can start with only 5 minutes in the morning and 5 in the evening, and see results. If you click on the SGI Portal link to the right you can find members in your area. 

Jamie Lee Silver ~

Saturday, April 16, 2016

5 Steps to Getting Results From This Practice!

(You can now subscribe to this blog by putting your email in the box to the right) 

Like the ocean that remains calm in its depths 
even when waves rage over its surface, 
and like the sun that continues shining on high 
even during storms, 
we can at each moment create value 
and develop our state of life, 
enjoying our existence to the fullest 
in times of both suffering and joy.

Daisaku Ikeda, Self-Mastery

5 Steps:

1. Chant abundant Daimoku
2. Practice for yourself and others 
3. Study the writings of Daisaku Ikeda 
and Nichiren Daishonin
4. Go for Guidance with your senior leaders
and, I would add -  
5: Have a great suffering to alleviate, or a great other words BE MOTIVATED!

and keep chanting!  

It doesn't sound like much, but I know it is. Sometimes the hardest thing is to face our lives and chant. Yesterday I was interviewed by two newspapers, and a photographer came over to take pictures of me, my sister, and a room full of articles that had been written about Ben when he was running in high school. Ben's memorial Mile is right around the corner, June 11th, here in Downers Grove, Illinois, USA. Even if I feel emotional, I have to keep my eye on the bigger picture. 

Ben's Memorial Mile is for all his friends, family, and the entire community. Ben's Memorial Mile is for raising awareness and funds to cure schizophrenia. Ben's Memorial Mile is for honoring the life of my incredible boy. He is the World'd Benjamin Lee Silver. 

Here's the link:

Have a great day! See you in front of the Gohonzon!

Friday, April 15, 2016

3 Ways to Show Actual Proof with Determined Action

My son Ben on the podium at the Illinois State Track Meet in 2011. Ben's on the left. He came from behind after being injured and joined the other elite runners - where he belonged. He was a Champion in life and is a Champion in eternity. 

On June 11th, we are producing an event to bring the community together, have fun in his memory, and raise funds to help find a cure for Schizophrenia (a disease he got just 3 years ago). 

I have a vow as a Buddha to show actual proof through my own life, and to inspire others that anything is possible. Many of us have taken this vow. When things are hardest, it is our vow that carries us through. 

These last few months the committee for Ben's Memorial Mile, honoring my son, Benjamin Lee Silver, who died last summer, has been working very hard. Together we came up with the concept, the races, the location, the insurance, press releases, website, and all promotional pieces. 

This week I'm being interviewed by the press all week, and today I have a photo shoot. We're going to pose with the many articles published about Ben's champion years of running at Downers Grove North High School. 

And how do we keep moving forward showing actual proof even when we are in such painful situations. how do we take determined actions, even though our eyes are filled with tears? 

I think of the song we sang as YWDs - 

"I'll do my best 
to write a brand new story with my life, 
although the pages may be stained with tears. 
And when I rest, 
if they say there was glory in my life 
it's because I asked this question, 
over and over I asked this question every day, 
through all my years...
What can I do to change the world 
to make it better than before?"

3 ways to show actual proof with determined action:

1. Chant strongly with no distractions every morning and evening. Put away that pesky cell phone. Really. I know how hard it is. But you owe yourself this time. Think to yourself "This is MY time" and put it away. 

2. Make your list of what you want. Then Just chant! Don't worry so much about how or what you are praying. read the Gosho. Chant from your heart. The wisdom will come to you. 

3. Don't give up. Keep taking resolute and determined effort. When I was putting together all the flyers, posters and letters for Ben's Memorial Mile there were days I couldn't face it...days I had to put it aside. Then the next day I woke up and tackled it. Just keep going. Do not give up!  Whatever you are can win! 

Saturday, April 9, 2016

10 Powerful Quotes on Prayer by Daisaku Ikeda

Daisaku Ikeda's 
10 Powerful Quotes on Prayer 
(You can subscribe to this blog by putting your email in the box to the right)
~ 1 ~

Prayer entails an intense challenge 
to believe in yourself 
and stop diminishing yourself. 
To belittle yourself 
is to disparage Buddhism 
and the Buddha within your life.

~ 2 ~

Prayer is the way to destroy all fear. 
It is the way to banish sorrow, 
the way to light a torch of hope. 
It is the revolution 
that rewrites the scenario of our destiny.

~ 3 ~

Prayers are invisible, 
but if we pray steadfastly 
They will definitely effect clear results in our lives 
and surroundings over time. 
This is the principle of the true entity of all phenomena. Faith means having confidence in this invisible realm.

~ 4 ~

Prayer is not a feeble consolation; 
it is a powerful, unyielding conviction. 
And prayer must become manifest in action. 
To put it another way, 
if our prayers are in earnest, 
they will definitely give rise to action. 

~ 5 ~

Prayer is the courage to persevere. 
It is the struggle to overcome our own weakness 
and lack of confidence in ourselves. 
It is the act of impressing 
in the very depths of our being 
the conviction that we can change the situation 
without fail. 

~ 6 ~

Prayer is an attempt 
to merge the inner workings of our life 
with the rhythm of the universe. 
When we pray in such a way, 
all the workings of the universe 
will function to protect us 
and the endless cycle of painful reality 
will be transformed 
into a cycle of victory and happiness. 
Prayer is the key to open the door 
to unleash 
that infinite human potential within our lives. 

~ 7 ~

The important thing 
is to firmly fix our gaze 
on our own weaknesses, 
not run away from them, 
but to battle them head-on 
and establish a solid self that nothing can sway. Hardships forge and polish our lives, 
so that eventually 
they shine with brilliant fortune and benefit. 
If left in its raw, unpolished form, 
even the most magnificent gem will not sparkle. 
The same applies to our lives. 

~ 8 ~

Prayer is not of the realm of logic or intellect. 
It transcends these. 

~ 9 ~

Prayer is an act 
of which we give expression 
to the pressing and powerful wishes 
in the depths of our being 
and yearn for their fulfillment. 

~ 10 ~ 

"What kind of future do I envision for myself? 
What kind of self and I trying to develop? 
What do I want to accomplish in my life?" 
The thing is to paint this vision of your life in your heart 
as specifically as possible. 
That "painting" itself becomes the design of your future. The power of the heart 
enables us to actually create with our lives 
a wonderful masterpiece 
in accordance with that design. 

It is not about others. 
It is about you winning, 
and winning over yourself. 
By doing so, you will provide inspiration 
and encouragement to all around you. 


Go Bernie Go! A Once-in-a-Lifetime Choice

Just a reminder that this blog, which will have been running seven years this July, is not an official SGI publication. It is written by me, Jamie Lee Silver, a member of the Soka Gakkai for 31 years, and  comes from my heart for world peace, for happiness, and for kosen-rufu, a world of respect for all of life. As such, I can confidently and enthusiastically say that I stand behind Bernie Sanders for President 100%. This is my personal endorsement and does not represent the SGI as a whole. 

Bernie is the first candidate in my lifetime who does not accept big money, he cannot be bought. He has been consistently saying the same message, his message of peace and equality, justice and opportunity for all people his entire life. 

Bernie is Jewish, and has said his spirituality is "We're all in this together." He is a uniter to the core. He resonates with Buddhist thought. And you've probably heard that he's been asked to speak at the Vatican next week. That should be very interesting indeed. No American Presidential candidate, that I can recall, has ever been invited to speak at the Vatican. Why should I, as a Buddhist care about this? I care because the Pope is a thought leader. I don't agree with everything Pope Francis says, but I respect his more progressive views.  

Here's an article about the accomplishments Bernie has made in his life in public service:

And of course, the major media of America is run by the same corporations that have been backing Hillary Clinton and many of the republicans all along. Big money. Corporate interests. I watched the first democratic debate, where the CNN live polling online clearly showed Bernie won by 85%. In the moments that followed, on live TV, they announced Hillary the clear winner, and deleted the online poll. Why? Because CNN is owned by Times Warner, which was her seventh largest financial contributor. Bernie says repeatedly "The system is rigged." Right. But the power of the people is stronger. 

But we knew this going in. Now, Independent media is stepping in where corporate media has failed us: 

I just read an article I share with you here:

Power to the people. Bernie has awakened the people. He has awakened our hopes for a better society. His rallies, though largely unreported by the media, draw tens of thousands. He has won 7 of the last 8 primaries, and he has momentum. (And the 8th, in Arizona, is under scrutiny for being rigged) He came from 50 points behind to be neck in neck with the Hillary Clinton. With virtually no television press. 

Bernie's support comes from the millenials, who use the internet to do their research, backing him. And many of us, of all ages, are supporting him financially. 

The power of the people is the most important power of all. 

In his 2003 Peace Proposal presented to the United nations, Daisaku Ikeda writes: 

"We cannot remain passive in the face of the severity of the reality that confronts us. Rather, we should open ourselves to the limitless power that is created when awakened people unite and act together. It is in proving this truth that humanity in the twenty-first century can fulfill its mission."

I believe, under Bernie's leadership, and with the backing and action of the American people, we CAN come together and unite to make a better world. 

Daisaku Ikeda also states: 

"When human beings live together, conflict is inevitable. War is not. “We are in conflict” can be interpreted to mean “we share a problem.” A shared problem can best be met and resolved through shared efforts. Rather than facing off in confrontation, we should turn together to face our common future, united in a shared commitment to the flourishing of youth."

Daisaku Ikeda,

Thursday, April 7, 2016

How to Achieve Unlimited Victory

Today's quote by Daisaku Ikeda fits my family's recent news.

On Monday, my son Aaron called me from his trip to Australia to tell me he had won the Loyola, Stritch School of Medicine award for Persevering Through Hardship. Persevering Through Hardship. Boy, does he deserve that. He only had one semester of medical school before his brother Ben started showing signs of mental illness, and by Aaron's second year, Ben had already been hospitalized and things just got worse and worse until this summer, when, as many of you know, Ben began his next eternal journey. 

Somehow, Aaron's determination, along with his strong Buddhist practice, and support from his family and friends got him through. With honors. What a champion. 
The harder it got, the more he chanted. That is the sign of a true victor in life. 

In many ways we are all going though hardship, aren't we? This is the age of Mappo - a dark time. But if we all perservere...if we all wake up every morning and spring in front of our Gohonzons and make our determinations AGAIN, we will all win. 

I've been in three all-day conferences in the last few days...meeting new and old friends...learning useful information to further my life and the lives of others. Soon I start formal training in EFT Energy Freedom Technique - Tapping. It's a powerful modality. Moving ahead fearlessly...together... 

Today's guidance from Daisaku Ikeda in 
For Today and Tomorrow states:


"Strength is the source of happiness. 
We mustn't shy away from life's challenges. 
We mustn't be defeated. 
Refusing to be defeated equals victory. 
A person who perseveres to the end is a winner. 
In the course of promoting or movement, 
the Soka Gakkai has never pulled back 
in the face of any hindrance. 
We have kept moving forward. 
And that is the key to our success. 
Never to retreat a single step, no matter what - 
that is the Soka Gakkai spirit. 
Those who can embrace this spirit 
can achieve unlimited victory."


Friday, April 1, 2016

The Important Thing about Prayer

"There are many elements involved 
in a prayer being answered, 
but the important thing 
is to keep praying until it is. 
By continuing to pray, 
you can reflect on yourself 
with unflinching honesty 
and begin to move your life 
in a positive direction 
on the path of earnest, steady effort. 
Even if your prayer 
doesn't produce concrete results immediately, 
your continual prayer 
will at some time manifest itself 
in a form greater than you had ever hoped."

From Daisaku Ikeda, Buddhism Day by Day, page 97. 
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