Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Another Victory for Aaron

Kosen Rufu emerges!

This is a photo from last Saturday. We traveled to Richmond, Kentucky for the last college track meet Aaron would ever be in. It was a gorgeous, sunny day. The energy was high and the competition was as loving and wonderful as a track meet can be. 

Have you ever experienced the world of competitive running? 

Ever since Aaron got into running 10 years ago, we have met a multitude of gracious, well mannered, kind, supportive and hard working young men and women. I have been impressed by them all. They cheer their team on, and they even cheer on the other team when they see a job well done. 

Sure there is competition, but there is also respect. 

One of my favorite stories of team sportsmanship was when my younger son Ben was leading the pack in a cross country meet. The paths weren't marked well and he began to go down the wrong path. The runner behind him called out "Ben, this way!" and Ben was able to correct his course and ended up winning the race, with the young man who had helped him coming in second. Isn't that outstanding? After the race I thanked him and he said it was no big deal. He wouldn't have felt he won fairly if he'd let Ben go astray. Talk about Good Sportmanship! 

At the Track Nationals for the Illinois Club Team, Aaron and his coach Jake once more led the team to victory by two points. TWO POINTS! It was two days of competition. Two days of yelling and cheering and encouraging each other. Outstanding. Congratulations to the Illinois Track and Field Club Team for a job well done! What a tremendous victory for all of your years of hard work! 

In my experience the world of running has been the world of Kosen Rufu! Imagine a world where we all cheer each other on...we all challenge ourselves to greatness, and all respect each other. That is the world of Kosen Rufu. Everyone self-expressed. Everyone giving their all in a loving, all embracing way. 

Kosen Rufu in miniature. 

I can see it in the entire world in the future. President Ikeda imagines a world of friendly competition to OUT GOOD each other...to make the most difference in the world. Aaaahhh doesn't that sound wonderful? Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

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