Showing posts with label communicating with those who have passed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label communicating with those who have passed. Show all posts

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Life is Eternal - Communicating With Eternal Lives is Natural!

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Dear readers, I first posted this a few days ago, and took it down when someone wrote in criticizing me. I'm very thankful for that person, because when I took it down I heard from some amazing people requesting I re-post it. We are now in communication about this subject. So now, I am summoning up my courage and posting it again. 

You see, I don't think it is strange to be communicating with someone I deeply love, (and whose life IS eternal) even though they have left their physical body. To me, it is very natural to be writing to Ben and have his words flow through my head and hand  ~ so he can write back to me. And I think the knowledge of how to do this could help many people. 

Is this Buddhism? Well, doesn't Daisaku Ikeda talk about dialoguing every day with Josei Toda? Is this any different? I "hear" best through writing. So that is what I do. I'm going to spend some time looking up quotes in the Gosho and by Daisaku Ikeda that relate to communicating with eternal lives. 

As always, this blog is about chanting for happiness. It is not an official SGI publication. It is what I write from my heart to share the benefits of this practice. Continuing to communicate with my beloved Ben, who has been "gone" just six months, is a HUGE benefit! Read on. And thanks for writing in! 

The last three years strengthened my life and my practice. Now I am ready to soar.
As many of you know, my son came down with an illness of the brain. Schizophrenia. And I fought with all my life, with all my practice, and with every breath, to save his life. And although I did not save his earthly life, I have learned the true eternity of life. And I have something new to share with people who have lost loved ones and are still suffering. We are still connected to our loved ones, and we can communicate in writing. 

From the moment Ben left his physical body, there was a gorgeous white egret swooping down to the pond by my patio. I felt it was Ben, my boy, coming to say "Mom! Look, I am free! I am free of this horrible brain disease! I am self-sufficient and I am free." And I dreamed of him, with a huge smile on his face, arms outstretched to dance with me. 

And, on the Friday after his life celebration, I wrote to him and asked if he was right here and if he had any words for me.

I am not psychic. I am not special. I am open. 

Several years ago, I lost some dear friends and communicate with them using automatic writing. I have told many people about this, and everyone who has tried it is amazed that it's so easy. 

The process is simple. All I do is write to him, ask if he has words for me, and keep my pen on the paper. Before I have even written my whole letter to him I hear his words coming to me. I keep my pen on the paper, and just write what I hear. 

Below is our first exchange. I write anytime I want. He always writes back. 

Dear Ben, 
Soaring above us all
free and flying
you got your way
you ended your torturous road
you are released,
you are released.
And now, you will have all of us chanting for you
as your mission continues, 
right here, 
right now, forever. 

Oh Ben, 
Write through me
laugh through me
live your happiness all around me. 

My dear boy, I know you never meant to hurt me. Not ever. 

Ben, maybe you’re sitting right next to me on this Friday ~ 
right here by the pool. 
What do you have to say? 


I did it. 
I meant to do it. 
~ at the time ~ 
and I knew it would make you sad, 
but somehow I still had to do it. 
I had to obey my mind, my legs, my feet, 
my incredible surge of strength and courage. 
I could not say no. 
It had to happen. 
And this story is not yet written, is not yet told ~
but will be. 
My life and death HAVE meaning~ 
Not HAD. 
Dearest Mom, my closest friend, don’t despair. 
I know you, 
will create a life of meaning, of love, 
of warmth and creativity. 

Together we will live on
Together we will always live on
Enjoy the sun
              Enjoy this day
                           Enjoy your life. 
Your Ben

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to you, my friends. I hope the New year has been a fresh start for you.