Showing posts with label happienss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happienss. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Love in Action ! Awakening Our INFINITE Potential and helping others awaken THEIRS!

There are so 20 days days left until November 18th, and I know many of us burn with the bright flame of the desire to introduce at least one other person to their own Buddha their own infinite potential and capacity for infinite happiness.
I am chanting for the people who have tested these waters to sincerely engage in their practice by getting their Gohonzons....and for those who hear of the Mystic Law for the first time to feel the potential for its power in their lives and decide to give it their all, make their list of desires - receive and enshrine their Gohonzons and chant every day - twice a day! 

When we introduce others to their own faith in their magnificence we are doing more than radiating love - we are LOVE IN ACTION! 

I am chanting to be the example of this light shining brightly, and that, no matter what trials I am facing, that I display the bright, optimistic and unflagging spirit of absolute confidence in my own life, and in my capacity to draw EVERYTHING I need from within my own life to be happy, to WIN, and to bring others to realizing their own happiness. 

This morning I read these passages in the World Tribune and want to share them with you. I can just see the sincere members in Japan during the dark days after World War II in Japan. Josei Toda had just gotten out of jail for opposing the war. His mentor, Tsunesaburo Makiguchi had died in prison...and somehow, the determination to rise from these ashes was the exact formula for the rebirth of the Soka Gakkai.  Here is to YOUR Victory between now and November 18th - whatever that means for you! 

From Living Buddhism, November 2013, Daisaku Ikeda's lecture on "The Embankments of Faith" page 27:

"All people having the capacity for enlightenment means they possess the supremely noble Buddha nature and the infinite potential it represents. More simply, this means no matter how deep the suffering a person may presently be experiencing, they have within them the power to break free of that suffering and become happy." 
"Nichiren points out here that the Lotus Sutra teaches that everyone has the potential for Buddhahood. It is important, therefore that we dispel the dark clouds of delusion and doubt, and have faith in this basic truth. If we do so, our enlightenment is guaranteed.  
...In other words, everything stems from the essential question of whether we can believe in the dignity and worth of our own lives, and that of others..."

In Japan after World War II, there were countless people flled with despair, groaning under the weight of misfortune and bereft of all hope for the future. The members of the Soka Gakkai dove into the midst of these suffering people and encouraged them. They assured them that they could overcome their karmic suffering through practicing Nichiren Buddhism, and they walked the path to happiness alongside them. Through embracing faith in the Mystic Law, inumerable individuals, as a result, were able to smile again, and regain their hope and confidence. They vanquished the fundamental darkness of ignorance that prevented them from believing in their infinite potential. And they reawakened their deep belief in their own Buddhahood ~ a belief that all people inherently possess supreme enlightenment in the depths of their lives." 

Friday, July 5, 2013

Outstanding Disciples - The Key to Happiness and Meaning

What does it mean to be an outstanding disciple? 

Many of us have heard of the Mentor Disciple Relationship and we understand it in different ways. How can it help you to become happy and infuse your life with meaning? Can the Mentor Disciple relationship do this? 

Well, the answer for me is yes, but it takes focus and concentration. And Work. And a Vow. All the things it takes to develop the mentor disciple relationship are also the things that give life meaning and bring happiness. 

First I'll share a quote from Faith in Action about Mr. Toda and Mr. Makiguchi. I've been thinking about them all week, and just marveling about having the kind of conviction that you are willing to go to JAIL for your beliefs in order to inspire those in the future, and really make a difference in the world. This takes extraordinary guts and conviction.

Here is President Ikeda's quote: 

"When Mr. Toda was released from prison, the Soka Gakkai was left with only a handful of members. Even before the war, the membership had stood at only about 3,000. The organization's presence in Japanese society was, therefore, minuscule. Nevertheless, Mr. Toda characterized President Makiguchi as "a great man of global stature." And he encouraged us to be aware that we are disciples of this outstanding individual. Nobility is the mark of a true disciple. And Mr. Toda was an example of an exceptional disciple." 

Daisaku Ikeda, Faith in Action, page 231

In my opinion the mentor disciple relationship is self generated. It doesn't just happen, you have to search for it, understand it and internalize it. And when you do gain the understanding you do become proud and noble, and your faith becomes like the fly on the tail of the horse...

Okay, if the mentor disciple relationship needs to be generated from the disciple ~ how do you do it? 

For me, it starts with study. I read President Ikeda's words every single day. And I chant about what I read. I also chant to see with Daisaku Ikeda's eyes, to chant with the same conviction her has. I literally chant to have my daimoku be as strong and as far reaching as his...for my daimoku itself to become 10,000 times stronger, and develop my faith that much deeper. I chant to share his heart for humankind and kosen-rufu. I chant to develop as wise a life. 
I don't "worship" him, I aim to emulate and understand his heart. And this has had a profound effect on my faith, my happiness and my life. I chant for my every action to make him proud, and for all the words I write to resonate - and be the words he might say too. 
And I am so grateful I was born at this time, with him, and with YOU, so we can carry out kosen rufu together! 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Power Prayers Create Benefits!

Thank you Katie for this beautiful Montana Sunset!

One aspect of Nichiren Buddhism, SGI Buddhism, is knowing that what we are thinking when we are chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo (the name of the rhythm of life itself) is very important. 

In other words, our determinations will help us direct the aim of the arrows we are aiming into reaching our goals in our own lives. 

If we are sitting in front of the Gohonzon wondering what we are going to have for breakfast  -  our prayer will not be as effective as one with a clear target. 

There are prayers I like to call POWER PRAYERS that bring out the most benefit and help me to have the deepest certainty and conviction when I chant and pray. 


I chant to EXPAND MY CAPACITY in all areas of my life. I chant to expand my capacity for LOVE, to expand my capacity for HAPPINESS, to expand my capacity to love and cherish myself and those around me. I chant to expand my BRAIN capacity, and my capacity to REMEMBER! I chant to expand my capacity for all positive thoughts...and to make positive causes every single moment of every day. I chant to expand my capacity to FEEL LOVED and to ACCEPT LOVE in my life. I chant to feel the love of those around me. I chant to let it in. I chant to expand my capacity to dance in joy, in love and in light. I chant to expand my capacity to spread that joy and love and light to others! I chant to expand my capacity to reach people who are suffering and to offer them the tool of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.  I chant to meet the people who are looking for this practice and want to learn about it. I chant for the happiness and peace of mind of all people...and that no children or adults should be living in fear, in hunger, in want. I chant to end bullying in any way, shape or form. I chant to change from the inside release the resistance in my life to change. I chant to be open to changing in any way that will help me to be a shining beacon of light and hope to myself and those around me. 

Now THAT'S a Power Prayer! 
Share your power prayers with me. And share your results. The readers of this blog are waiting to hear about YOUR breakthroughs! 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Encouragement for a Monday Morning


Happy Monday. 

Some days I just wake up feeling a little it down...does that ever happen to you? 

I am just so grateful I have my own laboratory to create happiness in my life. 

Every day I sit down in front of my beautiful Gohonzon and feel any heaviness in my heart lifting. 

Chanting brings back light-heartedness and hope. Only a few minutes of chanting lightens my mood considerably. 

It helps to tell the truth when you start chanting each morning. Melissa Bradford says just pour out your heart, empty it of everything troubling you in honesty. You are speaking to your own life after all. Then I recommend you fill your heart with all your hopes and dreams. Fill your heart with dreams, and fill it with hopes for this very day. 

Some of you have asked me, "Do you actually THINK these prayers while chanting or do you think them before chanting?" And the answer is a resounding YES! I chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, look at the Gohonzon (scroll on my wall that represents the entire universe that is within ME - and YOU!) and I think thoughts of determination to create the kind of life that encourages others to be happy. I must be happy so I can inspire others! You can chant this way too!

Tell your life "I praise my breath! I praise my health! I praise my determination to be happy, and to help those around me be happy! I praise my life!" 

Chanting for others always brings me joy from within. So many of you have touched my heart with your stories, and I chant for each one of you. You can write me at and I will always reply with the best I can give you. 

As Nichiren Daishonin says, the only one who can really make the determination and become happy is you, but encouragement is absolutely essential. 

My prayers are no more powerful than yours. I am not some special Buddha who is any more important than you are. My aim is to help YOU fire your own Daimoku and be the brilliant, shining example that this practice works. I want you to overflow with happiness and hope! My hope is that you are encouraging other to chant-to the best of your ability. 

You do not have to have a perfect life to encourage others, but having a spirit of hopefulness and the determination to show actual proof through your own life is the best way to start. 

I always chant for the people who are looking for this practice to cross my path. And that they will embrace this practice when I mention it to them.

I just mention my blog, or a Buddhist meeting as part of the conversation, and wait to see if they are interested in learning more. Many of these people have now entirely changed their lives for the better because they started chanting, and continue to chant. 

When you tell others about chanting you are planting a seed in their lives...and firing up your own happiness!

 It doesn't matter if they start chanting right away or not...the seed has been planted. But I'll tell you one thing...nothing makes me a happier person than hearing the positive results of someone I've introduced to this practice, or whom I've encouraged. Nothing makes me happier! I love hearing your stories!! Make a strong determination to be happier than you ever dreamed possible! 

Have a great and victorious week!