Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas ~ Here Comes the New year!

Merry Christmas ~ 
Here comes the New Year! 

This is one of my favorite times of the we wrap up Christmas and begin to make our goals for the New Year.

We are Buddhists...PRACTICAL BUDDHISTS and, as my friend and mentor Amos says: 

"You're a Buddhist - DREAM BIG! ~ 

"How many times do you have to remake a determination? Infinity! Just keep remaking that determination over and over again, and one day it will STICK! Don't give up." 

It doesn't matter how many times you've made the same determination and not succeeded. Go ahead and make it again. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. You can do it! 

As I make my New Year's list of determinations, I often think back to 1993 when I was practicing in San Francisco with Danny Nagashima. We were chanting to bring Daisaku Ikeda to San Francisco and we succeeded. 

Danny encouraged us to make huge long New Years lists...200 things or many things as we could possibly think of for our list of goals. 

And I took what he said to heart. I made a huge list. And 1993 still stands out in my life as the year I met Sensei and had a fabulous year! I found there was power in writing it all down...power in making the goals...power in starting the year with so much focus. 

A few weeks ago I wrote some new goals. One of them said 

"Gohonzon! Life! 
Bring me one person who wants this practice 
who will receive Gohonzon January 1st, 
and practice their whole life!" 

And a few days later I received a call from someone who found my blog, started chanting, and wants to practice. 
We've been chanting, studying, and she's learning gongyo. She is amazing...she's been looking for this practice for a long time. Awesome! That's why I write the blog!

Let's all make our lists! 

Happy 2016!

I respond to emails at
I'm on Facebook as Jamie Lee Silver and Chant for Happiness. (I prefer not to instant message, but, as I mentioned, I do respond to email)  

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

3 Keys to a Successful Daimoku Campaign

Happiness is not a life without worries or struggles. Happiness is the robust sense of fulfillment one feels when bravely confronting hardship. It is that elevation of the spirit, like an airplane gaining lift from the air resistance against its wings.
Daisaku Ikeda,

Hi! It's my birthday today. 
All the numbers are pretty cool. It's, of course, the 22nd, (my favorite number), and on the 20th of October I'll reach the end of my 30th year of practice. And today I turn 55. Great numbers! 

In case anyone thinks 55 is old - it's not! 
Old is a state of mind! 

Sunday I began a two hour a day Daimoku Campaign. I had to. I just got tired of feeling sad! Not only was I feeling sad, but I was yelling at myself in my head a lot, and I have to cut that out! So I said to myself "Jamie! You have a perfect target for a campaign - one month from now you'll have completed 30 years  -  what a great time to start a 2 hour campaign!" And on Saturday night one of my friends said she was ready to do a two hour a day campaign so we are doing it together. We're reporting when we chant and texting each other when we start. It's easy. And it's great to have a campaign buddy. 

3 Keys to a Successful Daimoku Campaign

1. Have a great reason to chant! 
I've found that setbacks, sadness, despair and unhappiness are GREAT motivators. Sooner or later I say "NO" and open myself to the great "YES" - the greater possibility of what my life can be. Or...a great goal is a perfect reason to begin a campaign. Or...a deadline. What a great motivator! 

2. Find a campaign buddy! 
Here's how it works:
You both set a goal of the number of hours you want to chant a day. 
You text each other in the morning when you begin to chant. 
You connect by text or phone every day to stay inspired!

3. Chant your two hours (or however many hours you have decided) every day. 
What about interruptions? What about having to use the restroom, or refreshing your drink? How about those phone calls you really have to take when you are chanting? 

Ok, for the most part, I don't take any calls while chanting, and I have my phone in the other room. Today, since it's my birthday, I kept my phone out. When I picked up the phone I noted the time, and added that much time onto the time I was going to chant. Today I was going to chant from 6:30 until 8:30, and I got a call from Aaron at 8:00. The call lasted 15 minutes, so I added 15 minutes onto my time and ended at 8:45 instead. See how that works?

I just finished a call with one of my best friends and we laughed and laughed. How nice to have such a high life condition on a day like this...a day I was thinking I would be so sad!  

Enjoy your high life condition from chanting! 

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Inspiration from a new YWD member ~ Upsana Arora in Kolkata, India!

My name is Upasana Arora and I live in Kolkata, india. I'm 24, but will be a year older this November :)
I am presently doing a course in montessori training and will qualify to be a teacher next June. I've studied mass communication in my masters degree and was a student of english literature in my under grad :) 
I live with my mom and dad. My brother who's a 2nd year engineering student is in the University of Sheffield in the UK right now.

From Upsana ~
Hello Jamie! 

How are you? And how is Ben? I hope he is better now and is recovering well :) 
I just read your last post on the blog. It is so inspiring and so encouraging. Whenever I read Sensei's quote where he says that the person who gives others hope despite facing challenges himself is a true leader, you're the first person that comes to my mind. I am sure with your admirable qualities and Buddha nature you WILL surmount your hardship. I have friends here who are also facing various challenges, and some very difficult ones; but their deep rooted faith and daimoku is surely going to give them complete victory. :)

When I first came into the practice,  my prayers were based mainly on my desires.  Desire to get this, that, have so and so in my life, etc... and I did get all that I chanted for! This was what made my faith in this practice so strong.  Seeing benefits, and simultaneously attending the May 3 meeting changed my life and made me the practitioner I am today. 

Over time,  with more daimoku and study (which apart from the Gosho,  and Sensei's writings includes your blog as well) what has fundamentally changed in me is the way I pray. 

Now, instead of just focusing on what I want for myself,  I try and see how my prayer will benefit people at large. For example, I wish to be a successful montessori teacher, but now, not just for my satisfaction or any other material benefit, but also so that I can from a very early age imbibe good values in young minds so that they can grow to become Buddhas and fulfill their lives mission. 

I chant for a good partner... and I know exactly the kind of person I want. And I want it so that my relationship gives me happiness, and also can be a hope to many others that such wonderful things do happen and people can find their dream/kosen rufu partners. I chant for good health and happiness of my parents and brother,  and wish that like mom and me, they too will start chanting some day!  My brothet has started though, but he isn't very consistent. 

Chanting fills me with hope, with a renewed vigour. I do feel low at times and even feel lazy to chant.  But when I make myself come out of this low life state and do even 10 mins of daimoku I feel my worries are taken care of. I feel light and happy! 

Thank you for initiating the one million daimoku campaign. I am going a tad bit slow, but it is making me chant every day and has really helped in bringing discipline into my daily life. Also, meeting fellow members and participating In Gakkai activities makes me feel wonderful! I did a study 
(my very first study) with my fellow ywd and a very dear friend on our last Zadankai about the youth's opinion on world peace and I'm glad to share that our study was loved and appreciated by everyone present at the meeting!

I wrote to you today because I just wanted to share my experience with you about the practice which I got into 5 months ago. And also wanted to thank you yet again for being so instrumental in firming my belief in this life changing philosophy and also changing my life for the best! 

Lots of love

Monday, August 12, 2013

Need A Job? Want to Change Jobs? Chant with this PowerPrayer in Mind~

The Beautiful White Lotus - Symbol of our Lives. 

The Lotus blossoms and seeds at the same time, signifying the law of cause and effect. The exact second that we make the cause - ANY cause - the effect is already there in our lives and will manifest. Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the best cause we can make for our lives...along with doing shakubuku - introducing others to this practice. 

I have been enjoying our million Daimoku Campaign and chanting two hours a day. Yesterday a family member found an item of mine that had been lost for four extra set of car keys with the remote opener attached. 

I opened the trunk of my car with one click for the first time in sooo long! 

I didn't have to unlock the car door with the key, lean down to the floor and hit the switch. I know, it might not seem like such a big thing to you, but it is delightful to me! I would have replaced the lost key years ago but that little gizmo costs about $130 and I just couldn't bring myself to pay that much for something so small!

 And I know that's just the tip of the iceberg as far a benefits that are accruing with the determination to chant two hours a day. Yesterday I heard the perfect guidance (I shared it in yesterday's post) And I have overwhelming confidence and hope in all areas of my life. 

I have time to chant for everyone, and to really dig deep into my own karma. It's not too late to join the million Daimoku Campaign. Come along with us! See the previous posts to learn how and email me at! A million Daimoku is 300 hours - with goals!

Here is a PowerPrayer from our upcoming book for you. In reality, what is really necessary when chanting for a job is to chant for the best job for your life, and the best job for kosen-rufu! We've found the following PowerPrayers helpful too:

Confidence, Job Creation Power Prayer

All the Best is coming to me now. 
The best job of my life joyfully emerges right now. 

I now attract all that I need. 
All the right people, resources, connections and opportunities are flowing my way, at just the right time and I am ready for them! 

I have confidence in my own life

I am determined to keep my spirits up. 
I am determined to stop any negativity from coming into my mind. 

As I am chanting, everything is lining up so that I find work that uses all my talents, and pays well with benefits. 
I am determined to be around people whom I appreciate and respect and who appreciate and respect me!

I am determined to show actual proof of the power of this practice through my own life!
In order to help crystalize your desires, write a list of your talents and goals below regarding your dream job:


Making a deadline galvanizes you prayer and helps it manifest ~
If the deadline passes, make a new one and keep chanting no matter what! 

My Do-date ___________________________________________________

Power Prayer to Reveal my True Self and create the Profession that uses ALL my talents:

Today, I am willing to discard everything that no longer serves me. 
I discard all doubt, negativity and any feelings of not being good enough or not knowing what I should do.

My mind is becoming crystal clear. 

I am determined to be full-filled in every possible way, and to utilize every single one of my skills
and potentials. 

I am in an organization that is thriving with self-fulfilled individuals living their passion every day.  My professional environment reflects my true identity, my real, magnificent self, and is filled with appreciation and love. I am richly compensated.

I am DONE with the karma of being unappreciated. I permanently root that pattern out of my life.

I permanently wash doubt and negativity from my life. I don't care how many times it arises. Each time I feel doubt I will chant and chase it out of my brain like the fierce lioness I am. 

I can already feel the excitement of my new full-filled professional life!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Join Us as We Chant A Million Daimoku by the end of the Year

This is a momentous year for the SGI. On November 18th the new world headquarters will be completed in Tokyo. Many of us have big goals that we intend to complete by that time. You can set goals to achieve by then as well. 

Yesterday I decided that I was facing a lot of challenges, and that NOW was a great time to begin a Daimoku Campaign. I thought about having it end by November 18th, but that would mean chanting three hours a day, and I just can't commit to that at this point. So I decided to aim my Daimoku chart for the end of the year - or sooner, and chant at least an hour and a half a day. Would you like to join me? 

If you begin with us now, you will have chanted a million daimoku (Nam-myoho-renge-kyo) by the end of the year. You can download a free daimoku chart, buy one at your local SGI center for about a dollar or make your own. One million Daimoku equals 300 hours. I'm not sure who first figured that out, but it's the formula everyone uses. To reach that total by the end of the year we each have to chant an hour and a half ~ are you up for the challenge?

Already many of you have emailed and said "YES~! I'm IN!" and some of you have also sent your goals for the campaign. 

How do you launch a Daimoku Campaign? 

First, DECIDE to do it. Find a way to track. I like the Daimoku chart I got at the SGI Center because it has little circles to fill in for every 15 minutes I chant. 
(It has 4 circles for every hour so 4 x 300 hours means there are 1200 little circles)
I always write in the date after I fill in the circles so I don't lose track. It makes chanting even more fun, I think, because every day you have a goal and track it. And on the chart, or on the back of the chart you write all your goals. 

I remember chanting a million daimoku towards the birth of my first child. I wasn't even pregnant before I started the chart. I chanted for the maturity to be a good mother, I chanted for a house to raise my child, to have a great relationship with my husband, for the child to be healthy, to have a safe delivery, and a good income to take care of everything. I found a job where I earned sales commissions that went up and up and up, and only worked three days a week. We bought a beautiful house on the top of a hill in San Francisco and I started having SGI meetings. And I poured Daimoku into the child that was coming to me. I chanted that this child's karma would be totally affected by all my daimoku and that this child would not have to suffer from all the things I did as a child. I chanted so hard for this child, and every one of my goals came true. 

Will all your goals manifest with one Daimoku Chart? That I can't tell you. But I can tell you you'll be a lot closer to them for having made a strong determination and completed it. And if you still have things you want to accomplish - well then, you start another million daimoku campaign! I have done many in my life and I feel the effects of them every day. 

If you have questions, or if you want to let me know you are joining us please email me at You can even send your picture and your determinations. Maybe I will share some of them on this site (never without your permission, of course!). And I look forward to sharing all our successes!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

What can you accomplish through chanting? Why chant?

What can you accomplish through chanting? Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is bigger than your biggest problem. I keep thinking about the experience that was in a recent world tribune. A girl with a very heavy heart and lots of troubles went to her first SGI meeting. A member who had been chanting for many years had her hold up her baby finger, and she told her "All your troubles will be as tiny as your baby finger compared to the power of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo." And that's the truth! 

What are some examples of the things I have personally seen change for people? 

I'll start with my own benefits for you.

There are three categories of "treasures" in Buddhism - the most important is the treasure of the heart:
Here are some Benefits of developing the treasure of the heart:

I have cured in my own life:

Loneliness - I went from having very few friends to having many friends, and to being happier on my own too. 
I have resolved every conflict in the workplace and in my personal life very quickly
I have no more need to be eating all the time
I have alleviated the endless hunger for everything, that constant longing for what I cannot have for whatever reason. 
I've lost 50 pounds and feel younger and stronger than ever.
I am working on publishing a book that will help many people learn to chant. This, along with the blog you are reading now is my greatest passion....helping people alleviate their suffering. 
I have peace of mind! Aaaahhh!

Other treasures of the heart:

One of my members stopped his pattern of constant worrying and never worries anymore.
One member overcame her deep dark depression, and all of the members in my district have greatly alleviated their anxiety.
They face their problems head-on and together we break through them! 

I've seen many members get the jobs of their dreams...overcome fear of public speaking...overcome many fears. 

The list goes on and on.....

There are also treasures of the storehouse...and things that people want to have and accomplish.

I remember chanting for my first car. I chanted for a reliable car for Kosen Rufu (world peace) so that I could drive people to meetings in San Francisco. 
I chanted for a beautiful house to hold Buddhist meetings that would inspire people that anything was possible!
 I'll never forget the looks on the movers faces when they arrived at my beautiful kosen rufu home on the hill with the gorgeous view! It was such a contrast from my tiny little apartment on lower Nob Hill (Upper Tenderloin for those in the know) in San Francisco! 
And I've chanted for financial benefits. We need money to live and to give us opportunities. Without money I could not have brought my Buddha boys to California this spring! It is not some kind of "sin" to chant for money. Money is necessary. 

Oh there are soooo many things... feeling...experiences that you can chant for. And the biggest benefit of all is that as you are chanting for these things you are developing a stronger sense of self...a stronger inner core...a strength so powerful that NO PROBLEM CAN DEFEAT YOU. EVER. That is truly the best benefit. 
And remember that when you chant you are not asking anyone for are drawing power from your own precious life! Go YOU!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Encouragement !

I just got off the phone from speaking with a young woman. I am now offering personal coaching by phone. As soon as I have it set up I will let you know about it. In the meantime I am going to share with you the encouragement I gave her this morning. It is universal encouragement and should help all kinds of suffering. 

She called me in a deep state of suffering and discouragement. She is having health problems, relationship problems and depression. 

I understand. 

I also know that she can be happy. She knows about the mystic law. She can chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. She doesn't have a Gohonzon yet, but she can make a determination to get one. 

Here is my main message to her...and I share this with you to encourage you or anyone you know who needs encouragement. 

Encouragement: (meaning to give courage!)

Your life can change profoundly as of this very moment
This conversation, these words that I am speaking and you are reading now can be the beginning of a totally new outcome and new life for you. It all depends on you and on your determination. Make a bold new determination. Up to now your life has been pushing you this way and that way. 

Now it is time for YOU to take charge and tell your life what it is you want. And you can do that because you know how to chant! 

Chant to strengthen your body, mind and emotions. 

Chant to be strong NO MATTER WHAT is going on in your life. 

Chant to experience life as the strong wonderful BUDDHA you already are. 

Chant to feel that power welling forth in your life. 

Chant to get a Gohonzon if you don't have one - as soon as possible! And to connect with the Soka Gakkai International (The BSG in India) and to connect with the life blood of faith and President Ikeda! Read his guidance and chant, chant, chant,chant!!!

Look in the mirror and say "TODAY IS A NEW DAY! I AM CHANGING FROM NOW ON! I AM USHERING IN A NEW LIFE OF HAPPINESS,  STRENGTH AND FULFILLMENT, and I know sometime in the future I will be able to help others with what I have been through!" 

Write your new determination and put it up on the wall. 
"All the best is coming to me now!!!
I am DETERMINED TO become stronger every single day! I am becoming happier every day." And chant to make it so. 
When you feel negative thoughts creep into your mind tell those thoughts: "NOT TODAY! I am NOT thinking negative thoughts today! Today I am chanting to be strong and happy and to PRAISE MY LIFE!" 

And keep chanting!

Have a great day!!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

More Congratulations for Tania and a reader question

This question was sent by a reader yesterday:

Tania, congrats! I was at a new members meeting tonight and thinking that my time may soon come. Well, I'm not officially a member, still a guest. I had a question for this blog that Jamie can answer. How does chanting affect our subconscious mind? Can it heal our subconsciousness so that we are able to behave differently? This came up in the meeting tonight and would love to see a post on it. Because there is so much talk about our subconscious thoughts sabotaging our lives in new age thinking and books. THANK YOU!! 

I will do my best to answer this question based on my own experience and knowledge of Buddhism. I have also asked my dear friend Julia to make a comment on this question. She will be able to give us her insights in a few days. She is a therapist and practicing SGI Buddhist so I'm sure she'll have an interesting post for us. 

My answer:

From my own experience I can say that my subconscious mind has definitely changed through practicing Buddhism, and that this key factor is one of the MAIN POINTS of practicing. 

When I first started chanting I got my Gohonzon as soon as I possibly could. I realized the value of having the highest life highest potential in front of me as I chanted! 

 I thought of myself as a pretty positive person, but as I learned through my Daimoku (chanting of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo)  as my subconscious mind was revealed to me by my strong prayer, I realized I was actually pretty terrified and angry a lot of the time. 

When you chant your inner life comes forth so you can see it. 

Chanting is like looking into a mirror of your inner life. 

When you see what is revealed, you have the ultimate choice... 
Do you look your life square in the eye and say "I AM THE BUDDHA! I will not tolerate this behavior or these thoughts any longer?  I am determined to change this aspect of my life." 

And when we change our inner life, our environment HAS to change to reflect our inner change. This is the core of what we call Human Revolution.

Human Revolution is not easy. It means retraining the subconscious mind....resetting the DNA...changing behaviors that we've been used to our whole lives. It is one of the reasons we practice together in the SGI - so we can support each other! 

It's so much easier to do what most of the rest of the world does : blame their circumstances...blame something in their environment. 

This outlook will not change anything! 

This is the profound truth of Practical Buddhism. All the answers lie by changing our inner life. That is where you get leverage over our lives. But it takes real courage. REAL courage. And sometimes tears. 
For some people it is very difficult, and some embrace the challenge! 

We can run away from the truth in our lives or we can say "Wow! I have discovered something I can change!" and then chant to change it. 

I have totally changed my nature. This does not make my perfect by any means...there will always be aspects I am still working on...

But the fact that I challenge my life every single day makes me a roaring lion. I will not tolerate anything but an excellent, happy, productive life of continuously becoming more happy and helping others become happy as well! I vow to accomplish this every day so that I can be an example of what is possible through chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. 

One of the biggest changes I've focused on has been the way I speak to myself in my head. My subconscious voice was often pretty angry at myself. I began to listen carefully to how I addressed myself and  how I talked about myself. I realized I used the word "idiot" and the word "stupid" quite a bit, even though if you asked me, I never would have said I thought of myself as either idiotic or stupid. But my subconscious mind did! So I determined to change the way I spoke to myself. I chanted about it, and I changed the behavior. I am now much more of a cheerleader in my head...GO Jamie Go! 

At the time I was also going through a program teaching energy healing. One of the requirements was to say "Jamie I love you" ten times before sleeping and ten times before getting out of bed. You'd think that would be easy but I was surprised by how difficult it was! 

For many years I was about 50-70 pounds heavier than I should have been for my tiny 5'1" frame. Not anymore!  I have changed that voice that was always telling me I'd feel "better" (emotionally) if I just ate something. The challenging part of it was that I DID feel better when I ate. Until I felt worse that is. Until my pants didn't fit...until the shame came on. 
It was a long journey and a long story I won't go into completely here, but I have now managed to maintain a healthy weight for several years. And I have stopped the voice telling me to eat...the cry of my subconscious mind for comfort. I have changed behaviors so I comfort myself in writing, in chanting, in meditation, walking and talking with my friends. This was not easy. It requires a tremendous shift in the subconscious and the conscious mind. 
This is just one example from my life. 
There are so many more...

Anyone care to share your thoughts? 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Encouragement for a Monday Morning


Happy Monday. 

Some days I just wake up feeling a little it down...does that ever happen to you? 

I am just so grateful I have my own laboratory to create happiness in my life. 

Every day I sit down in front of my beautiful Gohonzon and feel any heaviness in my heart lifting. 

Chanting brings back light-heartedness and hope. Only a few minutes of chanting lightens my mood considerably. 

It helps to tell the truth when you start chanting each morning. Melissa Bradford says just pour out your heart, empty it of everything troubling you in honesty. You are speaking to your own life after all. Then I recommend you fill your heart with all your hopes and dreams. Fill your heart with dreams, and fill it with hopes for this very day. 

Some of you have asked me, "Do you actually THINK these prayers while chanting or do you think them before chanting?" And the answer is a resounding YES! I chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, look at the Gohonzon (scroll on my wall that represents the entire universe that is within ME - and YOU!) and I think thoughts of determination to create the kind of life that encourages others to be happy. I must be happy so I can inspire others! You can chant this way too!

Tell your life "I praise my breath! I praise my health! I praise my determination to be happy, and to help those around me be happy! I praise my life!" 

Chanting for others always brings me joy from within. So many of you have touched my heart with your stories, and I chant for each one of you. You can write me at and I will always reply with the best I can give you. 

As Nichiren Daishonin says, the only one who can really make the determination and become happy is you, but encouragement is absolutely essential. 

My prayers are no more powerful than yours. I am not some special Buddha who is any more important than you are. My aim is to help YOU fire your own Daimoku and be the brilliant, shining example that this practice works. I want you to overflow with happiness and hope! My hope is that you are encouraging other to chant-to the best of your ability. 

You do not have to have a perfect life to encourage others, but having a spirit of hopefulness and the determination to show actual proof through your own life is the best way to start. 

I always chant for the people who are looking for this practice to cross my path. And that they will embrace this practice when I mention it to them.

I just mention my blog, or a Buddhist meeting as part of the conversation, and wait to see if they are interested in learning more. Many of these people have now entirely changed their lives for the better because they started chanting, and continue to chant. 

When you tell others about chanting you are planting a seed in their lives...and firing up your own happiness!

 It doesn't matter if they start chanting right away or not...the seed has been planted. But I'll tell you one thing...nothing makes me a happier person than hearing the positive results of someone I've introduced to this practice, or whom I've encouraged. Nothing makes me happier! I love hearing your stories!! Make a strong determination to be happier than you ever dreamed possible! 

Have a great and victorious week!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Make a POWERFUL Determination!

Make a new determination
Make a fresh determination
Make a bold determination!

What  does this mean?

Making a determination sets your course. It's like a compass. It can move your life. It is a powerful tool. It is a cry of the heart. Once you make a determination your life begins to move in the direction you have set! 

So how do you do it?

It starts with your desire. Some of my best determinations come when I am in front of the Gohonzon chanting. That's why I always have pen and paper handy.

What's the difference between a goal and a determination?

Goals are usually short and set in time. "I will lose 20 pounds by my birthday." Sound familiar? "I will get straight "A"s this year. Get the idea?

A determination goes deeper. Here are a few examples of mine.

"I vow to create VICTORY in every aspect of my life! 

Some of you know I lost 70 pounds. 
Here was my determination: 

For my Body: I am determined to be healthier, happier, and more fit than I have ever been. I'm determined to find the right practitioners and who will guide me in my path to vibrant health! I feel better and better every single day! I am determined to know which food choices contribute to my overall good health, and to use this knowledge to the best of my ability! 

And when I knew it was time to move on from my marriage I determined to have the kind of divorce that was so positive and uplifting that people would be inspired to chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. And two of my friends who saw us going through the divorce process were so inspired they began chanting and have since changed their lives in amazing ways. One of them had her mother receive the Gohonzon just last night! 

I have a vow for my love life too: 
"I VOW to create Victory in every aspect of my life! I will have the kind of love relationship that brings us both absolute joy! It will grow every day and we will spend our time together delighting in each other's happiness and having fun exploring this wonderful world! Both of us have passion and drive and We will appreciate each other in ways I have never experienced in a relationship, and our love and appreciation will grow and deepen through the years.

I have determinations for many areas of my life. I believe this is very important for creating the life of my dreams and being happier than I ever thought possible! And all of this is possible for you! That's why I write this blog!!!

You can make a strong determination in every area of your life. And while you are chanting, you can focus on expressing these determinations to your life!

It's the right time to move your life! It's the right time to dig deep! Please share your determinations with me, and share your successes. I am actively gathering material for the book I am writing for you and everyone you wish to inspire. Wouldn't you love to have YOUR story in it? Join me! 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Focused Concentration

When SGI members chant, we focus our eyes on the scroll written in Japanese characters called the Gohonzon. 

I will go into the significance of the scroll at a later time. 

Right now I want to address our attitude while we chant. 

I've mentioned that I chant an hour every morning. Yesterday I decided to chant that hour without moving from my seat, without checking my iphone even once, without getting up for any reason, or even writing anything down. I glued my eyes to the beautiful scroll in front of me and let my desires flow. I chanted for my life to be a brilliant, shining example that this practice works, and for me to be able to inspire all of you that you can achieve ANYTHING, any HAPPINESS you desire. I chanted for the core of my life to strengthen immensely. 

And I realized how hard it was to just stay focused without interrupting my flow. It was hard! But I DID it. And I'm going to continue doing it. Everything else can wait. That hour communing with the universe is the most important hour of my day! It is the hour for the microcosm that is my life to connect with the macrocosm that is the universe. 

I am chanting for focus and concentration...and to increase my capacity in all areas of my life. 

You can chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo for anything you wish!!! 

See if you can deepen your connection while you are chanting. You are, after all, connecting with the source of your power and happiness!

Have you experienced a level of deepening connection? 
Tell me about it! Write me at

Friday, November 5, 2010

Time for Cross Country State Meet

Wow! What a wonderful morning..seeing the boys off to Cross County State! So much energy and excitement. And the sun is shining even though it's cold.
These two weeks, culminating in the date of November 12, commemorate last year when my Mom was spending her last few days on the planet. In her honor I have dedicated the top of one of my bureaus in my Butsudan room to her...with some gifts she gave me, pictures...her kukui beads...and just honoring myself and being especially good to myself. In her honor I decided to reach some goals by the 12th...I've made a lot of progress so far. I cleaned out all the drawers in my bedroom, and the closet and closet floors, and yesterday I had my dear friend help me in the garage, and in cleaning and organizing our entire pantry. It may not sound like much to you...but I know, as many of you do, that having a decluttered life allows clarity of thought...and an openness for great things to come into my life!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Delicious Daimoku! Chanting from my heart!

I just finished the most delicious daimoku (chanting of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo)! I have to share it with you quickly before I head off to my wonderful job.

I chanted and hour and a half straight...only stopping to fill my mug of Earl Grey tea and milk!

I could feel the power welling from within my body...chanting from the "bottom of my heart" felt even more like chanting from deep within my body.

I chanted in appreciation for my life, I chanted to fulfill my mission for Kosen Rufu (a world that DIGNIFIES all of life), I chanted to be an inspiration to people...and to somehow strengthen my faith that I can accomplish my goals...I will be healthy, and pain free, I will be able to wear size 8 clothing, I will fulfill my goals, I chanted with faith in my own power to create my own other words...enlightenment! I chanted for all the people I have on the wall by my altar...for all of them to be incredibly happy, I chanted for my family ...for my sons to RUN FREE and be strong and have great Cross Country seasons and create life-long memories. I chanted for the Community I work in, and the town I live in! I chanted for the leaders of our country to have wisdom and make the best decisions. And I chanted for my own sparkling day today...that I be bright and productive and that I appreciate and enjoy every minute. I chanted for this blog to inspire and reach people everywhere! I chanted for you!

You can see why I never wanted this daimoku to end!

I hope you have an exhilarating and magnificent day!