Showing posts with label happy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happy. Show all posts

Friday, March 21, 2014

PowerPrayer for Rising Above Our Problems

I read some guidance that said 
"When you chant you should 
take a vacation from your troubles." 
Great idea

And today while I was chanting that's exactly what I did. I chanted to lift my life condition so I could see over and above my troubles...and to experience this day in a state of elevation through Daimoku. 
I chanted to release all feelings of having to be in control at every single moment, because, as we all know, control at every moment is impossible anyway! 

I think sometimes we think "I'm a Buddha so I should be able to command every single moment of every single day. I'm a Buddha, right?" But I don't think that's exactly how it works, 

The only things we can really be in control of are our reactions to what's going on. That's not to say that we can't change our lives through chanting. WE CAN. But the process of doing so doesn't always go as quickly as we'd want it to. We are not like Samantha on the TV show Bewitched. We can't just wiggle our noses and make everything change. 

Today I formulated this 
for Rising Above Our Troubles:
by Jamie Lee Silver of

Today while chanting 
I am seeing my life and my spirits 
rising above my worries. 
As I am chanting I am seeing my life rise above. 
I am focusing on joining the ceremony in the air. 
I am joining with all the Buddhas on the Gohonzon, 
and knowing that 
This is the life I chose for Kosen-rufu, 
and I will keep my life condition HIGH no matter what. 
I see through the eyes of the Buddha. 
I shine for all those around me as a beacon of hope. 
I am the Buddha at every moment today...
fully aware and focusing on all that is right in my world! 
I am going to float above my worries and chant in the world of gratitude and appreciation. 
I am so grateful for:__________________________
And I release this day to my prayers! 

Friday, January 24, 2014

Daily Guidance by Daisaku Ikeda

24th January 2014
IN any place, and at any time, voices chanting sincere daimoku with faith in the Gohonzon will be heard by the Buddhas and bodhisattvas throughout time and space. Such voices will reverberate throughout the universe. Filled with a sense of pride, you should chant daimoku confident that the reverberations of your voice will carry as far as billions of light-years away. By cultivating faith of such great conviction you will be able to receive tremendous benefit.

FAITH enables us to transform not only our day to day problems but our lives at their very foundation. Through the Buddhist practice, we can develop a strong inner core and a solid and inexhaustible reservoir of good fortune.

IN any endeavour, whether the arts or sports or any other pursuits, the master-disciple relationships is both challenging and rewarding. In particular, how strict and yet compassionate the bond is between master and disciple in the practice of faith, which comprises the very fundamentals of life, and in the pursuit of the great goal of kosen-rufu.

NOTHING is more noble than a life dedicated to kosen-rufu. Such people are devoted not only to their own happiness but also that of others. They enjoy good health and a fulfilling life. They accumulate boundless good fortune and benefit. This is the ultimate way of life. And it is the absolute promise of Nichiren Daishonin, the Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law.

ONE must not be so narrow-minded as to seek only to increase one's strength or exhibit one's capability. Doing so will obstruct the flow of kosen-rufu. The way to bring about a dynamic and powerful advances of kosen-rufu, like waves building upon waves lies in finding capable people, raising them and diverting them towards the goal of kosen-rufu.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

PowerPrayers to Strengthen Your Practice and for Unlimited Self Esteem

Good morning. It's early on Sunday morning and I'm heading off downtown to the Tozo going on now.

At the Chicago Buddhist Center I will be chanting for all of you to achieve every single one of your goals and to grow in faith as you complete your million daimoku towards your goals. Please remember you are WORTHY and you are not asking anyone or anything to fulfill your are TELLING your life the way it's going to be. "LIFE this is what I want!" and email me if you want to join the campaign or share your goals and pictures with me:

ALSO ~ do you have any requests for powerprayers on a particular subject...ones that might help great numbers of people? I am about to submit my book soon! Email me! 

Here are two PowerPrayers from my upcoming book of PowerPrayers. The first is for strengthening your practice. The second is for unlimited self-esteem:

PowerPrayer to Establish a Strong Practice 
for Chanting My Way to Absolute Happiness! 

I will chant every morning and every evening 
no matter what. 
I will no longer allow anything to stop me! 
I am establishing the strongest practice imaginable 
and I am becoming so fully resourced in self esteem 
that I fully commit to myself:
I keep my promise 
to myself 
first and foremost 
with the understanding that 
I can only really love/help others 
when I myself have become strong and self-loving.
And it’s very natural for me now to share Nam-myoho-renge-kyo because my life is overflowing with benefits. 

The more I chant, the more I want to chant. 
I look forward to my time with myself 
dialoguing with my own life
and discovering who I really am. 
I feel the connection more deeply every time I chant. 
I see actual proof that my self esteem is rising:

Nothing can stop me from getting to discussion meetings 
and studying SGI periodicals and books. 
I am deepening my understanding of what I study with every Daimoku I chant. 
My eyes are opening.
My depth of understanding is growing! 
Study helps me to see the connection 
between my chanting 
and what I see happening in my life. 
What a privilege! 

PowerPrayer for Unlimited Self Esteem

As I am chanting, 
I am becoming a woman/man/person 
of unlimited self esteem. 
I open my heart to myself and my life. 
I am determined to really love my-self 
in a way I have never done before. 
I am determined to take 
the best and most tender care of myself 
and to learn to really want 
and manifest 
all the very best things my life has to offer me 
and this world has to offer. 
From this moment forward 
I am a person of unlimited self-esteem. 
I learn from my mistakes, 
I don’t dwell on them or in them. 
I understand that I am Nam-myoho-renge-kyo 
and I have unlimited power 
to focus on the things I do right. 
I spend more and more time 
in self-appreciation and gratitude.
And it feels wonderful.

These are the qualities I appreciate in myself:

These are the qualities I am strengthening in myself and my life as I chant:. 

Friday, August 9, 2013

What's this Blog All About? How Does Chanting Work?

The following is a Passage from Julia Landis' and Jamie Lee Silver's upcoming book, The BuddhaZone, PowerPrayers for Chanting Your Way to Absolute Happiness:

As Nichiren (SGI) Buddhists we chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to summon up our fathomless wisdom while steering our life-craft in the direction of our innermost desires. We chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo over and over and over again. We call this chanting Daimoku 
(Die-MOH-Koo). Daimoku means title and the title of the Lotus Sutra is  Myoho-Renge-Kyo.  The founder of this practice, Nichiren Daishonin, added to Myoho-renge-kyo  the syllable Nam which means “I devote my life to.” 

So, a brief translation of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is, 

“I devote my life to the mystic law of cause and effect through sound vibration,” or, “I am one with the very rhythm of life.”

“Myoho-renge-kyo is the name of the ultimate mystic truth, and Nam-myo-ho-renge-kyo  is the name of the life state of Buddhas who embody and reveal this truth.” 
p.28 On Attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime.

It actually becomes very natural over time to focus on a personal PowerPrayer while chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.  It is nothing more than putting your deepest fundamental wish into action. By chanting and focusing on our most cherished desire, we come to steer our lives with confidence in the direction of Buddhahood. Our lives become lives of immense creativity, wisdom and value, and most of all Love. For as we chant, rhythmically and powerfully, we exude into our environment a music that evokes our deepest, innermost  capacity and transforms any manner of poison (problem) into a medicine (benefit), and further, into a nectar (deep and absolute happiness). 

Love's Got to do with it

A PowerPrayer is infused with love. That's the source of its power. When we chant for what we really want it comes from a real love for ourselves. All love begins with self love. However, you don't have to come to this practice in a state of self-love. This practice will take you there. Chanting Daimoku will itself bring about this state in your life. As the well known writer in the personal growth movement, Louise Hay, has said at the age eighty-two, “self love is the most important thing of all.” When you love yourself, everything in your environment loves you back. Your environment is a reflection of your own state of life and connection to the source of all happiness. 

Sadly, in general, Human beings tend to project this source outside of themselves. In fact, we are most comfortable, it seems in today's spiritual culture, when we project both the source of our mystical power and, also, its recipient outside of our lives. (Everyone seems to be praying to a power outside of themselves for a person who isn't them!) A great majority of souls, and you, yourself, we imagine, have prayed with love in your heart for the happiness of someone else, invoking a power that you have come to believe is “higher” than your own life. It has become commonplace.

But how often have you prayed with immense love...
for your own life, 
for your own happiness, 
for your own well-being? 
And more importantly, how often have you prayed...
from your own life
to your own life 
for the very best things 
and experiences for you
in short, for your own happiness?

We have found that, as it has been written, if we intone our voice with Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, we can summon up great love, the kind of love that is required of us if we want to awaken to our true potential. And that is another name for Buddhas: Beings who have realized their infinitely positive wise and loving potentials.

It is our PowerPrayer that as you are reading, these words are activating within you the curiosity and courage it will take to sustain you on this journey. For the Lotus won't give its seed if one's hand is not open. It is our prayer that you open your hand in such a way that you open your mind, heart, and Life, as well. And you chant! 

Listen to the secret we whisper into your ear:

You are the Buddha of Infinite Potential. Yes, YOU are the Buddha. Your life story is one of awakening. Through chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo you will be able to solve your problems and awaken to your own Buddhahood that has always been your birthright. 

The above passage is part of the preface to the book Julia and I have been writing for you. It is almost finished and is packed with PowerPrayers to strengthen your life and your practice. 
On this blog I have written many posts for people who are interested in chanting, and I invite your questions and comments. You may email me at 

Experience in Faith to Start Your Weekend!

From a reader from India who now lives in the US:

I started this practice in 2005. I moved to the US from India in 2003 all alone. As per indian tradition I got married in 2004. My marriage was not successful; we had lots of hardship during my marriage. 
I left the house so many times but always came back due to lack of courage and I was always scared what people would think. But somehow I got connected to my friend who had moved to the US. She introduced me to this wonderful practice. 

At first I chanted alone and not much. Whenever I would feel lonely, I always chanted (as my family as in India). I never wanted to tell them what I was going through. One day I got into big fight with my Ex and the next day I chanted - if this relationship is not going to work then I should know right away. 
No wonder, within 1 month I was out of that house. Not sure where that courage came from but I was really happy that I made that decision. Since then my faith is stronger and stronger day by day and I have never looked back. 

I used to chant for hours and received benefits beyond my imagination. A few years later I was chanting for a partner who would accept me with my chanting. I am married now and my partner fully supports my practice.  
I even have my own chanting room in my home (Beyond my imagination). I have two wonderful kids. I always chanted for a Harmonious family. My husband is so understanding and kind hearted that at one time in my life it seemed impossible. 

I have succeeded in my professional life as well. I will share that experience later. 

At the end all I can say this practice is my soul. 

Nothing is impossible - Keep chanting. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

An Important Day for the States ~ Strength and determination in life

"Strength is happiness. Strength is itself victory. 
In weakness and cowardice there is no happiness. 
When you wage a struggle, 
you might win or you might lose. 
But regardless of the short-term outcome, 
the very fact of your continuing to struggle 
is proof of your victory as a human being. 
A strong spirit, strong faith and strong prayer—
developing these is victory and the world of Buddhahood."  
Daisaku Ikeda

Today is Martin Luther King Day. And inauguration day for President Barack Obama. It is a day of hope and new beginnings.

When we practice Buddhism every day is a day of hope and new beginnings. We embrace the "Hon Nim Myo" spirit, meaning "from this moment forth." The past is inconsequential, the future becons, and the point of power is right now, right here, sitting in front of our Gohonzons dialoguing with the source of our lives, directing our energy and vitality.

Each moment we spend chanting and creating our lives is eternal. Every Daimoku we chant goes deep into our lives for all eternity. Every chant holds meaning for our lives seven generation in the past and seven generation in the future. It is this realization of eternity and the expansiveness of each one of our lives that brings us power. Remember we each chose to have the karma we have and be born with our challenges in order to prove the validity of the law, strengthen our life and raise the life condition - vibration of us all.

We are all true Boddhisatvas. When we embrace our challenges, rather than running from them, we can change them. As President Ikeda says "It is important to take a long range view." What you are chanting about may not change today, tomorrow, or for months to come. But every time you wake up, chant and challenge it you strengthen your life. Strengthening our lives is happiness itself. Whatever your challenge - make a fresh determination every single day and you will win. What is strength? Resiliency. Determination. Resolve. Courage. Hope. Victory. 

"Strength is happiness. Strength is itself victory. 
In weakness and cowardice there is no happiness. 
When you wage a struggle, 
you might win or you might lose. 
But regardless of the short-term outcome, 
the very fact of your continuing to struggle 
is proof of your victory as a human being. 
A strong spirit, strong faith and strong prayer—
developing these is victory and the world of Buddhahood."  
Daisaku Ikeda

Friday, January 11, 2013

Have Limitless Faith in the Power of Your Own Life

This is a great visual of human revolution. Inside all of us is incredible power. When we chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo facing the Gohonzon with all our heart we bring out the lion within. 

Nichiren Daishonin says in the Gosho "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is like the Roar of a Lion what sickness can therefore be an obstacle?" (From Reply to Kyo'o, The Collected Writings of Nichiren Daishonin) 

"Sickness" can be anything. It can be illness, depression, abuse. It can be the negativity in our own hearts and heads. It can be anything in our lives that we don't want. Our chanting can take care of that sickness, and rid it from our lives completely. It starts with a strong practice. 
The beginning of the year is an excellent time to resolve to strengthen your practice. It's a great time to resolve "I am going to practice harder than ever this year, and I will finally overcome_______(you fill in the blank). That is how you make the impossible possible. 
Continually remaking this determination is how I fulfilled a lifetime goal of mine. It's how I lost the weight I'd carried my whole life. After continually making this determination, year after year, I finally found out that the foods I was eating were actually making me more hungry and making it impossible to reach my goals. By this time I had developed the inner strength it too to totally change my diet. I'd also gotten the fortune to have friends who could guide me on the path by showing me all the new and exciting foods I could eat. This enabled me to switch my focus from what I couldn't eat to what I could eat. (Thank you dear Julia!) I developed healthy habits that now come easily to me. I feel and look better than ever. But this did not come the very first time I made the determination. I had to make it  over and over and over and after continual practice I achieved my goal. I didn't give up although some years I did feel discouraged. But I persisted. And I won. This was a goal that for many years felt absolutely impossible. And I won. 

In "My Dear Friends in America, Collected U.S.Addresses 1990-1996" Daisaku Ikeda says in the essay "Buddhism is the Clear Mirror that Reflects our Lives" 
       "If you practice faith while doubting its effects, you will get results that are, at  best, unsatisfactory. This is the reflection of your own weak faith in the mirror of the cosmos.
      "On the other hand, when you stand up with strong conviction, you will accumulate limitless blessings. While controlling your mind, which is at once both extremely subtle and solemnly profound, you should strive to elevate your faith with freshness and vigor." When you do so, both your life and your surroundings will open wide before you and every action you take will become a source of benefit. Understanding the subtle workings of one's mind is the key to faith and to attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime..."

And, as Daisaku Ikeda repeatedly says: "Don't Give Up!" 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Great Quotes from President Ikeda about focusing our minds

Sunrise from the Ship Today

I am really looking forward to chanting in appreciation this morning. 

It is so easy to blame our environment for our unhappiness and discontent. But as President Ikeda says in "On Attaining Buddhahood in This Lifetime"

"Grumbling and complaining are the principle gateways leading to general doubt and disbelief. Even if we know that such behavior is wrong, we may find ourselves doing it in spite of ourselves. Should grumbling and complaining become habitual it will act as a constant brake on our growth and cause us to forget about advancing and improving ourselves. When that happens, we effectively close off our own potential, falling into the path of seeking the law outside of us." 

Grumbling and complaining take many forms. For some it is a form of hopelessness, and looking at what is NOT working. When all you see is what is not working, or changing, and you continually focus on the care and troubles of life, that is all you see. That is what is in your radar screen. What you DON'T life amplifies. When you focus on what you DO like, and what IS working, no matter how small, you get more of what you want, and you start seeing the positive everywhere. And you're happier!
You get more benefits and happiness from focusing on what IS working. I promise. Try it.  

Please remember that whatever is going on in your world is YOUR OPPORTUNITY to grow. 
The things you think of as problems that come at you from the environment can be fuel for your growth, fuel for your determination to reveal your own Buddhahood and create your own happiness. It is up to you though, to determine this for your own life...

Putting the fault on your environment is easy. But not helpful! You are a Buddha. Dig deeper. Get to the root source of your suffering. You do not have to figure it out. Just chant to change it. 

President Ikeda also says:

"Because our practice of faith is aimed at attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime, it is absolutely essential that we have a solidly focused mind or attitude when chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. It is like trying to shoot an arrow: without a clear target, we will not draw the bow with any real energy or determination. In the same way, our prayers can only be realized when we replace vague yearnings with concrete determinations and confident daimoku to definitely accomplish what we hope to achieve."

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Chanting for Happiness...How to Begin

This picture is the sunrise today in Panama, taken by my childhood friend Axel Koch

This post is great for newcomers, and may have some fresh tips for those already practicing.

Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life!

Here you will learn how to chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

First of all make a list of what you really want in life. Take a new look at your desires and write them down.  Dream big. What do you really want? What do you want for yourself? What do you want for others? What do you want for the world? Make a list. There is no such thing as a “bad” desire as long as you wish no harm on others. Many Buddhists began chanting with desires that later turned into other desires. Don’t worry about it. Chant for what is really in your heart. Be true to yourself. 
I suggest having some sort of journal to write in. Writing in a journal helps you become aware of your progress and benefits.
Choose a place to chant comfortably. You’ll want to sit in a comfortable chair. Where would you feel most at ease chanting out loud? It is helpful to have something on the wall to focus on. It's helpful to rest your eyes on something slightly above eye level. It can be anything. When I first started chanting in my little two room apartment in San Francisco, I sat on the mattress on the floor and gazed up at the moon in a poster of Mono Lake. Choose something soothing to rest your eyes on. I find it helpful to have a table nearby for my tea, and other things I like to have close when I chant. You may want to put a little table up as an altar, but you don’t need that to begin. 
Write the words Nam Myoho Renge Kyo on a piece of paper (or use the card enclosed in this book). The words are pronounced as follows: 
Nahm, rhymes with Mom, 
meeyohoh, with three long vowels, 
rain gay, 
key oh. 
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. 
Nahm Meeyohoh Rain Gay Key Oh

Hold your hands with the palms facing in and touching each other in front of your heart. Sit with your back as straight as possible and say the words over and over and over again. 

You do not have to concentrate about what is in your mind at first. Just say the words. Breathe whenever you have to for as long as you like. See if you can chant for a few minutes, then a few minutes more. Chant for as long as you can!  

The rhythm should sound like a train moving, or horses running. There should be some energy to it. You can chant as fast or as slow as you wish. Speed of chanting is up to you. 
If you want to hear how it sounds you can go to the top left corner of this blog and chant with me. I begin slowly and speed up with more energy. 
See how it makes you feel. Can you chant for a little longer? Maybe even a little longer than that. Can you get to the point where you don’t have to think about the words, but can actually think about what you want? It may take a little time. Naturally you will begin to chant for what you want. You’ll see. 
When you are finished chanting you can write in your journal.
Start by writing an assessment of your life right now. What’s going well, what you’d like to improve on. Then write how you felt before chanting and after chanting. In your journal set a goal for how much you want to chant every day.  When I started, I could only chant five minutes a day in the morning and five minutes in the evening. I had a timer next to me and I’m sure there were times I stopped before I’d even reached five minutes! You will build up momentum! Commit to chant twice a day every day. Keep your goals in mind and you’ll remember your reasons for chanting! 

These words and this vibration go deep into the heart of your life itself. They summon forth your highest wisdom, vitality and sense of purpose. They also uproot the karma that is making you suffer, and give you the opportunity to change this karma forever. You will still have challenges and problems in life when you chant...but eventually you will see them as the opportunities they are. Problems are the FUEL you need to catapult your life into a life of happiness and joy. You have begun a journey to uncover the true happiness that exists in your shining Buddha life. Congratulations!
Also - make sure to search on Soka Gakkai followed by whatever country you live in. This site will help you to connect with people who will be happy to help you learn to chant, overcome your problems, and reveal your brilliant, wonderful self!  Fellow Soka Gakka members love to help each other. 
and go to to read Daisaku Ikeda's words. He is lighting the way for us all...and for YOU!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Great Gosho Quotes to Live By!

As many of you know, the Gosho are the letters that Nichiren Daishonin wrote to his followers encouraging them. Each one of these contains gems of wisdom that you can use to navigate through life. 

Chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is all about having the courage to chant. I know it sounds a little odd...why would it take courage to chant. Chanting is the ultimate self-reflection. And really looking at yourself is not easy. Looking at yourself every morning and every for LIONS who can roar their greatest existence into life. 

This blog is written for the courageous! 

Here are some quotes to keep you inspired. Even one quote that you carry in your heart can get you over the choppy seas of life and keep you inspired! 

"Your faith alone will determine all these things. A sword will be useless in the hands of a coward."

From Reply to Kyo'o

And from one of my favorite Goshos:

If you wish to free yourself from the sufferings of birth and death you have endured though eternity and attain supreme enlightenment in this lifetime, you must awaken to the mystic truth which has always been within your life. This truth is Myoho renge kyo. Chanting Myoho renge kyo will therefor enable you to grasp the mystic truth within you...

It is called the mystic law because it explains the mutually inclusive relationship of life and all phenomenon...

When you chant the mystic law and recite the Lotus Sutra, you must summon up deep conviction that Myoho Renge Kyo is your life itself. 

Above quotes are from the Gosho "On Attaining Buddhahood"

"One who hears even a sentence or phrase of the Lotus Sutra and cherishes it deep in his heart may be likened to a ship which navigates the sea of suffering. The Great Teacher Miao-lo stated, Even a single phrase cherished deep in one's heart will without fail help him reach the opposite shore. To ponder one phrase and practice it is to exercise navigation..." 

From "A Ship to Cross the Sea of Suffering"

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

For all my new friends, and old ones!

Welcome to the Blog Chantforhappiness!

I am Jamie Lee Silver and I live in the Western suburbs of the Chicago area. I'm about to celebrate my Gohonzon birthday on October 20th! I've been chanting since 1985 and was looking for this practice for many whole life, in fact, before I moved to San Francisco and met Delores Hepburn and Kate Randolph and began an earnest practice then. 

I embraced this practice wholeheartedly from the beginning. I was fortunate enough to have enough suffering in my life that I was really motivated! 

Over the years I have changed everything that I chanted about, and live a life of glorious victory with my mentor Daisaku Ikeda, my SGI members (I'm a District leader here and hold meetings at my house every Wednesday) and all of my blog readers. I live my life to help others discover this Buddhism, and put it to use in their lives. 

I have raised two amazing sons as Buddhists. They are 22 and 19 (almost 20!) and they are discovering more and more of their own power every single moment. Aaron is in his first year of Med School (as many of you know), Ben is in his second year of undergraduate study). Every day living life with them is an honor and benefit for me! They are joining us all in awakening to their Buddha Nature. 

We all know that we can practice Buddhism and we can PRACTICE Buddhism! If we really want to change our sufferings into brilliant sparkling diamonds it requires real work, guts, courage and determination. I write this blog to IGNITE your practice and help you to take it to the highest level where you are vibrant, alive, creating benefit for yourself and others and fulfilling YOUR mission for Kosen Rufu! 

I am available by email, and by phone, (you can email me about that)
 I try to respond to every email even though it may take me a few days. 

There are many posts on this blog you might want to explore...I have been writing it over three years now! Check out the older posts too! 

Please forward this blog to your fellow members and friends and help us to expand our reach for Kosen Rufu! (World Peace founded on respect for life!) You can translate this blog into almost any language using the button at the top left! 

And for today, please realize that every single problem you have - none of them are bigger than Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!! Your prayers for others CHANGE THEIR LIVES! You are that powerful! Your prayers for yourself change your karma in the past and the future for your family...and there is nothing you can't change! Just keep chanting, follow Daisaku Ikeda's guidance, stick close to the lifeblood of faith - the SGI, keep smiling and chanting and crying when you need to, and you will polish your sparkling life! And above all, do not give up! Realize your obstacles are actually tailor made for you to create the best life possible! You are meant to overcome these exact obstacles and become happy. You can chant for whatever you want...your heart is pure and will become more and more and more pure. Do not doubt yourself or your practice. Chant every day - twice a day! You can do it! We can do it together with our mentor !!! Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!! Brilliant YOU!

Have a great day! 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

If you REALLY are ready to change your karma ... do these things!

I am receiving mail from many of you who are lacking in hope and finding it hard to chant. Pleas read this post and consider it as personal guidance to YOU. YOU can do it. No one else can change your karma and change your life. You are the only one. You have all the tools you need! You are one of the lucky ones! You have found this practice. It's your time to take this practice and make the changes you want...and really become happy! 

I have always said that practicing Buddhism is not easy. It requires courage. It not only requires courage but it helps to BUILD courage and a strong sense of self. When you practice as I've outlined here you will be strong. You can take on ANYTHING. You will be happy. It takes perseverance, but I am here to tell you that you can achieve whatever you want. You can be happier than you ever imagined possible. But it takes work! And your life and happiness is WORTH IT!

There are 5 KEY aspects to a correct practice of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.

And when we are activating them ALL we are all HAPPIER in every possible way. Until you have activated these actions in your life you will never really know your own full will be able to ROAR LIKE A LION. You will have power in your won precious life! 

1. It is important to be in the ORBIT OF FAITH! Attending SGI meetings is crucial. We really can't practice adequately alone. We all act as mirrors for each other. Our meetings serve to deepen our ties to each other and our ties to the world. If there is something you don't like about your meetings, chant to change them! How you feel about your Buddhist meetings is really a reflection of your own tendencies. If you "look down" on all the people at the meetings, you also "look down" on people everywhere. Have patience with yourself. See if you can summon the Ichinen (will put into action) to make a difference. Many of us have struggled with this at some time. I love being a leader because I infuse each meeting with energy. I chant at least an hour for the success of each meeting...I chant for every member to have a deep and meaningful experience at every meeting - refreshed in faith, more determined, happier!

2. Help others! Try this! Don't take my word for it! Encouraging others in their faith is crucial. And telling others about chanting is crucial too...even just giving them a Nam Myoho Renge card. I give out cards every single day. I have to. I feel I have discovered the key to absolute happiness and it fills me with joy to pass it on to others. I went to the doctor yesterday and the two lovely nurses may come to a meeting soon. I always give cards to people who help me in stores. They are always happy to get them. I love makeup and perfume and love to spend time trying new things. Last night I got a call from someone who I gave a card to TWO years ago at Sephora (a makeup store). She said she now works in the makeup department of another of my favorite stores and she told someone about me, and they had one of my cards too. Last week she came my study meeting, and she plans to come this week too! 

3. Chant every morning and evening. Chanting twice a day PUTS YOUR LIFE IN RHYTHM TO WIN! THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR THIS! It sounds hard, but it is really the easy way. Chanting is MUCH HARDER when you do it every once in a while...and your results are less consistent too. You decide how long you will chant. I know that the more effort I put into my daily practice, the harder I work to stay focused, the MORE I connect with the Gohonzon (which is my life itself) the easier the rest of my life goes. I chant a minimum of an hour in my "laboratory of my life" every day. When I began this blog I was chanting a minimum of two hours a day. I often find I chant more when I have a lot of challenges, and the more I chant the more I WANT TO chant. Try it!

4. Study with the intention of deepening your faith.  In Nichiren Buddhism FAITH IS A VERB and a MUSCLE! Chant to strengthen  your faith. Chant to have the kind of benefit that makes you truly believe your own power. And do this again and again! THIS is exercising the muscle of FAITH. It is the power you muster while you are chanting to activate the power of your prayer. Studying is like working the muscle of faith. It will help you produce results. It will strengthen your faith. Studying the Gosho by Nichiren Daishonin, and the words of our mentor, Daisaku Ikeda will help you become happier and healthier and stronger in every way!

5. MAKE A STRONG DETERMINATION. Write it down. Really, writing it down is powerful! What do you want? What do you really want? How do you want to feel? What do you want to make happen? Who do you want to BE? Avoid the tendency to blame your environment. Blaming the people, things, jobs etc. is not useful. Instead, accept that your karma is your karma and vow to change it! That is where your power lies! Not in complaint!Chant to root your suffering out of your life. I visualize the roots of a tree inside my body and literally pull them out in my mind while I am chanting. Chant to expand the power within your own life. Chant to raise your life condition and be the strong Buddha you are meant to be! 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Words of Encouragement from Daisaku Ikeda

Daisaku Ikeda's writings in "My Dear Friends in America, Collected U.S. Addresses 1990-96" is a book full of essays that appeared in the World Tribune during those years. Those were interesting times for the Doka Gakkai in America. After the excommunication of the SGI by the priesthood the SGI had the wonderful opportunity to reexamine the ground of beliefs and practices that made it so unique...and PROUD to be excommunicated and free. These quotes are from the essay "Pioneer the Ultimate Frontier of Life and Death" pages 156-7. 
"In the 'Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings" Nichiren Daishonin states: "Now Nichiren and his followers who chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo dispel the darkness of birth and death and cause the fire of nirvana's wisdom to burn before their eyes....We burn the firewood of earthly desires and behold the fire of enlightened wisdom before our eyes" this passage explains the principle of "the sufferings of birth and death are nirvana" and "earthly desires are enlightenment."
..."It is not true that because we practice faith in the mystic law our lives will be free of worries. And of course, it is certain that we will eventually die. Nevertheless, through our mind of faith, we can illuminate our lives with the brilliant light of wisdom and the flame of happiness shining forth from the depths of our lives. 
"For this reason, no matter what happens, as long as you embrace faith you will never be deadlocked; you have nothing to fear.  Turning everything into a source of energy to advance still further, you can continue vigorously climbing the hill of growth and hope in life. By challenging your circumstances with composure in this fashion, you can perfectly establish a vast and eternally unshakable inner state as if you were kings and queens of life." 
Writing about Nanjo Tokimitsu's father, Nichiren Daishonin writes: "When he was alive,  he was a Buddha in life, and now he is a Buddha in death. He is a Buddha in both life and death" (Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, p. 456) This also applies to the great seniors in faith whom you yourselves have known. In life, great good fortune, and in death, great satisfaction - in fact, a single person can enact an infinitely respectable drama of life and death in this world. I hope that you will continue making tenacious efforts based ont he three pillars of faith, practice and study, all the while cherishing lofty prode in being philosophers who embrace the great Buddhist law. Those who do will realize unparalleled victory and will lead lives of unparalleled happiness."

And my friends, I hope you have a great week - starting with these words by Daisaku Ikeda. Our desires...even the pain we experience from those desires...are exactly what we need establish a state of absolute happiness in our lives! Happy Monday Morning! 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Gosho Lecture today was Incredible!

I hope you were able to go to this month's Gosho Study in your area. Ours was wonderful! It is always so great to be with other SGI victorious! 

As I mentioned in the last few posts...we are the Treasure Tower. Our lives possess so much power. And it's available for us to tap into. All we need to do is chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and join the noble fellowship of the SGI. 

Why is it so hard for us to believe in our own brightness...out own worthiness...our own powerful universe inside us?  

I suspect the answer lies in having been born into a culture that has "original sin" embedded in it. Buddhism doesn't believe we have original sin. Yes, everyone has fundamental darkness that surfaces from time to time, but that's not the same as original sin. In Buddhism we have "original Buddhahood" and we strive to remember and bring back to life our own truly bright, authentic sparkling self. 

Please chant about this! 

Chant to PRAISE YOUR LIFE! Chant to bring forth your own Buddhahood. It is there! It is in everyone! Realize that you are an incredibly precious Buddha! 

And make your dreams come true!!!!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Chanting A Lot!

I just got back from chanting several hours of daimoku with a group of people. (called a TOZO)

I was roaring like a lion - just like I talk about in this blog. 

There is one part of my life that is still causing me pain and I am determined to root that karma out. 
I am DONE with this particular feeling and pattern of behavior! As I was chanting to change this karma forever I could picture the roots, and see myself yanking them out. I don't have to know where this karma came from...all I have to do is see it for what it is and determine to change it. I don't have to figure it out. No. All I have to do is chant to grab it by its roots and rid it from my life forever. 

I chanted with all of you in mind. I chanted "I MUST solve this problem so that I can have complete and total actual proof and inspire the readers of that anything is possible." No suffering is too much for Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. The vibration of chanting is stronger than any possible problem. 

I am fighting right alongside you. 

We can all be victorious in all of your challenges and problems. We can all shine like the sun!!!

Every time each of us breaks through...we are opening a door for so many others to come through. 

You are inspiring me with all of your emails and comments. Keep writing! And ask me anything. My email is

Keep Going! Don't give up!

I heard an author say recently "Your Mess is your Message!" And I say "Yes! Embrace your "mess", recognize that it is your karma, and and change it!!! Forever!" Remember...this is not the kind of practice where you are supposed to suffer for your karma. NO you have the tool to change it! And stop its pattern in your family FOREVER! Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!