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Showing posts with label hop. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Overcoming Doubt

I've gotten some letters lately from people who are finding it hard to chant because they are discouraged and full of doubt. I know this feeling. It's an obstacle; in other words, an opportunity for us to deepen our faith. How do we do this? 

The first key is to realize that you are fighting the biggest battle of all, the one within yourself, right here and right now. 

Having obstacles arise is part of a successful and healthy practice. It's a good thing. It doesn't always look like a good thing, I realize this! But it really is a chance for you to deepen your faith and strengthen your life if you don't give in to it. 

When doubt, and thoughts of doubt and hopelessness arise, it is up to you to shout them down by facing your life  squarely and overcoming it. Doubt will only defeat us if we let it. 

You can rise up to stop doubt by sitting in front of your Gohonzon ~ and while you are chanting, address your life in this way: "NO WAY DOUBT! YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET ME DOWN! I see you for what you are. You are not winning over me. I am breaking through once and for all, and I am in charge now!" 

This is your time to roar like a lion. This is your opportunity to strengthen your faith. This is your time to win. Write a fresh determination. Chant from your heart to be victorious and to show actual proof of this practice so that you can inspire others. With this attitude you can bring your life back on track. 

Encouragement from Sensei :

"Anyone who has ever made a resolution 
discovers that the strength of that determination 
fades in times. 
The moment you feel that 
is when you should make a fresh determination. 
Tell yourselves: "OK! I will start again from now!" 
If you fall down seven times, get up the eighth. 
Don't give up when you feel discouraged ~ 
just pick yourselves up 
and renew your determination every time."

from Faith in Action, page 109