Sunday, October 24, 2010


These are exciting times. I just designed a website! Tomorrow I'll change the url, then I'll let you know what it is. It's so exciting, embarking on this new endeavor. I am using the spiritual weight loss tools I used to help others to lose weight.

I'm a Spiritual Weight Loss Coach! If I can do it, anyone can!

And I know I can help anyone who is ready, and will listen to me, to lose weight too!

My web site has been entirely written while chanting daimoku and holding a pen. The ideas have just been flowing forth. I will be adding to it, but it's ready to go right now...and I did it myself, with help from Intuit. They were great! I wholeheartedly endorse them!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Great Day for the Silver Boys

Ben ran in a meet for the first time in five weeks and came in second. He's been trying to fix an injured right foot...back and forth to the Podiatry office! He felt good today and helped get his team to regionals for cross country.
Aaron is the president of the running club at the University of Illinois and he set a personal record by 30 seconds today and his club came in first in regionals!

It was a rainy cloudy morning, but the sun has come out revealing a beautiful fall day. Lovely!

This week at our Buddhist meeting we'll be taking an elementary Buddhist exam. Study is very important in Buddhism...the more you study the stronger your faith. When you study you see your whole life as a sequence of perfect events leading to your happiness...set backs reveal themselves as benefits and it all comes together when you deepen your faith as you chant!

I have a job interview this week for a place I think I'd really like to work...and all sorts of things in the works. And I feel happier than ever.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Changing relationship karma!

Wow, hasn't it been a wonderful fall?
It has been so marvelous to be free and in the Arboretum... and walking in the leaves. I'm strengthening my body and preparing my life for what's next.
I have changed some major karma. Here it is, many moons from having lost 70 pounds...and not only am I keeping it off...I am also reshaping my body through pilates. I am still amazed when I try on clothes. Yesterday I tried on a small, sexy dress at Von Maur and could not believe it fit. It was so thrilling that I took a picture! (OMG I love my smartphone) I don't have to buy every single thing just because it fits or looks good. You know ~ when you're heavy that's pretty much what you I am leading a different life thanks to chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo! This karma is changed! Check!
NOW I want to help others to lose weight. I always felt that losing the weight was part of my mission in life. Now that I've done it I want to help others to do it too! I concentrated on spiritual weight loss...and the physical came after that. I didn't analyze all the reasons I ate...I already KNEW them! I just focused my daimoku and chanted and meditated. If I can do it I can teach anyone to do it...but they have to be ready and willing to do what I say!!!
What's next? Relationship karma! I really feel my Mom, and my incredible healing friend Julia, working on this with me. I know my Mom was sad in her chosen relationship...and didn't have daimoku to change that core of sadness in her life...I know many people who have had unhappy mothers too...and I know it is MY KARMA TO CHANGE...for the sake of my children...for the sake of their children...for the sake of everyone who wants to be happy in love! I am determined to be in the happiest state of loving another person...someone who truly sees who I am, practices Buddhism with me, and together we glow and grow and laugh and travel and love! He's healthy, he's optimistic and he loves to have fun. I know this is possible for me. I know he's out there...probably looking for me! I have so much to look forward to!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Feeling the effects!

My son and I are really feeling the effects of our chanting.

Yesterday he told me that there were always people at his High School that he "kind of" fit in with...but there was some sort of barrier...either in his head or imagined...he still felt like an outsider with these people.
NOW he says that all those people have become real friends...and his "group" has expanded exponentially.

I replied that I know exactly what he was talking about...only when I was his age it was my weight that was a barrier between me and others and now that barrier is gone!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Wonderful Buddhist Conference!

I just returned from The Florida Nature Culture Center and I have a gift for all the new friends I just met, and for all of you.

These two quotes were in the Ikeda Hall. They speak volumes about the Soka School System founded by Daisaku Ikeda. Read them and let me know what you think!

"Education at its best
is a process of liberation from prejudice
which frees the human heart
from its violent passions.
It is through education that young people
can be delivered from powerlessness,
from the burden of mistrust
directed against themselves.
And those who have learned to trust in themselves
are naturally able to believe
in the latent capacity of others."

And this address to the students of Soka University:

"The world in which we live today,
jarred as it is by inexorable, dramatic change
demands new expressions of creative wisdom.
It eagerly awaits the appearance
of individuals who are imbued with vision and energy,
who can be trusted to build a grander, better world.
It is you, students and graduates of Soka
who will meet the lofty expectations of our era
by serving as pioneers of a new frontier this century.
For you embrace a robust philosophy
that reveres the inherent dignity of life.
I ask you to inspire hope where there is suffering,
strengthen unity where there is conflict,
and impel progress where there is stagnation,
and in doing so, usher in a global renaissance
by fulfilling the roles you were meant to fill."

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Great Results

You should just see me walking! Already, almost 4 weeks after hip surgery, I have much more flexibility than I had for the past few years! I am walking around the park by my house...and feeling really good! I am still doing all of my exercises very faithfully, and I can feel myself getting stronger.

Tonight's Buddhist meeting rocked again! There were 14 people here including two guests. One of the guests is going to get his Gohonzon next week at the meeting - on my 50th Birthday! That's the best gift I could possibly get! We will have 6 youth division members (or more) at the meeting next week. THAT is actual proof that chanting works, because we have been chanting for Downers Grove to be the center of youth division activity in our region!

This is so exciting. I feel so incredibly be able to help these young people achieve their goals and overcome their sufferings!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Still Recovering

Well I am working so hard all day long! The physical therapist comes here every other day, and I do my exercises all day long, on and off. I can feel myself getting stronger, and every once in a while I get a glimmer of what a life without pain would be like. It is three weeks today since the surgery. And I wish I could say I felt good as new!
What I hope for tonight is to sleep well. I took some sleeping pills already, in the hopes that I might get to sleep earlier than 3:00am.

Last night was an amazing Buddhist meeting at my house. We had five guests! It was such incredible exciting. Everyone could feel it! We all explained how we all possess the power of the universe, and it is up to us to draw it forth. It all makes so much sense! We had two youth at the meeting and three women from my neighborhood. I hope all our guests give this life-changing practice a try!