Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day Filled With Gratitude for my Sons!

Me and my two wonderful sons. 

Aaron just graduated from the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana. He was graduated from the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the division of Molecular and Cellular Biology with Distinction. After this, as I've mentioned before, he goes on to Loyola Medical School at the end of July. 

My younger son Ben just finished his first year at Miami of Ohio. He's on a running scholarship there. 

On Wednesday we leave for California on what I am calling "Aaron's Victory Lap". We will see my Buddhist mentors and our dear friends. We will travel our whole stomping ground....from the Bay Area to LA to Aliso Viejo and Soka University. I am bringing my computer and will continue to blog from California...just like I did when I travelled there two years ago. 

What words can possibly describe the joys of motherhood? 

I, along with their father, brought these two beautiful, loving beings into existence. 

And from then on I have concentrated my daimoku and energy in the direction of their happiness, their development, their growing faith and their happiness. Yes. I said happiness twice. I think happiness is the most important of all. 
So many things flow from happiness! 

And right now my heart is filled with gratitude....
gratitude for knowing 
these these young men are kind, thoughtful men...
these young men know the law of cause and effect...
never bullied each other...
never bullied others...
they would never start a war...
they are sweet, loving...
know what they want...
and how to get it...
they can stand up for themselves
and for others...
they are intuitive...
talented in brain-power
mentors to others...
and wonderful and thoughtful and appreciative of their parents, and grandparents and all the goodness around them in the world. 
They can chant to make a better life...
and a better world for their children...
What could be better than this. 

Oh, Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Unconditional Love and Appreciation

Today, May 10th is a great day to summon all the appreciation in your heart and chant to expand your capacity for feeling and expressing appreciation. 

Those who can fully appreciate, always attract more and more and more to appreciate. 

I believe developing appreciation is like developing every other spiritual muscle. The more you focus on it, the more it increases. 

Yesterday we had a powerful and wonderful meeting of Soka Gakkai members at my house. And I also received beautiful roses. I have so much to appreciate!

But I must focus on developing even deeper appreciation as well! 

Today I chanted once more to break my ties to my familiar sufferings and I vowed to increase my capacity for joy and appreciation! I vowed once again to be happy and joyful and to show every moment what is possible in life. 

We are Buddhas. 

Joy can be ours. 

Focus on bringing joy into your life. Do what makes you feel good. Bring smiles to people's faces and you will experience more and more joy. Remember, what we focus on increases. Let's all focus on joy and happiness today!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What if you get bored with your own prayer?

It happens. 

Sometimes you have a specific prayer...and for awhile you have so much fire behind that prayer and then suddenly POOF that prayer is no longer so firey and meaningful.... and your mind is thinking of other things when you sit down to chant.

What do you do? 

This is an awesome time to chant for others. 

Chant for your friends...for your family...for the members in your district, for the people you haven't even met who are suffering. Chant for the country...for the planet...for everyone you dislike and every one you love. use this time to chant for others and fire up your prayer. 

Time spent in front of the Gohonzon is so precious!

Don't waste a minute!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Experience! And do you have an experience to share?

I received a request from a reader to post some more experiences. My pleasure! 
I will post some of mine, and 
I would love to share YOUR experiences. 
Please send them - and send a picture if you can. 

Experience finding a job ~ and of changing career karma!:

As some of you know I have been practicing since 1985. I was living in San Francisco. I had a BA in Creative Writing from Drake University and a flair for communication, but other than that, no real job skills. One of my first prayers was to get a job. Within a few weeks of chanting I got a job I enjoyed, and over the next few years experimented with several different kinds of jobs. Then I got a job in a great location with what looked like nice people and it turned out the owner was kind of a monster. He constantly yelled at the lovely saleswoman, who was also his live-in girlfriend. It was truly a bizarre situation. He'd swear at her really abusively, using words I'd never heard anyone say out loud.

I realized I had a profound opportunity to change my karma. I knew that the only reason this was manifesting in my life was because of my own karma. I didn't try to analyse it...I just chanted a full hour every morning and poured my energy into doing shakubuku, going to meetings, helping new members learn to chant, studying about Buddhism and chanting strongly to to change this bad-boss karma forever. I also began  contributing financially to the Soka Gakkai as a way of showing my appreciation and a cause for building financial fortune. 

I chanted with determination that I was drawing a line in the sand...and NEVER AGAIN would bad-boss karma appear in my life. I chanted to show actual proof to everyone I knew that this practice works...and to have a tremendous breakthrough....and day after day he was still yelling and I was still chanting. It did not change overnight, but my determination remained rock solid. I knew I could change this karma because I had the ultimate tool to make it happen. I chanted Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

And gradually I summoned the courage to confront this man and tell him how destructive his behavior was. There were a few moments where we were alone and I quietly told him his behavior really disturbed me and the others in the small office. And there were a few times I actually stopped him in the middle of his ranting. Gradually he stopped yelling.

I stayed there a few more months then left to get the best job I'd ever had. All the fortune I'd built by chanting to break this karma, and chanting for the happiness of all the people in the office manifested in my new job!

In July of 1987 I began working for the Bay Guardian Newspaper in San Francisco. I discovered that my "flair for communication" could bring in great financial fortune as I sold ad after ad after ad. I loved this job and bought my first house because my income kept increasing and increasing! When I decided to have my first child, I arranged to work only three days a week while earning the same high income (because I earned so much on commission) and I kept this job for many years. Both my boys were born while I had this job and worked only three days a week making a great living. 

I am certain that all the daimoku I chanted while on the job with the nasty boss went deep into my life to give me good job karma forever. Taking responsibility for what befalls us and chanting to cut it out at the roots is they key of this practice! That is how you change your karma!

Since then I've had many jobs I've loved. I moved back to Chicago to raise my Buddha Boys. I worked for the Chamber of Commerce and started the first Women in Business Roundtable group in the Western Suburbs. I decided I wanted to work with seniors and easily networked myself into a job with Sunrise Senior Living. Then I was recruited by another senior living community for three times what I was making at Sunrise. 

When the economy hit the senior living field I was laid off and went to California to visit my friends for almost a month. I returned to confront the fact that the pain in my leg was not going away by any of the healing techniques I had been trying for several years, and I had surgery. When I was ready to work again I had an explosive experience in finding a new one. 

On January 15th of 2010 I decided I would determine to get a job by February 27th, the Women's Victory Meetings. I chanted to the Gohonzon that I HAD to show actual proof to my blog readers, my district, my friends and my family. I had also decided to switch careers and work in the field of education...not easy to do in good times, much less in a recession. But I had Nam Myoho Renge Kyo! I began interviewing for several jobs in senior living I really didn't want...but I thought "this is a cause for my new job" and I kept chanting. 

On the weekend before the women's victory meeting my prayer rose to new heights. 

have always been inspired by the Gosho "On the Buddha's Behavior" where Nichiren Daishonin is being taken off to be beheaded and he stops at the statue of Hachiman and literally yells at the God. He tells him "YOU vowed to protect me! If I am beheaded I will report you when I die!" It is so powerful. 
So I chanted and I yelled in my head ~ to my life! To the Buddhist Gods on the Gohonzon which are in my life! I Chanted: 
It was the roar of the lion. It had to happen. 

That Monday I got an email from the woman who had eventually replaced me at my last position. Ironic. I know! It was for a job representing a health college in community outreach. Shazammm!!! I knew this was it! I had to jump through many hoops and design a presentation (which was a snap because I'd bought myself a sleek new Macbook Air). 

At the women's Victory meeting I reported my victory and I've enjoyed working for this system of colleges ever since. I have a wonderful boss. And I've had great bosses for many years...

You CAN change your karma! You just have to realize that it is yours to change and wield the great sword of your prayer!!!!

Nothign is more powerful than chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Commemorative Statue for Peace

Commemorating Daisaku's Experience in Lincoln Park in 1960

In October of 1960 Daisaku Ikeda set out from Japan with a mision to create world-wide Kosen Rufu. In October of that year he was in Chicago's Lincoln Park. He witnessed a scene that touched him and further solidified his commitment to world peace. There were a bunch of white boys playing ball, and an older white man looking on. A young African American boy watched for awhile then asked if he could join in.  The white kids and the adults made him clear he wan't welcome, just because of his skin color, and he ran off, sad. 

President Ikeda made this vow in his heart to the little boy:

"I promise you 
that I will build a society 
truly worthy 
of your love and pride." 

The original statue stands in Lincoln Park. It is of two boys, white and black, playing together happily. 

I can say for sure that within the Soka Gakkai we have accomplished Daisaku Ikeda's goal. Chicago used to be known as the most segregated city in America. I'm not sure if that is still the case, but I can tell you we are all one happy family of many races in the Buddhist Center. Here you will see people of all races, from many countries joining together to create peace on the planet. 

One day, it is all of our hope, that this same harmony can exist for all, everywhere. 

A few years ago the Mayor's Assistant came for a visit on a Sunday morning and could not believe what she was witnessing. She remarked that Sunday morning is the absolute most segregated time in Chicago, yet there we were, a rainbow of colors. She just stood on the stage looking out as us and did we do it? I'll never forget her visit, and how proud I was, and am to be part of an all-inclusive organization. 

How can a real organization aimed at peace, education and culture be anything but all inclusive? We include all lifestyles and sexual orientations as well. Why not? We are all people seeking peace and happiness for ourselves and others. Everyone is included in that. Everyone. 

The Soka Gakkai is a gathering of noble individuals dedicated to the happiness of each person bringing about the happiness of all. You can find the SGI center in all major cities. If you're not a part of it yet, do yourself a favor and call your local center. Your new friends, and new life awaits! (And do not have to give up your religion, or your beliefs to chant!)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

What if You are dealing with illness?

I received a question from a reader who's illness has gotten worse since she started chanting. 

She was asking for confirmation that she should keep chanting, even though facing these concerns. 

Today I atended a lecture at the Chicago Buddhist Center by Linda Johnson. She talked about many things, health included. I'll paraphrase a bit here. 

She said May is a time for us to reaffirm our mission to be able to demonstrate the power of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo in our own lives in order to encourage others. 

Transforming our own destiny has nothing to do with anyone or anything outside of our own lives. It is something that we have to change from within. 

Nichiren Daishonin was a revolutionary during his time, and he is still a revolutionary NOW because he tells us to look within to solve our problems, not to look outside ourselves. 

Everything operates on the strict law of cause and effect. Everything around us, all the people, the job, everything, no exception (including illness) is operating on the law of cause and effect. And we have to realize that we have caused the effects we see in our lives today. But don't get upset and close your computer and run away when I tell you this! Understanding this fact is the only way that you will get mastery over your life!

All you have to do is OWN that you, living lifetime after lifetime, made the causes that have you in the place you are right now....with whatever sadness, sickness, loneliness, etc. You need to own your karma....only THEN can you make the deep determination to change it. 

But! Very important to KNOW! ~
Owning your karma is not the same as BLAME, GUILT, SHAME. Do not think of it as your FAULT...and above all, do not waste your time analyzing it and trying to figure it out. DON'T DO IT! IT WON'T GET YOU ANYWHERE!!!

All you need to do is recognize the interconnectedness of life, and see that the one common denominator in all your problems is YOU. And with that knowledge and power...YOU can change it! There is nothing Nam Myoho Renge Kyo can't change!!!!

Chant to get to the core of your karma...chant to reach into your life and uproot the karmic cause of suffering by the roots and dash it out of your body!!! 

Shut off your brain. Stop analyzing it! 

Just chant to change it! 

Pray to change it from a place you can use to encourage others. Chant "I must change this so I can be happy and my happiness will encourage others!!!"

About illness ~ Linda said chant to wake up every one of your cells to the power of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo... and send it through your entire body! She told a story about a woman whose son had lymphoma and the doctors had said he only had a short time to live. The mother chanted this way...sending Nam Myoho Renge Kyo through his bloodstream and now he is cancer free. 

You are powerful! 
Summon up the faith to change your karma. 
Please realize that chanting brings forth all you need to change to become happy, and change every single thing until you are happy and don't give up!! 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

On this Auspicious Night

Hello Wonderful Readers!

I'm writing this blog tonight to tell you that all-time readership went over 40,000 today...
 I am told that this day is the actual start of the real 
"Age of Aquarius."

 "Thank You!"

As always, this blog is for your benefit and happiness, and the happiness of those you love. 
Thank you for passing it on.
 Thank you for writing me...asking me questions and asking me to keep writing. 
Thank you for sharing your concerns, your benefits and happiness with me! 
You are to me, all treasures of the heart!