I'm continuing on a theme today
to help those of you who have written me
saying you are dealing with body image and weight issues.
I chanted with the sentiments of this PowerPrayer in my mind
and had strong determination to have a body I loved.
It worked for me it can work for you.
The way to use PowerPrayer is to read the words before your daily chanting, and throughout the day whenever you want to refresh your determination.
Then, when you are chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo you can focus your mind on absolutely winning in the area of your relationship with your body.
Don't give up!
From Julia and Jamie, (who have both achieved success in this area) from our upcoming book, The BuddhaZone, PowerPrayers for Chanting Your Way to happiness, we offer you:
PowerPrayer for Loving My Body into its Perfect Shape (for women)
to help those of you who have written me
saying you are dealing with body image and weight issues.
I chanted with the sentiments of this PowerPrayer in my mind
and had strong determination to have a body I loved.
It worked for me it can work for you.
The way to use PowerPrayer is to read the words before your daily chanting, and throughout the day whenever you want to refresh your determination.
Then, when you are chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo you can focus your mind on absolutely winning in the area of your relationship with your body.
Don't give up!
From Julia and Jamie, (who have both achieved success in this area) from our upcoming book, The BuddhaZone, PowerPrayers for Chanting Your Way to happiness, we offer you:
PowerPrayer for Loving My Body into its Perfect Shape (for women)
When you practice this PowerPrayer you will be receiving what we call “inconspicuous benefit.” You may not see its effects right away, but you will build strength over time and these words will become true.
My body feels great!
I am the perfect shape!
I easily cross my legs,
I am smaller than all my clothes,
I fit in all sorts of beautiful, sexy clothes!
For the first time, I am not hungry for the wrong foods.
I can eat anything I want - and I want what’s BEST for me.
I love my food and enjoy it!
I love my beautiful, sexy body!
I have a smooth, non-bloated tummy.
My belly is stronger and happier than ever.
My face shines with health and vibrancy.
I do not miss the unhealthy food I used to eat.
I have energy,
and a light in my eye!
I work out.
I breathe.
I am in the best physical shape of my entire life.
I look and feel much younger than my age.
My posture is improving daily because my self-esteem is rising
I am grateful to my own life
for having the courage,
and determination
to live my life HEALTHY.
Oh - Thank You!