Saturday, September 7, 2013

PowerPrayer for Happiness and Establishing a Strong Practice

Your Happiness starts with you, with your conviction, with your hope and with your power prayer. You can choose happiness in life. But it takes energy to do this! 

How much are you going to put into making your vision a reality? 

I'm getting a quite a few emails from people who want to change their lives, but are not able or willing to put in the effort that it takes to establish a strong practice. 

The Positive Psychologists talk about something called Activation Energy - that is the "start up" energy that is required get something started. Establishing your solid practice requires "Activation Energy" and once this is established you are, as I say, "on a roll". It will affect all areas of my life. But please, don't take my word for it. This is something you must DO to experience. 

I remember when I was concentrating on this activation energy. I knew that the more energy I put into my practice, the less energy I had to use in my daily life. Forcing myself to chant made the rest of the day flow. I had SGI members come and chant with me at night and in the morning for awhile to help me establish this rhythm. (Thank you Dolores and San Francisco members!) 

Here's what it takes: 
Strong Desire - write your goals
Connecting with the SGI, or having a desire to connect with the SGI and including this in your prayers. 
Keeping to a schedule (even if a bit flexible) of chanting twice a day every day. 
Studying the Gosho and President Ikeda's guidance and sharing this practice with others. 

This is the formula for happiness - and you can do it! 

No one can do this for you. You are the only one who can change your karma and the best thing is 
You CAN do this. 
You CAN be Happy

But you have to do it! No one can do it for you. Once you establish the daily rhythm you WILL notice a difference, unless you are eroding your life by constant complaining and "why me-ing". Find a way to replace the complaints in your mind with appreciation. Your practice will help you to do this. Your thoughts will turn to thoughts of appreciation naturally if you devote yourself to your practice, in other words, to your own life. 

Your happiness is incredibly important in so many ways. It is your birthright, it is your mission, and your happiness makes the world a better place. 

Of course your actions make a difference:

Smiling at another is a cause for your (and their) happiness. Do you know they've done tests and the people you smile at actually register a higher level of happiness just by being smiled at? And your brain registers happiness just by smiling. Isn't that wonderful? 

Power Prayer for Happiness:

I am determined to build a life of happiness! 
I am determined to chant every day - twice a day 
from now on! 
I am determined to use ALL my problems 
as fuel for creating victory in all areas of my life. 
I will be happy, healthy, successful 
and have great and fulfilling relationships! 
I am determined to strengthen my practice, 
to chant every day twice a day. 
I WILL do this.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Great Picture of Sensei He is waving to YOU ~

Meeting Sensei - Daisaku Ikeda, 
the President of the Soka Gakkai International

I will never forget this day. 

I will never forget the Spring of 1993 when Danny Nagashima was leading San Francisco. On New Year's Day he told us all he'd written more than 250 goals for himself. I followed his lead and made out my own huge list of goals and put the wish to meet Sensei personally. 

We were all chanting to bring him to San Francisco. We were part of a totally unified movement, led by Danny. 

The room for anyone to come and chant Daimoku at My Golden Palace of Kosen Rufu (the SF SGI center) was always full! 
We knew our Daimoku was working...we knew he was coming...we were all chanting for the highest life-conditions to welcome him. No one knew if we were actually going to see him or not, but we kept our spirits high. 

Right before President Ikeda was supposed to come we got word that his trip had been cancelled to San Francisco because of a pressing matter in another part of the world. I felt so connected to him. I ran to the center and threw myself into chanting for him. I chanted for whatever it was he was facing that was keeping him from San Francisco.  I told the Gohonzon "Join my prayer with his! Whatever is happening ~ add every ounce of my Daimoku to his!" I did not do this just so he would come to SF. I did it because I knew that if there was something important keeping him from coming...if it was important to Sensei, it was important to ME. I didn't have to know what it was. My prayer was his prayer. It was a pivotal moment for me of joining my prayer with my mentor's prayer. I chanted so strongly they all made me lead the Daimoku for the room. Energy was pouring out of me. 

And the next thing we knew his trip to SF was back on, but I was not going to have the opportunity to meet him. (For various reasons there were no large meetings planned)
I remember chanting in the center's Gohonzon room on another day knowing he was here, but I wouldn't see him....I called one of my "fathers" in faith and said "Amos - I really want to see Sensei!" and Amos Snell, my dear friend and mentor who was recently written up in the World Tribune for having marched with Martin Luther King, said "Chant to meet him. You want it? you chant for it!" And I thought OKAY! I went back in and chanted with all my heart to meet my mentor. 

I swear...a few minutes after I finished chanting I got a call from a friend telling me that Wednesday at 11:30 Sensei would be given the key to the city at the Civic Center. My prayer was answered. I went alone to City Hall. Only one other member was there. Caley Guida. We stood to the side and waited patiently, and did not interfere in any way. 

I will never forget watching Sensei come out of the car at the steps of City Hall. The Soka Gakkai flag was flying above him from the building.  
I anticipated that he would move pretty know...a man on a mission. Goodness knows I spent a lot of my life racing around. But he moved slowly. He stepped out...looked up...saw the flag and opened his arms wide, put his head back and took in the vision of the flag flying from the San Francisco City Hall. Writing this now, tears are coming into my eyes at the memory of that sight. He took the moment to take it in. He did not hurry. He took it in. 

He went in and up the big steps inside, accompanied by his aids and translator. Caley and I went in and stood to the side, quietly getting to know each other. After a time he slowly descended the steps and stopped to comment on a bust in the foyer. 

Then as he was walking towards us, he looked at us and waved. I felt him say "You can do it. YOU can do it!" It wasn't until days later that I found out Caley had taken a picture of the moment. It is the best photo I have ever seen of him...and he is looking directly at me...and all of us. I decided I would spread this picture far and wide...because he was waving to us all. 

At this crucial time ~ today!~ we must be strong, stand for a world without war and chant for kosen rufu. 
I am going back to chant my second hour for Kosen Rufu and for you all to achieve all of your dreams and overcome the karmic suffering that you chose as your mission to overcome this lifetime. We are all in this together. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo my dear friends in faith.

Please email the link to this story, and email the picture:;postID=2787257294059721786

There is also a facebook button you can use at the bottom of this post, and every post. Email me your experiences and questions. Thank you so much for forwarding the link to this blog! 

Guest Posting From Bubbles Sabharwal

Bubbles Sabharwal

I joined the practice in 2005 and know I was a bodhisattva from many lifetimes ago. I am a theatre director with two theatre companies, one that works with children and one with adults. I am a published writer with Penguin (Tomorrows Promise, contemporary fiction), and Scholastic (The Curse of the Broken Step, an adventure story for 8-10 year olds. Fusing history with fiction) I write a column with the Financial Chronicle which is about the "Business of Life" i.e. mystically value creation. I acted in a popular film, "No One Killed Jessica". I am one part writer, another part actress, another part mother, one part wife,one part businesswoman, but these are merely parts, the whole is NMRK. A foot soldier of the Law.

Today I went for an activity and a member said a lovely line "Focus on faith and Karma will sort itself out."
Focus on faith, strength will come, strength to challenge karma and karma will get sorted out. In the process you grow from strength to strength (those are my words!!!).
and only 73 days to Nov 18th when victories must ring across the countries...we MUST break through shackles and obstacles and chant with a do-or-die passion to change our lives. i.e. become happier!!!
Hugs, and much love from a hot hot country! (India)

"As long as we pray earnestly and sincerely with all our being, if we have strong and genuine faith, even though results may not be immediately visible, they will definitely manifest without fail in generations of our children and our children's children. I would like all of you to have absolute confidence in this."
Daisaku Ikeda

"Success, is not a matter of accumulating more of this or that; it is not measured in quantity. It means changing the quality of your life. Wealth, power, fame and knowledge alone cannot make you happy, no matter how much you acquire. Nor can you can them with you when you die. But by improving the quality of your life you will at last approach true happiness."
Daisaku Ikeda

"Believers in the Lotus Sutra should fear those who attempt to obstruct their practice more than they fear bandits, burglars, night raiders, tigers, wolves, or lions—even more than invasion now by the Mongols."

(WND 495) Letter to the Brothers
Written to Ikegami Munenaka and Ikegami Munenaga on April 16, 1275


"Overcoming the four sufferings of birth, old age, sickness and death is not just a matter of theory. We mustn't move away from the issues of how we can lead healthy, fulfilling and long lives, and how we can die without suffering. Buddhism teaches the wisdom that enables us to do this."
Daisaku Ikeda

Shin'ichi gazed at the white, ruined pillars of the Forum as they glistened in the sunlight, astonished that these buildings, crumbling though they might be, had stood for some two thousand years. No doubt the ancient Romans had built and designed each of their monuments to last for eternity, aiming also for the highest aesthetic beauty.
Shin'ichi was deeply determined that the Grand Reception Hall (Daikyakuden) and the Grand Main Temple (Sho-Hondo) that would be built at the head temple in the future would also endure for two or three thousand years, that they would be strong and at the same time endowed with both aesthetic beauty and the brilliance of humanity.
The party returned to their hotel and, after dinner, discussed further personnel appointments for Soka Gakkai activities in Europe...
After the meeting, Shin'ichi returned to the Roman Forum, accompanied by the other members in his party. He had wanted to take some time for quiet reflection while strolling through the ruins at night. A beautiful full moon illuminated the massive pillars with its cool blue light. In the stillness of night, the Forum had an impenetrable air not evident in the daytime.
It probably never occurred to the ancient Romans that their proud empire might one day perish. Shin'ichi thought to himself. Prosperity and decline are an inescapable part of human existence. Only a little more than 500 years after it began, imperial Rome, which all had thought would last forever, disappeared with the disintegration of the Western Roman Empire.
But Nichiren Daishonin wrote, "If Nichiren's compassion is truly great and encompassing, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo will spread for ten thousand years and more, for all eternity." (MW-4, 272). The Mystic Law is eternal. LIkewise, peace and prosperity for humanity that is built upon the foundation of the Mystic Law must also endure for eternity. The Mystic Law can be described as a great spiritual realm where humanity has triumphed over the domination of military might and authoritarian power.
The Soka Gakkai's mission was to build this great spiritual realm - the Land of the Mystic Law - in the heart of each individual, and to construct there an Eternal City of human harmony. To open the door to a new, more hopeful, future for humanity, this had to be achieved. Vowing to accomplish this as he gazed up at the moon over Rome, Shin'ichi silently composed a poem in his mind:

Standing here
In the ruins of Rome
I am convinced
The Land of the Mystic Law
Shall never perish

(Vol. 5, Joy 124-125)

From Jamie: 
Thank you so much Bubbles! It was our great benefit to have you here in the Chicago Area at our meetings this spring! We wish you a speedy return here! 
If any readers want to guest post, please send your submission, a bio and a picture to me at Experiences and questions are always welcome as well. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Chanting for Kosen Rufu

I just finished today's first hour of chanting just for kosen- rufu. I felt totally connected to my own power... the power we all possess...the power of the universe....Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.

How do we define Kosen rufu? 

In Faith into Action, pages 226-230 there are many quotes from Sensei on Kosen Rufu. Here are a few:

"A Buddha holds others in the highest regard; the ability to do so is the Buddha's intrinsic virtue. Kosen-rufu means promulgating this attitude of respect for human beings." page 227

"Joy is no simply your personal, egoistic happiness. Nor is it making others happy at the expense of your own happiness. You and others delighting together, you and others becoming happy together - this is the Mystic law and the wondrous thing about our realm of kosen-rufu. The Daishonin states, "Joy means that both oneself and others have wisdom and compassion." p. 227

"Our spirit changes our being. It changes our lives. Why does the Buddha have an indestructible, diamond-like life? Shakyamuni explains it is because he has steadfastly and thoroughly protected the true law. Having a strong spirit for kosen-rufu enables us to develop diamond-like lives." p. 228


"Those who struggle to the full extent of their abilities now, at this time, will also gain eternal honor. Imagine 100 or 200 years hence when our descendants proudly say. "Think of it, my ancestors devoted their lives to kosen-rufu in this area." p. 228

As I was chanting, I kept the intention for kosen-rufu in my mind while visions of kosen-rufu came tumbling into my mind's eye...a world of respect for all beings, happy people smiling at one another, no weapons poised for war, people speaking in loving tones with loving, glowing hearts and minds. 
As I was chanting for kosen-rufu I could feel my prayers activating the gears of the universe. I felt myself and all the Buddhist deities, all pulling...all heading for what is good, and true and right. Occasionally some other thoughts entered my mind, my family smiling, all of you facing the Gohonzon with happiness and appreciation in your hearts...

And as I was chanting I was releasing my concerns...all the things on my list...all my desires... and just enjoying this feeling that everything will be taken care of...and that somehow, in this one prayer for the happiness of all beings, that everything I need will just be taken care of...and the wisdom to take the most correct action will flow into my life...and I will take it...advancing always. 

I wish you a glorious day full of love and light and laughter. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Faith is to Fear Nothing!

Starting Anew in September

September is the time of new beginnings. It's back to school time, back to business time, back to life time. It is a time for each of us to re-envision our lives, our outcomes, our dreams. It is the time for each of us to create the plan for our lives, and re-set our determinations towards November 18th. 
It is important not just to chant, but also to take action. Today I am setting my list of action items, and I just chanted 2 hours for the wisdom to make them happen. 
This weekend we attended the World Peace Prayer meeting in downtown Chicago. One of the speakers said he chanted all year just for Kosen Rufu...that has been his prayer. He has lost 60 pounds and accomplished many of his goals. He said that within the prayer for Kosen Rufu is the prayer for everything your heart desires. Within the prayer for shakubuku is embedded the prayer for everything you want for yourself and others. 

This morning I was chanting for each one of you to tap into exactly what you want...and to draw the power of the Gohonzon from within your life more powerfully than you ever have before. All of us have such potential for world peace, for our own happiness, and to create brilliant shining lives in those around us. 

Today, September 3rd I am chanting or peace on earth, for Kosen Rufu, and the Universal Prayer for the Happiness of all. 
I hope you are persevering with your Worldwide Million Daimoku Campaign, and welcoming every storm that comes your way. I hope you are standing up to what is unacceptable in your life and vowing to change it once and for all  ~  for your own sake ~ for the sake of your family and for all who will come after you. 
We are the proud and strong Soka Gakkai Buddhists making a stand for happiness with the power within our own lives. Be proud. Be strong.  Tap into the vast reservoir of power within your own life and banish fear forever from your life! We stand together!