Sunday, March 16, 2014

March 16th ~ When the Youth Accepted the Mission of Kosen Rufu

I love that quote above by Daisaku Ikeda.

On march 16th 6,000 youth came from every corner of Japan - at a moment's notice to rise in all their glory and accept the torch of Kosen Rufu from Josei Toda before he died. The disciples showed up in the morning. In the rain. In the cold. To say YES We will fight for Kosen Rufu! We will take what you have given us. We will show the proof of your teaching and we will change the world. We owe so much to these young, strong, visionary young men. And the BEST way we can show our appreciation is to continue to introduce and foster the youth. It is up to all of us!

From the SGI:

March 16 is a symbolic day for Soka Gakkai and SGI members, commemorating the occasion on March 16, 1958, when Josei Toda, second president of the Soka Gakkai, then in frail health, made an impassioned speech to 6,000 Soka Gakkai youth, entrusting them with the responsibility for the future of the Soka Gakkai and its efforts to contribute to the creation of a peaceful world and promote understanding of the humanistic philosophy of Nichiren Buddhism. In particular, Toda's closest follower, Daisaku Ikeda (current SGI President), took on this responsibility, eventually becoming the third president of the Soka Gakkai in 1960 at the age of 32 and helping to develop the Soka Gakkai as a movement promoting peace, culture and education.
Toda passed away on April 2, 1958, just two weeks after the March 16 gathering, confident that his efforts would be continued by the youth in whom he had great trust. The previous year, on September 8, 1957, he had issued a Declaration Calling for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons at a meeting of 50,000 Soka Gakkai youth at Mitsuzawa Stadium in Yokohama, calling on those present to take responsibility for carrying on the struggle against these inhumane weapons which he termed a threat to humanity's right to live.
March 16 is now viewed within the Soka Gakkai and the SGI as a day of new departures, "of eternal beginnings and perpetual hope." It is also an occasion for focusing on fostering capable youth.
Mr. Ikeda has stated, "It is a time when people renew their profound resolution to accomplish kosen-rufu, a time when they put their minds together and make a fresh start." The Japanese phrase kosen-rufu is often interpreted as "world peace through individual happiness." It signifies a vision of social peace brought about by the widespread acceptance of core values such as unfailing respect for the dignity of human life. On an individual level, it involves the construction of a state of life of indestructible happiness through a process of "human revolution" or inner-motivated change. On a broader societal level, it means building a peaceful society through contribution to their families and local communities made by individuals who are actively transforming their own lives.
Around the world, SGI members celebrate March 16 by holding commemorative meetings led by youth members. This spirit is also carried on by the youth members of SGI through various peace-related initiatives, such as the following:

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Commanding Your Life, A Great Gosho Passage

Every month the Living Buddhism Magazine( published by the SGI and available by calling 800-835-4558) has some of my favorite Gosho passages of all time. 

In the 2013 February edition, Nichiren Daishonin has been persecuted by the government and is being taken away to Tatsunokuchi Beach to be beheaded. On the way, he sees a stature of Hachiman, one of the Buddhist Deities which are functions within our own lives. 

He makes the entourage stop so he can address the statue. 

What I love about this is that he basically yells at the Buddhist God and says you had better show your support to me RIGHT NOW because that is the pledge you made. If I die I will report you! Of course, when Nichiren is taken to the beach to be beheaded, a huge orb comes out of the sky lighting up the faces of his would-be assassins, they all run scared, and he is saved from death. 

The point I like to make is Nichiren's indignant attitude when he addresses the statue. We can all have pray like this in front of our own Gohonzons with fury and with fire. 

We can all summon this fiery attitude at the crucial moment - we are ALL dignified votaries of the Lotus Sutra, we can all command the fundamental forces that are within our lives and represented on the Gohonzon. 

Here is the passage: 

'Great Boddhisatva Hachiman, are you truly a god?...Now I, Nichiren, and the foremost votary of the Lotus Sutra in all of Japan, and am entirely without guilt. I have expounded the doctrine to save all the people of Japan from falling into the great citadel of the hell of incessant suffering for slandering the LotusSutra....When Shakyamuni Buddha expounded the Lotus Sutra, Many Treasures Buddha and the Buddhas and Boddhisatvas of the ten-directions gathered, shining like so many suns and moons, stars and mirrors. Int he presence of the countless heavenly gods as well as the benevolent deities and sages of India, China and Japan. Shakyamuni Buddha urged each one to submit a written pledge to protect the votary of the Lotus Sutra at all times. Each and every one of you gods made this pledge. I should not have to remind you. Why do you not appear at once to fulfill your solemn oath? ....If I am executed tonight and go to the pure land of Eagle Peak, I will dare to report to Shakyamuni Buddha, the lord of teachings, that the Sun Goddess and Great Boddhisatva Hachiman are the deities who have broken their oath to him. If you feel this will go hard with you, you had better do something about it right away!' (WND - 1, 766-67)

Daily Guidance by Daisaku Ikeda

13th March

NICHIREN DAISHONIN'S Buddhism teaches faith that is dedicated to
advancing kosen-rufu. Faith equals daily life. Therefore, as long as
we persevere in faith that is committed to kosen-rufu, it is possible
for us to be successful and victorious in our daily life and in
society, no matter what trying times we may find ourselves in at

YOU can make a defeat the cause for future victory. You can also make
victory the cause for future defeat. The Buddhism of Nichiren
Daishonin is the Buddhism of True Cause, the Buddhism of the present
and the future. We do not dwell on the past. We are always challenging
ourselves from the present towards the future.

THE truly valiant person tries to triumph over any situation, no
matter how unfavourable. Excuses are a mark of the weak. Buddhism is
victory, so we must triumph in the real world, all the while remaining
true to our convictions.

JUST as a tree that lived a thousand years last another thousand years
after it has been cut, happiness will continue and endure to the
extent that we suffer to attain it. We acquire blessings and merits to
the degree that we devote ourselves to Buddhist practice. Neither
clever schemes nor tactfulness will achieve anything. You must on no
account lead such a meaningless, frivolous life.

IT is our power of faith and power of practice that enables us to tap
the absolute and boundless power of the Buddha and power of the Law of
the Gohonzon. In this connection, your sincere, strong faith is most
important. Therefore, we should maintain ever-advancing faith and
practice throughout our life.Dail

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

3 Ways to Generate Appreciation Right Now!

Everyone knows that Appreciation is a sure path to happiness, right? And we should generate appreciation every day. It is one of the keys to happiness and longevity and fulfillment. I'm researching Blue Zones, the areas where people live the longest and most fulfilling lives, and appreciation is a certain thread running through them all. 
Sometimes we need some ideas for generating appreciation. Enjoy!   

3 keys to Generating Appreciation 
Right Now, on this Very Fine Day. 
By Jamie Lee Silver from 

Write your own 
Rampage of Appreciation.
Take out your journal or a notepad. 

At the top of each page write these headlines (and any more that occur to you):

What I appreciate about:

My body
My heart
My mind
My practice of Buddhism
My friends
My work
My "things"
My Family
My country, city, home
My relationship(s)

And under each category write everything you appreciate (or everything you CAN appreciate) about these aspects of you life. 


...the name of the rhythm of life itself, with your heart full of appreciation. Take note of what arises from your chanting about actions you might want to take to express your appreciation. 

Write at least ONE heartfelt thank you note to someone you appreciate, and bring it to them. Write as many as you can, and send or deliver. I recommend hand-delivering them. In "Flourish", by Martin Seligman, he writes that people who hand deliver notes of appreciation experience a glow of happiness that can last for months. 

Look at us ~ spreading the joy! 

Write me at if you have comments about how this worked for you. 

Daily Guidance by Daisaku Ikeda


12th March

FAITH is not for anyone but yourself – it is all for you. Working to spread the Daishonin's teachings, devoting yourself to chanting daimoku, and studying doctrine while you are young are all tasks that will transform your life into a garden of blessings and merits.

BRINGING forth one's wisdom and breaking through deadlocks in difficult or trying times is precisely the kind of challenges that allows us to cultivate strong conviction and depth of character. In a life of nothing but fair skies and tranquil seas, we cannot hope to forge great conviction or outstanding strength of character.

HAVING intense emotions enables you to understand the feelings of others. It is not a bad thing to be passionate, but if it is driven by egotism and hurts others, it can be dangerous. The point is, you must have self discipline. And that comes from chanting daimoku, from developing a strong life force.

THERE are many paths in life. Paths leading to celebrity. Paths leading to fame. Paths leading to high social standing. And the list goes on. But where do we find the path to attaining Buddhahood? It is found only in efforts to expand the flow of kosen-rufu.

IT is vital that those in positions of responsibilities proportionately deepen their faith; love and protect and guide others; and strive to progress one step further in their personal development. Remember that because you have seniors, you were able to open your eyes to faith yourself.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Daily Guidance by Daisaku Ikeda

NICHIREN DAISHONIN stated in the Gosho, "Neither the pure land and
hell exists outside ourselves; both lie within our own hearts." (MW2,
p 239) Everything depends upon one's inner life, or ichinen.
Therefore, what is important is one's heart. No matter how
unfavourable the situation, it can be transformed into "the pure land"
if you courageously address the problem by deciding that it is your
Buddhist practice to develop yourself.

YOU must always maintain a seeking spirit. "Seeking the way" in
Buddhism is an attitude that leads to profound happiness. Remember
that a spirit to always seek the Law for the sake of your daily
self-improvement is actual proof of your faith itself.

FAITH is the greatest of all treasures. Passing on correct faith to
your children is the surest way for both parent and child and for the
entire family as well, to walk the path of eternal happiness.

THE sun burns its own mass as fuel in order to illuminate the cosmic
darkness, bring its light to the moon and the planets. Similarly, the
courage of one individual who possesses a sprit that burns like the
sun will touch and inspire countless others. This is the unchanging
formula for achieving the spread of the Law, the most difficult of all

TO encounter persecution because of one's faith is in fact a wonderful
thing. It is precisely one struggles to overcome hardships that one is
able to create integrity. In an environment that is monotonous and
placid, stagnancy and degeneration may overtake vivacity. It is
because there are storms of great struggles that the blue sky of
existence opens up and fresh vigour wells forth in one's life.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Daily Guidance by Daisaku Ikeda

10th March
DETERMINED that "I will change my destiny" and that "I will have my
prayers fulfilled", please offer fresh prayers to the Gohonzon
everyday and adorn each page of your life with beautiful actual proof
of victory.

IT is in an individual's behaviour that the essence of Buddhism lies.
As you polish your character and personality through your faith, you
are expanding a circle of trust among the people around you. Please
remember that the development of kosen-rufu lies in the mundane
actions undertaken in one's immediate reality.

A person of courage views things calmly, and for this reason acquires
wisdom. A person of wisdom is able to discern future outcomes, and so
acquires courage. By the same process, we must strive to become people
of wisdom and courage.

BEING young means to possess the greatest wealth, even if one is
penniless. Hope, potential and limitless energy are the assets of
youth. You do not need to be in a hurry to own a nice home, or seek
status and position, or get rich quick. If you dedicate yourself
earnestly to your mission, everything you need for your life will come
to you naturally.

WHAT is important for leading a joyful life? Tolstoy constantly
stressed the importance of "correct faith". He said, "If you want to
be quiet and strong, work and improve your faith." Genuine faith is a
sword of belief and conviction that cuts through all sufferings; it is
a bright light of hope that illuminates darkness and confusion. None
led lives of greater strength and composure than you who base your
lives on faith dedicated to truth and justice.