How do we have Power-FULL Daimoku?
I'm having a blast here in Florida. This place is all I ever longed for and MORE. I'm headed to my first planning meeting right now...Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!
I'm having a blast here in Florida. This place is all I ever longed for and MORE. I'm headed to my first planning meeting right now...Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!
Every day is a new challenge.
Every day we wake into our glorious lives, that sometimes don't feel so glorious.
Every day we have the chance to begin anew.
Every morning,
every moment
is "Hon-nim-myo" ~
from this moment forth.
This blog is for you. I do not express the official voice of the SGI, only the official voice of this one practitioner, myself, who longs for the happiness of all people!
Fresh Determination
for a Power-FULL Happy Day!
By Jamie Lee Silver from
Today I embrace you at every moment
The wisdom I am creating, right now,
through every Nam-myoho-renge-kyo I chant
pours through me every moment this day.
Every moment is in rhythm
Every moment I am in exactly the right place
at the right time
Seeing through the eyes of the Buddha I AM!
I make a difference in every life I touch
The right words come at the right time.
My warm heart shines
My confidence shines
I feel the love of those around me
I feel my love for myself, for my warm and wonderful self!
I create an environment that appreciates me
as I appreciate it!
My brilliant future is assured
without me having to worry about it or strategize.
I fuse my life force with Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and the spirit of my mentor Daisaku Ikeda.
Together I renew my vow to change myself first, so that this will become a peaceful, respectful world!
I am creating my future as I lovingly love my present!
Here are some goals I am visualizing:
Some kind of way
I am showing proof of this marvelous practice
at every moment!
Some kind of way
the people I am chanting for
will be happy and healthy!
I chant for ___________________
their health and happiness and stability!
their ability to tap into their practice and get results!
their strong life force!
their mission for kosen-rufu!
For ______________________________
to be inspired and come to the meeting!
This is a great day!