Monday, January 17, 2011

Ready to start chanting?

Here are a few tips for chanting:

1. Breathe when you need to! Don't skip breathing. Take as long a breath as you need to and hop back into the rhythm of your chant.

2. The words are pronounced

NAHM MEYO HO RAIN GAY KEYO. (all Os are long Os)

When you chant it should be in a steady rhythm like the sound of horses running. You can change pitch occasionally, but it usually works best to stay steady on one pitch for a while.

3. You can just print out the words at first and read them.

4. After a while you can start thinking about what you want in your life...after you get the hang of the chant itself.

5. Go to the Website right away and find your local culture center...or call the national center and find someone in your area who chants. SGI Buddhists are everywhere. This person will be so happy you called and will really help you learn to chant.

6. Pick a spot in your house to chant. make it one where you feel really comfortable, and not a place that people will be walking through all the time...unless this is your only option.

7. make your list of what you want to see happen in your life. Date it.

8. Chant at least 5 minutes a day - every morning and afternoon.

9. Go to as many Buddhist meetings as you can.

10. Watch your life fully blossom into the sweetest, most beautiful life you always wanted. Go YOU!

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