Friday, December 30, 2011

When You're Really Hurting, part 2

Study Hard! 

Study the it with your life. 
My favorite book is "On Attaining Buddhahood." 

It contains the Gosho and the complete commentary of Daisaku Ikeda. 

I am reading it with new eyes. 

When you are suffering:
Study and chant and do shakubuku. 

That's what I'm doing right now....studying...chanting till I am hoarse...
determining to  turn poison into medicine RIGHT NOW and forever change my karma. 

I am more determined than ever. 

Remember you prayer is a vow not a request. You are the Buddha and you are entitled to be happy. Seriously. You are the Buddha and you are doing the Buddha's work. Your life should be overflowing with happiness. Don't let yourself and those you love down. Chant harder, stronger, and more vibrantly than ever...especially when you are in pain. Don't doubt in the slightest. DO NOT give in to the negative voices in your head that tell you it's no use. 
I am familiar with those voices...they say "I have suffered from this particular suffering for so is just who I am it will never change" DO NOT LISTEN TO THAT VOICE. It is only the cry of the innate darkness in your life trying to hold you back. 

You HAVE THE GOHONZON (and if you don't, for heaven's sake chant for one and get it!) You are the votary of the Lotus Sutra. YOU DESERVE TO BE HAPPY!!! 

Determine to change poison into medicine, to forever change your suffering, to raise your life-condition so high that you will not suffer. 

Times of suffering are your crucial moment. Will you give in to your own negativity or will you wield the sword of faith? 

It is up to you.

It is entirely up to you!

1 comment:

  1. I read some guidance recently that said, and this very loose, that when an aspect of our karma is about to be completely changed/burnt out, it will often flare up for one last time....I've been re-reading your blog from 2009, and you have fought like crazy, I just know you are nearly there!

    I'm so very inspired by the sharing of your puts rocket fuel in my daimoku!

    Thank you Jamie, you are in my prayers.
