Thursday, July 26, 2012

A Reader Gets Her Gohonzon!!!

This is a post from Tania Talwar who lives in Delhi. 
Tomorrow she will be receiving her own Gohonzon (Scroll inscribed by Nichiren Daishonin ~ it represents the highest life condition possible...the life condition that is inside of us that we access through chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!) She is receiving it through the BSG in Delhi. The BSG ( is the Indian name of the organization that is also known as the SGI International. For more information on how to connect with the life of Buddhism, meet many new friends and receive your own Gohonzon visit the website to find the links to your local members.  

Here are Tania's words for you:

Thank you Jamie for giving me the opportunity to share something..

In 5 years of my practice, I never felt the urgency to get the Gohonzon. Because I had members all around, I would go to their place and chant in front of their Gohonzon.

Then one day I read Sensei's guidance. It said- Helping someone enshrine their Gohonzon is an event as wonderful as bringing Nichiren Daishonin to their home.

This quote really really encouraged me and I chanted very strongly that I should have my Gohonzon, my lifelong treasure with me.

And so I applied for it.

Then came the task of making a Butsudan (altar). I sincerely chanted that I should save my money and should get a beautiful altar made. To my surprise one of the fellow member gifted me her altar.(as she wanted to make a new one for herself)
I was so happy to receive it. Such a beautiful butsudan!!

In this phase I recognised many weaknesses of mine. The first step to overcome any weakness is to first recognise them, have the courage to accept it first. And I know myself, I will clean and polish my life with my gohonzon coming in my life!!

One of my leader told me that Gohonzon is our heart and Butsudan is our body! How can we not respect and believe in ourselves??

The gohonzon conferral is tomorrow and ill be chanting abundant diamoku so that everything falls in the right place.. 

Thank you

Congratulations Tania! Tomorrow is a new birthday for you! I will write more about the care of the Gohonzon soon. Please remember that since it represents your own life, it is very important to take good care of it, protect it and keep the area around it clean. You now will have a 'home' within your 'home'!!! 


  1. Tania, congrats! I was at a new members meeting tonight and thinking that my time may soon come. Well, Im not officially a member, still a guest. I had a question for this blog that Jamie can answer. How does chanting affect our subconscious mind? Can it heal our subconsciousness so that we are able to behave differently? This came up in the meeting tonight and would love to see a post on it. Because there is so much talk about our subconscious thoughts sabotaging our lives in new age thinking and books. THANK YOU!!

  2. Usha Munshi
    I have received Gohonzon recently and am having Gohonzon Enshrinement Celebration tomorrow on January 2nd, 2016 and very excited about it.
