Has this ever happened to you?
Today I sat down at the Gohonzon all ready to have a great dialogue with my life in daimoku and my mind just jumped around so much I couldn't focus at all. Thoughts roamed through my head, but none of them were "prayers" really, they were just thoughts about the day before, the upcoming day, tomorrow, but they were not in the realm of prayer, the realm that I call "telling my life what I want."
I took a look at the recent publications from the SGI and they are just awesome. They improve with every issue. I really look forward to studying them in depth and sharing what I've learned. But now I want to chant...to dig in...to dialogue...not to just think random thoughts.
What do we do when it's so hard to focus while chanting?
Well I could just give up and say "I can't connect today..." But I can't let myself do that. I just can't. I have time to chant right now and I must use it! I have emails from you and I really want to be in a high life-condition to answer them. I am moving out of "having surgery mode" and back into life at full throttle - the life I love, exciting, fun, interesting, full of writing, learning and laughing.
So, I decided to spend the rest of this toso focusing on shakubuku. Goodness knows this world is in turmoil. We live in the age of Mapo and it seems like all the news is bad. So I am turning my prayer to reaching and meeting the people who are searching for this practice. My goal is to meet them, (or have them be someone I already know) and have the wisdom to say what they need to hear, invite them to a meeting and have one person receive Gohonzon this month.
My goal is also to have people find this blog, connect with the SGI (link is at the right!) and start chanting that way.
The next person I introduce to this practice may be someone I've spoken to for years, months, days. It may be someone I've just met who may have a best friend or family member who has been chanting for them for years, and my invitation is just what they need to reinforce a desire to practice.
I know one thing for sure....nothing makes me happier than introducing someone to this practice and watching their life change as they embrace it. One more person challenging life...one more person gaining the understanding that happiness comes from WITHIN...one more person fighting for kosen rufu makes a huge difference.
Chanting for shakubuku is a joy!
Doing shakubuku
is the fastest way for us to change our karma.
Every person practicing brings more joy into their life and into the lives of others!
If you have started practicing because of this blog I'd love to hear from you at chantforhappiness@gmail.com
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