Showing posts with label gongyo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gongyo. Show all posts

Friday, May 20, 2016

Gongyo is a Grand and Noble Rite, by Daisaku Ikeda

Gongyo is a Grand and Noble Rite: 

"I would like to take the opportunity provided by today’s training session of the youth division to present a succinct and easily comprehensible discussion of the significance of gongyo. Because of the limitations of time I cannot pursue the subject in all its details, so I would like all of you to consider and explore this topic on your own afterwards as well. 

Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism teaches that our existence is identical to the universe as a whole, and the universe as a whole is identical to our existence. Each individual human life is a microcosm. 

The practice of gongyo is a grand and noble rite to achieve the vital communication to the microcosm of each person’s existence with the universe, based on the Gohonzon. 

The correspondence of each part of our bodies to parts of the universe is proof that our existence is a microcosm. Our heads are round like the heavens above us are round, and our eyes are like the sun and the moon. We close them and open them, like day and night. Our hair shines like the sparkling stars. Our eyebrows are like the seven stars of the Big Dipper. 

Our breath is the wind, 
and the quiet breathing from our nostrils is like the still air of the valleys and dales. 

There are some 360 joints in the human body
 and they stand for the days of the year. 
The twelve major joints signify the twelve months. 

The warm, front side of our body — our abdomen and stomach — is spring and summer. The cold hard back is fall and winter. 

Our blood vessels and arteries are streams and rivers. 
When we suffer a cerebral hemorrhage, it is as if a dam or dike has burst. 
Our bones are stones, and our skin and muscle are like the earth. 
Our body hair is a forest. 
Buddhist scriptures discuss in detail these correspondences i
ncluding each of the internal organs, 
teaching that our body is indeed a universe in miniature. 

There are clouds in the heavens. The wind blows, the stars twinkle. There are oceans on earth. The rivers flow. Volcanoes erupt. And great quantities of metals and minerals — gold, silver, copper, potassium, calcium — lie in the earth’s depths. 

The activities and qualities of all these materials are also incorporated in our bodies. 

The infinite elementary particles of the cosmos — atoms, protons, photons, electrons, neutrons, and all the rest — microscopic animals such as bacteria, the activities of good and evil, and the laws of gravity, the conservation of mass and energy, and all other laws of the universe also apply in almost the same fashion to the microcosm of our bodies. 

A look at the operation of our bodies suggests that they are great pharmaceutical plants. They have the capability to produce the drugs we need to preserve our health. They take in food and transform it into nourishment and energy. 

The human brain has the capability of a giant computer — even though we may not always be able to use it! 

The sixty trillion cells of our bodies work together 
in their established order in a perfect biorhythm. This is the original order of things. 

The Great Law That Pervades Individual Existence and the Universe 
Our existence is the universe, and its life processes are sublime. A slight change in the heat of the sun will enormously affect not only the Earth but all the other planets. If the Earth’s rotation were to stop for the briefest instant, or if its axis were to tilt the slightest degree, all living things would be threatened with extinction. 

That is how subtle the natural order is. And further, a firm and irrevocable law of the universe exists. This holds true for the microcosm as well. 

It is science that pursues this invisible but truly existent law, and technology is the invention of machines and other devices based on the fruits of scientific research. 

Nichiren Daishonin discovered and awoke to the great law of all existence that underlies all the partial laws governing all spiritual and physical phenomena, and it was he who revealed that law to humanity as Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. This Mystic Law applies equally to the universe as a whole and to each and every individual human existence. The universe and the individual are one in this Mystic Law. 

Under certain circumstances, an invisible law takes form as a visible existence. The individual human existence, for example, emerges out of its state of fusion with the rest of the universe by taking shape in the womb and being born in the world. 

A ship can be regarded as a tangible representation of the law of buoyancy, just as an airplane is a representation of the laws of aerodynamics, a radio or television program a representation of the law of electromagnetic waves. All of these objects give shape to invisible laws. 

The fundamental law of the universe and individual existence is also invisible. The Daishonin inscribed the Gohonzon as a visual representation of that Mystic Law for the people of the world. The Lotus Sutra and other Buddhist scriptures are the instruction manuals for the Gohonzon. 

Josei Toda, my teacher and the second president of the Soka Gakkai, explained the Gohonzon in an easily comprehensible way as "a machine to produce happiness." 

When we practice gongyo and chant daimoku before the Gohonzon, our individual existence is perfectly harmonized with the universe. 

Both the universe and our individual existence are the concrete manifestation of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo as is the Gohonzon. That is why when we practice gongyo and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with faith in the Gohonzon, our existence and the universe mesh as perfectly as two gears, and with an initial creak begin to work together. 

The single life-moment (ichinen) of the individual becomes one with the three thousand (sanzen) factors and realms of the universe and begins to produce great value. This is the concrete practice of ichinen sanzen. 

Through that practice we can acquire wisdom and good fortune, 
and glow with the energy to overcome any obstacle throughout the four seasons, 
three hundred sixty-five days a year; 
we can enter the way to the eternal happiness 
and attain eternity, joy, true self and purity (jo raku ga jo). 

Gongyo is a practice 
which calls forth and activates 
the infinite power that the microcosm 
inherently possesses. 
It transforms your fate, 
breaks through any apparent dead end 
and converts sufferings into happiness. 
It creates a transformation, 
a revolution of the microcosm. 
It is a diagram in miniature of kosen-rufu in our lives. 

The kosen-rufu that is our aim is a movement to transform the universe, the Earth and human society into a world of peace, comfort and harmony in accord with the rhythm of the Mystic Law. 

The Practice of Attaining Buddhahood in This Lifetime, Which Leads to Eternal Happiness 
If you let an automobile or any other machine fall into disuse, it will rust and stop working correctly. You have to use it and maintain it regularly and properly. Why, the same thing is even true of the hair on our heads: If we don’t wash it regularly we’ll be encrusted with dandruff! 

Gongyo and chanting daimoku 
are like starting the automobile’s engine every day 
and driving in the direction of happiness and truth. 

By doing so day after day, you will gradually attain perfect unity with the universe and the Law. That state is the state of the Buddha. 

Once that has happened, you will be able to enjoy yourself with complete freedom for all eternity. Your existence will be a diamond that will never perish throughout the three existences. 

To attain Buddhahood in this life, the Daishonin warns us with firm concern that we must never retreat in our practice. 

Even though we may experience a period of sadness 
or depression, 
the principle that earthly desires are enlightenment 
teaches us that great sufferings 
are bound to be transformed 
into equally great joy, progress and value. 
There is nothing to fear, 
since the Gohonzon possesses 
the infinite power of the Law and the Buddha. 

We often say that strong faith, valiant and untiring practice and courageous acts are important. This is an expression of the truth that without a strong will and courageous practice it is impossible to achieve great things. 

You will not be able to communicate in a discussion with another unless you are clear and direct. If you lack the courage of your convictions and mumble vague things, you won’t make any impression on your listener. Nor can you strike a chord in his heart. And of course you will not be able to move or convince him. To do that you need to be very determined and sure.

Isn’t the same thing true of love? 

It’s certainly true in a job interview. Unless you present your thoughts clearly and forcefully, you won’t make any impression on the interviewer. In other words, mental determination and courageous actions can change any situation and they possess a critical capability to produce happiness. 

The Victory Song of Life Is to Be Found in Action 
To fly, a plane needs the extra push it gets by acceleration down a runway. To get good grades in school, you need the extra push of study before a test. 

Whatever you do, to achieve something better, to reach a higher level, you need a push. 

Buddhism teaches practice for oneself and practice for others. If either one is lacking, you cannot practice properly. 

The Gohonzon is the concrete manifestation of the very existence of Nichiren Daishonin, who taught kosen-rufu. Because of that, if you only practice gongyo and chant the daimoku and don’t take any other action for the sake of kosen rufu or improving your own life, the Gohonzon will not have its true, full effect. 

If, however, you take actions to achieve kosen-rufu, they will serve as that extra push for your own life and help you leap to higher and higher states of mind in your gongyo and chanting as well. 

And it is only natural that the energy you acquire through the gongyo practice for yourself will be channeled back into your activities for others, for kosen-rufu. 

The fact is that the practice of gongyo and your actions in service of kosen-rufu will become one, and together they will unlock the infinite power of the Mystic Law in your life. 

In Buddhism, practice is faith. That means action is faith, and without action there can be no true faith. The action I speak of is the way of practice for oneself and for others that is taught in Nichiren Daishonin’s writings. 

Action is the source of blessings and merits. In propagating the teachings, for example, whether the person you are presenting the teachings to arouses faith or not is his problem. The effects of our action of propagating will vary, depending on the person’s capacities and other conditions. 

There is no need at all to rejoice or lament over each effect. You can be proud that you have practiced the truest, most wonderful law of life in the universe to the best of your ability and go forward with your head held high. One who has acted for the sake of kosen-rufu is already a great victor in life. 

The words "the heads of those who cause affliction will be split in seven pieces" are written on the Gohonzon. 

This is a warning that it is wrong to seek to harm this law of your own being. 

Abandoning the teachings or slandering them are self-destructive actions that are bound to split you apart. 

We also find the words "those who make offerings will acquire blessings surpassing the Buddha’s ten names." 
This forceful statement tells us that the merits of one who make offerings to the Gohonzon and spreads the teaching will be far greater than the magnificent merits of the one who makes offerings to Shakyamuni Buddha. This is a promise that our personal microcosm will absorb the nourishment of all the blessings in the macrocosm, the whole universe, and be elevated to a state of existence of the highest happiness itself. 

Thus we know that the children of the Buddha who strive for kosen-rufu are each guaranteed to attain the ultimate degree of happiness. There is no one who will be more blessed. 

Faith in Present and Future 
"For both the present and the future" is also written on the Gohonzon. For present and future. That is what faith is for, what the Buddhist Law is for. 

When we worship the Gohonzon, the eternal life of time without beginning wells up within us. Our faith is that every day, every instant begins from time without beginning. 

We are always setting out, full of hope, from today to the future, from this moment to eternal happiness. We are always young, always beginning. 

My message to you is that you must be absolutely certain of this and live your wonderful lives without regret, with joy and brightness, always moving forward."  

This essay is from the collected speeches of Daisaku Ikeda in "To My Young American Friends" 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

4 Steps to Improving Our Gongyo and improving our lives

Here are a few of my favorite quotes about Gongyo from Faith into Action, one of my favorite books of quotes by Daisaku Ikeda, arranged by category. 

"Gongyo is a practice that calls forth and activates 
the infinite power the microcosm inherently possesses. 
It transforms your fate, 
breaks through any apparent dead end 
and converts suffering into happiness. 
It creates a transformation, 
a revolution of the microcosm. 
It is a diagram in miniature of kosen-rufu in our lives." 
Page 116

"Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is like the roar of a lion," 

the Daishonin says (MW-1,119). 
It is by chanting powerful daimoku like a lion's roar 
that we can move the Buddhist deities, 
the protective forces of the universe. 
The voice is very important ~ it has profound power. 
While naturally being careful not to disturb your neighbors, I hope that you will endeavor 
to chant cheerful and powerful daimoku 
that reaches all the Buddhist deities 
and Buddhas throughout the ten directions." 
Page 119

As always, the words I write here are mine alone. I do not represent the Soka Gakkai although I am an active and enthusiastic member. Jamie Lee Silver,

Nichiren Buddhism is called a "practice" because we are constantly improving and honing our daily life by using our daily practice. We see the results of our daily practice every single day.

We do "Gongyo" our recitation of the Lotus Sutra twice a day. The recent book called "The Heart of the Lotus Sutra" gives us great insight into the meaning of gongyo in our lives. I really recommend this book. You can get it using the SGI link on the right or going to When I do Gongyo I am aware that I am speaking the words of the Buddha...and I AM the Buddha. Each of us IS the Buddha! 

Most of us have experienced that when we skip gongyo it takes more energy to do things in life. The flow fades away. Happiness seems to fade away too.  So we make a determination to do gongyo twice a day and stick to it with just the occasional recitation of sansho (Nam-myoho-renge-kyo recited three times) when gongyo just cannot be done in entirety.

This is a practice for our whole lives. We can't get all upset about an occasional slip up. AND we can focus on continual self improvement in our lives and in our practice. 

So --- 
Today I am going to focus on one aspect of improving Gongyo and thereby improving our lives...

A FRESH DETERMINATION TO start and complete Gongyo without interruption. 

I know, I know. We live in an interruptive society. In America we are constantly interrupted by just about everything...texts, calls, people...and our own restlessness!

The other day I was reflecting on some things in my life that are unfinished. Not long after that I realized that sometimes I step up to do something before reciting the four prayers at the end of Gongyo. Hmmm. Life is cause and effect, right? 

So I'm issuing all of us a challenge. 
Every day, twice a day, let's focus on starting and completing gongyo without interruption. We can do it! We can put away our cell phones. We can complete the silent prayers at the end before we get up to make more tea. Then if we still want to chant we can return to chant. But we will have completed gongyo. 

4 steps for improving Gongyo

1. Make the determination to do it! 
2. Put the phone away
3. Chant Gongyo from beginning to end
4. Don't get up until after the last prayer

Can we do it? Yes! 

Do you have some tips for completing gongyo for us? 

Write me at 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Your Life is as Expansive as the Universe ~ Great Guidance from Sensei

This Guidance came to me through my good friend in faith Amos Snell. 
It is based on SGI Vice President Mr. Matsushita's guidance given at FNCC.

Heart-to-Heart Dialogue 
can be carried out 
to anyone.

In 1992 Sensei took a walk in the cemetery to converse with the souls who were greeting him joyfully. They were having a heart to heart dialogue. He said Dialogue requires heart-to-heart connection. True Dialogue. 

Sensei said you can have dialogue in your heart with anyone anywhere at any time, living or dead. 

What is the first step to touching another person's heart? Appreciation. 
Chant to develop appreciation. The path of the Bodhisattva lies in developing and expressing appreciation. 

How to Increase Our Efforts by 100X

In 1993 Sensei said he was going to increase his efforts 100 times more than ever before. His trusted advisers were perplexed. He was already doing so much, how could he make this happen? They thought he might just be saying this to encourage them, but they couldn't imagine it happening. But, he DID increase his efforts by 100 times. 
And he explained how to accomplish this:

Sensei said: 
I always focus on the here and on the now. 
I strive to see this very moment. 
It's the only one I have. 
I put 100% of my life, my effort, 
into changing that moment. 
Anyone who lives their life this way 
will have tremendous fortune. 

Everything begins with Gongyo. 

Who will I present to the Gohonzon? 
WIll I present someone without confidence...
someone who questions if he deserves his benefits 
and is begging the Gohonzon to save him? 
Or will I present my true eternal self. 
If I chant with 
Concrete Goals, 
and Compassion 
I will generate the conviction that 
"I will make this happen 
based on the power of the Buddha Inside. 
When we chant our life fuses with the Mystic Law. 

Our life is as expansive as the whole universe  - 
it expands beyond our skin 
into the far reaches of the universe. 
Our life, 
powered with Daimoku 
can move anything in the universe. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Most Powerful Way to Overcome Your Fundamental Darkness

This says it all. How much do you really want to be happy? You can totally change your life by recognizing and overcoming your fundamental darkness by establishing a rock-hard consistent practice of doing gongyo and chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo twice a day - every day.  

Last night was a Gosho study here. We studied "The Workings of Brahma and Shakra", by Nichiren Daishonin. 
The line that stands out the most from President Ikeda's Gosho lecture is this:

"When devilish functions are recognized for what they are, they lose their power."

Daisaku Ikeda, June 2013, Living Buddhism page 23. 

And as I always say, be FUELED by your devilish functions (obstacles) not FOOLED! When you see them for what they are ROAR them out of your life! 

Ok. How CAN we see our fundamental darkness for what is it, and how do we overcome it?

Last night one of our visiting members said he was having trouble doing evening gongyo. As we were discussing this he came to see that whatever was stopping him was a manifestation of his own fundamental darkness...the forces in life that try to hold us back. 
Whatever stops you chanting HAS to be fundamental darkness. And once you see it for what it is you can just make a fierce determination to do gongyo twice a day ~ and do it. Your friends in the SGI will support you. They will come to your house, call or text you. Whatever you want. Just ask for the support and you will get it. You can even get support on Facebook if you want. Reach out and your friends will be there. 

The beautiful thing is this: When you overcome the fundamental darkness that keeps you from practicing consistently you will SIMULTANEOUSLY break through in all areas of your life. Put the effort into your practice and the rest of your life flows more easily. Please don't believe me when I say this. Please experience this phenomenon by DOING it. There is no other way. 

A few other thoughts:

What IS fundamental darkness? It exists within every person. It was in the original Buddha, it was in Nichiren Daishonin and all three Presidents. We ALL have it. We don't have to be scared of it and we can defeat it, over and over and over again! It manifests in different ways in all of us.  

For myself, my fundamental darkness used to appear often as depression. Many times I called my mentor in faith to request guidance and she'd say "It's back! That's just your fundamental darkness!" That freed me. 

I am just like you. When I see fundamental darkness for what it is I get rid of it through Daimoku. Knowing what it is gives me power. And it's easier for me to do this because of my strong practice. I chant at least an hour every single morning...and sometimes much more. I chant evening gongyo consistently, even if I don't particularly feel like doing it! 

And I have overcome the deep depression I used to experience on a regular basis. I've also overcome the extreme longing I lived with every day. These are benefits of practice. This is the promise of this wonderful Buddhism.

So, just like the meme above says - think about what you want MOST. And use your powerful practice to get it! 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Take That First Step ~ Strengthening Your Practice and Your Life

I received a letter from a reader this morning. She wrote that she chants consistently for one week, and then stops chanting for a week and her anxiety and depression immediately comes back. Every other week she forces herself to chant again, and then stops. This is a very difficult way to practice. It is much easier to establish a twice a day practice and stick with it. But how do we do this? 

How do we establish and maintain a consistent practice? 

How can we reinforce our determination to practice twice a day every day, strengthen our lives and create unshakable benefit? 
The benefits of consistent practice are many. For one, it's easier. Once you establish the practice you just greet your life twice a day in from of the Gohonzon without having to force yourself to do it. It just becomes part of your life. 

With consistent practice chanting is easier, benefits flow more consistently, and you change your karma, embrace your challenges and win over any challenge you face. With consistent practice we change our lives for the better. This is the way it works. 

Positive Psychologists talk about something called "Activation Energy." 
It is the energy to get something new up and running. 

We can compare the launching our consistent practice to an airplane taking off. Each airplane has to advance down the runway with engines firing. Once the plane gets in the air it switches to a steady maintenance energy, but it HAS to fire those rockets to get off the ground. 

How do you fire your own rockets? 

I think the secret lies in being part of the SGI organization. (You can click on the SGI Portal to the right to find your local SGI, if you're not connected yet. Remember there are no dues or rules or priests. The SGI is an organization of people working together for their own happiness and the sake of others.) 

The friends you make in the SGI are friends who will help you get those engines firing and help you lift into the air. And the beautiful thing is, as another is helping YOU, they are also helping themselves. That is just the way it works. And you can be this friend for others and help them chant too. 

Yesterday I was needing some activation energy. It has been very cloudy and cold here in Chicago, and on Sunday I didn't chant as much as I normally do, so my engines had to be revved up to bring my plane into the air yesterday morning. I did my normal hour of chanting, but it was hard to concentrate and after the hour I still felt sluggish and unenergized. So I called a friend in the SGI and invited her to chant. She had done the exact thing as me...chanted already, but she was also still feeling like she needed a boost. So she came over and we chanted an uninterrupted hour and both got our planes in the air. We went on to have very productive and energetic days, and I awaken today with much more energy and ready to take on a new day. 

Our friends in the SGI are our friends in faith. What are some other ways we can bolster each other to make our practices stronger? When I was first chanting 28 years ago my mentor came to my house every morning for a few weeks to help me generate Activation Energy for my practice. I liked the feeling of doing gongyo consistently, and was able to keep my plane in the air after that. Doing evening gongyo was harder for me. But within a few months I was doing morning and evening gongyo and I saw how my life was "on a roll", I liked the way consistent practice felt, and I've continued for 28 years. 

Why do we sometimes just skip gongyo? We may not even see it, but it is always our fundamental darkness holding us back. The key thing is this: once we see our fundamental darkness for what it is, we can make the choice to defeat it. We must recognize it for what it is. It's not just "being busy" that keeps us from chanting. It's that fundamental darkness within each of us that uses every method to fool us. This is the fundamental struggle in our lives. When we overcome this and establish our consistent practice EVERYTHING becomes easier and we get leverage over our problems. 

This is something that must be experienced to be understood. My dear "Baby Buddha" (the nickname she chose for herself) heard me tell her for two years to chant every morning and evening, and she replied that she doesn't do ANYTHING consistently and wasn't going to do this. No way. I kept chanting for her and inviting her to chant. And one day, she just made the decision to try chanting twice a day to see how it felt. She couldn't believe how different she felt. She also realized a deep desire and began to chant for it to happen. Now she lives in Colorado - she got what she was chanting for! THIS is why we practice. Our desires are worth chanting for! 

How else can we support each other? 

When I began this blog and my two-hour a day chanting campaign, my friend Melissa and I would text each other twice a day when we began chanting. She lived far away so we only chanted together about once a week, but just knowing she and I were chanting at the same time really helped. Sometimes we would call each other before we chanted and tell each other what we were focusing on for that hour so we could chant specifically for each other's desires. 

You may have other ways of creating and maintaining your consistent practice. Please share them with me and I'll share them with the other readers of this blog. Email me at with your ideas, questions, suggestions, victories and challenges. 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Great Soka Gakkai Meetings

We had the best Soka Gakkai Meeting last night at my house.  It was going to be a one hour tozo, but since we had three guests we only chanted half an hour. It was such beautiful chanting. It felt so good. After we finished I turned to everyone and explained why we do Gongyo: 

I said, "How did that feel? That was an experience of you being the Buddha. When we chant these words we are reciting the Lotus Sutra, the words of the Buddha. We are experiencing life as a Buddha. That means we are experiencing being the infinite source and power of the universe. Doing Gongyo and Daimoku is our moment to elevate our lives into Buddhahood. We do it twice a day because sometimes we forget!" And everyone laughed. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Chanting is a Grand and Noble Rite

In the early 1990s Daisaku Ikeda wrote a series of incredible articles that perfectly explain the profundity of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. 

I'd like to share a few quotes with you today. 

I will never forget the first time I read the essay called 
"Gongyo is a Grand and Noble Rite." It was written when Daisaku Ikeda was in Calabasas, California on February 19, 1990. 

The word "Gongyo" refers to our twice daily recitation of the lotus sutra, and chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. The best place to learn to recite Gongyo is in your local SGI meeting. And I plan on releasing a video and audio helping you to learn. It's fun to recite once you know it. It's like singing. Learning it can be a little challenging, but I have a way of teaching it that makes it easy. If you are only chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo at this point, you can still feel that this essay is for you, because chanting Daimoku is a grand and noble rite too!

"Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism teaches that our existence is identical to the universe as a whole, and the universe as a whole is identical to our existence. Each individual human life is a microcosm."

"The practice of gongyo is a grand and noble rite to achieve the vital communication of the microcosm of each person's existence with the universe, based on the Gohonzon."
 (The Gohonzon is the scroll that we focus on when we chant...I will write more about the Gohonzon later)

This part is really cool:

"The correspondence of each part of our bodies to parts of the universe is proof that our existence is a microcosm. Our heads are round like the heavens above us, and our eyes are like the sun and the moon. We close them and open them, like day and night. our hair shines like the sparkling stars. Our eyebrows are like the seven stars of the big dipper. Our breath is the wind, and the quiet breathing from our nostrils is like the still air of the valleys and dales. There are some 360 joints in the human body, and they stand for the days of the year. The twelve months. The warm, front side of our body  - our abdomen and stomach - is spring and summer. The cold, hard back is fall and winter. Our blood vessels and arteries are streams and rivers. When we suffer a cerebral hemorrhage, it is if a dam or dike has burst. Our bones are stones, and our skin and muscle are like the earth. Our body hair is a forest."

He goes on to further elucidate the correspondences of each part of the universe and how they are all governed under one law ~

"A slight change int he heat of the sun will enormously affect not only the earth but all the other planets. If the Earth's rotation were to stop for the briefest instant, or if its axis were to tilt to the slightest degree, all living things would be threatened with extinction. That is how subtle the natural order is. Furthermore an irrevocable Law of the Universe exists. This hold true for the microcosm as well...
"Nichiren Daishonin discovered and awoke to the great law of all existence that underlies all the partial laws governing spiritual and physical phenomena, and it was he who revealed the Law to humanity as Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. This Mystic Law applies equally to the universe as a whole and to each and every individual human existence. The universe and the individual are one in the mystic law."

"When we practice Gongyo and chant Daimoku (Nam Myoho Renge Kyo before the Gohonzon, our individual existence is perfectly harmonized with the universe."

"Through this practice we can acquire wisdom and good fortune and glow with the energy to overcome any obstacle throughout the four seasons, 365 days a year, we can enter the way to eternal happiness and attain eternity, joy, true self and purity."

"Gongyo is a grand and noble rite that calls forth and activates the infinite power that the microcosm inherently possesses. It transforms your fate, breaks through any apparent dead end and converts suffering into happiness. It creates transformation, a revolution of the microcosm. It is a diagram of Kosen Rufu (World Peace) in our lives."

"The Kosen Rufu that is our aim is a movement to transform the universe, the earth and human society into a world of peace, comfort and harmony in accord with the rhythm of the Mystic Law."

However, he also stresses that the actions we take for ourselves and others is very important. If all we do is sit and chant and do nothing to help others, and take no action to improve our lives our practice will not have the full effect. 

He ends with this message:

"Our faith is that every day, every instant begins from time without beginning. 
We re always setting out, full of hope, from today to the future, from this moment to eternal happiness. We are always young, always beginning. My message to you is that you must be absolutely certain of this and live your wonderful lives without regret, with joy and brightness, always moving forward."

Thank you President Ikeda. Thank you. 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Learning Gongyo

I spent the afternoon teaching Gongyo. Gongyo is the recitation of the Lotus Sutra (just two of the chapters) that we recite every morning and evening at our altars.

It is a very deep cause we make for our lives. It is a recitation of the actual words of the Lotus Sutra...the words of the Buddha (and remember, he didn't start expounding the Lotus Sutra until he was 72 years old...that is SO inspiring to me!)

When you recite Gongyo you are speaking the words of the Buddha. I like to think of it as a renewed declaration that you know you ARE in fact, The BUDDHA!

When we recite Gongyo it has absolutely precise pronunciation and rhythm. Once you master it, you can do Gongyo with anyone, anywhere in the world...but the most important thing I can tell you is this:

Learn Gongyo correctly!!! Make a determination to absolutely master it so that you can teach anyone, and you can master your own life. It is one of the very first things to do when you begin your practice, and I promise it will make a difference in your life. I will always be grateful to Terri Wong, my District leader in San Francisco. At one point she led the way and all of us took every syllable and got it absolutely right. That is the reason I can be such a good teacher today. I can lead Gongyo anytime anywhere and feel totally confident...because early in my practice I sat down with a pencil and the gongyo book and learned it. I treated it like learning music and circled the parts I found difficult, and wrote the phonetic spelling of anything I found tricky. And it is tricky!

Gongyo is a sacred rite. When you do Gongyo and chant Daimoku (Nam Myoho Renge Kyo over and over) you are joining the microcosm of your life with the macrocosm of the universe. It is a sacred rite, and honor, NOT a duty! When you view it in that manner, living itself becomes a sacred rite...and your problems melt away. You see them instead as part of your mission, not your burden. These are important distinctions.

And the point of this blog is THIS:

It is easier to learn Gongyo correctly the FIRST time, then it is to RELEARN what you've gotten wrong. Learn it perfectly and you won't be sorry. make it a determination for your own happiness and watch your life so beautifully unfold!!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

When the student is ready...the teacher will appear

It has been an exciting few days helping 2 precious new members learn how to practice. When the student is ready the teacher will appear.

I remember what it was like to be in the youth division of the is a special time when you can grow in unprecedented ways and make friends that you will treasure for life.

Due to all the chanting of the members of our district we now have two brand new 20 year old young women so eager to learn! Today they spent three hours at my house practicing gongyo and chanting daimoku. It is not easy to learn has it's own rhythm and style. But once you learn becomes so energizing to recite!
And it overcomes all language barriers. Once you learn it you can chant anywhere in the world together with SGI members. When you recite Gongyo you are literally reciting the words from the Lotus Sutra. You are joining your microcosm with the macrocosm of the universe...drawing forth the power that has always been yours...channeling it in the direction of your desires!

You are speaking the words of Shakyamuni Buddha...
and of course that makes total sense because

It ends with the deep prayer:

"At all times I think to myself:
How can I cause living beings
to gain entry into the unsurpassed way
and quickly acquire the body of a buddha"

There are several goals that my new young friends have...and I am going to chant for each of them and help them achieve their dreams. It will be so wonderful watching them grow in faith and become happier and happier and more certain of the power of their faith. Soon we will have many youth in our district! They are the leaders for the future. It is an honor to help them as I was helped by my seniors in faith so many years ago!