Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Put YOUR LIFE and Happiness FIRST!

Have you ever been on your way to an SGI meeting and had something come up that was trying to stop you from attending? Did you give in, or did you make it to the meeting? 

Did you ever sit down to chant and then get pulled away by the endless to-do list in your head? When you stay in front of the Gohonzon and chant anyway...then you WIN in your life!

You know there are obstacles that appear in our lives to prevent us from moving forward. We call these "Sansho shima", and when we see them for what they are, we can boldly move ahead forward and create real and lasting happiness. For instance, before a really important meeting some time ago, I got a call that someone was going to make us all late to the meeting if we didn't figure out a way to change the situation. OBSTACLE I thought! And I quickly changed the situation by figuring the best course of action so we could all get there on time. 

I realized at the very beginning of my practice (27 years ago) that the time I spent chanting actually gave me MORE TIME, because it put me in rhythm with my surroundings. This is the profound nature of chanting. 

When we tap into our essential life force through chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo our lives move in sync with our entire surroundings. 

So I am writing this blog to urge you to put your life first by putting your practice first. 

The power of your life force, and the strength of your practice are one and the same. 

When you put your practice first you put your life first. 

When you put your life first you can create anything you want in your life.  

I live my life to be a walking example of this! Every morning I sit down and put my practice and my life first. 

I go to an SGI meeting every week, and I have the highest life condition of happiness ~ I literally glow. It is not unusual for people, after meeting me to seek me out to find out what it is about me that creates this glow. That's why it's so easy for me to do shakubuku, (introduce people to this practice) 

My LIFE does shakubuku for me. 
My energy, enthusiasm and vibrancy just shine through. 
They HAVE to shine through because I focus my life on polishing my shiny life every single morning and evening. 

I chant for my bright Buddhahood to sparkle and shine. 

I chant for my friends and district members and blog readers. 

That's where true happiness lies. I put my life first by winning every single morning. 
I don't even use an alarm clock any more. I wake up in time to chant one or two hours, work out, get the picture...all because I put my practice first. I also spend my days helping others become happy. That makes my light glow extra bright! When I know I have helped someone overcome their challenges and learn to put their life first....I know that person has the tools to create the life of their dreams. What could possibly make me happier than that? 
And you know how much I love to hear from the readers of this blog. I love to know your challenges, your successes, your questions...everything. When I get your comments it makes me so happy! 
Let me hear how you have put your life first and claimed your own happiness!

Monday, April 16, 2012

My Fortune baby! Heading to Loyola Medical School!

Aaron Michael Silver in front of the 
Stritch School of Medicine at Loyola 

We all spent Friday at "Second Look" a day reserved for all incoming Medical Students at Loyola. 
I've told you some of Aaron's history before, right? When I was pregnant with him I chanted a million Daimoku, 
a million Nam Myoho Renge Kyos. 
I had so many things on my list...for my husband and me to be mature enough to be good parents and be ready to raise a child...for financial security...for my child not to have the difficult karma I had...for him to easily make friends and to have self esteem ... and...with all my heart I chanted for him to have a dream and for him to fulfill it.

And throughout his life I have encouraged him to chant for whatever he desires...while trying not to push him so hard that he doesn't want to chant. 

Aaron has been a world class human being his whole life. He's been a true friend to many...a trusted leader and mentor to his brother and to others. He has started leadership groups, 
set the pace for his friends, been an 
outstanding student and resourceful young man. 
And for many years he has had a dream to become a physician. 

In the fall he led his Cross Country team to the national championship. A few months ago he won the Campus Excellence in Community Engagement award. Today, he found out that he is graduating with Distinction. And now, he has chosen a medical school that prides itself on the HUMANITY it brings forth in every doctor. It's staff has been there many years. The students are known for being happy. Yes, you heard me correctly. Happy. That's refreshing isn't it? That is also my style..the way I like to go about things.
Happiness is important!
Over and over on Friday we heard consistently positive messages from the staff and students at the Stritch School of Medicine.

Anything is possible. Anything can be fulfilled. 
Dream big. 
You're a Buddha!

I wish you happiness in everything you are doing. Remember that all your problems might seem big right now. ANd they might be big right now. But really, compared to Nam Myoho Renge Kyo they are quite small! The more you chant, the smaller they become. Keep determining to win.
Don't give up! 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Saturday!

I have been chanting about my challenges, and I have also been having a lot of fun! 
As I mentioned in an earlier blog I am so rich with friendships and love. 
I look around my life and am really astonished by the depths at which I have changed my karma regarding relationships. I have more girlfriends than I can count, and the group who knows each other is growing all the time. All these friends are bright, positive, happy, creative women! And I meet more every day. Yesterday one of my dearest friends stopped by and we read Maya Angelou's poem "I Rise" together. What a masterpiece from a true goddess of our lifetime. 
Another friend invited me over to introduce her 9 year old nephew to chanting. I went over and gave him his own beads, a few copies of "friends for peace" and we chanted the magic words that would get rid of his nightmares and immediately made him very happy! Children are so open. And a few moments of chanting begins to open up their world! 

And on the subject of  friendships...
 I can't help thinking back to kindergarden when I was 5 years old and a little girl and I were sitting next to each other in a large circle and she got up and moved to a different part of the circle because she didn't want to sit next to me. That began a long pattern in my life that lasted many years. I had a few friends here and there, and I am so grateful for them...but I was an outsider with few friends for all of my school years. In college I had the fortune to meet my new friend Jenny on the very first day and we roomed together for the rest of college and had a blast...but I still felt like an outsider most of the time. 

Once I became a Buddhist I chanted for friendships. I chanted to change whatever I needed to change in myself to have friends. And now...I really have what I chanted about...constant fun invitations with people I adore being with...celebrations...and friends who know each other. 
I also chanted a lot about my love life and I am very happy in that area too. Busy! Happy! Enjoying life! I feel so fulfilled!
Remember you can change ANY karma through chanting!!!! If I can have a circle of friends...If I can make the impossible can YOU!!!
It did not happen overnight for me. You WILL change some things overnight. You will see some immediate results, but some karma is tougher than others. It is different for every person. 
Remember "karma" is not the same as "fault". Please realize you are not to blame for whatever you are experiencing...but you are at CAUSE for making whatever changes you want in your life!!! 

You make the most profound cause by chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo consistently to make that change. President Ikeda says (and I'm paraphrasing here): "The important thing is the KEEP CHANTING until you do get the benefit!" Of course! Don't give up!
This morning I will sit down and chant another tozo on your behalf, on all of our behalf...on the whole world's behalf. 
Join me! Happy Saturday!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Incredible SGI Buddhist Meeting Tonight! Introducing others to this practice!

My home was filled with energy tonight! We had 15 people here for the SGI planning meeting! I swear, the place is still buzzing.

There is nothing like an SGI meeting! We coe together to share successes, challenges, study Buddhism and become so close we're almost like family.

Find your local meeting by going to and finding the culture center closest to your home. Call them and ask for a meeting in your area. There are meetings everywhere!!!

You will make a room full of good friends!

And there is a "secret" to having a good Buddhist meeting and a secret to introducing others to this practice! Chant about it!

Downers Grove District in Illinois has incredible and lively meetings. Why? For many years we have been chanting that everyone who comes to a meeting be enlivened, lifted up, encouraged and given new hope at EVERY meeting! That is why the room is filled with excited and happy people getting results.

You know how much I love to introduce people to this practice, and then watch as their lives blossom! It is the happiest way to live! And the fastest way to change your karma!

I always chant to meet people who want to know about this practice...and the room is always filled with people I've introduced. It's easy. It all starts with Daimoku...and as I said, I chant to encounter people who are thirsting for this practice, and who want to chant. Then I tell just about everyone I meet about chanting. I mention it in the course of our conversation. Our two newest members were here tonight because my iphone had a problem and I went to the apple store. I told the peson who was helping me that I had to have the phone working because I'm a Buddhist leader, and I told her about the blog and readers all over the world. She was so psyched! She has now been chanting for 4 months and has already introduced her dear friend. They will probably both get their Gohonzons on May third! Introducing people to this practice is so easy! Just have a glowing life condition, be receiving benefits galore...and tell everyone ! I always carry Nam Myoho Renge Kyo cards on me. ALWAYS!!

I hope you are having a great week and continuing to shine with the brilliant light of Daimoku!
Don't give up! You are the Buddha!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Courageous and Determined Blog Readers!

Many of you are challenging yourselves to chant more Daimoku than ever! Many of you are doing long Tozos. (Chanting for many hours) 

I am looking forward to hearing your stories of victory!!!

And I have one important reminder:

Remember that when a ship increases its speed, the wind force it encounters is stronger! You are speeding your life up when you chant so strongly. You are revving up the motor of your life!!!

After your tozo....don't be alarmed if those negative thoughts come right back into your mind with a vengeance. you know the ones I mean! The ones that say "Oh, this is hopeless! I will never accomplish my dreams!" The thoughts may say to you: "I chanted so many hours yesterday, why don't I feel great today?" THOSE THOUGHTS!

They are normal! They are part of the process. If they come into your brain say "Hello Negative thoughts! Jamie warned me about you! No taking up residence in my brain!!! Negative thoughts be gone!!" 


I am chanting for you all! Let's have an amazing week!!!!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

I have one hour left of a tozo I am chanting for you!

Chant with me!
I am chanting for you to be able to chant with joy and realize all your dreams!!!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Have Faith it will all work out!!!

It's just so amazing how things come together in a "myoho" way! 

Today it seems like everything I've ever feared is just an illusion (as it really is - only sometimes it feels real!)

For weeks I've been looking forward to these next few days with apprehension because it seems I was presented with an undoable task at work...with a due date of tomorrow. I fretted. I complained (no, I'm not proud of that!) I worried and lost sleep and I chanted, chanted, chanted...made causes and did my best to keep smiling and keep encouraging everyone around me. I also focused on the part of my job that makes me shine like the sun, and brings happiness to all those around me! 

And we get to the deadline week and I discover that no one in the country who has a similar job has achieved results in the area I thought was impossible...and the one area I really thought was going to go well - the computer system broke down for three days and we had to postpone the event anyway. So I am totally off the hook!

Honestly feels like "Deus ex machina". You english majors should recognize that phrase. It's used to describe novels where suddenly everything magically resolves itself...literally "God from a machine...or God from a box." That's how I feel. Of course I know it has nothing to do with magic. It is all a result from my chanting and my good causes. Last night I even took the Buddhist exam here in Chicago. Many of us are taking that this month. 

And next week I have a huge success in the area of my career that I love. I've brought all three of my campuses in Chicago to participate in one big event that is going to be spectacular...a real service to the community and very great for the students! 

Another fantastic thing came about today too. I'm taking Aaron and Ben, my two Buddha boys, to California in May. (They were both born is San Francisco and we still have dear friends there) I'm calling it Aaron's victory lap for graduating at the top of his class at U of I and starting Medical school at Loyola (close to me!!) next year. We found out earlier this week that our favorite community race of all time is 3 days BEFORE we were scheduled to arrive in California. Darn, I close! And today I found out Ben has to take a course during the summer and needs to return earlier than our planned I'm moving the trip up a few days and the three of us will do the infamous BAY TO BREAKERS race in San Francisco!!!! Thousands and thousands of people walk from the Bay all the way to the Ocean (You know San Francisco is only 7 square miles...and it's a peninsula, right?) So the boys will run and I'm about to call my Bay Area friends and find out who wants to walk. It's a crazy time. People dress in all kinds of costumes. We did it with the boys every year when they were little. They dressed as superheros. I really do think it's the reason we ended up with two star runners in the family!

So the next time you're thinking "Oh my goodness is this ever going to break through?" or "Why me?" just keep chanting keep chanting keep chanting and one day the clouds will open the results will appear and you will spend the next few days...weeks...months...chanting in appreciation! 

Don't give up whatever you do! Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!!!