Saturday, May 5, 2012

At The Chicago Buddhist Center

Cassie, Jamie, Shazara and Hashmin last night!

Just look at those glowing young girls. 
It's hard to believe that just a few short months ago Shazara was incredibly unhappy about her inability to change the circumstances that were making her miserable. 

Then, as I've mentioned in the New Year's blog post, she ran away from home and 
landed right at my doorstep asking for water! 

Oh, I gave her water and a whole lot more. She immediately accepted my invitation to chant right then and there. We chanted for almost an hour because she could feel the happiness coming into her mind, body and spirit and she didn't want to stop! When I drove her home her Mom, Hashmin, got into my car and 
called me her angel. 
I said 

"The worst day of your life has now turned into the best day of your life. Your daughter has brought home with her the key to happiness for herself and your family." 

Two days later Hashmin and Shazara came over and chanted with me, and they, along with Shazara's father have been chanting ever since. 

In the car on the way home Shazara was effervescing with energy and enthusiasm about her exciting life (now free from bullying and brimming with hope!) and Hashmin said 

"I can't believe this is my daughter talking...
she's so different than she was a year ago!" 

That's the power of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

Last night's meeting with Linda Johnson our Territory Women's Division leader was very inspiring and Shazara even made a new friend, Cassie! Can you see how full of vibrant energy they are? They have so much in common already and will see each other Wednesday night at the meeting at my house. 

Tomorrow morning (Sunday) is a exciting meeting commemorating May 3rd at the Chicago Buddhist Center. If you live in the Chicago area feel free to join us. It's at 10:00 at the center, 1455 S. Wabash, but I always arrive an hour earlier. 
Send me an email or post a comment and we will welcome you! 

Happy May Third! 

What a wonderful life we live where we can become happy and help others to become happy too! I am so appreciative to all my mentors in faith who continue to help me 
learn how to use this tool for happiness: 
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Great SGI Meetings this weekend!

This weekend is the perfect time to attend a high-energy SGI meeting. All over the world SGI members are celebrating Master and Disciple day. 
The meetings are filled with music, laughter, encouraging experiences and new friends. 
Meetings to commemorate May third are some of my favorite meetings of the year. Today I'm going to the youth meeting and bringing one of the youth in my District. On Sunday I'll go to the one for my area in Chicago. 
To find out about the meeting in your area call the SGI Center closest to you. SGI-USA.ORG will have that info. Ask them the schedule and just show up. Or, better yet, if you're not connected to the SGI yet, ask the person  at the center for the name of the person in your area who can introduce you to your local SGI leader. It's easy to get connected. 

My words of encouragement for you today:

From Nichiren Daishonin's Gosho  "Reply to Kyo'o"

"Kyo'o Gozen's misfortunes will turn into fortune. 
Muster your faith and pray to this Gohonzon.
Then what is there that cannot be achieved?
You should believe the Lotus Sutra when it says. 
"This sutra fulfills one's desires. 
It is the pond's cool, clear water that quenches thirst."
and "They will have peace and security in this life and good circumstances in the next." 
When I am pardoned from exile to this province, I will hasten to Kamakura where we will meet.
If one considers the power of the Lotus Sutra, he will find perpetual youth 
and eternal life before his eyes."

I love the whole passage, but "muster your faith" is so important. Summon up the conviction that YOU CAN overcome anything with Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Nichiren Daishonin was talking to YOU! 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Happy May 3rd!

Happy Day of Master and Disciple!!

Happy Day to once again renew your faith...set your determinations and together with Daisaku Ikeda and all the members of the Soka Gakkai, work together towards Kosen Rufu (World Peace). 

What is the significance of this day you ask? 

May Third is when Josei Toda, second President of the Soka Gakkai took on the mantle of Kosen Rufu by accepting responsibility for this organization. He was already in a weakened state from having been in prison for refusing to give in to the Japanese Government by not supporting the war effort in WWII. He devoted the rest of his life to teaching and lecturing and leading people to happiness one by one. And later, his disciple, Daisaku Ikeda also took the reigns of Worldwide Kosen Rufu on this date. 

It is a significant time for all of us to say"YES! I will do my OWN Human Revolution. 2012 is a year I will never forget! It is the year I won over my__________(you fill in the blank!) It is the year I got to the core of my suffering and tore it out by the roots! It is the year my environment started reflecting the real, true, diamond-like, brilliant and shining me! It is the year I accomplished________!!!
I will chant with even more strength and regularity (EVERY morning and evening!!!) I will take the opportunity to use the May  contribution campaign as a springboard for my happiness, and the happiness of others! I am determined to win in every aspect of my life!!! YES" 

Please take the opportunity to attend your local SGI meeting commemorating May Third! Find your local center at, or search on Soka Gakkai followed by the name of your country! These meetings are fun and inspiring!!!

I start this day with strong prayers of appreciation towards my mentor Daisaku Ikeda, and Josei Toda and Tunesaburo Makiguchi. Without them dedicating their ENTIRE lives to this practice, I would never have encountered this teaching, and I would still be suffering...knowing SOMEHOW there must be a practice I could use to build my own happiness...and continuing to look for it. 

I mean, when you really think about it, the facts just blow you away. Ever since Daisaku Ikeda first encountered Josei Toda, at the age of 19, he has devoted every waking second to ensuring the correct propagation of this that all of us could have the tools to create our own happiness and build this world into a world that respects life itself. It is truly something to appreciate. 

Thank you Daisaku Ikeda. I will do everything in my power to help people find out about this great practice, and to teach people to practice correctly so that their lives will be OVERFLOWING with mine is! Like all the members of my District! 

The purpose of this blog, as you know,  is to reach the people who sit at their computers every day and think "The secret to happiness in life must be somewhere on the web!" 
And it is! Chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo! Join the Soka Gakkai and make the best friends you have ever had in your life!!! VOW with all your heart to create the happiest of lives so that you can be an example for other people...and it shall be so!!!!
Write out your vision of your life...write out your dreams in narrative form...and make them come true!!!
It is also to reach people who are already practicing and needing that extra boost of energy to keep persevering through the hard times and to NOT GIVE UP! This blog is for YOU!

As Daisaku Ikeda quotes Josei Toda in the May Licing Buddhism, 

"Don't let anything shake you. Just chant with your whole life. Never lose heart. Activate the powerful forces of the universe!"

This May Third I am full of gratitude to YOU, my readers. Thank you for your words of encouragement, and for telling me what this blog means in your life. Thank you for sharing your heartfelt questions and concerns with me. Thank you for encouraging me in my publishing aspirations, and thank you, thank you, thank you, for passing the link to chantforhappiness,com to others. By doing so, you are also making a profound cause for your own life. And thank you for sharing your successes with me. 
You all touch my heart!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What to do when you are in despair

This post is in answer to a question I got from a reader yesterday. 

She asked if I ever feel despair, and what do I do when I sink into that feeling? And the truth is I have come so far and received sooooo many benefits, and yes, every once in a while I do feel the pull of that old sadness I used to feel most of the time. 

The timing of the question was, of course, perfect, because just that day I had formed a new resolve in this area. 

And yes, even Buddhas who have been chanting for many years still get occasional moments of despair!  Every time I feel a moment of sadness I think of all of you, and my district members, and I make a new VOW to my life to overcome my karma (and propensity toward depression) once and for all by ripping it out at the roots. This is Human Revolution. I must pave the way for others, just as YOU are paving the way for others through every one of YOUR FRESH DETERMINATIONS!!

MAY is the perfect time to determine to change the karma that is bringing you down forever! (More about that in tomorrow's blog for May 3rd)

There are several steps I recommend for when you are battling to WIN over your own despair!
1. Chant
2. Call someone who encourages you
3. Make a fresh determination and a new vow
4. Chant again and win! 

Here is my response to the question:

Thank you for asking! 

First of all I woke up Monday feeling sadness and anxiety and chanted for two hours as sincerely as I could. Then I called Kate, my mentor in faith, and she explained to me (again!) that I was going through this pain because I am making so many positive causes, (with the writing of this blog and chanting for you and my members) that my karma has shown itself to me anew so that I can once again determine to root it out forever. 

More than 4000 people read this blog last month! That is 1000 more than the month before...and I want to increase and increase and increase. Please send the link to everyone you can think of!!! If you can think of ways to increase readership and to fulfill my mission (our shared mission) send me an email! If you know of a publisher or agent searching for a bold new voice send them a link to this blog! I am almost ready to send out my book proposal but when I sit down to write I always write this blog first! I appreciate the tips I've received from you so far. My email is

She also pointed out that at the core of my suffering is that fact that many aspects of my environment reflect my own deep seated feelings of self doubt and not being good enough. She said my environment does not yet truly reflect the amazing and wonderfully shining, worthy person I am. And she attributed that to my deep seated doubts somewhere in my life. (karma, of course). And I have been suffering over some of the same things for my entire life.  She said Human Revolution is HARD because you have to break the ties to your own unhappiness. Those grooves are familiar, and hard to break. Hmmm. That really gave me something to think about! 

I sat down and chanted another hour with FIERCE DETERMINATION to change this karma forever, and to break the ties to my own unhappiness.

As many of you know, my goal is to be a published author with many fine books, audios and videos that help people everyday, to reach everyone who is suffering and looking for a solution to their problems, and to connect them with the Soka Gakkai and President Ikeda!  My goal is to reach out to everyone who is suffering....EVERYONE! And help them learn to chant to be happy! In order to accomplish this goal my life has to be a vibrant, living example that this practice works! I HAVE to achieve happiness in all areas of my life!

I woke up the next morning with a battle going on in my head. Okay!

I chanted: I DEMAND that all my circumstances in life appreciate me!  I DEMAND that my environment reflect who I really am, not my fears or doubts of who I am. I DEMAND that I have the courage to do Human Revolution and to FOREVER break those ties to my own unhappiness. I determined to stop making causes that bring me pain! I determined to make causes that bring me happiness! Not just for me, but for YOU, and for every person who reads this blog and comes to my house for meetings! And for every person I want to encourage. I MUST succeed I told the Gohonzon! (My LIFE) No matter what! 

Later that day as I was driving home I felt those same familiar feelings of sadness, anger and longing. I chose to claim victory at that moment...not wait until I got home in front of the Gohonzon!  I yelled out "I choose to be happy!!! I choose to be happy!" Over and over again. And I chanted. And the feeling lifted! Immediately. 

I will master my mind through my determination and practice. I will master my emotions too! I use the power of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, and you can too!

Today I am calm, and I am writing and I am happy. 

If I can raise my precious life out of familiar suffering YOU CAN TOO! If I can change this nagging and familiar karma and suffering, YOU CAN TOO! 

We are all Buddhas and we are all equal. Everyone can summon the faith to change...especially during the month of May! 
May is the month all Soka Gakkai members make new determinations for victory. Please think of what you want and take this wonderful opportunity to change. 
Tomorrow is master and disciple day, May Third! What a great time to redetermine to win!!!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Another Victory for Aaron

Kosen Rufu emerges!

This is a photo from last Saturday. We traveled to Richmond, Kentucky for the last college track meet Aaron would ever be in. It was a gorgeous, sunny day. The energy was high and the competition was as loving and wonderful as a track meet can be. 

Have you ever experienced the world of competitive running? 

Ever since Aaron got into running 10 years ago, we have met a multitude of gracious, well mannered, kind, supportive and hard working young men and women. I have been impressed by them all. They cheer their team on, and they even cheer on the other team when they see a job well done. 

Sure there is competition, but there is also respect. 

One of my favorite stories of team sportsmanship was when my younger son Ben was leading the pack in a cross country meet. The paths weren't marked well and he began to go down the wrong path. The runner behind him called out "Ben, this way!" and Ben was able to correct his course and ended up winning the race, with the young man who had helped him coming in second. Isn't that outstanding? After the race I thanked him and he said it was no big deal. He wouldn't have felt he won fairly if he'd let Ben go astray. Talk about Good Sportmanship! 

At the Track Nationals for the Illinois Club Team, Aaron and his coach Jake once more led the team to victory by two points. TWO POINTS! It was two days of competition. Two days of yelling and cheering and encouraging each other. Outstanding. Congratulations to the Illinois Track and Field Club Team for a job well done! What a tremendous victory for all of your years of hard work! 

In my experience the world of running has been the world of Kosen Rufu! Imagine a world where we all cheer each other on...we all challenge ourselves to greatness, and all respect each other. That is the world of Kosen Rufu. Everyone self-expressed. Everyone giving their all in a loving, all embracing way. 

Kosen Rufu in miniature. 

I can see it in the entire world in the future. President Ikeda imagines a world of friendly competition to OUT GOOD each make the most difference in the world. Aaaahhh doesn't that sound wonderful? Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Fresh Determinations for a Gloomy Monday Morning!

Happy Monday Morning!

Once more I awaken to a battle in my own life. Once more I hear the voices of fear, and the rattles of worry! And once more I sit down and determine "I will change my karma forever! I will defeat the voices of fear and self doubt in my mind! I am determined to vanquish worry from my mind and my life!
I am a BUDDHA" 

This morning, as I prepare to face my life (by chanting and focusing on the Gohonon)... 

I am determined that I will be the victor...that no excuses will keep me from absolute happiness, and that EVERY ASPECT of my life will encourage others. 

My relationships will continue to grow and increase and I will make more and more inspiring friends - that includes YOU, readers of this blog! 

I will enjoy the most solid financial fortune. In America we have just begun the May contribution excellent time to solidify financial fortune by contributing to Kosen Rufu sincerely, from the heart. Wonderful!

My network of readers will continue to grow explosively and EVERY SINGLE PERSON READING THIS BLOG will tap into fresh determinations that will power all of your lives forward in unprecedented ways. You will all become happy and self-fulfilled and sparkling with the vibrant energy of KNOWing that you can change anything and become your truest and best self! You will know yourselves as the true Buddhas you are!!! 

My prayer is for You to joyfully embrace your fellow SGI members and President Ikeda's spirit, and move together securing your happiness, and the happiness of others. 

And you will tell others about this practice because you feel compelled to do so by your own sparkling lives! 

I am determined to reach more and more people who are suffering like I was...who knew there had to be a solution to their problems, if only they could find out about that practice! 

This is the reason for!

I am so grateful to all of you for forwarding this blog to others and helping me to fulfill my mission in life!

A few days ago I posted a blog on how to chant for the first time. 
Was that helpful? Would you forward that to your friends who want to chant for the first time? Do you have any suggestions for improving that post? I am open to hearing the words of my wise readers. 

I hope you are filled with fresh determinations today, and you have an incredible, determined and fresh time in front of your Gohonzon! 

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Why do bad things happen? A Good Question...

I received a question from someone who is new to chanting. She wondered why after chanting a few days some obstacles occurred. When the obstacles happened she stopped chanting for a few days. Then she started chanting again, and more less-than-positive things occurred. So she stopped chanting again. And on and on...

I'll bet there are other readers who are familiar with this pattern and who know the answer to this question!

When you chant Daimoku you are reaching into the depth of your life to purify it and create the most beautiful possible life. You are also stirring up the karma that has always been within your life. If you stay with the practice, and chant consistently, you will attain a state of life beyond your wildest dreams. You will have a level of contentment and come to know your purpose in being alive. You will look at your problems as opportunities for greater growth and happiness. But first you have to deepen your understanding of the practice. 

When you chant, you naturally draw from your life the karma that needs to be changed. Otherwise you wouldn't have the chance to change it! If you've studied the Gosho you see that chanting correctly does bring problems into a closer focus so you can change that karma once and for all. 

During my first few years of chanting I took a job with the worst boss ever. Really. He swore at the people who worked for him (the beautiful woman he LIVED with) and was abusive to the whole staff. It was horrible. Instead of lamenting my fate and crying "Chanting is not working!" I saw it as the opportunity to change this karma FOREVER. Every day I chanted a solid hour in the morning that NEVER EVER again would I experience an abusive boss! I chanted for his happiness, and the happiness of everyone involved. At a certain point I was able to stop his abusive ways by speaking up when he was yelling. It took courage. It took daimoku. And I've never had an abusive boss since then. I changed that karma then and there by facing it down and roaring Nam Myoho Renge Kyo like the powerful woman I am!

I understood that this challenge was an opportunity to change my bad karma. And always remember, karma is in your life, but you don't have to think of it as your fault. That karma is there from many lifetimes of living, but feeling guilty about it is just not useful. Feeling responsible for it, and vowing to change it will give you POWER.

Just chant to change the karma of anything that is bothering you. You don't have to figure it out! Just make a vow and determination to end this karma forever. See all that happens to you, both good and bad, as the answer to your prayer and don't stop chanting even for a day. During the difficult times chant even harder and what you've been encountering eventually be gone forever. It does not happen overnight. But it does happen!!!!

THAT is the fortune I talk about.  That happiness can be yours. But don't run scared when bad things happen. No Roar like the powerful lion you are!
"Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is like the roar of a lion. What sickness can therefore be an obstacle?"
In this case sickness can be taken as any kind of suffering. ROAR it out of your life forever!!!