Friday, May 3, 2013

Mother Poem by Daisaku Ikeda

In honor of Soka Mother's Day I post this picture of my own sweet Mommy and her beloved boys, Aaron, Ben and Tyler. 
Below is the poem Daisaku Ikeda wrote about his own mother. I first read this on a plaque at FNCC in 2010 and it still moves me to grateful tears.   


By Daisaku Ikeda

Mother, what a wondrous, nourishing power you have!
Were it not for you in this world,
People would lose the earth to return to,
And wander for all eternity.

Mother, our mother.
Persevering through the storm,
You offered prayers in sadness.

I pray you will stay in good health until the day
When all your wishes are fulfilled,
And, as though endowed with wings,
you take flight toward the heavens.

Mother, with your ideas and wisdom,
I hope you will perform a melody of peace on the earth,
Where people look forward to the arrival of spring.
Thus, you will become the mother of the Century of Humanity

Happy Soka Women's Day ~ A Quote and Power Prayer for You.

In honor of the women of Soka I post this inspiring quote from Sensei (Daisaku Ikeda) followed by a 
Power Prayer for Women that Julia and I wrote based on Sensei's passage. 


"For we generally find that it is women ~ more so then men, who often let egoism and appearances hold them back ~ who demonstrate the infinite power of the Mystic Law at a crucial moment, just as the teachings instruct. The power of belief leads to a state of mind free of fear or doubt, which is the very essence of what it means to have faith. No devilish function can possibly defeat a woman who has attained such a state of mind. A woman of deep faith who correctly practices the Mystic Law possesses the wisdom to instantly distinguish between right and wrong. She has the essential courage to sweep away the three poisons ~ greed, anger and foolishness. She is endowed with all-nurturing compassion. Inspired by the example of a teacher awakened to the Mystic Law, her wisdom, courage and compassion fuse together in a firm, unwavering resolve. Such a woman will never be swayed by the maneuvers of any devilish function. 
      President Toda used to say, “The realization of kosen-rufu ~ its success or failure ~ will depend on the efforts of women.” Absolutely nothing can stand in the way of women who know the “greatest of all joys,” which comes from chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo (see the Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, p. 212). The presence and example of women whose lives have been revitalized through such joy can become a powerful  source of inspiration for many others."  

Daisaku Ikeda, Learning from the Writings, The Hope ~ Filled Teachings of Nichiren Daishonin. SGI President Ikeda’s Lecture Series, p. 8.

A Power Prayer in Honor of Soka Women's Day:

The power of my life brings frees me from all fear and doubt. No devilish function can possibly defeat me for I am an immensely powerful woman. 
I now possess the wisdom to instantly distinguish between right and wrong. I now possess the essential courage to sweep away greed, anger and foolishness. I expand my capacity for all nurturing compassion and love.  My wisdom, courage and compassion fuse together in a firm, unwavering resolve. I am NEVER swayed by the maneuvers of any devilish function. Together with Sensei I use my life to bring peace and happiness to all I touch! I now draw to me all that I need to make my life happy and fulfilling in every way.  

Celebrating May Third with You

Daisaku Ikeda ~ Sensei in San Francisco's City Hall,
 just after receiving the key to the city. 
Taken by my friend Caley Guida 
when he was waving to the two of us in March of 1993. 

Glorious May Third! Today I will chant in joyful appreciation of this practice, of Sensei, of all my fellow Boddhisatvas of the Earth - YOU! Rejoicing along with you I renew my own pledge to use my life, my writing, my passion, to help anyone suffering anywhere find the law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and change every poison in their lives into benefit. I am determined to make it easier than ever for people searching for happiness to find this wonderful practice. Thank you all for joining me in this wonderful endeavor. Thanks for "liking" Chant for Happiness on facebook and sharing posts...thanks for forwarding the url in your emails...thanks for sharing OUR MISSION together!  (The translation button at the top right can translate the entire blog into any language) 

Here is some historical perspective about this important day, and an address from President Ikeda's from a few years back on May 3rd and still relevant today:

Now, the glorious anniversary of May 3 has arrived again. In my mind, I can picture the familiar faces of members around the world who have triumphed magnificently over all manner of hardship and adversity, and I can also hear the joyous voices of new members who are nurturing fresh faith in the Mystic Law and taking on the challenge of pioneering our movement in their countries.

"Were they not Bodhisattvas of the Earth, they could not chant the daimoku" (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 1, p. 385), declares the Daishonin. As these words indicate, each of you is most assuredly a Bodhisattva of the Earth. It is therefore crucial that you deeply realize this, your true and most fundamental identity, and, based on chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo infused with a great vow, courageously engage in the work of kosen-rufu in harmonious unity with your fellow members.

I call out to you: Embark on fresh challenges with a totally rejuvenated spirit! Be lions, and triumph as lions! Together let's dedicate our lives to the great vow and grand vision of kosen-rufu!

To see the rest of this post click on "read more" below:

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Changing our Minds, Changing our Beings

How to Chant Joyfully for Longer Times

When I first began chanting a leader told me our lives and our karma can be compared to a glass with dirt at the bottom...the dirt represents the karma that exists inside our lives. She said when you start to chant you stir up that dirt and see it swirling around...and if you want to really dig deep and clear it out, you might want to chant for a really long period of do a Daimoku Tozo as we call it. 

(Now, none of us ever HAS to chant for a long period of time. This is something that is entirely optional and comes from your deep desire. It's perfectly okay if you don't choose to do a long tozo. As long as you are chanting every day, studying, attending as many meetings as you can, you will definately change your life for the better.) 

A reader requested I share some ideas about chanting joyfully, especially since so many of you are challenging yourselves to chant for longer periods of time. Thank you for asking.

How to joyfully chant for longer times.

1. Realize that what you are about to extended chant...a tozo...has profound significance for your life. Give  yourself credit for this worthy goal, and set a chanting time goal for yourself. 

2. Write your goal or goals for the tozo. (Some of these goals may occur to you naturally as you're chanting) Write yourself a Power Prayer connected to the greater the real difference you want to make in the world. Remember that you are a precious votary of the Lotus Sutra and when you break through, the energy is forever changed. You are paving the way for others to break through. So address that in your goals and in your chanting For instance: 
"I am determined to have the most beautiful, loving relationship so that I can totally inspire other people that great relationships are possible ...I can show actual proof with my life, and be able to introduce others to this practice!" In one of the tozos I chanted, I'd read President Ikeda's guidance saying you can chant to have 10,000 times more power in your prayer. So I spent the first hour chanting to increase the power of my daimoku by 10,000 times! That hour flew!

3. Have your favorite drinks close by...tea...water...soft drinks...whatever you like. 

4. DEMAND your results! YOU are the Buddha! Do not beg favors from a 'higher power." Remember the Gohonzon cannot get down off the scroll and do the Buddha's work in the world. YOU actually are the Gohonzon; it is inside your life. The scroll is a reflection of the highest life condition that exists within your own life. So when you are chanting CLAIM what is yours! Yes, the Gohonzon consists of the functions in the universe that are in our lives. Tell your life what you want. And know that all real change comes from within.

5. All change comes from within. Take responsibility for your life...not blame. Realize whatever you are going through, whatever is causing you to's your karma..not your FAULT. Chant to reach the very core of that karma and change it forever. THEN your life circumstances and environment will change to reflect it. You don't have to figure out the deeper cause, don't worry about getting it right. Chanting is experiential, not an intellectual exercise.  

6. Keep your favorite study material close by...whatever touches your heart when you read it. And if you find yourself losing focus open it up to any page you want. I have "For Today and Tomorrow" next to me right now. I just opened it for you right now...I read "When we chant sonorous daimoku, the sun rises in our hearts. We are filled with power. Compassion wells forth. Our lives are lit with joy. Our wisdom shines. All Buddhas and Buddhist deities throughout the universe go to work on our behalf. Life becomes exhilarating." Read your passage and get right back to chanting!!!

7. Invite others for all or part of your tozo. 

8. Have pen and paper handy. You'll want to write down those brilliant ideas that come into your mind while you're chanting. You'll also want to write down some of those pesky thoughts and reminders that keep coming back...things like "remember to buy dog food." Just write it down and eject it from your brain so you can focus on what really matters.

9. Put your telephone away. Tell people you are busy. 

10. After the tozo write in your journal. You never want to forget this day. Write to me too. I love to hear your successes and your challenges. 

11. Expect some obstacles to arise after your tozo. And just say "Hello obstacles! I was expecting you!" When you chant for an extended time you can compare it to turning your speedboat to HIGH. The faster you go, the more resistance you feel. Sometimes after a tozo I experience some obstacles, sometimes I don't. But if you do, please remember obstacles are fuel for your happiness and not to be feared. Face them and chant them away. 

I am chanting for you to accomplish your goals and shine with happiness. 
I am chanting for you to connect with the SGI and President Ikeda and all your Soka Gakkai friends. 
I'd love to hear from those of you who have connected to the SGI through my blog. I am sharing your stories with Daisaku Ikeda, Sensei. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Happy May Day ~ Writing from My Patio ~

It is warm here in Chicago. Spring is here. 

I'm sitting on my patio writing and enjoying the sound of the fountain on the pond. 

Julia and I have been working together on the book for you. The working title is:

The Buddha Zone
Power Prayers 
to Chant for Your Happiness

What do you think of the title? 

Our Power Prayer for the book is:

Life: May every one of our words touch and inspire people to chant their happiness into being! May we reach all people who are seeking practical solutions or suffering in any way. We aim to reach those who are hearing about the Soka Gakkai and Nam-myoho-renge-kyo for the first time, those who may be members and looking for a renwed burst of faith and enthusiasm, and those who may have been members in the past -  we seek to reconnect them to the SGI and the heart of our mentor Daisaku Ikeda. May every being who comes into contact with our book have benefit!