Daisaku Ikeda states
in Ikedaquotes.org
under "Desires":
"The Buddha’s enlightenment
does not lie in “eradicating” earthly desires,
but in infusing them with compassion and wisdom.
It is a matter of transforming
the turbid river of earthly desires, karma, suffering
and negativity into a pure stream
of compassion and wisdom.
Those who achieve this
possess a perfectly tranquil and serene state of life
in that they are not troubled by earthly desires;
at the same time,
their lives have a vigorous dynamism.
Such a state of life is like the ocean.
No matter what turmoil there may be on the surface,
in its depths there is absolute calm and tranquility."
I get emails every day from people asking me how to chant for their desires and if they can chant for their desires. And the answer I glean from Daisaku Ikeda's writings is this: if you elevate your desires into the deep desire for the happiness of all mankind you will have the deepest prayer to enable you to achieve your desires, and you will be helping other people at the same time.
How do you do this?
This is what PowerPrayers are all about. With every desire you have, you can infuse it with the light of compassion for all.
Power Prayer infused with Compassion to Achieve Your Desires:
"Gohonzon! My Life! I desire ______________. It is my heart's desire! I am determined to achieve this to PROVE to my family, my friends and the world that chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo WORKS. I am determined to show this actual proof and help others learn to chant and become happy themselves!"
And then Take Action. Chant consistently. Take action towards your goal. Tell others about Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, study and attend meetings. You will see that you will develop peace about your goal.
enables us to make any hardship or
setback the source of our new advancement
and our treasure for the future.
Therefore, you don't have to be
afraid if making a mistake or encountering an obstacle.
In short, as long as you are devoted
to staying in the correct orbit of faith,
you won't ever cease to advance
toward your victory,
even if you may go through
some twists and turns in life." - Daisaku Ikeda