to realize I deserve what I most want
I Deserve a life of Beauty, Gain, and Good.*
I am now ready to live a life of beauty, gain and good.
I realize that I am completely worthy
of the best and most beautiful riches
and resources this world has to offer,
including money,
especially money.
Any hinderances I have every experienced to realizing my worthiness
have burned up in the fire of my Daimoku!
I am beautiful, I inspire others to realize that they are beautiful, too.
My beauty uplifts people.
The beauty, elegance, and simplicity of my
creates a cause in the lives of others to surround themselves with beauty and to bring forth great beauty from the depths of their lives.
From the inexhaustable well of Buddhahood within
I bring forth a positive spiral
of ever increasingly high life condition,
(material wealth), that sparkles with inherent generosity.
I am a cause for many great and needed projects
that raise the world's life condition through my wealth.
Gain is inherently good and wealth reflects a healthy self esteem, motivated productivity and generosity.
My wealth flows from my deep innate goodness that I reveal with each Daimoku I chant.
I am beauty, gain and good incarnate now
and I am simultaneously the cause of beauty, gain and good
in the lives of an uncountable number of others.
* What is value creation? Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, visionary founder of the SGI, saw the ability to create value as a distinctively human possibility. He defined value as the triad of beauty, gain and good. "Beauty" might be defined as aesthetic enhancement; "gain" as everything that enriches a person's life in the broadest sense; and "good" as that which benefits society as a whole. http://www.daisakuikeda.org/assets/files/educator/creativ-edu-maki.html