Good morning. It's early on Sunday morning and I'm heading off downtown to the Tozo going on now.
At the Chicago Buddhist Center I will be chanting for all of you to achieve every single one of your goals and to grow in faith as you complete your million daimoku towards your goals. Please remember you are WORTHY and you are not asking anyone or anything to fulfill your are TELLING your life the way it's going to be. "LIFE this is what I want!" and email me if you want to join the campaign or share your goals and pictures with me:
ALSO ~ do you have any requests for powerprayers on a particular subject...ones that might help great numbers of people? I am about to submit my book soon! Email me!
Here are two PowerPrayers from my upcoming book of PowerPrayers. The first is for strengthening your practice. The second is for unlimited self-esteem:
PowerPrayer to Establish a Strong Practice
for Chanting My Way to Absolute Happiness!
I will chant every morning and every evening
no matter what.
I will no longer allow anything to stop me!
I am establishing the strongest practice imaginable
and I am becoming so fully resourced in self esteem
that I fully commit to myself:
I keep my promise
to myself
first and foremost
with the understanding that
I can only really love/help others
when I myself have become strong and self-loving.
And it’s very natural for me now to share Nam-myoho-renge-kyo because my life is overflowing with benefits.
The more I chant, the more I want to chant.
I look forward to my time with myself
dialoguing with my own life
and discovering who I really am.
I feel the connection more deeply every time I chant.
I see actual proof that my self esteem is rising:
Nothing can stop me from getting to discussion meetings
and studying SGI periodicals and books.
I am deepening my understanding of what I study with every Daimoku I chant.
My eyes are opening.
My depth of understanding is growing!
Study helps me to see the connection
between my chanting
and what I see happening in my life.
What a privilege!
PowerPrayer for Unlimited Self Esteem
As I am chanting,
I am becoming a woman/man/person
of unlimited self esteem.
I open my heart to myself and my life.
I am determined to really love my-self
in a way I have never done before.
I am determined to take
the best and most tender care of myself
and to learn to really want
and manifest
all the very best things my life has to offer me
and this world has to offer.
From this moment forward
I am a person of unlimited self-esteem.
I learn from my mistakes,
I don’t dwell on them or in them.
I understand that I am Nam-myoho-renge-kyo
and I have unlimited power
to focus on the things I do right.
I spend more and more time
in self-appreciation and gratitude.
And it feels wonderful.
These are the qualities I appreciate in myself:
These are the qualities I am strengthening in myself and my life as I chant:.