Saturday, May 3, 2014

Incredible May 3rd Guidance!

MAY 3 is our initial starting point, 
and simultaneously, 
the day we make 
our final declaration of complete victory. 
It is the grand anniversary which celebrates our efforts to realize a golden age of supreme spiritual triumph and glory. May 3 is invincible, unshaken by raging tempests. 
May 3 is filled with jubilation 
and ever-victorious hope. 
May 3 is the day which our friends around the world rejoice,
celebrate and deepen their determination to keep striving for

WHEN one dedicates himself/herself to the Gohonzon 

and advances in practice 
for the sake of his/her own enlightenment 
and for kosen-rufu, then, without doubt, 
he/she will become capable of truly loving others, 
and others in turn will say to themselves 

that there is something about him/her that shines.

BY arousing sincere faith 

in the Gohonzon of the Three Great Secret
Laws inscribed by Nichiren Daishonin,

and striving to chant daimoku and propagate the Law, 
you can tap the power of the Buddha and the Law
inherent in the Gohonzon and 

transform the negative karma in your life. 
Everyone can thus attain Buddhahood.

COURAGE and effort are extremely important, 

for they lead to glory and victory. 
Life is like a marathon. 
Even if you should fall a little bit behind the others 
during the race, 
there is no need to be impatient;
as long as you win in the end. 

The person who breaks the tape at the finish line 
is the true victor.

ONLY after surviving the harsh trial of winter 

can seeds burst into fresh growth in the spring time. Similarly, only by surmounting hardships 
can we be victorious in life and savor real, lasting joy.
Conversely, if we shun difficulties 

and lose our challenging spirit,
then all we will be left with in the end is failure and regret. Therefore, please blaze a trail 

through the "forest of difficulty" 
we find ourselves in and 

let's work again energetically for


Source: Daily guidance by Daisaku Ikeda

Inspiring May 3rd Guidance!

MAY 3 is our initial starting point, 

and simultaneously, 
the day we make 
our final declaration of complete victory. 
It is the grand anniversary which celebrates our efforts to realize a golden age of supreme spiritual triumph and glory. May 3 is invincible, unshaken by raging tempests. 
May 3 is filled with jubilation 
and ever-victorious hope. 
May 3 is the day which our friends around the world rejoice,
celebrate and deepen their determination to keep striving for

WHEN one dedicates himself/herself to the Gohonzon 

and advances in practice 
for the sake of his/her own enlightenment 
and for kosen-rufu, then, without doubt, 
he/she will become capable of truly loving others, 
and others in turn will say to themselves 

that there is something about him/her that shines.

BY arousing sincere faith 

in the Gohonzon of the Three Great Secret
Laws inscribed by Nichiren Daishonin,

and striving to chant daimoku and propagate the Law, 
you can tap the power of the Buddha and the Law
inherent in the Gohonzon and 

transform the negative karma in your life. 
Everyone can thus attain Buddhahood.

COURAGE and effort are extremely important, 

for they lead to glory and victory. 
Life is like a marathon. 
Even if you should fall a little bit behind the others 
during the race, 
there is no need to be impatient;
as long as you win in the end. 

The person who breaks the tape at the finish line 
is the true victor.

ONLY after surviving the harsh trial of winter 

can seeds burst into fresh growth in the spring time. Similarly, only by surmounting hardships 
can we be victorious in life and savor real, lasting joy.
Conversely, if we shun difficulties 

and lose our challenging spirit,
then all we will be left with in the end is failure and regret. Therefore, please blaze a trail 

through the "forest of difficulty" 
we find ourselves in and 

let's work again energetically for


Source: Daily guidance by Daisaku Ikeda

Friday, May 2, 2014

Daisaku Ikeda's Wise Words

THE path to attaining Buddhahood or true happiness consists alone in chanting daimoku to the Dai-Gohonzon of the Three Great Secret Laws and carrying through with the practice of faith for oneself and others.

BEAUTY has value, and the creation of value is our practice. The basis of beauty is the beauty of the spirit, which is cultivated by faith.

THOSE who apply themselves to the study of the great philosophy of Buddhism are truly respectworthy. Those who study the Gosho each day, even if just a little, constantly invite the winds of change and growth into their lives – refreshing breezes that nourish and strengthen their faith. The writings of Nichiren Daishonin are truly profound. On each reading, there are new discoveries and new determinations made.

MARA represents our own inner weakness and negativity, which function to obstruct our Buddhist practice. We have both a weak self and a strong self; the two are completely different. If we allow our weak side to dominate, we will be defeated. The thought, “I am still young and have a lot of time, so I can relax and take life easy,” is the seductive whispering of Mara, a function of our own weakness.

LIFE is a struggle. Buddhism is a struggle. Only by surmounting great suffering can we appreciate life's depth and joy. That is why we must continue to move forward. We must take action. This is what the philosophers of the world teach.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

"Make Goals" by Daisaku Ikeda

Make goals. 

Whether big or small, work toward realizing them. 

You must be serious about and dedicated to your goals—

you'll get nowhere if you just treat them like jokes. 

An earnest, dedicated spirit shines like a diamond and moves people's hearts. 

That is because a brilliant flame burns within. 

If we are sincere, people will understand our intentions, 

and our positive qualities will shine forth. 

It is pointless to be caught up in outward appearances. 

The German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe writes: 

"How may one get to know oneself? 

Never by contemplation, only, indeed, by action. 

Seek to do your duty, and you will know at once how it is with you."

Daisaku Ikeda

Glorious "Teacher's Prayer" !

From Daisaku Ikeda:

Nobel laureate Gabriela Mistral (1889-1957) of Chile, was well respected as a humanistic educator. Indicative of the great spirit of compassion and caring with which she interacted with her students is her 

"Teacher's Prayer": 

"Let me be more mother 

than the mother herself 

in my love and defense of the child 

who is not flesh of my flesh. 

Help me to make one of my children 

my most perfect poem 

and leave within him or her 

my most melodious melody 

from that day when my own lips no longer sing." 

With this same spirit, 

let us care for and nurture young people.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Daisaku Ikeda's Guidance

TO continue advancing on the path of mentor and disciple for the next 10, 20, 30 years, even if no one is watching our efforts – that is the spirit of a genuine practitioner of Buddhism.

EVERYTHING is contained in the single word, faith. It encompasses truth, courage, wisdom and good fortune. It includes compassion and humanity as well as peace, culture and happiness. Faith is eternal hope; it is the secret to limitless self-development. Faith is the most basic principle for growth.

THIS is the age of self-indulgence. Therefore, those who lack a clear direction in life inadvertently drift towards merrymaking and pleasure-seeking. The organization of kosen-rufu and SGI activities direct one towards self-improvement and towards realizing true fulfillment in life. No action taken based on faith is wasted. In every respect, such actions will come to take on the greatest significance.

OPTIMISTS are raised by good mothers. It is important for mothers to be optimistic and not brood over their troubles. Such cheerfulness, while not only being beneficial for the mother herself, will also become a source of strength for the children throughout their lives. If a mother is full of vitality, then her children will be also. Thus, she will enable the whole family and those around them to feel at ease to go about their activities full of hope.

THERE are innumerable types of suffering. What we should realise is that the times when we suffer severely are also when we challenge and change our karma, and unlock the door to great good fortune. True happiness means to establish a condition in which we can gladly face even the greatest suffering and overcome it.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Happy April 28th! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

28th April 1253 - 

This is the day the searcher of truth

Nichiren Daishonin 

chanted NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO for the first time


is the sound 
of the great rhythm of the universe. 
It is also the heart and essence of the universe. 

The Mystic Law is the source of all change. 

That is why when we chant the Mystic Law - 

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo - 

we can activate the universal force to support us.'

Daisaku Ikeda