Monday, June 14, 2010

Some great quotes!!

This weekend was really exciting. Linda Johnson was here visiting from Los Angeles. On Sunday morning we headed down to the Chicago Culture Center to hear her speak.
Here are a few things I gleaned from the lecture:

You can't change something you run from. If you want to change it you must challenge it head on...chant about it with resolve. Decide how you want it to turn out and DON'T GIVE UP!

There is NO problem bigger than chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo! You can triumph over ANYTHING if you are determined.

Chant with an inner flame to be victorious!

Remember that setbacks are only temporary!

Everything we go through is designed to take our lives to the next level.

We can definitely WIN!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Great gongyo training!

Tonight's meeting was so energetic! Our District members are really breaking though. We had a great turn out for gongyo training.
Gongyo is the recitation of part of the lotus sutra. Buddhist do this every morning and evening.

It can be quite difficult to learn. It is a Japanese Transliteration of Sanskrit. As we speak the words we are speaking the words of the Buddha - because we are Buddhas! When we do it correctly we are in rhythm with every other Buddhist on the planet! Wonderful!

In gongyo training we used echo gongyo - I recited a line, the group echoed it, then at the end of each section we recited the whole section with the best unison we've ever had! It was so great! The energy was incredible.

This is 2010 - the year for each person to have a major victory in their life! We are all experiencing struggle, and victory!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Spiritual Workout

I remain upbeat and happy about my is a great quote for you!

Exerting ourselves in the practice of gongyo each day amounts to what we may call a spiritual workout. It purifies and cleanses our lives, gets our motors running and puts us on the right course for the day. It gets our bodies and our minds working smoothly and puts us in rhythm, in sync, with the universe.

Daisaku Ikeda

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Things are Hopping!

Today was great! I chanted for two hours at the center with about 12 other people in preparation for my initial interview today.

I chanted with a vow to have my next job be one where I can fulfill my mission for world peace...and I chanted to connect with the VP in my meeting.

It went very well.

And I also chanted about the Buddhist meeting tonight at my house - which was wonderful!

We have many new members and we are teaching them how to chant and how to practice.

I have another meeting with a different company tomorrow. I'll let you know how it all turns out!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Friday, May 28, 2010

Heading to the State Track Meet

Heading out to watch our precious mighty warriors run!
Ben's not running because he's recovering from an injury but our team is doing great! Charleston Illinois here we come!

When I get back I'm going to post an experience my friend Amos had in San Francisco....
It is a true example for good causes reaping benefits of good financial fortune!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Breakthroughs every day!

OK, I want to talk about the quality of Daimoku right now. For those of you new to this blog, Daimoku is the chanting of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo over and over and over....
You know it is true that in any given can give it your all, or give it some of your attention, right? Well, this law of the universe...this prayer of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is impartial and well...a LAW.
Now I'm not going to say that if the only place you chant is in your car or on your exercise bike that you won't get any benefits. You probably will...but as in anything else, when you give YOUR ALL, you get it back multiplied many times over.
When I chant I chant FIGHTING DAIMOKU! Why not? As long as I'm chanting I might as well REALLY chant.
Fighting Daimoku is loud and fast and concentrated. I feel the energy of the chant coming from my root chakra all the way through my body. I feel the energy flow. I sit up straight...I keep my eyes on the Gohonzon, I am focused in my prayer...sometimes I heat up and perspire! I invite President Ikeda to chant with me...and chant to join hearts with the heart of my mentor - a lion for peace.

Yesterday something really cool happened:

Here I many of you know...actively engaged in a job search...and a divorce...My Mom just died, and I lost a great amount of weight (Yaaay - I did the impossible!) and look about 15 years younger then I did 10 years ago. By all rights, in most people's worlds I could be suffering a lot. Not me. I am invigorated. I view all of my challenges as part of my mission for Kosen Rufu...(world peace) by confronting and changing my life from the inside out, I can actually change the world. I have been chanting to change in any way necessary to achieve VICTORY in every part of my life. I have been chanting to feel President Ikeda's heart....and to have him chanting right alongside me.

As far as the job goes...I have made many positive causes in my job search...I've given out about 200 of my contact cards to business associates I know through my various affiliations. I've attended many networking events...I know the right position is there to be created...I am not worried about it.

Yesterday though, I started thinking OK...NOW would be a good time to secure a job. I am giving a talk at a job club on June 18th, and it would be ideal to be working on a final agreement for a job by then or sooner.

So I sat in front of the Gohonzon (scroll) and chanted deeply, quickly, loudly - from my belly, really feeling my prayer. I said in my brain : I have made all the causes necessary. I have done the work...NOW it is time for you Buddhist forces that are within my life to move! NOW you must show me actual proof of my efforts. I am a votary of the Lotus Sutra - it is MY RIGHT to demand the answer to my prayers.


It was precisely as I pictured it. The person on the line was a professional of the highest caliber whom I respect immensely. I had invited her to work on a project benefiting seniors earlier this year.
She said my name had been raised in a meeting that morning, and she was wondering if I might be interested in having a brainstorming discussion about an unadvertised opening they were creating. They didn't have a title for it...and she thought I could be the perfect person to take their project to the next level. It would involve me being able to use all my resources and bring in many of the fine professionals I know.
This position would be 5 minutes from home.

I said "Of course! I'm honored! Thank you!"

And today I received another interesting job offer.
Who knows what will happen, but isn't it exciting?