Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Treasures of the Heart

Valentine's Day is always a challenging day for me...here we are in the middle of winter...it's dark...dreary...and I am mindful of the people who used to be in my life who have died...so I chanted really strongly this morning, and came home after work and headed straight for the Gohonzon...vowing one more time to be absolutely happy for the sake of Kosen Rufu...

And now I'm taking a moment to share the following with you:

As Nichiren Daishonin says, the treasures of the heart are most important of all. 
This is the Valentine I received today from my sweet Benjamin who is a freshman at Miami University of Ohio. 
He wrote this for me, and gave me permission to share it with you:


You make me strong
You make me creative
You make me compassionate
You make me courageous

You brighten my world from an uninspired monotony
You help me see beyond my narrow-mindedness
You love me fully even when I am difficult
You accept me fully not just my future potential

Its amazing to have a mom like you
...unbelievable really
I don't know who I would be today
If I didn't have your love and support

Love You Mom!


What beautiful words from my spectacular boy. I love words more than anything...more than flowers (well, I love flowers too) and more than almost anything else!

Sending all my love out to you, my blog readers! May you bask in whatever love means to you today...all day...and every day! Love Jamie

Saturday, February 11, 2012

A great experience of someone who reconnected with the SGI

Here is an experience I received just the other day...
so inspiring!!!

Hi, I feel so fortunate to have found your blog.~! 
You are my inspiration. 
I read it everyday, & the entry 
"What does Nam Myoho Renge Kyo mean?" often.  
You help me to stay focused. 
I finally noticed the link to finding SGI-USA.org
Saturday. I immediately called the number, 
& I went to the meeting/service today = Sunday.  
I'm excited to be embarking on a new journey. 
I have been chanting at home alone since September, 
like 2X /day for at least 10 minutes. 
I learned how to chant "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo" 
& received Gohonzon in 1992
 in Rancho Cucamonga CA. 
I can not do any of the whole prayer 
that they did at Center this morning.  
Thank You for reading this. 
I started chanting hoping to find happiness, 
it is already here. 
Now, if i could just find the right man 
to share my happy life with..... 
Sincerely John St Louis, MO

Friday, February 10, 2012

Here's my experience live and in person! Listen here~!

I gave this experience this evening as encouragement for the upcoming Women's Division Victory Meetings. 
Go to SGI-USA.org to find the local victory meeting by you. 
(I know these are happening in the US, not sure about other countries!)

Click below to hear my experience from when I started this blog to now:

Voice Recorder >>

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Clear Mirror Guidance from Daisaku Ikeda to Share with You!

This is the month we traditionally reread, reread and reread the Clear Mirror Guidance from Daisaku Ikeda. So I've attached it here for you! Although Daisaku Ikeda originally wrote this message for women. It is for us all. It brings the law of cause and effect to life. 

Enjoy! Click Below for the Clear Mirror Guidance...absolutely fantastic!!


Monday, February 6, 2012

Expanding My Capacity

Enjoying my life! I went to an "Alien" party this weekend...see the antennae? I think I was just BORN to wear them!!!

Today begins a bold new journey of expanding my capacity. I am taking on two new campuses as part of my job responsibilities. Today I go to the campus in the northern part of the Chicago Area. I will be meeting my new team, and have various responsibilities and events I intend to fulfill with them. 

So this morning I greet my life in front of the Gohonzon and chant like this: 
ALL POSITIVITY !!! No complaints! 
Banish any negative thought in my head! I appreciate this opportunity to make new friends, expand my mission, be the Buddha, have an impact on these students, administrators and educator's lives! I will shine like the sun. Just like the the quote I put in my signature at the bottom of my emails 
"When One sun rises everything is illuminated" 
by Daisaku Ikeda. 

Today I am also thinking of the magnificent Gene Marie O'Connell. She was my chapter leader in the SGI when I was a "baby Buddhist" in San Francisco. I personally saw her rise from the ranks of nursing student to nursing administrator to CEO of the largest hospital in San Francisco...the one responsible for helping everyone in the city. She constantly asked herself "What would President Ikeda do in this situation?" Every day. She was, and still is, an inspiring example of what is possible when you are determined to manifest your own Buddhahood at every moment of every day. Thank you Gene!

That is how I set out today...with the sun in my heart...with Daisaku Ikeda at my side. 
I wish you all a magnificent, powerful, fulfilling day!!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

What is this Blog about? Happiness...Buddhahood!

Hi welcome to the blog chantforhappiness.com
If you're a returning reader welcome back, and if you're a new reader let me give you a taste of what this blog is all about.

This blog is all about revealing your own life as the life of the universe with all its power and majesty. It is, according to many, the truest form of Buddhism that exists. There are no intermediaries...no priests...no rules and no one telling anyone what to do. It is based on the deep desire for the happiness of all people, based on each individual taking responsibility for their own happiness.

The primary practice is the chanting of the words:

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

These words mean I devote my life (Nam) to the Mystic, unfathomable, (Myo) Law (Ho) of Cause and Effect (Renge, literally Lotus flower) Sutra, or teaching or vibration (kyo)

~~Again:  I devote my life to the mystic law of cause and effect through sound vibration. It is the name of the rhythm of life itself...the same rhythm that turns the tides...moves the seasons...pulses in us and in every single thing at every moment of every single day. It is a literal calling forth of the name of the rhythm of life. You know how important it is to call something by its name. If you don't use its name it won't respond. Well this is the name of the law of life itself...the law of cause and effect. When you chant these words you tap into the power that is within you in a very profound way.

This morning I attended a meeting with my two new friends who just started chanting. They both told the rest of the group about the way their lives have been going since they started chanting...both of them talked about being in rhythm...naturally...and attracting just what they need at exactly the right moment. One is a healer/physician/surgeon. The other is a musician/songwriter/computer genius. It is so exciting seeing their lives expanding and growing...increasing in capacity...expanding to all that is possible. They loved attending this gathering of SGI Buddhists. When we practice together our benefits expand exponentially. Please give yourself the gift of attending SGI meetings and getting to know your new friends! Go to SGI-USA.org to find your local center, give them a call and get connected to someone by you!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Two More Comments! Thank you for Writing!

Yesterday morning I received these two notes from different people. I'm not sure what country the first note is from, but I really appreciate it:

"Thank you for such inspiration! It's when I need it most that you reach out unknowingly and help me. 
Thank you, thank you, thank you. "

And this second note is from a new friend in Delhi:

"Its amazing how you encourage so many people across the globe by sharing ur daily experiences. 
I am tania from delhi practicing from last 5 years. Keep writing!! All the best in life. "

These emails make me so very happy. You know we all like to think that what we do makes a difference. And I think about you all the time, my blog readers. I wonder what I can say that will inspire you when you feel lost. 
I am so lucky. I have great friends in faith who can encourage me. I pick up the phone and call Kate in Los Angeles. I've written about her quite a bit in this blog. I also talk to my friends close by. 

We all need a touchstone...someone who will be able to give us that extra insight we need so that we will return to our altars and chant through our tears and determine, once again, to root our the cause of our suffering. 

According to Daisaku Ikeda and Nichiren Daishonin the cause of our suffering is the ignorance of not knowing we are Buddhas, of not accessing our power, of not demanding our happiness. So I remind you once more that happiness and Buddhahood are who you are. 

This practice is a process of revealing your own beautiful self! 

It is not easy but you must persevere for yourself, for those who love you and for all those unnamed people standing behind you waiting for YOU to BREAK THROUGH and open the door so that they can be free also. Do not hesitate. Be strong. Whenever you just don't "feel like chanting" please remember that that feeling comes from the inner part of you that doesn't want you to advance in life. Face it down and say "I will! I will advance! Inner darkness you can't stop me!" Be strong and remember that "A sword will be useless in the hands of a coward." Then return to your altar, your "home" and sit down and pour your heart into your determination to be an example, a shining light for other, that this practice works! Don't give up!

And you are not alone. If you haven't already reached out to your Sokka Gakkai family please do. You can find SGI centers in almost every big city. In these centers are people who are chanting to meet you and encourage you with their lives, and welcome you into their homes.  Give them a call! Make their day!

And, as always, I consider it an honor for you to be taking a moment to read my blog. My goal is to inspire you to become the happiest person ever!...brimming with life and enthusiasm...and when challenges hit you, just as they hit me, we forge together, along with President Ikeda to achieve VICTORY in our lives. February is the month of Victory! Let's do it together! 

Please continue to write! It warms my heart!

And also, please pass along the url chantforhappiness.com to anyone and everyone. Please share in my vision for people searching the internet to discover the happiness they seek!