Friday, November 16, 2012

A Really Powerful Power Prayer

Last week I was feeling like I needed a boost from an old friend, Louise Hay. Have any of you read her wonderful books? Her masterpiece is a book called "You Can Heal Your Life." 

I picked it up and opened it to a random page and found her power prayer to affirm to your life 

"I release my resistance to change. 
I am willing to release my resistance to change." 

Louise Hay recommends saying that phrase out loud every morning while looking at yourself in the mirror. I took her advice. I said those words while looking at myself in the real mirror, then I said those words while looking into the mirror of my life ~ the Gohonzon. 

I chanted in earnest. I am READY! 

Immediately two major changes took place. Major changes. And I am STILL chanting every day to release my resistance to change, and everything is flowing beautifully. I really AM ready and powerful enough to change. This is a really powerful prayer! 

And the changes in my life, my dietary overhall and being laid off from my job are going to prove to be HUGE benefits in my life. 

I am making changes in my diet and focusing on what I CAN eat, not what I CAN'T. I have several smart and wonderfrul friends who have made these changes to their diets and feel healthy and vibrant and energized. They are guiding me along the way. Julia made a long list of foods from Trader Joe's for me. Thank you Julia! I already feel better physically. 

And I am SO optimistic about my present and my future in all ways. 

I will keep you posted, and once again I just want to let you know that when you chant every morning and evening and focus on the happiness of others there is no room to be sad. I have not had one moment of regret or sadness over having this job transition and I am protected in all ways. I chant in gratitude every moment and am more available than ever to help others. I continue to chant for all my fellow co-workers. I chant for them to have hope and happiness rising in their lives too. 

Please realize that your life is limitless and chant to bring forth ALL your power. DO not ask for favors when you chant. you are not asking anyone or anything to grant your wishes. No. You are drawing forth your own power. You can tell your life what you want. 

Every day I read President Ikeda's words in the World Tribune and Living Buddhism. I know he is speaking to me, just as he is speaking to you. I chant to have the same prayer for world peace as he does...and for my prayer to be as expansive as his...and for the power of my prayer to increase by 10,000 times. Your life is limitless. Prove it through your own determination and share your victories with me at Send pictures too! 


  1. Is it true that if nam yo HO renge kyo is said in the
    Mind it does not work ?! I say it in my mind coz if I say the mantra loudly Everyone will. Want to know about it & my husband who is an atheist will make fun. Plz someone help me regarding this problem.

  2. When we chant our senses gets purified like our eyes while we look at the gohnzon and chant with a loud voice which purifies our mouth and throat and when we hear ourselves chanting the ears gets purified too. But when you are not feeling well at that time you can chant silently in you heart or softly. And dont worry about your husband making fun of you becoz when your life state will elevate he will be next person after u to observe that change
