Thursday, November 29, 2012

Rev up your practice

How do you know when your practice needs some revving up? How do you know you need that extra boost, and how do you give yourself the juice you need to keep growing and expanding? 

These are all good questions. 

Seriously, it is easier to have a strong practice when you have a lot of challenges going on. When things are too stable in our lives our practices can get a little lackluster. It's harder for that to happen when you're a leader. I can't let my practice get lackluster because there are too many people I am committed to inspiring. So I HAVE to keep a high life condition, and I am fine with that. 

So what do we do? 

It's important to to think about what we really want in life...reconnect to our desires. Our desires are our fuel, just like our challenges are our fuel. Both are indispensable for building a happy life.  

Spend some time thinking about the things you thought were impossible that you actually made happen. Then think about the things you have written off as impossible now. Are they really impossible? Chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is for the impossible things. 

What impossible thing can you set your sights on NOW? 

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