Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Ups and Downs of Life

Ups and downs.  
We all have them. 
Events we would rather skip, but know we have to face. 
By the end of the day tomorrow I will have gone into the office to gather my things and say goodbye. I will also compose a goodbye email with the aim of uplifting those still employed there. I know it is a very difficult time for them. So much is uncertain. 

I will be sitting down to chant quite a bit between now and then. I am so grateful to have this practice. 

I will be chanting to have a sky high life condition, and for my presence to inspire my associates. I'll tell people about the outplacement firm our company has hired to assist us in job transition. They have a system for helping each of us assess our talents, rewrite our resumes, learn new internet skills and interviewing skills. Tomorrow I will go to a networking event. I'm enjoying the live workshops. I've been to two of them so far, and learned a lot and met some very nice people. There is no shame in getting laid off. In most cases it is purely a business decision and not a reflection of the quality of people's work. 

And, as I've mentioned here before, I am preparing some products for you that will help you to strengthen your practice and hep others also learn this empowering way of life. 

Power prayers for challenging days:

I am determined to shine like the sun. My optimism, vibrant health, and excitement about my future will shine through. I vow to live my life as an inspiration for all that is possible in life. Even through this experience of being laid off,  I will inspire people to chant. I am determined to keep the negative forces out of my mind and my life. I vow to increase the confidence in my life. As a Votary of the Lotus Sutra I vow to show actual proof in all ways. 

Have a great Thursday and thank you so much for all your messages and your Daimoku. 
Please take a look at some of the past posts and experiences on this blog and forward the links to your friends. We might reach 9,000 readers by tomorrow. You are all powerful Buddhas. I am honored to be chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo along with you. 

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