Showing posts with label chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Creative Ways to Celebrate Our Gohonzon Birthdays

Yesterday was my 30th Gohonzon birthday. I have chanted Nam-myoho-renge-kyo every morning and evening and EVERY morning and evening for thirty years! It is hard to even imagine where I would be without this "engine of energy vibration" that taps into my highest potential every day. My life is better in every single way for invoking the energy of the entire universe through my life every day. 

I use this anniversary each year to deepen my faith, and deepen "the depth at which I live" - see the quote from Daisaku Ikeda below. I celebrate every year. There are several things I do to make my Gohonzon Birthday Week Memorable. I share these with you today with a sense of gratitude. Thank you for sharing our journeys of faith together. What follows is not a prescription or SGI's just what I do and have done for years. 

Here are some Ideas for Celebrating Gohonzon Birthdays - feel free to adopt, change, or add to these. Share your ideas with me at

1. I set aside at least three hours to chant. I chant these in a row or spread them out. 

2. I call my sponsors and the people who have supported me in the practice to thank them. 
(Or I call them sometime during the week of my Gohonzon Birthday)

3. I make fresh determinations. What are my NEXT thirty years going to hold? 

4. I begin something new - set off in a fresh direction. Yesterday I began a healthier eating and working out regime. 

5. I treat this day as a spiritual day just for me. I do something I really hike in the woods, or get a massage. Sometimes you can't fit it in all in one day - I'm getting a massage tonight. 

Yesterday I chanted for at least three hours centering on my district, my own goals, and appreciation for my practice. I took long walks in our woods which are filled with golden leaves. I also reminisced and took time to journal about ten years ago, 20 years ago, thirty years ago, thinking about how fast time flies...and how we really have to cherish each moment. Who thought ten years could fly so fast? Who could even imagine thirty years flying by so quickly? 

As Daisaku Ikeda states in "The Heart of the Lotus Sutra, page 211: 

'What matters most is the "depth of which we live," the "power of thought" we manifest. A person who leads such a truly profound life can make each day worth ten days or even a month. In a year, he or she can create the value of ten or even a hundred years, This is the true measure of one's lifespan; it is not decided simply on the superficial basis of length of time.

"I have based my life and worked hard with this awareness, and I am determined to continue to do so. Therefore, no matter what happens, I have no fear. I cna overcome anything with composure, with the spirit of a lion king. 

"When we base ourselves on the view that life spans past, present and future, we can overcome the suffering of birth and death. We can manifest a state imbued with great peace of mind like that of the Buddha. Then we need fear nothing. We can wholeheartedly devote ourselves to the happiness of all people and the realization of world peace - to the eternal struggle to create value, which is the Buddha's will. Each of us is a child of this Buddha who can lead a dignified and noble existence.  

Monday, September 28, 2015

Chanting and Crying Yes or No?

I'm in Asheville, North Carolina visiting my Dad. This is my new friend Arlene from the New Morning Gallery in the Biltmore Village. I can happily peruse galleries all day long! 

I'm continuing my 2-hour a day Daimoku Campaign. The second day of the campaign, as I was chanting I started to cry. 

Sometimes doing Daimoku helps you tap into emotions under the surface.  

I think it's important to know that just getting choked up is not a reason to stop chanting - especially if you've committed to chanting a certain amount of time. Throughout that whole hour I chanted, cried, and got right back into my deep, deep prayer. It felt invigorating! I did not stop! I won in that hour! 

I have a phrase...I'm not quite sure of the origin, although my dear YWD attributes it to me: "Every tear cried in front of the Gohonzon is a diamond in your life."

Chanting and crying is fine. 
Grab some tissues and go for it! 
Just keep forging ahead like the Buddha You ARE. 
GO Buddha GO!!! 

Saturday, September 26, 2015

7 Steps to Changing Our Karma

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Check out some of the previous posts while you're here! 
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The other day I found an article on the internet that said according to Buddhism "Life is Suffering." Well...Not this Buddhism! The goal of this Buddhism, and of life itself is Happiness. And it is never to late to claim and create our own happiness. It starts with US!  

Many of us practitioners of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism have changed various aspects of our karma. It starts with each one of courageous can we be to change ourselves? 
As Daisaku Ikeda writes:
The course of our lives is determined by how we react  - what we decide and what we do - at the darkest of times. The nature of that response determines a person's true worth and greatness.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I was in an extreme place of sadness when I started this blog, and there is one important thing I realized that I really want you to understand too. 
It is true, that my suffering was triggered by an event in my life. This can't be denied. But somewhere in the depths of my life I knew that the tears I was shedding were WITHIN my life, and had always been within my life. These were not new feelings of despair. Yes, they were intensified by my recent event, but I realized that I had carried these feelings INTO this life, and that my Mom, my sweet Mommy, had also experienced a lot of these feelings. 

I realized that this sadness was my karma and because I am a NICHIREN Buddhist - I can change it!
Karma in some sects means something you have to ENDURE, in others, it's something you have to LEARN FROM. and In Nichiren Buddhism, also known as SGI Buddhism, also known as Practical Buddhism ~  where we chant the name of the Mystic Law - Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, Karma is something that we can change, in fact, it is our MISSION to change our karma. 

7 Steps to Changing Our Karma

by Jamie Lee Silver of 
Please do not cut and paste. Please do share the post using the links at the bottom.  

1. Recognize karma for what it is. 
Whatever we are suffering about...we have to own it. To "own it" means to embrace it as our own and realize that yes, this is my karma, and therefore mine to change. There is no one to blame, not even ourselves. If it is causing us suffering, it is ours. Years ago I had a boss that caused me great suffering. I took it on and embraced it. I followed the steps outlined below and permanently changed that karma by changing something in myself. Read on...

2. Make a fierce determination to change your karma, and take the actions to change it. 
Chant to root the cause of your suffering FOREVER OUT OF YOUR LIFE. 
Many of you have written that you just can't chant, you can't go to meetings, you're too depressed and too busy. Somehow, you just have to overcome this through sheer determination. That's why we have our wonderful organization, the Soka Gakkai. It is entirely up to you! Your friends in faith are waiting to hear from you, chant with you, win with you. Connect to the SGI (use the link And call your SGI friends. I have always chanted to make strong friends in faith who inspire me. You can do this too, and go to them for guidance. (Sometimes, when I am facing an obstacle, I ask for guidance on the most effective way to chant to achieve victory)

3. Take action. 
In my case, five years ago, I formed a connection with a strong and inspiring member and we determined to chant two hours a day "together" to change our karma. Sometimes we chanted in the same room, sometimes by phone or text. We didn't always chant at the exact same time, but somehow, knowing we had the shared commitment was very important. Also, take concrete action. You may want to write your goals on paper. Chant for wisdom, and take the actions that arise from your prayers. 

4. Be consistent. Practice correctly. 
I know, I know, I say this all the time because it is really important. Go to meetings, study the writings of Nichiren Daishonin and Daisaku Ikeda, and introduce others to the practice to the best of your ability. No seed planted is ever wasted. If they don't start practicing today they may down the line. The seed is within their life. 

5. Realize that obstacles will arise. 
Don't let them stop you. 
Chant through your tears. Chant through your tears. A leader once told me that Every tear cried in front of the Gohonzon is a diamond in your life. Keep Chanting through your tears. Don't stop! Embrace it. Get out the tissues and get that karma out of your life, not just for you, but for the generations ahead of you! 

6. Don't give up. 
Whatever you do, don't give up. 
Do whatever you have to do to keep going. Karma changing doesn't usually happen overnight. Call on your friends. Start a journal. Realize that what you are doing is REALLY important.

7. WIN and share your Victory with others! 
Document your experience. Write down the challenges you faced and how you overcame them through chanting. Write down the quotes and guidance that inspired you. 

We would all love to hear your victories. You can share them on Just send a picture, a little about yourself - where you live, how long you've been practicing, and your experience to 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

7 Quotes on Gratitude by Daisaku Ikeda

 Lower Mill Pond in Brewster Massachusetts, 
in Cape Cod USA
The view of the pond from the houses

I'm sitting outside looking down on the pond from the terrace. This is such a special place. On this pond, people can have homes, but they cannot tear down the trees in front of their homes. 
So you can see, in the first picture, that the pond looks it probably did 200 years ago. There are also no motor boats allowed, no jet skis, nothing to disturb the quiet - except the birdsong and the wind rustling the trees. It is a true paradise. 

I'm sitting here today exercising my muscle of gratitude. Realizing once again, that gratitude is CHOSEN, not just fallen into. Sure, you could say, it's easy for me to have gratitude, sitting on this pond during my vacation...but you must remember, I have just had a loss that I still search for the words to I must exercise that muscle of gratitude more than ever. 

So today, I focus on all that is right in my world...
The fact that I am here...still standing...still writing...still living...
The fact that I am HERE in these beautiful surroundings...about to head to the beach with my wonderful son Aaron...
The fact that I am healthy...still breathing...still able to smile...
And I can chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to experience my life as a Buddha at every moment! 
And I feel immense gratitude to YOU, and to Daisaku Ikeda, and the entire SGI, to Nichiren Daishonin and Presidents Makiguchi and Toda. Without them, I have no idea how I would be living my life right now! 

Here are some quotes on gratitude from our mentor Daisaku Ikeda, from


To feel gratitude to one’s parents sounds like a trivial thing, but this is the mark of true maturity and growth as a human being.

People whose hearts are full of gratitude and appreciation are truly beautiful. A humble heart is the wellspring of great growth and development.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Physics of Chanting

The Physics of Chanting
Emily Maroutian
When I first heard about the SGI practice of chanting, “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo,” I was skeptical and doubtful that it would actually “cause” anything to happen. After all, what could repeating a few words do anyway? However, I was open-minded enough to try it.
I sat on my bed, closed my eyes and began to chant. I chanted for about five minutes and I immediately began to feel my body vibrate from the sound my vocal cords were making. I experienced a tingling sensation in the palm of my hands and the rhythm of the chant made my body rock back and forth. My body’s physical reaction to the chanting frightened me and so I stopped. Does this really work? I thought. But how can it? 

Then it suddenly hit me! Physics!
Physics’ current theory of everything, String Theory, dictates that the entire universe is made up of tiny vibrating strings. The underlining fundamental make-up of all things, including you and I, are minuscule invisible strings. Much like the strings on a guitar, they vibrate and play notes. Moreover, since sound is a vibration, not only is the entire universe vibrating but it is also playing a symphony.
So how does chanting work? 

When an opera singer hits a high note, she can break glass from across the room without ever touching anything. In physics, this is called resonance. Her vocal note and the glass’s vibrational note resonate and that causes the shattering effect.
You and I are constantly vibrating through our being. 

We attract (law of attraction) into our lives whatever it is that harmonizes with our note (law of harmonic vibrations). This is why you can meet someone and feel as though you have known them forever; both of you are harmonizing. They resonate with you and you resonate with them.
We can also repel opposing vibrations (law of repulsion) and keep away situations and people that are vibrating on opposite levels. This is why people who have been in our lives for a long time can suddenly decide they want to move on. Our shift has repelled them because our vibrations don’t harmonize.
If this is the case, then let them go and have faith that it’s all for the best. If you are shifting positively and people are dropping out of your life, let them go. You can’t hold back growth and transformation by holding onto someone who “needs” to leave. Holding on might require that you have to shift into a level that is unhealthy or negative. It may take time, but they will return once they can harmonize with you once again.

When we chant something as powerful and beneficial as “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo,” we shift something within our being, which then alters what we attract into our lives. We alter the level in which we are vibrating on and that attracts a different level of people, things and situations.

In the same way, when we are depressed and carrying around self-pity, we vibrate on a level that attracts things that keep us feeling depressed. It also attracts more reasons, situations and issues that make us continue to pity ourselves. It is the Karma that we create and recreate over and over again.
If we were to chant, “I hate my life.” repeatedly, we would attract and harmonize with people and situations that reinforce that statement. We also reinforce it with our thoughts, emotions and our whole being.
Our environment will support our being regardless of how positive or negative we are. 

So we must not only chant “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo,” but we must become it as well. Our being must vibrate on the level of “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.” Our lives must align with it in order for its true power to be unleashed in our lives and our environment.

Who we are is the biggest cause in our lives. 

Anyone at anytime can change their note. 

It begins with “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.” 

When we shift, our environment shifts. Every member of SGI knows this through experience, now there is a physical explanation of how it works.
Resonance, String Theory and the laws of attraction and harmony are what come into play when we devote ourselves to the mystical law of cause and effect through sound and vibration. Nichiren understood this hundreds of years before science discovered it. Now I understand it as well. Through this understanding, we can have faith that when we chant we are aligning ourselves with the highest good in the universe.
My experience with chanting was very positive and life changing. Even though I chanted for only about five minutes, it only took a matter of four hours for my environment to respond to my request. After that experience, I began chanting everyday and continued to receive the same level of response from my environment.
We chant because it begins with our words and moves through our thoughts, feelings, actions and being. Then it resonates in our environment and then the world. But it begins within us. The more we gather and the more we chant, the more energy we feed into our goal of a peaceful loving world. So never forget fellow Buddhas that the universe is playing a beautiful symphony in which you and I are notes. And when we all gather, we make beautiful music together.
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

PowerPrayer for Your Loved One's Glorious Rebirth

(You can now subscribe to this blog by putting your email in the box to the right)
PowerPrayer for Glorious Rebirth.

I know many of you are also grieving. You are writing me to tell me that my words are calming your hearts, and helping you to heal from sorrow of yesterday and beyond. If my words are helping, I owe it all to the power of Ben's LIFE...for I feel that life going on. I feel his eternal life.

In Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism, where we chant the name of the Mystic Law in all of Life (Nam-myoho-renge-kyo - meaning "I fuse my life with the Mystic law of cause and effect through sound vibration) we believe that life is eternal and death is a time for gearing up and resting for the next life. 

I have heard from readers who tell me Ben (my sweet son who recently began his next journey to prepare for his next life) is communicating to them, or somehow inspiring them. I love hearing these stories. Write me at chantforhappiness! anytime. 

Ben's girlfriend says he runs with her 
and inspires her to keep going.

Friends who have never chanted 
are now chanting with me for Ben's life.

His life is going on.

Yesterday a neighbor came and brought me over $800 that she had raised for Ben's memorial bench we want to put in Whitlock park (in Downers Grove, Illinois, USA) by going door-to-door to tell our neighbors about Ben. 

In June of 2016 we are hosting Ben's Memorial Mile and all are invited. We will have fast and slow races of many lengths (not all a full mile), races for kids, races for Moms and maybe even a race for people and their pets. It will bring the community together again. You can like Ben's Memorial Mile on Facebook for updates.

Today I reached a new level of chanting for him. Previously I tried, I did the best I could. But after Sunday, when Danny told me Ben will be reborn soon I feel more urgency. If Ben is to be reborn soon I need to chant in earnest!

And as I was chanting I wrote this PowerPrayer to share with you ~ with love. 
You can read it before chanting to focus while you chant. 

PowerPrayer for Glorious Rebirth 
By Jamie Lee Silver of
(please share by sending a link to this blog) 

As I am chanting I am changing_______'s karma
My daimoku is clearing ________'s negative karma
He/she will never experience ________________________________again! 
They will have THIS instead_______________________________.
My daimoku is changing their karma right now! 
This daimoku I am chanting right now 
is for _______'s glorious rebirth
He/she will be born in a harmonious and loving home 
with a Gohonzon!
And he/she will have all his/her 
great talents of this lifetime, 
leaving all the negatives behind.

________ will be able to use all his/her talents joyfully 
right from the beginning of his/her life
And find appreciation for him/her EVERYWHERE
The universe will support him/her in every way!
__________ will burst forth 
into a glorious new life of appreciation, 
love, fulfilment and joy!


Monday, July 20, 2015

Linda Johnson's Home Visit!

Linda Johnson, me and Melissa Bradford

Last night Linda Johnson came to give me encouragement regarding the recent death of my 22-year-old son Ben. 
My heart is filled with gratitude. Melissa Bradford came to help me remember and absorb the guidance. What fortune I have in my life. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

Linda said that even though it's hard to hear, everyone eventually dies. No amount of chanting changes that. After I told her about the last two year of his illness, she said it's clear that I extended his life. This is what Nichiren teaches. In spite of his struggle, through my love, I extended his life. 

AND, There's no way he would have died unless he fulfilled his mission. I must chant to see what I must learn, and how to make his life and death meaningful. Only through my Daimoku will I understand. 

She said my prayers at this moment (all our prayers) definitely affect his state of life, and how he will be reborn. She said even though schizophrenia took over his life, it is momentary from the perspective of eternal life. 

She said to hold on to our beautiful memories. And I insure his victory by winning in my own life. He will always be a part of my life. How can I show value, what can we manifest together? 

She said to have a dialogue with his life and to thank him for every single wonderful moment we shared. Fill my heart with appreciation that I had him as long as I did in my life. And from now on I live my life in tribute. 

She said doing this will help repair the hole in my heart. What wonderful guidance. 

She said Ben is a Buddha in life and a Buddha in death. He is continuing to do shakubuku. He is continuing to encourage people. As Buddhists we can see the positive workings of death. We cannot fathom everything with our intellect, but we can have confidence in our prayer. Everything can be used to create value. 

I told her sometimes I feel like running away from the pain and she said this is a natural feeling. How could I NOT feel this way? But the more we run, the stronger the pain gets. Boy, isn't THAT true? 

And lastly, when I asked her how to pray to bring my kosen-rufu life partner into my life she said to chant to connect with his life and pull him into mine. 
Okay! Will do! 

Monday, June 22, 2015

When a Problem Persists - Compassion for Ourselves!

Welcome to, a blog about drawing forth our own power, our own entire universe of Buddhahood, from within our lives by chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo (Meaning: I fuse my life with the mystic law of cause and effect through sound vibration) You can now receive these blogs by email by putting your email address in the box to the right. 

This blog is written by a 30 year practitioner of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism...a practice that enables us all to strengthen our muscles of faith by showing actual proof and turning every problem into medicine ~  while encouraging others through our own lives. 

It is a noble and fulfilling practice. I began this blog almost 6 years ago when I was suffering from severe depression after a breakup. I determined to chant two hours a day - and permanently alleviate the depression that had been in my life since before I was born---was part of my karma, my mother's karma, and my family karma for countless generations. I made a stand to forever root this karma of depression out of my life and take the world along with me by writing this blog. I was successful. I no longer have any depression. I do not wake up with a veil of sadness that follows me through the day. It is gone.

We, as Nichiren Buddhists, know that problems and challenges are part of life...that they actually are part of the fulfillment of a vow we made before we were born to prove the validity of this mystic law. Our challenges are, in fact, the answer to our prayers and our means to strengthen our faith (and when we say faith we do not mean just belief - we mean belief put into action to get results). 

And sometimes our problems are daunting and persist. How do we deal with those? 

Frequent readers of this blog know that I have a 22-year-old son who has been sick for some time. He is still in the hospital and he's quite sad right now. He became ill over two years ago with what they call Schizophrenia, but from time to time I wonder if that's really what's wrong. And the problem persists. 

It is very difficult to have a child who is suffering, and every day I am grateful that he is alive and we have more chances to find the right treatment and find the right place to help him. 

And, even though I practice this incredible law, and have seen its benefits in my life for over 30 years, I must say this is a long and confounding challenge. Many of you are facing such challenges. I know. We are challenging our karma together. And I endeavor to use my life as an example to encourage you and give you hope. 

What I can say right now is to give Your SELF some compassion. It's easy to get down on ourselves when we have long challenges. It's easy to think "If I had more faith, I'd have solved this problem by now." But that type of thinking does not get us anywhere, does it? It only gets us down on ourselves and rattles our faith more and more. 

These last few days I've posted encouraging blogs for you and for me. Sometimes I have to really dig deep to see my own beauty and my own strength....and to know that when I visit Ben, even if I can't "fix" him, I have still made a difference just by being there...and that my daily chanting for him, for kosen-rufu, for you and for this world makes a difference even if I can't see it right in front of my eyes this very minute. 
It's been 4 weeks now since he was rescued off the top of a 6-story parking structure while threatening to jump. It's been a long six months where he has given up many times, and yet, he is still alive and has a great mission. The shoten zengin (protective forces of the universe) have come to his aid time and time again. I absolutely cannot give up on him, or denigrate myself for not having "fixed" this problem yet.

So please don't do that to yourself. Together we must boldly advance every day doing what we know we need to do...studying the words of Daisaku Ikeda, our wise, wise encourager, and reading the Gosho of Nichiren Daishonin, the man who realized that chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo was the most powerful teaching for our time and endured persecution after persecution. He didn't say "Oh, this persecution is a sign that my faith is weak." He didn't get down on himself when he was exiled to Sado Island. No. He saw these challenges as proof of this faith, and we have to do the same. Being part of the SGI, going to local meetings, and chanting every morning and evening is our great, great fortune and a gift we give ourselves. 

Whatever you are challenging in your life, I invite you today to appreciate yourself anew. Do something nice for yourself. Be your own best friend. Think about ten things you appreciate about yourself. Write a note to yourself. Get a massage. Do something nice for yourself. Honor your strength, courage, beauty and wisdom. 

Winter always turns to Spring! Do not give up! Let's keep persevering together! 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

9 More Types of Fortune from Reader Simran Kalsi

1. Fortune is having a family who supports you like a rock.
2. Fortune is having Gakkai friends who will help you without asking for anything in return.
3. Fortune is knowing each and every second of the day that the protection of the Gohonzon is there with you.
4. Fortune is to be able to sit and chant in the most favourite part of your house.
5. Fortune is to see people changing around you when you least expected them to.
6. Fortune is to be able to see each problem as an opportunity for growth.
7. Fortune is knowing that you have the treasure house of good karma through so much practice which is more precious than all the gold of the whole gold put together.
8. Fortune is knowing that come what may you always have something so beautiful like this practice to go to.
9. Fortune is encountering this practice and to be able to see things and understand them in such a wonderful way.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Buddhists Take Action!

This blog is not on official publication of the SGI. It is written by a 30 year practicing SGI member. My purpose is to share the profundity and actual proof of chanting through my own life. You can subscribe by putting your email in the box to the right. You can translate using the translate button at the top right. If you want to share this blog please include the name Thanks! 

There is a reason for everything, right? And Ben's cause is a noble one. I have my son Ben's permission to share this with you. 

As many of you know, my 22-year-old son Ben was a star athlete who received a full college scholarship to run at a private university. But he was injured and could never compete again. 

The stress of this situation brought on a mental illness when he was 20 years old. For the past 2 years, Ben has been in and out of the hospital and various treatment centers. He has tried to end his own precious life many times, and I firmly believe it is my Daimoku, our Daimoku, and his mission, that has kept him alive.  

We recently found a place for him to live in Evanston Illinois called Albany Care psychiatric facility. Our hopes were that Albany Care could help him get back on his feet, gain confidence, and hope...and eventually he could live the life he was born to of value and fulfillment. 
He had only been there a week when the following occurred:

Last Sunday Ben and I were heading out to a movie, but he was agitated. We parked in a 6 story parking garage. I put on warmer shoes while he stepped out of the car. He went down the elevator before I did and I could not find him when I reached the ground floor.

I began calling people in terror. Aaron, (Ben's brother), and Meg, (Aaron's girlfriend) were only blocks away (so myoho!) they live about an hour away - and Paul, Ben's Dad, was also close. 
They showed up quickly and began looking for Ben. I also called 911. 

When we "found" him he was standing on the narrow ledge of the parking garage, 6 stories above us, in an altered state of mind. 

Police and fire department officials worked together to rescue him. He was in this altered state because he had stopped taking one of his medications. These medications are deadly if someone stops taking them. We have got to do a better job and find better forms of treatment!

It was an amazing event. The man who snuck up behind him and saved him was an off-duty detective, Ken Carter, who was having lunch in a restaurant directly beneath where Ben was standing. His fiance looked up, saw Ben, and they called for reinforcements. MYOHO! 
(I didn't know where Ben was at this time - we were all looking for him on the ground)

And the detective who talked with Ben while Ken snuck up behind him has been chanting since the age of 12 and was raised as a Buddhist by one of my mentors. Thank you Detective Corey McCrary. MYOHO! 

Ben is determined to live. He snapped out of it right after he was rescued. He said he wanted to live. He chanted Daimoku with me and Aaron in the hospital that night. We chanted in tears of gratitude. I was thinking of all of you and our shared Daimoku all day. When I saw him on that ledge I thought "It's up to you shoten zenjin!" 

Ben also chanted Daimoku with me last night at the psychiatric hospital when I went to see him. He had to ask for a private room for us to do this. And HE did it. 

And the other amazing thing is this:

When I called Albany Care in Evanston (the place he'd been staying) to plead with them to take him back, I talked with their Administrator. 

He told me that unless funding is restored by the state of Illinois legislature Albany Care (and ALL psychiatric facilities in the state of Illinois) will be CLOSED by July 1st 2015! I was already going to write letters of thanks to the police, fire department, and newspaper... 

Now my letter writing has taken on new meaning. I am writing letters of thanks that include pleas for people to contact their congress people. 

It is crucial that it stay open. ALL the psychiatric intermediate care places will close if funding is not restored. We can't let this happen. People will end up in the hospital, in prison or on the street. It will not save the state money. It will cost the state money and cause immeasurable human suffering. 

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! Onward and Upward! 
Buddhists chant and take action! 

Buddhists summon the unfathomable power of the Mystic Law within our lives. 
Buddhism is about chanting and intelligence...knowing when to take action, and what action to take. I am chanting strongly every single day to know what to do - and to do it! 

(If you live in Illinois and want to take action, contact me at and I can tell you how to look up your government officials.) 

Friday, May 22, 2015

10 Powerful Quotes on Prayer by Daisaku Ikeda

Daisaku Ikeda's 
10 Powerful Quotes on Prayer 

~ 1 ~

Prayer entails an intense challenge 
to believe in yourself 
and stop diminishing yourself. 
To belittle yourself 
is to disparage Buddhism 
and the Buddha within your life.

~ 2 ~

Prayer is the way to destroy all fear. 
It is the way to banish sorrow, 
the way to light a torch of hope. 
It is the revolution 
that rewrites the scenario of our destiny.

~ 3 ~

Prayers are invisible, 
but if we pray steadfastly 
They will definitely effect clear results in our lives 
and surroundings over time. 
This is the principle of the true entity of all phenomena. Faith means having confidence in this invisible realm.

~ 4 ~

Prayer is not a feeble consolation; 
it is a powerful, unyielding conviction. 
And prayer must become manifest in action. 
To put it another way, 
if our prayers are in earnest, 
they will definitely give rise to action. 

~ 5 ~

Prayer is the courage to persevere. 
It is the struggle to overcome our own weakness 
and lack of confidence in ourselves. 
It is the act of impressing 
in the very depths of our being 
the conviction that we can change the situation 
without fail. 

~ 6 ~

Prayer is an attempt 
to merge the inner workings of our life 
with the rhythm of the universe. 
When we pray in such a way, 
all the workings of the universe 
will function to protect us 
and the endless cycle of painful reality 
will be transformed 
into a cycle of victory and happiness. 
Prayer is the key to open the door 
to unleash 
that infinite human potential within our lives. 

~ 7 ~

The important thing 
is to firmly fix our gaze 
on our own weaknesses, 
not run away from them, 
but to battle them head-on 
and establish a solid self that nothing can sway. Hardships forge and polish our lives, 
so that eventually 
they shine with brilliant fortune and benefit. 
If left in its raw, unpolished form, 
even the most magnificent gem will not sparkle. 
The same applies to our lives. 

~ 8 ~

Prayer is not of the realm of logic or intellect. 
It transcends these. 

~ 9 ~

Prayer is an act 
of which we give expression 
to the pressing and powerful wishes 
in the depths of our being 
and yearn for their fulfillment. 

~ 10 ~ 

"What kind of future do I envision for myself? 
What kind of self and I trying to develop? 
What do I want to accomplish in my life?" 
The thing is to paint this vision of your life in your heart 
as specifically as possible. 
That "painting" itself becomes the design of your future. The power of the heart 
enables us to actually create with our lives 
a wonderful masterpiece 
in accordance with that design. 

It is not about others. 
It is about you winning, 
and winning over yourself. 
By doing so, you will provide inspiration 
and encouragement to all around you. 


Thursday, May 7, 2015

PowerPrayer to Make New Friends

Our friendships make our lives bloom! 

I receive frequent requests asking how to pray for more friends. 

The following PowerPrayer is the one I kept in mind as a chanted when I was lonely and lived far from my family. I knew I had to do something to make more friends. 

I am now rich in friendships and I make more friends every day. My friendships are easy and fun - no drama - all love! 

First, a quote from Daisaku Ikeda:

"Those who make many friends have greater opportunities for growth and self-development; they make society a better place and lead happy, satisfying lives. In every situation, human relations ~ communication and personal interactions ~ are vital. We need to initiate and nurture friendships and contacts with many people, both within the organization and in society at large. Our lives will open and be enriched to the extent that we do so." 
Faith in Action page 221

PowerPrayer to Make More Friends
(What is a PowerPrayer? An intention that I keep in mind when I am chanting for a specific goal. As always, various thoughts come and go as we chant. Reading the PowerPrayer before chanting may give you additional focus.)
By Jamie Lee Silver from


I am ready and willing to change in any way 
to BE a friend
and to attract new friends into my life. 
If there is anything I’m doing 
to stop new friendships let me see it and change it now!

I am ready and willing to change in any way to attract new friends. 

I am ready to make new friends.
I see myself now 
standing tall, walking with a buoyant step
and enjoying going with the flow.
My eyes are sparkling with happiness.
Everyone I meet wants to get to know me better
and I resonate with the new people 
who are coming into my life.
The people I'm attracting now
are really positive, vibrant and upbeat people
just like me!

We easily connect and enjoy each other's company. 
We become friends.

Of course, we must take action to gain new friends. When I meet someone I like I ask them out for coffee, or invite them to join me at an event. I take the initiative. It is worth it!