Showing posts with label chanting nam mtyoho renge kyo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chanting nam mtyoho renge kyo. Show all posts

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Lastminutemanifestbuddhadotcom! Guest Post from Morag in the UK ~ Enjoy!

ok, this is how exciting and amazing this practice can be.  first you have a really rubbish start to the week where every possible financial obstacle arises like a krakon from the depths. you chant and fight off negativity, read a bit of study here and there; keep your spirits up no matter what. you scrape through with the bank for three hard days. (actually, you sit at your desk chanting while your non-believing partner runs around collecting everything that's owed on every job, but they all pay up..)  that leaves your own payment on the credit card due on friday; has to be cash and paid in direct.  you chant at all day your desk, you chant while walking about tidying the shop, you determine not to lose heart, determine to summon courage and conviction that everything will be ok.  you serve customers to the best of your ability, you even talk about how your practice has changed your life to a lady who asks how you keep so cheerful giving her a booklet and NMRK 3:30 a customer walks in with an enquiry but leaves again. you decide that it might be best to go and do the measures a bit early, but in good heart for tomorrow is another day... the last customer comes back just as you are locking the door, and you both go back in and book out the job for which he pays cash, the exact amount you need.  it's 4:15 and I guess the S-Z must be screaming silently 'cos you think, does the bank open this late? you turn the van around and head back to town at 4:25, drive up to the bank which closes at 4.30  go up to the cashier with the biggest grin of all time on your face, and come out with 70p change.

THAT'S THE POWER OF NMRK!!                    Morag xx 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

When We Feel Lost ~ A Quote from Sensei

"There may be times 
when life seems gloomy and dull. 
When we feel stuck in some situation or other, 
when we are negative toward everything, 
when we feel lost and bewildered, 
not sure which way to turn --- 
at such times we must transform our passive mind-set 
and determine, 
"I will proceed along this path," 
"I will pursue my mission today." 
When we do so a genuine spring-time arrives in our hearts, and flowers start to blossom."

Daisaku Ikeda

PowerPrayer for Defeating Obstacles (Sansho Shima)

As you know, Julia and I are working on a book of PowerPrayers for you. Well today I have a sneak peek for you. I'm giving you a PowerPrayer we wrote together just yesterday. 

As you know, in any worthy endeavor obstacles HAVE to arise. That is a a natural function of life. But the important question is this : Can we see them for what they are, necessary obstacles to FUEL our determination and make us chant HARDER? Or are we FOOLED by them into thinking "Oh well, I guess I wasn't supposed to do this anyway" and then give up? It is up to each of us to either determine to win, or just succumb to losing. 

The first step is recognizing them for what they are:

"When devilish functions are recognized for what they are, they lose their power."
Daisaku Ikeda, June 2013, Living Buddhism page 23. 

Yesterday Julia and I made a fierce determination to win over the obstacles that have arisen for us in pursuit of our worthy goal of writing and getting this book into your hands so that it can help you and your friends become truly happy. 

I share the prayer we are both chanting. This morning I just finished an hour of chanting this prayer. Nothing will stop me. Nothing can stop you!!

Sansho Shima PowerPrayer:

Hello, Sansho Shima, 
I was expecting you.
I recognize you for what you are.

Sansho Shima, I see you for what you are! 
No way! 
Not this time
not any more. 
I'm in charge now.
I AM Nam-myoho-renge-kyo
I am roaring like a lion.
You  are not real, you  have no power here.
On the contrary, 
I take your pure energy now, and though my Daimoku I make you my ally, instead. 
Shoten Zenjin! Support me in every single action I take towards my goal. I am doing the Buddha's work on earth. Support me in every way!

I now use this obstacle to refuel my determination
and I will chant   ______  number of hours
every day until until I have ultimate victory.

Sansho Shima, I am now turning you into Shoten Zenjin! 
You are now the cause 
for victory in the lives of those I will
encourage by sharing this story.
You are now part of a powerful 
and inspirational story of victory.
You are not leaving me in a diminished condition
I am raising you to a high life condition
and purpose.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Power Prayer to Turn Problems into Benefits

All of our challenges exist so that we can overcome them and prove the power of this practice. Do we really understand this? If we do, if we REALLY feel this in our hearts we have a whole different view of life. 

When we KNOW that all our challenges are FUEL for our happiness, then none of them will ever truly get us down. Realizing we are the Buddha and have the ultimate tool to change ANYTHING is the secret of our success. 

No Buddha is defeated. No Buddha has a problem they can't solve. Actually we Buddhas do MORE than solve our problems, we turn them into great benefits. 

I remember my dear Japanese friend saying: "I love it when I get HUGE problems, because I know I will get HUGE benefit!" 

I know many of us believe this in theory, but how do we understand it in practice, with our very lives, and how do we turn poison into benefit? 

First we must realize that the problem is OURS, not the other person's. We cannot spend our time blaming our environment or the people in it. The moment we do that we have lost the battle. We are no longer Buddhas. 

I remember when I was in the process of realizing that it was time to move on from my marriage, I had to get to the point of not blaming my husband for anything. I just had to own the situation. I made a fierce determination that all members of my family would be happier once we split up. ALL members. And that our split was going to inspire people to chant. I determined to have people look at us and say "Wait a minute, they are going through a divorce and everyone's so happy? What is up with that? How can it be?" And this is exactly what I created. 

The book Julia Landis and I are writing for you:

The Buddha Zone
Power Prayers for Chanting Your Way to Absolute Happiness

is currently being written because Julia saw us going through our divorce and being a happy family. She was so shocked she began chanting and hasn't stopped! 

I accomplished my goal. 
My husband and I are happier than ever and our sons are happy too. We don't argue about anything. As a matter of fact we haven't argued at all since we made the decision to separate. And all of this was powered by my Daimoku and my determination. We still celebrate every holiday and get together as a family often. We are harmonious. 

I took something that was a huge problem for me, and I turned it into a benefit through chanting. 

Power prayer to change problems into benefits:

I am determined to use my situation to strengthen my faith. I know thatthat Nam-Myoho-renge-kyo is the core of my life, and stronger than ANY problem ~ no matter what is happening. I see every problem and challenge as fuel for my happiness, and the happiness of others

As a Bodhisattva of the Earth, I have the karma to experience this; therefore, I have the mission to overcome it and to be victorious.” I roar like a lion at the problems in my life. Daimoku overcomes everything! daimoku. I am a Buddha and I will live as a Buddha. I see through the eyes of the Buddha and I live with the daily conviction that at every moment I am paving the way for others to become happy. I live my life as an inspiration that ANYTHING is possible. I am determined to ________________________________________________________________________(you fill in the blank for your life)

President Ikeda has said: “A person may have all the wealth and treasure in the world, but viewed from the perspective of the ultimate reality of life, such things are but mere illusions…. The most important thing is to build an indestructible palace of happiness within our lives…. It is through experiencing hardship that we can savor true joy. It is through making efforts that we can grow.”

Monday, November 19, 2012

Such Fortune in my Life~

Michiko, Tomell, Donovan

Happy Monday morning! I hope it IS a Happy Monday morning for you, and that you are living a fulfilled and happy life. If you aren't ~ please don't despair. Just strengthen your practice and your faith and you will be on your way! Chant for what you really want! You chant to be able to make the impossible possible. Chant for what you really want. Refresh your practice if it's stale. Chant every morning and evening and go to your SGI meetings! No matter how long you've been gone you will be welcomed back with open arms. 

Yesterday was November 18th, day of the founding of the Soka Gakkai. 

Tomell was giving an experience at the Chicago Buddhist Center and we arranged to have lunch afterwards so he could meet Aaron and Ben and we could all meet his Mother Michiko and his nephew Donovan. 

As I was driving to pick up Aaron and Ben I realized my dreams had already come true. Both of them were excited about going to this Buddhist meeting, and meeting Tomell. Both of them have matured in their faith and have seeking minds toward their practice. It reminds me of the Buddhist parable about the man who stays at the Buddha's house, and the Buddha sews jewels into the lining of the man's coat. He leaves not knowing the riches he possesses, but they are there for him when he can realize them. It is just like that with Aaron and Ben. They have realized the riches in their coats! They are fired up about using this practice in their lives and excited about meeting other invigorating members. If you are a young man reading this and want to connect with them please write to 

Having my precious boys awaken to the absolute power that exists within their lives is something money can't buy. 

It is true fortune...benefit accrued from chanting over time. 

I know it's all coming together for their happiness and for the happiness of all the lives that they are going to touch. President Ikeda is absolutely right...the future of our country and of our world rests in the young people. If they can truly understand the depth of the power they have to change the world, and use Nam Myoho Renge Kyo as a TOOL ~ they will change the world! 

I do want to mention that my boys have not always been "enthusiastic" about going to Buddhist meetings. No. Many times I coerced, bribed, get them to go. The fact that they were actually looking forward to this is a huge benefit. And I know they got a lot out of it. 

I was curious to know about Tomell's relationship with President Ikeda. Tomell said he chose for a mentor a man who has no equal on the planet. NO ONE has over 300 honorary doctorates. No one has visited with the number of world leaders or written as many books, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. I can't keep track of the number of schools Daisaku Ikeda has founded. And we have the fortune to be living at the same time. Tomell says he thinks of President Ikeda as a coach. A life coach. A spiritual coach. This, of course, made perfect sense to my guys. 

Tomell also talked about having complete faith in Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Chanting for money without knowing where it would come from... Chanting about this job and having the perfect opportunity come to him...Tomell is a glowing example of FAITH in practice and benefits everywhere. He has accepted my offer to do some guest writing for this blog. At the moment I believe he is still in transit back to Dubai, but you'll be hearing from him soon. 

Thank you all for your encouragement regarding my being laid off. I truly believe it is a benefit, and my spirits are incredibly high. Thank you for your emails. You know I love to post your comments and receive your emails at I would love to print your stories of success and I am always happy to answer your questions.  

Friday, October 19, 2012

A Guest Blogger today and a GREAT QUOTE

Today I am posting an email from a reader. It came at the perfect time and says the perfect thing so I hope you will enjoy it! I have been busy reaping the benefits of my hours of chanting last weekend, and been happily running from morning until late at night for the past few days! 

The quote below is a prescription for how ALL of us can live our lives secure in the knowledge that every Daimoku is hitting every mark...every time! Let's all SUMMON our faith more than ever and release all our doubts!!!

Here is our guest blogger's encouragement:

 I am feeling very inspired, the SGI meeting I went to was about courage and faith.  Really it's in times where we feel that we cannot go on where we feel like giving up, that's when we call forward our courage and faith to go on. When we are chanting it is not about thinking through our problems how will this work out, but just deciding  how we want things to be and letting go enjoying our daimoku and allowing the buddha nature within us to come forth. Our strategizing in front of the Gohonzon, blocks the way for our innate wisdom to shine through.  I know that you have said this all before and thank you!  I would like to share a quote from President Ikeda's lectures on The One Essential Phrase, one that has touched me deeply and one which I will use to continue on my daimoku campaign:
Daimoku is like light. As the Daishonin says, "A candle can light up a place that has been dark for billions of years." Similarly, the moment we offer prayers based on daimoku, the darkness in our lives vanishes. This is the principle of the simultaneity of cause and effect. At that very instant, in the depths of our lives our prayer has been answered.
The inherent cause (nyo ze in) of a deep prayer simultaneously produces a latent effect (nyo ze ka). While it takes time for this effect to become manifest, in the depths of our lives our prayers are immediately realized. So at that moment light shines forth. The lotus flower (renge), in blooming and seeding at the same time, illustrates this principle of simultaneity of cause and effect.
Therefore, it is important that we offer prayers with great confidence. The powers of the Buddha and the Law are activated in direct proportion to the strength of our faith and practice. Strong faith is like a high voltage-it turns on a brilliant light in our lives.
Prayers are invisible, but if we pray steadfastly they will definitely effect clear results in our lives and surroundings in time. This is the principle of the true entity of all phenomena. Faith means having confidence in this invisible realm. Those who impatiently pursue only visible gains, who put on airs, or who are caught up in vanity and formalism will definitely become deadlocked.
People who base themselves on prayer are sincere. Prayer cleanses and expands the heart, and instills character.
Daimoku is also like fire. When you burn the firewood of earthly desires, then the fire of happiness-that is, of enlightenment-burns brightly. Sufferings thus become the raw material for constructing happiness. For someone who does not have faith in the Mystic Law, sufferings may be only sufferings. But for a person with strong faith, sufferings function to enable him or her to become happier still.
Faith is inextinguishable hope. The practice of faith is a struggle to realize our desires. And the basis of this practice is prayer. Through prayer, hope turns into confidence. This spirit of confidence unfolds in 3,000 ways, finally resulting in the attainment of our hopes. Therefore, we must never give up.
Even places that have been shrouded in darkness for billions of years can be illuminated. Even a stone from the bottom of a river can be used to produce fire. Our present sufferings, no matter how dark, have certainly not continued for billions of years-nor will they linger forever. The sun will definitely rise. In fact, its ascent has already begun.
To put yourself down is to denigrate the world of Buddhahood in your life. It is tantamount to slandering the Gohonzon. The same is true of setting your mind that absolutely nothing can be done about some particular problem or suffering.
Also, we must not decide in advance that a particular person or a particular area is a lost cause. It is precisely when faced with challenging circumstances that we need to pray. The key is to offer concrete prayers and take action-until results are produced.
Prayers based on the Mystic Law are not abstract. They are a concrete reality in our lives. To offer prayers is to conduct a dialogue, an exchange, with the universe. When we pray, we embrace the universe with our lives, our determination. Prayer is a struggle to expand our lives.
So prayer is not a feeble consolation; it is a powerful, unyielding conviction. And prayer must become manifest in action. To put it another way, if our prayers are in earnest, they will definitely give rise to action.
Thank you for your wonderful contributions! You make my day receiving your daily blogs, I love them and will tell more people about them.

And thank YOU friend for sending this incredible quote on this wonderful day!!!!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Wow What a Week!

I feel like I lived an entire month in this last week! Do you know what I mean? 

My Dad and Jan were in town so my sister and I entertained a lot. We love having them visit! 

And it was a week of big events at all three of my campuses. I am the Director of Community and Alumni Relations for three colleges and this was a week of wonderful activities of giving back to the community. Busy, busy, busy! 

I am so GLAD that I have time this weekend to chant! I am so glad I know about Nam Myoho Renge Kyo...and that I realize, with all my heart that ALL the power I need, all the wisdom I need, all the determination I need will be drawn from WITHIN my life by my chanting these precious words... 

I've gotten a lot of actual proof this week. This week my son Ben wrote me a poem called "Mother oh Mother" and this is my favorite stanza:

"Mother, oh Mother,
You've always been so warm 
You welcomed me to this world
To you I was a whole world in your arms."

Isn't that beautiful? What mother wouldn't feel that last line with all her heart? I have such incredible fortune, indeed~!

And I greet the weekend with fresh resolve and a thirst for more Daimoku. (Chanting of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo) I don't even know how much I chanted today...a LOT! And I am seeing once again the things I need to change in my life, and feeling the need to fuel my internal resolve to accomplish my goals and show complete victory of faith. I am fueling my resolve with Daimoku and fresh determinations:

Some of the determinations I made today:

I am determined to live healthy every moment of every day. I am determined to find the right combinations of foods/supplements/exercises that make me feel my very best at all times. I am determined to have vibrant energy and to be moving my life forward in every possible happy way. 
I am determined to show actual proof in all aspects of my life...

I am determined to have a vibrant, happy district full of SGI members whose lives are overflowing with benefit. 

I am determined to write engaging, encouraging blog posts for YOU that will really help you to change your life and become the happiest possible YOU! I'm determined to write the kind of blog posts you can't wait to send along to everyone others so that the spread of Kosen Rufu continues on and on more and more people become happy!  

And I am determined to have that one, cherished, special relationship...just like I know so many of you are also searching for. Believe me, when I get the answer I will share it with you! Right now I am chanting for wisdom! We can all use that, right! ? 

Please share your successes and challenges with me and with the other readers! You encourage us all with your posts and emails!