Saturday, March 8, 2014

Lastminutemanifestbuddhadotcom! Guest Post from Morag in the UK ~ Enjoy!

ok, this is how exciting and amazing this practice can be.  first you have a really rubbish start to the week where every possible financial obstacle arises like a krakon from the depths. you chant and fight off negativity, read a bit of study here and there; keep your spirits up no matter what. you scrape through with the bank for three hard days. (actually, you sit at your desk chanting while your non-believing partner runs around collecting everything that's owed on every job, but they all pay up..)  that leaves your own payment on the credit card due on friday; has to be cash and paid in direct.  you chant at all day your desk, you chant while walking about tidying the shop, you determine not to lose heart, determine to summon courage and conviction that everything will be ok.  you serve customers to the best of your ability, you even talk about how your practice has changed your life to a lady who asks how you keep so cheerful giving her a booklet and NMRK 3:30 a customer walks in with an enquiry but leaves again. you decide that it might be best to go and do the measures a bit early, but in good heart for tomorrow is another day... the last customer comes back just as you are locking the door, and you both go back in and book out the job for which he pays cash, the exact amount you need.  it's 4:15 and I guess the S-Z must be screaming silently 'cos you think, does the bank open this late? you turn the van around and head back to town at 4:25, drive up to the bank which closes at 4.30  go up to the cashier with the biggest grin of all time on your face, and come out with 70p change.

THAT'S THE POWER OF NMRK!!                    Morag xx 

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