Showing posts with label happy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happy. Show all posts

Friday, June 22, 2012

You Can Desire ANYTHING!

Yesterday I had a very interesting discussion with a member of my district who has been Chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo for about a year and a half. 

I said, as we were beginning to chant, "REMEMBER, YOU CAN DESIRE ANYTHING...YOU CAN CHANT FOR ANYTHING!" And after we chanted we talked about this. I know we had talked about it before, but now it is beginning to sink in for her 

She told me she was raised to believe that desires were bad...and that having a real desire for anything actually leads to suffering and unhappiness. She was taught to appreciate everything, but not to have desires or to be specific. She was taught not to ask for anything. 
I told her about the fulfillment of some of my very specific desires. I listed a specific desire I have now, with all its components (I get VERY specific!)

And she was amazed...and open to the idea of specifying her own desires...and chanting for them ~ rather than denying them. I am so glad we had this discussion! 

Please consider what I am saying. 

Earthly desires are your birthright. 

They make you who you are. 

They are fuel for your chanting, they make the light in your eyes shine...they make waking up each day a joyous experience. Why not be specific and go for what is in your heart? 

I know people who started chanting and had less than lofty desires...and chanting for those desires eventually lead their lives to chant for better desires. But they had to start where they were. There are people who begin their practice chanting for drugs, and if they keep chanting they will develop better desires! 

I know a man who started chanting to prove to his wife that she was wasting her time. More than 40 years later she's still chanting. 

There was an experience in the world tribune of a woman chanting to die, and she kept trying to commit suicide (and failing) and kept chanting and worked her way out of her sadness to lead a happy productive life. Chant for what is in your heart!

And, if you don't know what your desires are, well...easy answer! 

Chant to know what you really want. Ask your life. You have the perfect tool to do that!

I chanted to know what my mission was for quite a few years. I knew I was born to accomplish something important  (just like YOU) and I wanted to find out what it was. 

And now, here I am, thrilled to be writing to you today, thrilled that you pass on this blog address to others, and thrilled to reach more and more people every day and help them to become happy. 

My life has purpose, spark and excitement. Nothing makes me happier than hearing your successes, hearing that you've gone to SGI meetings and answering your questions. 
From the bottom of my heart I thank you and I urge you : Have desires! Make them specific! Chant about them! Own them and claim them!! And be HAPPY!!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

More about changing relationships

This week I've written about determinations and changing poison into medicine in all areas of our lives. 
Today I want to remind you that when you want to change a difficult relationship into a great one, determinations and chanting are important, but please remember that your everyday actions make a huge difference. 

If people come to you saying bad things about the person you are focusing on - you must not join the party of people speaking ill of that person! Your everyday actions, thoughts and words are ALL CAUSES that you are making. You want to focus on making good causes at all times. 

If you want to change a troubling relationship into a fabulous one please reread the post from Monday. Then watch your actions, and refuse to join the folks who are badmouthing the person whose happiness you are chanting for so deeply. 

All of this is up to you. 

Your happiness rests on you doing your own human revolution. You may think that your chanting for the difficult person is about THEM. But NO! It is about your human revolution. It is about YOU creating the flow of energy that will attract only amazingly great things into your life! It is about you changing from the inside so that you can build a solid sense of self that will be strong and happy NO MATTER WHAT your circumstances!!! It is about YOU, and the other person...and YOU are leading the way for the happiness of all humanity. YOU are opening the door to happiness in your life, in the life of the "difficult" person, and in the happiness of us all because, as you know so well...we are all interconnected!!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Where else do we need determinations?

I thought about the nature of determinations all day yesterday.

And I saw something in my own life, and found some great quotes I'd like to share with you. 

I started thinking about the areas of my life where I have the most complaints rumbling around in my head. And I realized that there is a direct relationship between complaints and a lack of a clear determination to WIN. 

Remember that Human Revolution is not easy. Only lions can roar! 

It takes courage to realize that the things you (me) have been complaining about (in our heads or out loud) are EXACTLY the same areas where we lack strong determinations. 

What other determinations can you summon from the depths of your being? 
What are the areas you've been "hoping" will change, but you don't have a strong determination to win? 

I'm looking at those areas and am about to sit down and chant my morning hour of daimoku with an open mind and an open heart for change in my own life...perspective...and most of all fresh, clear determinations. 

June's issue of Living Buddhism (available at US Buddhist Centers, by calling 310-260-8900, or visiting is excellent, as always. 

Under the section "Writings for Discussion Meetings - Building a Solid Sense of Self" the article talks about Nichiren Daishonin's Determination. 
He knew that he would be persecuted as a votary of the Lotus Sutra, and even before anything happened he resolved (made the determination) that "whatever might happen to me in the future, I must not bear any hatred toward others." 
The article continues, "When we find ourselves in a difficult situation we can use it as an opportunity to apply our Buddhist practice to our daily lives and transform the situation. It's also important that we self-reflect on our own actions and continue to polish our character and how we interact with and treat others....with difficulties at work, at home or in other areas of life, once we make a firm determination to win, it does not matter what others choose to do or say. If we persevere with confidence and dignity on the course we have chosen, we can break through any obstacle. Through our Buddhist practice , we can open up and transform all areas of our life, no matter the difficulties." 

I feel this with my life and am working on fresh new determinations in the areas of my life that could stand a fresh blast of the light of Daimoku. 

In the article Daisaku Ikeda is quoted as saying "Building a solid and unmoving self like Mount Fuji means doing our Human Revolution, elevating our state of life, based on our practice of faith. It means developing a solid self that is never defeated by our environment or circumstances and is capable of transforming everything into happiness and victory. True Happiness shines in the lives of those who possess such an indomitable spirit." 


Monday, May 14, 2012

Experience from a reader! Chanting brings many benefits and surprises!

Thank you to the reader who sent this in:

I will post my experiences: I had almost zero communication with my family and that is when I was suddenly introduced to Nam Myoho Renge Kyo last June. 

Within a week I was talking again to everyone and the relationship somehow solved and healed itself (when I thought impossible!). 

I also travelled for a job and before I travelled, exactly a few days before I received a surprise $5,000 check. This check hit my account literally as I landed in the country (staying for few months). 

Besides that check I received a surprise approved money transfer off of a commission, $2,000. Later this money came to protect me as the job fell through. 

I also had kind people that protected me. I have many stories of being protected and surprise gifts. 

For example my phone screen broke and was replaced by someone generous who had his friend let me borrow an extra phone until I left the country. When i left the country I had to use my broken screen phone again but surprise, the screen began working!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Happy May 3rd!

Happy Day of Master and Disciple!!

Happy Day to once again renew your faith...set your determinations and together with Daisaku Ikeda and all the members of the Soka Gakkai, work together towards Kosen Rufu (World Peace). 

What is the significance of this day you ask? 

May Third is when Josei Toda, second President of the Soka Gakkai took on the mantle of Kosen Rufu by accepting responsibility for this organization. He was already in a weakened state from having been in prison for refusing to give in to the Japanese Government by not supporting the war effort in WWII. He devoted the rest of his life to teaching and lecturing and leading people to happiness one by one. And later, his disciple, Daisaku Ikeda also took the reigns of Worldwide Kosen Rufu on this date. 

It is a significant time for all of us to say"YES! I will do my OWN Human Revolution. 2012 is a year I will never forget! It is the year I won over my__________(you fill in the blank!) It is the year I got to the core of my suffering and tore it out by the roots! It is the year my environment started reflecting the real, true, diamond-like, brilliant and shining me! It is the year I accomplished________!!!
I will chant with even more strength and regularity (EVERY morning and evening!!!) I will take the opportunity to use the May  contribution campaign as a springboard for my happiness, and the happiness of others! I am determined to win in every aspect of my life!!! YES" 

Please take the opportunity to attend your local SGI meeting commemorating May Third! Find your local center at, or search on Soka Gakkai followed by the name of your country! These meetings are fun and inspiring!!!

I start this day with strong prayers of appreciation towards my mentor Daisaku Ikeda, and Josei Toda and Tunesaburo Makiguchi. Without them dedicating their ENTIRE lives to this practice, I would never have encountered this teaching, and I would still be suffering...knowing SOMEHOW there must be a practice I could use to build my own happiness...and continuing to look for it. 

I mean, when you really think about it, the facts just blow you away. Ever since Daisaku Ikeda first encountered Josei Toda, at the age of 19, he has devoted every waking second to ensuring the correct propagation of this that all of us could have the tools to create our own happiness and build this world into a world that respects life itself. It is truly something to appreciate. 

Thank you Daisaku Ikeda. I will do everything in my power to help people find out about this great practice, and to teach people to practice correctly so that their lives will be OVERFLOWING with mine is! Like all the members of my District! 

The purpose of this blog, as you know,  is to reach the people who sit at their computers every day and think "The secret to happiness in life must be somewhere on the web!" 
And it is! Chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo! Join the Soka Gakkai and make the best friends you have ever had in your life!!! VOW with all your heart to create the happiest of lives so that you can be an example for other people...and it shall be so!!!!
Write out your vision of your life...write out your dreams in narrative form...and make them come true!!!
It is also to reach people who are already practicing and needing that extra boost of energy to keep persevering through the hard times and to NOT GIVE UP! This blog is for YOU!

As Daisaku Ikeda quotes Josei Toda in the May Licing Buddhism, 

"Don't let anything shake you. Just chant with your whole life. Never lose heart. Activate the powerful forces of the universe!"

This May Third I am full of gratitude to YOU, my readers. Thank you for your words of encouragement, and for telling me what this blog means in your life. Thank you for sharing your heartfelt questions and concerns with me. Thank you for encouraging me in my publishing aspirations, and thank you, thank you, thank you, for passing the link to chantforhappiness,com to others. By doing so, you are also making a profound cause for your own life. And thank you for sharing your successes with me. 
You all touch my heart!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Do you Have to Write Your List of Goals?


I received a question asking if goals really had to be written down. 

The answer is no. 

But it really works for me! 

I have been writing my goals for years, and I love having them to focus on when I run out of steam while I'm chanting. I have had so many goals that have come true...and I love looking back on them and documenting my life.  Writing goals has always worked for me. 

Did Shakyamuni advise writing your goals? I don't think so. 
Did Nichiren Daishonin? I'm not sure, but I haven't read every word he's written or said. 

Writing goals and determinations has always worked for me, so I continue to do it, and advise other people to do it. Like so many other aspects of this practice ~ it is entirely up to you!

When I write goals I draw a picture of how I want my life to be. My goals are written in narrative format as if they have already happened. Reading them inspires me! 

The most important thing is to chant...and keep chanting...and keep chanting. 

I'm in the beautiful rolling hills of Kentucky today taking a break from watching Aaron run in his last college track meet. The weather is beautiful even though the forecast called for rain. 
My Dad and Stepmom Janice are here and I am enjoying every moment of this glorious day. 

I love answering your questions and I love when you email me. 
What a wonderful life I have. 
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!!!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

Another beautiful thing about being a Buddhist is you can celebrate any holiday you want to! 

Some years we have a Passover Seder...some years we celebrate Easter...and some years we do both. 

I was raised celebrating Easter...culturally. We got our Easter dresses and had an egg hunt and a family brunch. 

Today, on this holiday celebrating spring, we had a great time! 

My sister and her fiance, and my nephew and his girlfriend joined us along with Eli and we had a blast! 

Eli and I hid eggs filled with money and candy and my sister cooked a great meal at my house. Fun Fun Fun. 

And yesterday we went downtown and showed Eli Chicago and took him to some live jazz...

At every moment I am thinking how grateful I am to have the practice I have...the chanting I do brings me above any of the things that used to annoy me...and puts me constantly in the right place at the right having the email about free live jazz tickets come to me a few days before Eli arrived. NICE. 

We all watched the jazz and laughed together and just had a great time...every moment I am so appreciative...thank you life! Nam Myoho Renge Kyo! I hope you are enjoying this day too!