Showing posts with label problems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label problems. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Burn With Ever Brighter Spirit!

I have huge challenges now! Huge. Bigger than ever. I am burning bright as the sun because I am embracing these challenges and I am determined to WIN. Not just for myself...but for YOU...and my district, for kosen-rufu and for the world. The problems I face are the problems people are facing all over. I MUST defeat them. I must use them to fuel my growth and to help people. I am a warrior for happiness...a warrior for kosen-rufu. I burn with the spirit of my mentor Daisaku Ikeda, and I AM Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and so are YOU!

The second Gosho I ever studied and studied and studied is "A Ship to Cross the Sea of Suffering" by Nichiren Daishonin. In it, he makes it clear that our problems are actually our benefits because the more problems we have the more we will strengthen our lives. And the stronger our lives become the happier we are. The happier we are, the more we can help others. And happiness is contagious. Our happiness leads to kosen-rufu...our happiness SPREADS. Our happiness is IMPORTANT. 

In America we have a couple of phrases that represent this. One is: "Happy Wife, Happy Life." Smart husbands say this, because they know it is true. Another is "If Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy" and that's true too, isn't it!

A happy wife makes a happy husband. A happy wife and mother creates a happy home. A happy home creates a happy neighborhood. A happy neighborhood leads to a happy world. Your happiness is important. In Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism we create our own happiness. We are responsible for turning poison into benefit. And we have the ultimate tool to do it! We chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo in front of the mirror of our lives, the Gohonzon. We are fortunate indeed. 

This is one of my favorite quotes from the Gosho "A Ship to Cross the Sea of Suffering:" "In the Latter Day of the Law (now), the Votary of the Lotus Sutra (us), will appear without fail. The greater the hardships befalling him, the greater the delight he feels, because of his strong faith. Doesn't a fire burn more briskly when logs are added? " extension, our problems cause us to chant and make new determinations. These new determinations strengthen our lives. We forge our own humanity and strength through having problems and defeating them one by one by one. 

President Ikeda says: 
"Instead of becoming discouraged by setbacks or changes of our circumstances, we need to lift ourselves up and take on new challenges with even greater energy. The important thing is that we remain true to the goal we have pledged to achieve that we burn with ever brighter fighting spirit to win in the end."
 (April 5 World Tribune, p.3,)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

What Can You Accomplish By Chanting?

What can you accomplish through chanting? 

You can change your problems, your attitude, your basic life tendencies and your karma!

The power of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo 
is bigger than your biggest problem. 

"There are many elements involved in a prayer being answered, but the important thing is to keep praying until it is. By continuing to pray, you can reflect on yourself with unflinching honesty and begin to move your life in a positive direction on the path of earnest, steady effort. Even if your prayer doesn't produce concrete results immediately, your continual prayer will at some time manifest in a form greater than you had ever hoped." 
~ President Ikeda  (From Faith in Action page 152)

What are some examples of actual proof I've accomplished through chanting?

I have raised my life condition permanently from a state of sadness to one of almost continual happiness. 

When you raise your life condition EVERYTHING changes. People around you change. Opportunities come more easily. Everything changes because YOU have changed on the inside and because of the interconnectivity of all of life your environment has to change to reflect those changes.

As Nichiren Daishonin says in the Gosho The Three Kinds of Treasure: "Buddhism teaches that when the Buddha nature manifests itself from within, it will obtain protection from without. This is one of its fundamental principles.

I have permanently changed the following in my life:

Hopelessness - I now look forward to every day
Depression - Now almost nonexistent for me
Anxiety - Almost NEVER do I feel anxiety now.
Sadness - I am truly a different person now...
Fear - Hardly ever...
Loneliness - I went from having very few friends to having many friends, and to being happier when I'm alone as well. 
Health - I am healthier than I've ever been. 


I have alleviated the feeling of endless longing for what I do not or cannot have. Words cannot describe how wonderful this benefit has been for me. 
I've lost 50 pounds and feel younger and stronger than ever.
I just sent my book off yesterday to an agent. I am living the life of my dreams. This, along with the blog you are reading now is my greatest passion....helping people alleviate their suffering by introducing them to Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. 

I have peace of mind.

The list goes on and on.....

There are also many other categories of changes people have made in their lives. 

I remember chanting for my first car. I chanted for a reliable car for kosen-rufu (world peace) so that I could drive people to SGI meetings in San Francisco. 
I chanted for a beautiful house to hold Buddhist meetings that would inspire people that anything was possible!
I'll never forget the looks on the movers' faces when they arrived at my beautiful kosen rufu home on the hill with the gorgeous view! It was such a contrast from my tiny little apartment on lower Nob Hill in San Francisco! 
And I've chanted for financial benefits. We need money to live and to give us opportunities. 
It is not bad to chant for money. Money is necessary. 

You can chant for anything. 
Family Relationships
Happiness for others
You are accessing the power within your own life. 

There are so many things... feelings...experiences... that you can chant for. And the biggest benefit of all is that as you are chanting for these things you are developing a stronger sense of self...a stronger inner core...a strength so powerful that NO PROBLEM CAN DEFEAT YOU. EVER. That is truly the best benefit of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.
And remember that when you chant you are not asking anyone for are drawing power from your own precious life! Go YOU!

I'm celebrating today. Readership this blog is getting close to 1,000 a day! Thanl you so much for helping me reach my goal of 50,000 a month by November 18th! Thank you for passing the link 
on to your fellow members, friends, family and anyone you want to introduce to this practice, or encourage. And thank you for passing it on to people who speak languages other than English since there's a translation button on the top right ...And thank you so much for writing me. I love knowing what is on your mind and I adore hearing your successes. I am so grateful to you.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

We've Summoned our Obstacles ~ Let's Overcome them TOGETHER! I'm starting a new Million Daimoku Campaign ~ Want to Join Me?

I am so grateful for yesterday's Gosho study. Even though I have been practicing for almost 30 years, I still need refreshers in faith too. 

We are all Buddhas and we are all learning together in our precious SGI. 

I have had a lot of obstacles of all kinds over the last few weeks. Yesterday I studied the August Gosho with an open heart and one thing just sprang out at me. I have always known that the three devils and the four obstacles arise as evidence that we are practicing correctly. Now I realize I have summoned them.

They are natural functions (fundamental darkness ~ not actual devils) that arise as a reaction to our positive actions for Kosen Rufu (World Peace). Obstacles HAVE to arise from our lives so we can clear this fundamental darkness away and reveal our own Buddhahood. 

The Gosho is called "The Three Obstacles and Four Devils" and was written in November of 1277 to the youngest Ikegami Munenega after his brother had been disowned by his father for his faith in Nichiren Buddhism. 

President Ikeda says these things about obstacles:

Though we speak of the "three obstacles and four devils" appearing, no one wishes to have to face adversity. 
That is surely a natural human reaction. 
But Nichiren says that 
the appearance of the three obstacles and four devils 
is a source of JOY. 
How could that be? It doesn't seem possible. 
But it is, in fact, 
by overcoming the steep hills and inclines of obstacles 
we can forge our lives 
and ascend the summit of Buddhahood, 
where we can savor the sublime vista of 
eternity, happiness, true self and purity."

He goes on to say:

"We need to "own" them as something we ourselves have summoned up...we are in charge, we are the protagonists...the struggle against the three obstacles and four devils is indeed a great joy."

President Ikeda goes on to say:
"As Nichiren Daishonin writes: "When a tiger roars, gales blow; when a dragon intones, clouds gather" (The Workings of Brahma and Shakra," WND-1, 799) When we adopt this attitude ~ "I summoned this storm!" ~ our hearts will be filled with the bright sense of hope and purpose." (All quotes from the August Living Buddhism, pages 21, 22) 

OKAY! I summoned my obstacles and problems. I get it! 
Now I am redetermining to vanquish them and starting a new Million Daimoku Chart. You can download a Daimoku Chart for yourself at

I am starting today. I am determined to chant a million Daimoku by the end of 2013, and I have many goals to fulfill by November 18th ~the day we open the new castle for Kosen Rufu in Tokyo - The SGI World Headquarters. There are 300 hours in a Million Daimoku Campaign. 
That averages to chanting 1 1/2 hours a day to finish One Million Daimoku by the end of the year, and three hours a day to finish by November 18th. I don't know if I can commit to three hours a day, but I will definitely finish by the end of the year or sooner.  

I am making a long list of what I plan on overcoming and I can share a couple of highlights with you:

I am determined to live a courageous life and overcome fear in any of its forms. 

I am determined to live my absolute best life each and every chant strong daimoku and never be defeated - not even for a single moment.

I am determined to have a signed publishing agreement for The BuddhaZone, PowerPrayers for Chanting Your Way to Absolute Happiness. 

I'm chanting that every single one of you who reads this blog will gain a new understanding, new fire, new conviction in the power of your own life and chant your way to ABSOLUTE HAPPINESS, and share this blog and the SGI with everyone who is suffering and seeking solutions! 

I am determined that the youth in the world and in my district lead lives brimming with hope and enthusiasm! I'm chanting for millions of youth to join the SGI to create lives of hope and happiness and lead us all to Kosen Rufu!

I'm chanting for the health and happiness of all my family members. 

Please join me! Write me at and let me know that we are joining together to WIN!!! 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Power Prayer for Overcoming Obstacles

Obstacles are part of the journey. 
And they can either FUEL us of FOOL us. 

It is up to us. We choose by our attitude and resolve. When an obstacle arises we can say "This obstacle is making my resolve stronger! This is a log on the fire! I will chant even harder and take a million times more action. I will help others chant. I will study more. I will share President Ikeda's spirit and I WILL MOVE FORWARD. Or we can say "This obstacle means I shouldn't be doing this right now. I wasn't meant to have this dream come true. This is a sign I should give up." If this is our response to obstacles then the obstacles have won. They have FOOLED us into thinking we aren't powerful, and that we are not Buddhas. 

As many of you know I am spending my days writing a book for all of you. My vision is that this book be infused with Sensei's spirit, and filled with Nichiren Daishonin's resolve. My goal is for this book to introduce people who are suffering to the wonderful world of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. ..the world where real dreams, small and large can be brought to life...the world of vitality and purpose....aliveness and connectedness where we are all living in happiness and all helping others become happy...the world of Kosen Rufu. 

This, and many other books are my life's dream...not to "attain notoriety  or be famous or live in a mansion. No. My vision is to reach people who are searching for the most practical solution to their problems, and lead them to the SGI and a world of new friends, happiness and success. 

Along the way, and specifically right now, I am experiencing many obstacles. How I view them is the key to winning or failing, right? This will be a work of actual proof for you, my readers. This book will be  proof that the impossible can become possible. I've already made many impossible things happen in my life ~ losing 50 pounds - becoming healthy - helping many people receive the Gohonzon - and reaching you through the magic of the internet and inspiring you to connect with the SGI and President Ikeda's heart ~ these  things were impossible. And this book has been an impossible dream all of my life. 

At first I was beset with my own doubts, and those took years to overcome. I wrote and rewrote and rewrote parts of the book. When I read them over I knew they were not good. Now, as I am deeply into the process, have a brilliant writing partner, I've honed my own writing skills, a fresh batch of obstacles have arisen. But I have a power prayer for overcoming obstacles that is written in my heart and I'll share it with you now:

Power Prayer for Overcoming Obstacles on the way to my dream 

I am determined to use every obstacle, every doubt, every criticism, to fuel my resolve and solidify my determination. I am the Buddha and the determination for the happiness of all beings is alive within my heart. Every obstacle is a log that makes the flames of my desire burn higher. I will chant with 10,000 times more determination, and take resolute action every day towards the realization of my goal. I will study, introduce and encourage others with all my heart every single day. My karma is my mission. I dedicate my life to proving the power of this practice with every breath I take, and inspiring countless others to chant and become absolutely happy. I resolve to accomplish: _________________________________________(you fill in the blank)

And this morning I found some quotes by President Ikeda from the book Conversations with Youth for you. I have given away countless copies of this book. You can find it in the bookstore through the SGI portal to the right on this page. 

"If the power of your faith and practice 
is a force of 10,000 
then it will elicit that degree of corresponding power." 
P. 299

There is nothing extraordinary about prayer. 
It is simply wishing for something with all your heart, 
and our heart is what matters most. 
It is important to chant with deep faith, reverence and love for the Gohonzon in our heart." p. 303

"If you summon your courage to challenge something 
you will never be left with regret. 
How sad it is to spend your life wishing 
"If only I'd had a little more courage."
Whatever the outcome may be, 
it is important to take a step forward 
on the path you believe is right. 
There is no need to worry about what others may think. 
Be true to yourself. 
It's your life after all."

All quotes by Daisaku Ikeda from Conversations with Youth.  

Monday, November 12, 2012

Hello Obstacles!

I post the flower here as a symbol of the unfolding of Buddhahood within all of our lives. When we chant consistently our lives unfold peacefully and beautifully and happily. I am so grateful for receiving the gift of these flowers...they are beautiful and strong and sending me their own kind of encouragement right now. 

On "Obstacles":

What do Buddhists mean when they use the word "obstacles"? We mean the same thing other people say when they use the word "problems". And we use this word for a reason. 

If you are a true practicing Buddhist you have no problems. Problems are stagnant things that hang around forever. Problems are something people learn to live with and accept. Problems tend to linger...when people feel powerless to change them. 

But "obstacles" are totally different.

Obstacles come to strengthen our lives and make us happier. 

As practicing Buddhists we KNOW our lives are on a positive trajectory. We KNOW that if we persevere in our practice, and continue studying, helping others learn to chant, that all our obstacles will clear away. 

Obstacles are the logs on the fire that serve to STRENGTHEN our lives! We burn them with our fierce Daimoku. How can we be afraid of them? We should actually be grateful for them. I remember the first time a leader suggested that I have gratitude for my obstacle. I had to chant about her suggestion. I had to chant myself into a state of appreciation for my obstacle. Of course that helped to clear it away. 

At this moment I am facing a huge obstacle. Woohoo! That means a huge benefit is right around the corner. Isn't it wonderful to live life with this attitude? I share my life with you so you can claim victory for yourself in the face of obstacles. 

Instead of looking at the challenges in your life as "problems" please take another view. Realize that obstacles are there for your own development and USE your practice to knock them down one after another. And you will emerge with a strong and undaunted life force that will inspire others and bring you the kind of happiness you truly want...the kind of happiness that comes from within. 

Say to your life: 

Hello Obstacle and Hello Benefit.

They are one and the same.
Especially if you have the right attitude and a strong practice.
We practice daily so that when a big obstacle hits us we are strong, strong, strong.

I had a friend in Japan who had chanted for more than 40 years.

He said "When I get a big problem I am so happy! I know that there will be a big benefit from this problem!"

And he really has the right idea.

Today, Monday morning, I am facing some meetings which will determine my future at the company where I work. All the employees are facing uncertainty today. I wrote a few days ago that layoffs and closings have been announced, but no specifics have come out so far. No Problem! Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

I am so grateful I chanted for three hours on Sunday. I am not scared, and I will keep smiling. I will encourage my fellow co-workers as much as I can. I was chanting for their happiness...and for their peace of mind. I am a walking Buddha in the world, just like all of us Soka Gakkai members. Everywhere I go I represent Daisaku Ikeda. My goal is to make him proud and do the right thing at all times. Especially in times of great change! My goal is also to encourage people everywhere with every fibre of my being. 

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!