Thursday, May 16, 2013

Strength is Happiness

"Strength is happiness. 
Strength is itself victory. 
In weakness and cowardice there is no happiness. 
When you wage a struggle, 
you might win or you might lose. 
But regardless of the short-term outcome, 
the very fact of your continuing to struggle 
is proof of your victory as a human being. 
A strong spirit, strong faith and strong prayer—
developing these is victory and the world of Buddhahood." 

Daisaku Ikeda

Power Prayer to WIN over Sadness

I received this question this morning. 
And I know the answer through my own life experience. 

Dear Jamie  

Why do old negative feelings surface after I chant? I was emotionally abused in my marriage. I decided to divorce over two years ago. However I don't feel so sad about the divorce, I feel more sadness from the abuse.

The chanting brings these hurt feelings to the surface. I know that I need to keep on chanting. But how come it works this way?


Sincere Seeking Mind


Dear Sincere Seeking Mind, 

Great question. 

When I started this blog in 2009 I was in the throes of deep sadness. I had experienced a heartache, it is true, but I knew there was a deeper cause, what we call "fundamental darkness". Chanting brought these feelings to the surface ~ so I could change them once and for all.  

When we chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo (the rhythm of life itself - literally "I fuse my life with the mystic law of cause and effect through sound vibration"), we reach a level of our lives that is very deep. And through the vibration of this chant, and our strong determination, we can change life-long tendencies, i.e. karma, forever. 

We can use our negative emotions as fuel to create a level of strength and happiness that NOTHING can shake. This "Absolute Happiness" is the goal of our practice of Practical Buddhism. 

Through chanting twice a day - every day, I was able to understand and conquer the sadness forever. I received this wise guidance in the early days of my practice: "Nothing can come out of you that wasn't already in your life. No anger, no sadness, nothing can come out that wasn't there. We may think it is in response to our environment, a man, a relationship, abuse etc. But in reality that emotion is WITHIN our lives and may have been within our lives for many lifetimes. Since we have chosen to be Bodhisattvas of the Earth this lifetime, and we chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo we can finally vanquish these feeling once and for all in this lifetime." 

I knew in my heart that the sadness I was experiencing, was  a deep sadness that I had felt on an off all of my life. Throughout my life I'd seen my mother experiencing it, too. 

I embraced it as my karmic mission to overcome it and turn it into a benefit. 

Daisaku Ikeda says:

"There is no suffering or hardship that a Boddhisatva of the Earth cannot surmount. So no matter what happens, I would like you to steadily advance, one step at a time, always chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with vibrant voices." Faith in Action page 93.

He also says:
"Nichiren Daishonin writes, "If you light a lantern for another, it will also brighten your own way" (Gosho Zenshu, p. 1598). Please be confident that the higher your flame of altruistic action burns, the more its light will suffuse your life with happiness. Those who possess an altruistic spirit are the happiest people of all" (Faith in Action pages 93-94)

And, of course, I remembered the immortal line I ingrained in my life from the Nichiren Daishonin's Gosho Letter from Sado. (I sincerely encourage all of us to study the Gosho with our lives. The Daishonin wrote this letter during his exile on Sado Island knowing that this exile was proof of the correctness of his teaching. If you don't have the Gosho, please go to the link to the SGI to the right and get it right away. Studying the Gosho is truly "A Ship to Cross the Sea of Suffering") 

"Only by defeating a powerful enemy can one prove his real strength." (Letter from Sado)

I saw my sadness as a "great enemy", one that had been shadowing me forever. And I made a sincere dertermination to change it once and for all, for myself and for seven generations in the past and seven generations in the future, and for everyone whose lives I could touch through my blog and my life. 

That emotion, that karma, was the FUEL for this blog that now is read by almost 20,000 people a month. I fueled my determination with a two-hour a day daimoku campaign. 

I determined that "I must overcome this suffering so that I can encourage others that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE and they can change ANYTHING if I can do this...because changing a deep seated karmic emotion IS impossible. And we chant to make the impossible possible. Anyone can change the possible things. But by embracing the Daishonin's Buddhism and practicing within the SGI we can make the impossible possible. 

Here is the determination and deep Power Prayer I embraced and chanted every day:

"Life! Gohonzon! I am determined to be happy. I am determined to root the cause of this suffering, this depression, this emotion out of my lilfe forever. I vow to be happy so that I can lead others to happiness. Through my own example I will inspire others that anything is possible."

Now, this feeling did not go away the first time I chanted this way, or the second or the third. No. This was a fierce battle that continued on for quite some time, but based on President Ikeda's guidance I was determined to win. "Buddhism is win or lose" he says over and over. This was a battle with my life. My dear friend and mentor, shom I called in tears over and over asking "Will I ever get over this sadness?" gave me her own prayer that had vanquished her life-long feeling of depression and resignation:

"I don't CARE how many times I have to chant to rid my life of this depression! I DON''T CARE how many hours I have to sit in front of this Gohonzon chanting. I will WIN over this fundamental darkness. I will win! You don't scare me! I will win!" 

And I embraced this prayer and made a fresh determination every day that I would win this battle, and win it I did. 

I AM FREE. I no longer feel this feeling. It is gone forever. I used all the tools available to me as a Boddhisattva of the Earth. I chanted, studied, spent my time encouraging others, and consulted my dear Myoho sister, friend in the SGI. And I won. You can too. It takes work and determination, but being "A Buddha of Absolute Freedom" is worth it! 

 To your VICTORY!


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

You Are the Buddha - Create a Powerful Practice

To create a Powerful Buddhist practice and a powerful life, remember that you are not chanting to something outside your are chanting to your very life itself...
and the life of the entire universe.  

Through chanting Daimoku 
you have the keys to access the power of the universe. There is no need to beg. 

There is a need to VOW, and DETERMINE...and to clearly tell your life that you want results from your chanting NOW!!!

That's the power of chanting Daimoku. And please, do not chant under your breath! Chant as if you mean it! You are speaking to the strong. Take deep breaths, remember to breathe. Breathe from your belly...feel the energy surging through your body. SIT UP STRAIGHT! Be STRONG! You're chanting! 

Chant strongly. Chant twice a day. Attend meetings. Study and teach others to the best of your ability. THAT is the formula for absolute happiness. If you're not happy strengthen your practice. You are the only one who can do this. 

I received a question about doing Gongyo. (Reciting from the Lotus Sutra)

When you do Gongyo you are speaking the Buddha's words. 

YOU ARE THE BUDDHA. I believe that is the purpose of doing gongyo...and it puts you in rhythm. It is very important, and once you know how to do's fun. 

Do Gongyo and Daimoku every single day - twice a day...and make your list of what you want...and go for it! Take action! You can't just chant, you must also take action. Buddhism is common sense. 

Make sure you are connecting to the SGI. It is the best way to become strong and happy! Go to the link at the right to get connected. Write me at if you have any questions or to share your experiences. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Respect our Children - Quote from Daisaku Ikeda

Power Prayer to Turn Problems into Benefits

All of our challenges exist so that we can overcome them and prove the power of this practice. Do we really understand this? If we do, if we REALLY feel this in our hearts we have a whole different view of life. 

When we KNOW that all our challenges are FUEL for our happiness, then none of them will ever truly get us down. Realizing we are the Buddha and have the ultimate tool to change ANYTHING is the secret of our success. 

No Buddha is defeated. No Buddha has a problem they can't solve. Actually we Buddhas do MORE than solve our problems, we turn them into great benefits. 

I remember my dear Japanese friend saying: "I love it when I get HUGE problems, because I know I will get HUGE benefit!" 

I know many of us believe this in theory, but how do we understand it in practice, with our very lives, and how do we turn poison into benefit? 

First we must realize that the problem is OURS, not the other person's. We cannot spend our time blaming our environment or the people in it. The moment we do that we have lost the battle. We are no longer Buddhas. 

I remember when I was in the process of realizing that it was time to move on from my marriage, I had to get to the point of not blaming my husband for anything. I just had to own the situation. I made a fierce determination that all members of my family would be happier once we split up. ALL members. And that our split was going to inspire people to chant. I determined to have people look at us and say "Wait a minute, they are going through a divorce and everyone's so happy? What is up with that? How can it be?" And this is exactly what I created. 

The book Julia Landis and I are writing for you:

The Buddha Zone
Power Prayers for Chanting Your Way to Absolute Happiness

is currently being written because Julia saw us going through our divorce and being a happy family. She was so shocked she began chanting and hasn't stopped! 

I accomplished my goal. 
My husband and I are happier than ever and our sons are happy too. We don't argue about anything. As a matter of fact we haven't argued at all since we made the decision to separate. And all of this was powered by my Daimoku and my determination. We still celebrate every holiday and get together as a family often. We are harmonious. 

I took something that was a huge problem for me, and I turned it into a benefit through chanting. 

Power prayer to change problems into benefits:

I am determined to use my situation to strengthen my faith. I know thatthat Nam-Myoho-renge-kyo is the core of my life, and stronger than ANY problem ~ no matter what is happening. I see every problem and challenge as fuel for my happiness, and the happiness of others

As a Bodhisattva of the Earth, I have the karma to experience this; therefore, I have the mission to overcome it and to be victorious.” I roar like a lion at the problems in my life. Daimoku overcomes everything! daimoku. I am a Buddha and I will live as a Buddha. I see through the eyes of the Buddha and I live with the daily conviction that at every moment I am paving the way for others to become happy. I live my life as an inspiration that ANYTHING is possible. I am determined to ________________________________________________________________________(you fill in the blank for your life)

President Ikeda has said: “A person may have all the wealth and treasure in the world, but viewed from the perspective of the ultimate reality of life, such things are but mere illusions…. The most important thing is to build an indestructible palace of happiness within our lives…. It is through experiencing hardship that we can savor true joy. It is through making efforts that we can grow.”

Our Words Make ALL the Difference

Monday, May 13, 2013

Power Prayer for Strengthening our ability to feel and express Gratitude.

Gratitude IS a decision, 
and an attitude we can 
strengthen in our lives

We all know we should live "lives of gratitude", but sometimes we find it hard to do this. Thoughts of complaint, thoughts of "why me?", and thoughts that blame other people or circumstances keep thoughts of gratitude from our minds, and feelings of gratitude from our hearts. 

Sure, it may be easier to slip into these negative thoughts. It's always easy to blame something else for our troubles, but as practicing Buddhists we know there really IS no one to blame! Our life is a reflection or our selves. 

And these negative thoughts breed more negative thoughts and are actually negative causes to make for our own happiness. 

We can so easily change our focus to Gratitude. We can choose and reinforce gratitude in out lives. We can  CULTIVATE AND EXPAND GRATITUDE IN OUR LIVES. 

Our mentors in faith, and many others, lived rich lives of gratitude. Nichiren Daishonin's letters to his followers were all written in gratitude. Daisaku Ikeda lives every moment in gratitude to his mentor Josei Toda. 

Daisaku Ikeda states:
"To "enjoy what there is to enjoy" (quote from the Gosho 'Happiness in this World') means to cause the "mystic lotus of the heart' to blossom brightly with a sense of appreciation and joy. Someone who can find joy, who can feel appreciation, experiences a snowballing exhilaration and joy in life. Such is the heart's function. (Faith in Action page 7)

Many of us WANT to feel gratitude, but how do we build the muscle of gratitude? How can we expand it in our lives.?

The answer is this: we make the conscious choice, and know, in our hearts, that the cause for gratitude will bring more to be grateful for. It is worth making the cause to develop gratitude. 

How do we cultivate gratitude? Well, I start by summoning prayers of gratitude while I am chanting. With every Nam-myoho-renge-kyo I tune my life to gratitude. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the name of the rhythm of life itself. Our prayers while chanting become Power Prayers for the happiness of all. I think about what I want to create from my prayer today, and I express gratitude in that direction. 

The other day I was thinking about my next deep and loving relationship with a man, and I spent an hour chanting in deep and loving gratitude for the men who have loved me with all their hearts. I felt the warmth of their love, remembered some wonderful times and chanted in appreciation for them, and for their happiness. It was one of the most delicious hours I have ever spent in prayer. 

And a feeling of gratitude builds on itself, doesn't it? When I chant in gratitude I find more to be grateful for at every moment. This morning I was thinking of you while chanting and this power prayer came to mind:

Gratitude Power Prayer
Life! I am determined to feel gratitude in every moment. I am seeing through grateful eyes and living with a grateful heart. At every moment I am looking for everything I can be grateful for, and finding new ways to express that gratitude. I am determined to live in the energy of gratitude and attract even more reasons to be grateful. I am determined to radiate positive energy so that I can spread the word of this incredible practice to others. 

This moment I am so grateful for____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (fill in the blanks and keep the feeling of gratitude for as long as you can) 
and I am chanttng for the happiness of ____________________________________________________________________________________________________(and here you picture the people whose happiness you will chant for).

And then, this very day, take some actions to express your gratitude. Call someone on the phone. Send an email. Send a card. Take real action today and I promise you, it will add to your happiness and give you even more reasons to be grateful!

I am GRATEFUL TO YOU for all your emails and comments. ( 
I am grateful to every single one of you for reading this blog and for forwarding the link to your friends or liking chant for happiness on facebook. I am grateful to you for re-determining to be happy, and for seeing you advance in happiness every day. Your practice, your happiness, your determination changes the entire world. I am grateful to be your partner on this journey! One day I hope to visit you in every country and see your smiles in person. Until then...chanting in gratitude for you.