Wednesday, July 10, 2013

PowerPrayer to Eradicate the Karma of Unrequited (unreturned) Love

PowerPrayer to Eradicate 
the Karma 
of Unrequited Love

Life! I now release and permanently eradicate 
any vestige of the karma of loving someone who doesn’t love me. 

With my daimoku 
I am making this impossible to ever happen again. 
I am reformatting my whole grid so that I respond only to happy, healthy loving people who can love me in return. 

I release the bonds that I have felt with _________
and bless them on their way. 

I convert the energy of those bonds to free myself from pain and create a REAL LOVING RELATIONSHIP with someone really worthy of my love. 

I no longer equate love with pain!

I no longer feel powerless where love is concerned. 
I feel PowerFULL! 

I release all resistance to really feeling powerful and worthy of love. 

I deserve to have love. 
I am a fantastic loving, wise and kind person. 
I am ready to receive an abundance of love. 

It is time for my admirers to arise in joy. 

I receive them in appreciation and delight! 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

PowerPrayer to Call in A True-Love-Soulmate Relationship!

Hello! Julia and I were reviewing all the wonderful PowerPrayers we've written for you for the book, and we realized we had not yet written one of the most important ones - finding true love! 

So we chanted about this during the long holiday weekend, and both came up with PowerPrayers for our phone meeting yesterday. From there we melded the one you see below. 

You know, Julia and I live very far apart. She lives in Northern California and I'm here outside of Chicago. It is the power of Daimoku and the PowerPrayers we wrote for success before we started writing this book that are fueling us in creating our offering for you!

To get the full benefit of a PowerPrayer chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with full faith in yourself. We offer these words as a guideline and suggestion.

PowerPrayer to call in a 
True-Love-Soulmate Relationship

Gohonzon, (my life itself!) 

I am ready to raise my life condition in every way 
so that I naturally attract to myself 
the best romantic partner/soul-mate for me at this time.
With each Daimoku I am strengthening my magnetism 
becoming more and more of my true self, 
revealing more and more of my inner and outer beauty, 
strengthening each element of my soul 
so that I am becoming the very best version of me, 
and the person my soul mate is longing to meet.

In the Infinity of Love where I am
all is perfect, whole and complete

Deep at the center of my being is an infinite well of love. 
I now allow this love to flow to the surface. 
It fills my heart, my body, my mind, my consciousness, 
my very being, and radiates out of me in all directions. 
It is returning to me right now, multiplied...

The one I am seeking is seeking me. 

Each Daimoku brings us closer, 
physically, and also on a subtle level, 
so that when we connect, everything is very natural between us.
We find that we are in rhythm together, 
on the same wavelength about many things, 
share a sense of adventure, meaning and humor 
that is very well matched. 
There is a strong and natural physical attraction
and we are very comfortable with one another in every way. 
Our longing for one another is equally balanced
and we enjoy our togetherness and time apart equally. 
We bring out the best in one another, 
and are perfectly endowed to help one another grow
in ways that challenge us without fear. 
Our very lives have created each of us to be that special someone 
for the other person. 
We both recognize it immediately!
Here are the qualities I strengthen in myself right now in preparation

(i.e. Unlimited self esteem, contentment, capacity to receive and give adoration. Complete your own list below)_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

And here are the qualities I desire in my soulmate:

thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!

I release this in joy now 
and I’m excited to see continual actual proof of this prayer in my life. 

From this moment forward 
each daimoku is a thank-you!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Win in the Morning and You Win in LIFE! Great Experience from Roberto

Roberto and his "baby" Moty

Win in the Morning and You Win in Life! 

Good morning, my name is Roberto Filacchione and I have been practicing Nichiren Buddhism since 1998.

In mid April of 2011 I had declared that I simply refused to keep driving a car without air conditioning. After that, my wish came true, in a way, when my car’s engine suffered a major damage that would cost me $1000 to have it fixed. But I just couldn’t afford paying for one more repair of many hundreds of dollars on a car with already 240,000 miles on it. I sold it to my mechanic for less than $500. That left me without a car and no transportation to get to work.

My finances were in bad shape: I had no money saved; my credit history showed a repossessed car, and my salary was incredibly low. Not wanting to be too dependent on others I decided to not accept any bailout money from my father, who had always been our family’s traditional “savior”.

The problem was that I needed to get back and forth to work every day and that meant traveling from Weston to downtown Fort Lauderdale and back. So, I got myself a bike to get to the nearest bus stop. Other times my co-workers or friends offered me rides But the truth is that I felt very demoralized and humiliated since I had never been without a car in my life. However, I understood that this was my opportunity to overcome my self-destructive nature and raise my low life condition. A life condition in which I didn’t take care of my health, my body, my teeth, my relationships, my Buddhist practice, my finances, and also my main means of transportation: my car.

Once at a district meeting, the young son of a friend of mine asked what was the difference between achieving your goals through positive thinking and praying, chanting, and practicing Buddhism to make them true. What I learned is that the difference is that, besides thinking positively and writing down a long –or short- bucket list, you achieve those goals by winning over your weaknesses like self-doubt, hopelessness, or even old resentments; by doing your human revolution. In the circumstances that I just described, this human revolution meant that, besides going to meetings, studying the writings, lecturing, or participating in the financial contributions, I needed to understand that I was in the right circumstances to do my own human revolution. 

During that time I was visited by my men’s division region leader who shared with me  guidance from Daisaku Ikeda that Mr Morinaka conveyed to the rest of the men’s division. It states: “Winning in the morning leads to winning in life… how we start each morning determines that day’s victory or defeat. It’s important that we resolve to win in the morning and begin our work with an energetic, refreshed spirit. We must not forget that is the secret to continual success.” I immediately determined to chant one hour every morning before going to work, and sooner than later things started to move even more quickly towards a positive direction: I was able to find the best and shortest bus routes to work. By saving on gas and insurance I was able to pay my outstanding bills, and most importantly, I was able to appreciate myself, and my life regardless of not having a car at that moment. I was developing something more than self-esteem, which was unconditional self-love and self- acceptance regardless of what I possessed or lacked with the spirit of not begrudging my life.

Having to ride the bus I was also able to witness a lot of the drama that we all miss when we drive on our super highways: Poverty! The slow demise of the poor and homeless –whether young or old, man or woman- who wander our city streets and buses, sometimes shoeless. I realized that I could not be seeing all this by pure coincidence. It became obvious to me how much we need to work towards kosen rufu in America. I thought to myself: who knows how many people could avoid this fate if they knew about Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.

At this point, I had been without a car for one year and half and continued chanting for exactly the one I always wanted. My finances were getting in better shape and, through it all I began to develop a new level of compassion and empathy for those who suffer really badly in life. I understood the importance of spreading the law and share the practice with as many people as we can. I didn’t resent my life and I simply couldn’t after I saw how others were suffering so much.

I finally develop the courage to take action and when I decided to go to the bank and try to get a car loan, to my surprise I no longer had a repossession in my credit history and my credit score was so good that I received a higher line of credit than I even needed and at a very low interest. I was able to purchase a car at a great price and in perfect conditions. It had been hardly used.

Through doing my human revolution I got more than a car. I learned to take care of every aspect of my life and I was determined to show proof that this practice really works. I knew that when we persevere in our prayers we get even more than we ever imagined. But the greatest benefit of all is that I gained a renewed sense of mission in my life where I want to give all I can to never see another human being suffer. In My Dear Friends in America pg. 313 President Ikeda states “The vast ocean is capable of encompassing anything; a small pond can only contain so much. The Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin is as all encompassing as the universe itself. We are its practitioners. Let us cherish those around us – family, friends, and fellow members – embracing all with our big hearts and enjoying life together. Let us live truly great and wonderful lives.” This is what it means to me to fight for kosen rufu. Thank you.

Chanting Together Multiplies Our Benefits

When we Chant together something magical happens. 
No, it's not magic exactly. 
It's a vibration that has a cause, 
and TOGETHER we raise our vibration 
and change ourselves, others and the world for the better. 

Today I was just finishing my first hour of Daimoku (and I plan on chanting much more - because I have time to chant and so many goals and desires to fuel that Daimoku), 
I received a call from one of my members about a job situation and she asked me to chant for her. Of course, I will be happy to chant FOR her, but I said "Come on over, let's chant together. And let's see who else we can invite, and we'll all break through together!" THIS is the value of practicing in the wonderful Soka Gakkai with our friends in faith. Now I have a group of people coming over here at noon ~ perfect timing before my phone meeting with Julia to work on our book for you.  

I reminded my member who called about the job that it's important to raise her prayer to the level of Kosen Rufu. Raise EVERY prayer to the level of Kosen Rufu. 

She is chanting for a job, and she can use that prayer to chant to get the best possible job so that she can show actual proof of this Gohonzon (the power within her life) to herself, and to others. Then she can do shakubuku, introduce others and quickly change her karma. She has only been chanting a few months, she doesn't have her Gohonzon yet, and she is growing in faith. It is the perfect time for her to strengthen her faith and encourage others. Well, it's ALWAYS the perfect time to do that, isn't it?  

So use your SGI network. We are all here ready to help you grow, ready to help you break through. We are all the Gakkai Family. If you have not yet made the connection please click on the SGI portal to the right and find the friends you will end up cherishing your whole life. 

My Myoho sisters and brothers are truly like family to me. And you can create this too. Chant about it. Chant for it, and just take the action to make it happen. 

I chanted to meet people who would inspire me, and I am surrounded by people who inspire me! Don't practice alone. Your benefits will be so much bigger and greater when you take advantage of being part of the lifeblood of faith. Please don't believe me. Find this out for yourself. 

And we are all changing our karma together. 

As Daisaku Ikeda states:

"Buddhism which is founded on the law of cause and effect, stresses the concept of karma. This principle explains that life at each moment is subject to the cumulative effects of causes made in the past. What we do, what we say and what we think are all causes. And according to Buddhism, the moment we do something, say something or think something, an effect is registered in the depths of our being. Then, as our lives meet the right circumstances, the effect becomes apparent. Personality traits are strongly connected to our karma. The good news is that, unlike fate, our karma can be changed by causes we make from this moment forward. In fact, the practice of Buddhism is essentially the practice of continually changing our karma." - Daisaku Ikeda

Friday, July 5, 2013

Outstanding Disciples - The Key to Happiness and Meaning

What does it mean to be an outstanding disciple? 

Many of us have heard of the Mentor Disciple Relationship and we understand it in different ways. How can it help you to become happy and infuse your life with meaning? Can the Mentor Disciple relationship do this? 

Well, the answer for me is yes, but it takes focus and concentration. And Work. And a Vow. All the things it takes to develop the mentor disciple relationship are also the things that give life meaning and bring happiness. 

First I'll share a quote from Faith in Action about Mr. Toda and Mr. Makiguchi. I've been thinking about them all week, and just marveling about having the kind of conviction that you are willing to go to JAIL for your beliefs in order to inspire those in the future, and really make a difference in the world. This takes extraordinary guts and conviction.

Here is President Ikeda's quote: 

"When Mr. Toda was released from prison, the Soka Gakkai was left with only a handful of members. Even before the war, the membership had stood at only about 3,000. The organization's presence in Japanese society was, therefore, minuscule. Nevertheless, Mr. Toda characterized President Makiguchi as "a great man of global stature." And he encouraged us to be aware that we are disciples of this outstanding individual. Nobility is the mark of a true disciple. And Mr. Toda was an example of an exceptional disciple." 

Daisaku Ikeda, Faith in Action, page 231

In my opinion the mentor disciple relationship is self generated. It doesn't just happen, you have to search for it, understand it and internalize it. And when you do gain the understanding you do become proud and noble, and your faith becomes like the fly on the tail of the horse...

Okay, if the mentor disciple relationship needs to be generated from the disciple ~ how do you do it? 

For me, it starts with study. I read President Ikeda's words every single day. And I chant about what I read. I also chant to see with Daisaku Ikeda's eyes, to chant with the same conviction her has. I literally chant to have my daimoku be as strong and as far reaching as his...for my daimoku itself to become 10,000 times stronger, and develop my faith that much deeper. I chant to share his heart for humankind and kosen-rufu. I chant to develop as wise a life. 
I don't "worship" him, I aim to emulate and understand his heart. And this has had a profound effect on my faith, my happiness and my life. I chant for my every action to make him proud, and for all the words I write to resonate - and be the words he might say too. 
And I am so grateful I was born at this time, with him, and with YOU, so we can carry out kosen rufu together! 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Our Proud Soka Gakkai Heritage ~

From July's World Tribune:

"A single lion will triumph over a thousand sheep. A single person of courage can achieve greater things than a thousand cowards." 
~Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, founding president of the Soka Gakkai. 

"In July 1943, Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, traveled to Izu Province to attend a discussion meeting in Shimoda, well aware of the danger. Mr Makiguchi, a progressive geographer and educator, and his disciple, Josei Toda, had founded the Soka Kyoiku Gakkai (Value Creating Education Society) more than a decade before, on November 18th, 1930, as a society to promote reform based ont eh theories outlined in Mr. Makiguchi's book, The System of Value-Creating Pedagogy.

From there, the Soka Gakkai developed into a bold religious movement that sought to transform society through the practical application of Nichiren Buddhism, a life philosophy that seeks to unlock the limitless potential in all people. 

This movement ran counter to the aims of Japan's militarist government, which in the mid-1930s began dismantling religious groups at odds with state-sponsored Shinto and its view of the emperor as a living god." 

In July of 1943 Mr. Makiguchi and Josei Toda were both arrested for violating the notorious "Peace Preservation Act" and disrespect for the emperor. They both refused to recant their beliefs and place the Shinto sun goddess Talisman on their altars. Putting this talisman on their altars would have been, in effect, praying for the Japanese war effort. The Nichiren Shoshu Priesthood DID accept the Talisman, and that's one of the many reasons the Soka Gakkai eventually decided it could flourish a a lay organization and had no need of priests. 

My Makiguch died in a Japanese prison at the age of 72 after 500 days of solitary confinement. Josei Toda lived to be released from prison on July 3, 1945 and build the foundation of our movement along with his disciple, our mentor, Daisaku Ikeda. 

I believe the history of these great lions of Kosen Rufu is extremely important. Mr. Makiguchu died in prison with the deep conviction that his faith, OUR faith, was correct and true. His refusal to cave in to the fundamental darkness operating in the land is an inspiration to us all. Josei Toda was released in a weakened physical state, but he possessed a strengthened spiritual practice and deepened faith. 

Without these two martyrs, and Daisaku Ikeda whose faith, convictions, writings and actions continue to inspire us all,  we would not be facing the Gohonzon every morning and changing our lives, and the lives of others through this practice. 

We celebrate our founders this week. We celebrate their indomitable spirit. It is hard to even fathom the fact that Mr. Makiguchi attended over 240 discussion meetings under the watchful eye of the state police. He must have known he would eventually be arrested. What a lion of conviction. 

On this day, the 4th of July, American Independence Day, I tip my hat to our founding presidents of the Soka Gakkai, and I deeply appreciate the founders of America. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Chanting Consistently WORKS - Inspiring Experience

This is the "Sunshine 60" building in Tokyo
Read on for its story:

The Building That Looks Down on Airplanes

When you don't feel like doing gongyo or daimoku, get on the green train in Tokyo that circles downtown I. and look out for the "Sunshine Building" near K--- station. This was built by someone who did not skip gongyo and daimoku for 30 years.

Once there was man who was so completely down and out that he had made up his mind to commit suicide. He was in debt to his ears, his wife was blind, and his child had problems. But before he died, he wanted to have one last meal of his favorite dish — a vegetable stew called "oden." 

As he was walking around town in the evening shadows looking for a stew shop, he noticed a warm, gentle glow of lanterns coming from a place tucked in a corner. There were a number of people milling about. "Ah, a stew shop!" he delightedly mused. He walked briskly toward the light.

As he entered and made his way through the small crowd, he realized he had made a mistake. It was a lecture. When he asked a person nearby, he was told that the speaker was a Mr. Toda. 

After listening, the man demanded of Mr. Toda, "If this Nam Myoho-renge-kyo is so powerful, will my financial problems be resolved?! Will my wife see?! Will my child's problems be resolved?!" 

To this, Mr. Toda replied: "Don't be ridiculous! If all it did were petty things like that, I wouldn't be doing this! Your financial problems will be resolved! Your wife will be able to see! And your child's problems will be resolved! Not only that, you will become a wealthy man! You will build a building that even looks down on airplanes! Do morning and evening gongyo and chant daimoku every day." 

Not because the man believed any of it, but because he was moved by the powerful conviction Mr. Toda had, he began to practice. Although it was difficult at first, he faithfully followed President Toda's instructions. He did not skip gongyo. He did morning and evening gongyo and chanted one and a half hour of daimoku every day.

Sure enough, results began to happen. His financial problems were solved. His wife was no longer blind. His child no longer had such problems. The man even became vice president of a board in his company even though he was not well-educated like most of his peers. He became wealthy. His child became active in the youth division. Things exceeded his expectations.

At the mark of practicing 30 years, he was seen standing on the top of a building, mumbling through tears. The man was standing on the top of a skyscraper that he had built. "It all became true! This building even looks down on airplanes! After 30 years ... Thank you Sensei, thank you Soka Gakkai!"

It wasn't many years later that the man passed away in his 80's, leaving a legacy of consistent practice. But before he did, he often pointed to the skyscraper and said, "This shows the power of daimoku!  I am here to say it. So please, do morning and evening gongyo and chant daimoku."

So when you don't feel like doing gongyo or chanting daimoku, take a look at the "Sunshine Building." It's still there. 

[Here is a picture of the City of Ikebukuro (in Tokyo) and the Sunshine Building. It is very well known and was once the tallest building in Tokyo. It has everything in it: business offices, restaurants, a department store, even an aquarium and a planetarium. The Sunshine Building was built on the site where Suginamo Prison — where Mr. Makiguichi and Mr. Toda were imprisoned — once was.]