Thursday, June 19, 2014

3 Benefits of Consistent Practice, and 4 Dynamic Tips to Make it Easier!

I received a letter from a reader recently. She wrote that she chants consistently for one week, and then stops chanting for a week and her anxiety and depression immediately comes back. Every other week she forces herself to chant again, and then stops. This is a very difficult way to practice. It is much easier to establish a twice a day practice and stick with it. But how do we do this? And what are the benefits if we accomplish a consistent practice? 

How can we reinforce our determination to practice twice a day every day, strengthen our lives and create unshakable benefit? 

3 Benefits of Consistent Practice 
(Doing morning and evening gongyo and chanting daimoku consistently)
By Jamie Lee Silver of I share this as a fellow practicing SGI Nichiren Buddhist

1. It's easier. Once you establish the practice you just greet your life twice a day in front of the Gohonzon without having to force yourself to do it. It just becomes part of your life. 

2. Benefits flow more consistently, 

3. It WORKS! We change your karma, embrace our challenges and win over any challenges we face. We get what you want and so much more. I like to think of all my problems as a great wall in front of me. When my practice is consistent I rise higher and higher in life condition and look down on that wall - it has now become a tiny little thing. Nothing is impossible! The only way to experience this is to chant consistently. 

As Daisaku Ikeda says:

"A stone wall that seems infinitely high when seen from the ground, is no more than a slightly raised boundary line when viewed from an airplane. Similarly (by earnestly chanting), if your life-condition changes for the better, so will the way you view and respond to things. You'll find yourself surmounting every adversity with composure and thoroughly enjoying the drama of life."
New Human Revolution, Volume 7, page 103

4 Dynamic ways 
to establish a consistent practice

1. Determine that you want to use this practice to the best of your ability and STUDY. Remake your list of what you want in your life. Read the Gosho or President Ikeda's guidance every day. Chant to understand the magnificence OF your life WITH your life! Chanting consistently means winning the battle over your lesser self. Make your list of determinations and goals. What have you decided is impossible in your life? We chant to make the impossible possible. Why no really go for it? 

2. Embrace your friends in the SGI. (You can click on the SGI Portal to the right to find your local SGI, if you're not connected yet. Remember there are no dues or rules or priests. The SGI is an organization of people working together for their own happiness and the sake of others.) 

3. Establish a "Chanting Buddy" to chant with you.
Our friends in the SGI are our friends in faith. When I was first chanting 28 years ago my mentor came to my house every morning for a few weeks to help me generate Activation Energy for my practice. Today I still have several chanting buddies, and Oh! How it helps! 

4. Establish a Tele-Toso Chanting Buddy
If you can't chant together in person you can do it by telephone, or by text. Just establish a time and contact each other before and after. If you want, you can keep the telephone connection while you chant. (It's better if one person turns the volume down.) Or you can just call or text before and after. 

A Dynamic Experience in Chanting Consistently: 

Chanting consistently must be experienced to be understood. 
My dear "Baby Buddha" (the nickname she chose for herself) heard me tell her for two years to chant every morning and evening, and she replied that she doesn't do ANYTHING consistently and wasn't going to do this. No way. I kept chanting for her and inviting her to chant. And one day, she just made the decision to try chanting twice a day to see how it felt. She couldn't believe how different she felt. She also realized a deep desire and began to chant for it to happen. Now she lives in Colorado - and loves it! - she got what she was chanting for! THIS is why we practice. Our desires are worth chanting for! 

You may have other ways of creating and maintaining your consistent practice. Please share them with me and I'll share them with the other readers of this blog. Email me at with your ideas, questions, suggestions, victories and challenges. 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

4 Tips for Strengthening Your Muscle of Appreciation!

A reader requested I write a blog giving tips for generating more gratitude and appreciation in her life. 

Daisaku Ikeda writes in Faith into Action, page 7 (under Appreciation)
"To "enjoy what there is to enjoy" means to cause the "mystic lotus of the heart" to blossom brightly with a sense of appreciation and joy. Someone who can find joy, who can feel appreciation, experiences a snowballing exhilaration and joy in life. Such is the heart's function."

So here you go. Thanks so much for writing in! 

4 Tips for More Appreciation in Your Life! 

Gratitude is attitude. It starts with YOU. It is a muscle you can build. And once you build it....ahhh the benefits that begin to flow! 

Tip #1
Before you get out of bed think about ten things you are grateful for that very day. They can be ANYTHING. You can be grateful for sight, hearing, feeling. You can be grateful to be alive...grateful to have woken up! Lie there and think of ten things. I've mentioned before that when my Mom was feeling depressed I gave her this tip and everyday after that she did this, and her depression lifted. She always told me it was this one action that changed her life. 

Tip #2
Smiling is a cause not an affect. 
The more you smile, 
the more reasons you will have to smile!
Make your smile light your day. 

I like to think of the song by Carol King:
You've got to get up every morning
And show the world
All the love in your heart!
When you smile you physically create a happiness hormone in your body. There have been studies done recently about this. Also, when you smile at another person, they automatically feel better...their brain registers happiness even if they do not smile back at you. Isn't that cool? Smile! 

Tip #3
Write a Rampage of Appreciation
Take a notebook and put titles as the top of each page. Titles could be:
My body
My work
My relationship with _______
My parents
My children
My home
My car
My self
My practice
...and on an get the idea. 

Then list all the things you ARE grateful for under each heading...or all the things you COULD BE grateful for. 

I promise you that you will feel happier after doing this! 

4. Chant in Gratitude
While chanting  ~ generate these feelings of gratitude and happiness. Your gratitude will amplify and spread.

What do you do to build the muscle of appreciation into your life? Write me at

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Tip of the Day for Outstanding Gongyo/Outstanding Life!

Gongyo Tip of the Day!

Daisaku Ikeda writes in For Today and Tomorrow, page 81:

"Gongyo and chanting daimoku are like starting an automobile's engine every day and driving in the direction of happiness and truth. By doing so day after day, you will gradually attain perfect unity with the universe and the law. That state is the state of the Buddha."

Perfect unity with the universe and the law!

For me, this translates into wisdom, ~ the wisdom to know what action to take at every moment that will create the most value in my life and others ~ based on my own strong prayer through chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and reciting the Lotus Sutra every day, twice a day (gongyo!). 

To develop and hone this wisdom I am challenging myself to do a perfect Gongyo twice a day...using my focus and concentration during this sacred act to bring about even more rhythm, results, happiness and success in my daily life. I know Gongyo and Daimoku is where it starts. I've known this since the early days of my practice when I worked so hard at gongyo and saw the rest of my life begin to flow more easily in the direction of my desires. 

As always, I write as a practitioner of the law, an enthusiastic SGI member, practicing since 1985. My views do not represent the SGI in an official capacity - they are from my heart to inspire. 

Tip of the day for perfecting Gongyo:
from Jamie Lee Silver of 

Read the Silent Prayers over and over until you feel them. When you finish reading each prayer ask yourself "Did I feel it? Did I actually send forth that prayer? Did I feel it?", and if you didn't, keep reading it until you do. Take a moment to rephrase it in your own heart if you need to. FEEL it. PRAY it. Don't just read the words. 
It may take longer, but for many of us, our daily practice is a solo act. 
Of course, if we are chanting with others, and following a leader, we will adjust our timing to be in perfect rhythm with that leader, and not linger on the silent prayers. But we can also focus on feeling the prayer at that time. Just more quickly! Feel each one! 

This morning's gongyo took real focus. I had vivid dreams last night. (I usually do when it's a full moon). This morning I had to read the first prayer to the Shoten Zenjin over and over and over because the dream was sticking stubbornly in my mind. I kept asking myself "Did I FEEL that silent prayer? Am I really praying to the Shoten Zenjin or am I just reading words and "getting it done"? 

So I went over that prayer many times. And it felt good. When I finally really prayed to the Shoten Zenjin I also felt as if I had blessed this Gongyo...I felt as if the Shoten Zenjin inside my life were now awakened for THIS Gongyo to be THE Gongyo that would help me break through in all areas of my life. Living in the moment. Being aware. This is what the word "mind-full-ness" really means, isn't it? 

And when I got to the end of Gongyo, before the silent prayers, I had the urge to get up and do something before I read the silent prayers and I realized once more how powerful it is to resist that urge, and to STICK to my determination to begin and end every Gongyo with full concentration and no interruptions. I completed the silent prayers before getting up. 

As far as results for the week - well it has been a great week! I had excellent and heartwarming results at work...I made interesting new friends...I had many laughs at the zoo with my son Ben, and I'm returning my car to its original beauty (huge impossible thing for me!).  This weekend I am looking forward to Dahn Yoga, an art fair, and moving forward on the book this weekend.

How is gongyo going for you? 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

3 Gongyo Tips from Morag in the UK

Continuing on the theme of perfecting our Gongyo and breaking though in our lives, I offer you this guest post from my dear friend and reader - Morag in the UK:

I recently posted an essay by Ted Morino regarding Gongyo - Morag comments on what she got from reading the post: 

At the end of the guidance from Ted Morino, he says: 

Positive thoughts, 
Strong prayer and 
Clear daimoku.  

If you look at the Gohonzon, the central NMRK , the top character looks like a plus + sign (positivity), the myo looks like a swept off heart sign (strong faith and prayer from the heart) and I look to Nichiren's signature for the strong daimoku to always remind myself of the buddha life state and that it applies TO ME!

After reading Ted's guidance I took down all the extraneous prayers, lowered my Butsudan, de-cluttered the altar and had a thorough clean at the same time.  I know it made a difference.

Much love and gratitude to you for your guidance and encouragement.                       Morag  xx

Thank you Morag! 

Great Gongyo = Immediate Great Results!

This looks like my car!

Creating financial benefits through donations is not a new concept. I first learned about it through the great Unity Minister Catherine ponder in her many books on the power of the word and the power of tithing. Giving away a portion of earnings seems to be a widely knows spiritual principle. As of this May contribution campaign I decided I would donate a percentage of my income after every paycheck. 

As you know, the SGI is a unique organization. There are no dues to pay and no suggested amounts. But some of us choose to show our appreciation for this practice through financial contributions...knowing that making this financial cause also creates a profound financial cause in our lives. I am not telling anyone to donate, or presenting the SGI as any kind of pay-for-benefit organization. That's not the way it works. Donations come from the heart. I just live my life to be an example that the impossible is possible! 

Last week after I got my paycheck I computed the portion to donate and immediately went to the SGI website and sent it. Then I began perfecting Gongyo as I mentioned in the previous posts. I now read each silent prayer until I feel it in my heart, and I start and complete Gongyo with NO interruptions (if I get interrupted I start again). I'm also chanting as much Daimoku as I can!  

All I can say is the benefits are coming and they keep on coming!

As we all know, some things are harder for some people. One of my challenges has had to do with my car. I have the sweetest car, a white Acura that my wise Stepmom Janis originally bought in 2001. It has a sun roof, a great radio, and is super reliable. I've loved this sweet little car since the day I bought it from her in 2007. It marked the day I went from a mini-van to a coup. I entered a new phase of my life. 

After 2007 I went through some challenging times, had a few anxiety attacks, and put messed up the front bumper pretty badly. The anxiety attacks are gone now...but the bumper has looked bad ever since. Fixing it has been a daunting financial challenge. Suddenly, with my new financial determination and the new way I'm concentrating on Gongyo - Boom - tomorrow or Saturday I will leave the shop with a brand new car. 

Without going into details I will just say that this came about through a bunch of things happening in the right way at the right time - and here I am - in rhythm with what I really desire. And it was easy. It had a few bumps that were really humorous too.  The estimator called and told me it would be more than he'd thought and I got so upset I locked my keys in the car with the trunk open. I actually had to crawl into the trunk to get my car unlocked....laughing all the while. And when I told the estimator what had happened (still laughing - I never got mad) he brought the price down, then my Dad and Jan offered to help with the cost!  And I have a replacement car to drive while the car is in the shop (that, of course, was one of the reasons I hadn't gotten it fixed a while ago)

So once again I see actual proof of this practice. Even something as hard for me as a car repair can "magically" happen. (I know, some people find this easy...but for me it was almost impossible) But we all know it's not magic. It's a result that has a cause. It starts every day...every single day...with morning Gongyo and fresh determinations! 

If I can make the impossible possible so can you! 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

2 Tips for a Powerful Gongyo ~ Powerful Gongyo = Powerful Life!

From the early days of my practice I learned that the energy I put into doing the practice made the rest of my life flow more easily. 

Perfecting the daily recitation of Gongyo and Daimoku is the spiritual work out for the interior of our lives, so that our environments (our world at every moment, and all the people and things and EVERYTHING in it) flows smoothly...we can accomplish our goals and live fulfilling lives.  

This morning I was thinking about Shakyamuni meditating under the Bodhi Tree. He was assailed by many inner demons to make him stop or to throw off his meditation. Our practice of Gongyo every day is just like this. We are the Buddha! We must win! Our concentration will pay off! 

As I mentioned the other day, there are some unfinished things in my life (publishing my book for you is highest on my list!) so I've been reflecting and acting upon doing a more focused daily Gongyo and Daimoku. 

(As always ~ these opinions are mine, and come from my heart to yours. They do not reflect official SGI viewpoints, just those of Jamie Lee Silver at!)

That being said, here are 2 Gongyo tips for today  ~ two ways I have changed doing Gongyo since I made my determination on Sunday:

2 Tips for a Powerful Gongyo
Don't just "do" Gongyo. Feel it. Experience it.
by Jamie Lee Silver at 

1. Read each silent prayer over and over until I can actual feel them, and feel the appreciation. Right now I am reading each prayer three times ~ or more ~  until it sinks in. It's amazing how fresh each prayer can feel when I pay close attention. (Yesterday's poem in the World Tribune also refreshed my appreciation for Tsunesaburu Makiguchi - practice and study, practice and study!)  

2. Begin and end Gongyo with no interruptions. I now recite the silent prayers at the end of Gongyo soon after the recitation...not after finishing all my daimoku for the morning. This makes it easier to do a complete gongyo before I get up to do something else, or refresh my drink or whatever. I start and complete Gongyo. Boom. Then I can do as much daimoku as I want, with Gongyo done. Complete. With no interruptions. If I get interrupted, as I did this morning with an important call from a business associate, I begin again!

I already saw the effects of my new determination yesterday. I began the process of publishing the book and stepped through a bunch of doors in that journey. I see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

And I easily booked my trip to Ojai and LA at the end of the month. (Booking trips is always an act of faith, right? Pressing that "submit" button is always time for a little prayer of appreciation to my own life for having so much courage!) I'll be visiting the gorgeous city of Ojai, California with my dear friend Etjen, then staying in the LA area for a few more days (until July 5th) with Kate, my dear mentor and friend. 
I will have my own car and plenty of time to visit meetings, so if you live in that area and want to get together shoot me an email at I'd like to see the new Laguna Beach SGI center too! 

I'm interested in hearing how you are perfecting your gongyo! 
Doing Gongyo is like lifting spiritual weights. how strong can we make our lives? That's what we are talking about! 
Email me at

Sunday, June 8, 2014

How to Change the Core of Your Life ~ Guidance From Ted Morino, SGI-USA Study Department Chief

How to Change the Core of Your Life

By Ted Morino, SGI-USA Study Department Chief.

First of all, before you begin – RELAX. CLEAR YOUR HEAD. CLEAR YOUR HEART! But especially your head – your mind. Relax emotionally, mentally, physically. It is important to be very natural.

Second, when you chant, you really need to use your eyes. FOCUS ON THE GOHONZON. Then listen to your voice. Focus on the centre part of the Gohonzon, "myoho" – mystical. You have to use your eyes. This is extremely important.

When you really use your eyes, your mind stops. Clear your mind by strongly focusing your eyes. Let your thoughts rest by using your eyes. When you're busy thinking all the time, your mind is sucking energy. This means your mind is taking over (which isn't healthy) but your core isn't changing because the energy isn't being directed there. What you really have to do is look at the Gohonzon with power and let your mind relax.

The Gohonzon in your life already knows your worries and desires. Come from your heart – JUST CHANT WITH YOUR EYES LOCKED ON THE GOHONZON. Then when Nam Myoho Renge Kyo comes into tune with the core of your life, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo will melt away and dissolve karma. It will change into strength so you can become strong and clear-minded enough to accomplish your desires.

In this way, you come to enjoy the act of chanting because you're feeling the core of your life, [Buddhahood]. You're fusing with the highest potential in your life, represented by the Gohonzon. WHEN YOU'RE THINKING STRATEGIES, YOU'RE NOT CHANGING YOUR KARMA.

Question: When I chant I often imagine what I want. I picture it in my mind. I see it happening in my mind. Is that okay?

Answer: Positive imaginings are a good thing, but not strategies. If you are imagining ‘how to make it happen,’ instead of the images of it, then you are strategizing.

Prayer should come from the heart! The Gohonzon knows your worries and desires. Keep them in your heart, focus on the Gohonzon and simply chant. If you can do simple good daimoku and gongyo, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo goes stronger, deeper, to expand you, dissolve difficult karma and generate positive results. Daimoku should come from your core. If it comes from the mind the mind becomes stronger and so does the confusion.

When you close your eyes or avert them from the Gohonzon, the power to fuse the core of your life with the Gohonzon weakens and the mind plays around. Chant clearly, confidently, comfortably. We need to keep checking ourselves. It's easy to get carried away by force of old habits and chant emotionally or while uptight.

DON'T READ WHILE YOU CHANT! DON'T DO ANYTHING WHILE YOU CHANT! JUST CHANT. When you read, read. When you chant, chant. After good daimoku, you may read, or your schedule may require you to get right to work or do things you need to do. You may have a busy life, but don't have busy daimoku. Don't be busy while you chant – FOCUS! Through focused daimoku, you can melt away negative karma. Karma is going to be dissolved.

Chanting is a time to cultivate your life, not think about your strategies. Daimoku is the time to enrich your Buddha nature, not the time to have a planning meeting for your life or day.

In my head: Positive imaginings
In my heart: Deep prayer
In my mouth: Clear chanting