Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Your Prayers!


You are not asking anyone or any thing or any god for ANYTHING when you chant.

you are summoning up the power of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo which has ALWAYS BEEN within your life.

Chant for ANYTHING!!! Chant to be an example that chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Works!!!!!! You are invincible. There is no problem too big for Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!! The Law of the universe within you, expressed by you can rise up in your life...bring you deep everlasting happiness!!!

Don't wait! If you're not already chanting try it now. "

Nam myoho Renge Kyo is Like the roar of a lion! What sickness can therefore be an obstacle?" Nichiren Daishonin

In this case "sickness" can be any sickness...a broken heart...finding a name it. ROAR like the lion you are!!! Demand results from inside your life. YOU ARE THE BUDDHA!! Go YOU!!!!


  1. Howdy Jean. Just wanted to say, once again, thank you a million times and more for such an amazing blog. I'm sooooo encouraged! I'm giving a short presentation today at a WD meeting (in Australia, Girlfriend, Australia!) and your post about request versus vow is truly helpful. Huge great hug and please keep those awesome posts coming! Vicki
