Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Inspiring Poetry For You

Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your letters, emails, cards and notes. You are so kind, and you warm my heart. 

Today, I'm here at Riva's Restaurant in Navy Pier in Chicago to meet a friend from out of town. My computer is almost out of charge.
Today my friend and I will take a boat ride. The last time I was out on Lake Michigan it was with my Ben. 
Life has not quite gotten back to normal, or the "new normal" as we are saying, but I'm more determined than ever to have my life, and Ben's life make a difference. 

I already feel it happening, and it will be my ongoing determination. 

I know that life is eternal, and I know that all our lives make an incredible difference. You know, I was born on the 22nd, September 22nd, and 22 has always been my lucky number. Ben entered his next journey on the 2nd of July at the age of 22. How about that? And his life has already made a huge difference. Soon I will be able to post his entire life ceremony for those of you who missed it, and want to be a part of it. 

He brought over 700 people together in the celebration of his life  ~  making new memories,  celebrating our community and joining together to honor an excellent human being. Already he is continuing to make an impact. 

Both yesterday and today I gave my "Growing older, Bolder, BETTER" speeches and will start full time back to work tomorrow.  It makes me so happy to give these speeches that change people's lives. I will get one of them up on here for you as well. 

For now, I want to share some poetry with you that meant a lot to Ben. 

I found this in his writings from around 6th grade: 

I Want an Adventure

I want and adventure 
I say to myself. 
I want to walk miles
Without any stop. 

I want to climb trees 
And see all that's about. 
I want to set out 
Either north or south. 

I want to shout
On the top of a ridge
I am Free
I am Free
And whisper among the trees. 
I see all, but no one sees me. 

By Benjamin Lee Silver

Thank you for sharing this journey with me!
Jamie Lee Silver
17w702 Butterfield #104
Oakbrook Terrace, Il 60181

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