Thursday, April 7, 2011

How do you know when you're chanting enough?

This is a great question.

How DO you know when you are chanting enough Daimoku?
(Nam Myoho Renge Kyo)

Well, I'll tell you...when I am chanting enough, it feels as if I am walking on a pillow of daimoku.

When I am "walking on a pillow of Daimoku, I just know, that at every moment, my life is expressing itself with wisdom, compassion, love and energy. I can feel the power of the universe shining from within me. When I'm in this state I rarely say something I regret. I don't take the wrong turn. I choose the right line, or, if I choose the line that takes longer, I make a new friend in that line, or I laugh to myself about it and don't feel frustrated. I feel as if I'm in the right place at the right time. I take action that prevents me from a snag in the future. I'm smiling and happy. I bring smiles to other's faces. I am in rhythm.

And this feeling isn't always related to how LONG I chant...but it is related to how deeply I connect with my own life WHILE chanting, how much Buddhist studying I am doing, and how many people I am telling about the joy of this practice and encouraging. Aaaahhh. That's where it all comes together. This is also why it's important to attend SGI Buddhist discussion meetings. (Go to to find meetings in your area). This is essential for deepening your faith and increasing your happiness!

When you chant, whether it's for 5 minutes, or whether it's for longer...summon appreciation for your life...summon the conviction that Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is YOUR LIFE ITSELF...feel the realization that YOU ARE THE BUDDHA. And focus on what you want.

Lately, I am chanting for composure, for wisdom, and to open my life to learn all that I can in my new job. I am chanting for every reader of this blog, and for all the people I still haven't reached. I am chanting for every person who is suffering, and looking for this very practical practice to FIND IT. I am chanting for opportunities to have this blog spread wider and wider and help more people. I am chanting for all who are suffering. I am chanting to show actual proof with my life of how amazing this simple (yet not always easy) practice is.

There is a line from the Lotus Sutra that we recite every day in Gongyo. We recite the actual words of the Lotus Sutra when we say (translation) "I think every moment, how can I quickly cause all people to end their suffering and attain the body of the Buddha".

One of the members of our District in Downers Grove (which has the most rocking Buddhist meetings every Wednesday night) has been chanting only a short while. She says that her dreams have turned from nightmares into a peaceful, peaceful state. Her face has changed as well. Her depression is lifting. This is what I am talking about. This, and more is possible through chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and tapping into the very life-force that it your birthright!!!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Great Results! The Universe is Yours to Command!!!

The key to creating results in your life through chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is to attach your prayers to your mission, make a strong determination, and chant with conviction that your life has the power to deliver what you want.

I begin praying each day by chanting to meld my heart with President Ikeda's. I chant to share his heart...literally. I chant to pray as deeply as he does for the welfare of the entire world...and for my life to be a shining example that lights the way for others. If I can be happy - the whole world can be happy. If I can overcome my fundamental darkness (which is nothing more than the ignorance that I am a Buddha), well, so can everyone else!

You know I just got the exact job I wanted, right? It only took me a month and a half to find it. I decided to look for a job on the 15th of January. By February 27th (actually by the 24th) I'd had my first interview at the college where I now work.

I made my determination to get a job by the 27th of February because we were having women's division victory meetings on that day, and we were reporting to President Ikeda, and the other women in the territory.

When I faced the Gohonzon to chant, I prayed that I HAD to get the job I wanted by this date so that I could show actual proof to my District Members, and my Blog readers!...of the power of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. I demanded this result from inside my life. Chanting to the Gohonzon gives you the power to demand your benefits from the universe.

And I chanted to have the job BY THIS DATE, February 27th, Mrs. Ikeda's birthday!!!!

My friend sent me an email with the job description for this job opening attached. I knew it was my job the minute I saw it because it was the perfect blending of my talents, the perfect location, and I'd get to use all my connections.
Now I am using the power of daimoku every day to learn a new have wisdom and infuse this college campus with the light from inside my life.

Losing the weight was the same way.
First I wrote down ALL the reasons I wanted to be thinner. I read this all the time. Then I visualized myself walking into my favorite store and picking clothes off the smaller sizes rack, taking them into the dressing room and trying them on! I made myself a book of pictures and inspirational quotes to look at every day. I found one diet that worked then I found another, and I also worked out...walking or riding my exercise bike....chanting all the while to show actual proof.

If you are determined...if you summon faith that Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is your life itself...the universe will be yours to command!

Important to remember: you will get the best results from your practice if you join with other members in the SGI-USA.
Go to the website to find the people in your area who practice. There really is no substitute for practicing with fellow members. Your benefits increase and you get the support you need to make it through the inevitable challenges you'll face in life!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Chanting for Success on the Job!

If there is one thing I can say...and I'll say it LOUD and is the same thing that my mentor Daisaku Ikeda has said over and over...DON'T GIVE UP!!!!! Just don't give up!!!

I am always honest with you...I was not looking forward to this weekend. My sons are in LA with their father...on a vacation I would have been on, if I had not made the choice I did to choose this time to make a new life for myself. I had anticipated being really sad when my boys went away...and I was not with them...but I've been fine.

And, because I have been able to "tune in to my base camp", by chanting sincerely, this weekend has been really incredibly blissful! I bought a whole bunch of new clothes (that I really need for work - remember, I was quite a bit heavier the last time I was employed) - and I accomplished some major household initiatives....and now, I am sitting here listening to a lovely thunderstorm...thinking how great my life is.

Aaaaahhh...I have a cool new job....I'm dating and having fun. I am focusing on my prayer for the happiness of all is good! If I can do it so can you...
Your prayer is a VOW...not a request. Whatever you want....VOW to make it happen. It is a deep vow within your life, to your life and from your life!

I always chant to be an inspiration to those around me. I HAVE to succeed! I HAVE to be happy. There is no doubt about it!!! It is my VOW~****
This vow is a huge part of having success in practical Buddhism.
As in so many things ~ attitude is important!

You can do it!

I am chanting to expand my capacity in all grasp and remember all the new concepts and terms I am learning for my new that I can succeed and shine! and for the brightness of my own life to shine brighter than ever!
That is, of course what en~light~enment is all about!!!!

Go you!!!! Succeed~

How is it going? Let me know!!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

How Long Do You Chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo every day?

Thank you for your great questions!
(They can be viewed under the previous posting "You don't have to chant for a long time")

You asked how much time you have to chant. The answer is easy. As much as you want to. If you establish a rhythm with daily chanting - every morning and evening, I promise you it will change your life.
The amount of time is not as important as your sincere prayer to be happy.

You deserve to be happy and you CAN be happy.

I suggest you go to the SGI-USA website to find out about the other people in your area who chant. Your benefits will grow exponentially when you study and learn together with other members.

Until you get your own Gohonzon, I'd suggest focusing on something simple, like a moon in a picture. And pray sincerely into your own life. You are not asking anything or any one or any God for favors when you chant in this Buddhism. You are commanding your own life. you are accessing the depth of the BUDDHA that you already ARE...and you are entitled to be happy...both for yourself and for the sake of all whom you love.

you are connected to everything in the universe. When you chant consistently...every morning and will see the beautiful unfolding of the beautiful life you ARE.

Make a list of everything you want. Dream big! Do this right away!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!
Please write me again!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My New Stingray Friend

Chantelle gave me a very sweet kiss!

Cruise success!

What an unbelievable time I had!

Every single moment of this cruise was like living in the land of tranquil light.

Every morning before I started my day I chanted strongly and was absolutely connected to the power in my life. I chanted to enjoy every moment and connect with the right people and savor EVERYTHING!

Every evening, before I headed out to the evening activities I connected again in the same powerful way.

And there was not a moment of loneliness, not a moment of frustration or despair! There was some drama when the tour I signed up for was cancelled...and there was confusion for an hour and a half. I really wanted to swim with the stingrays at the Cayman Islands! Finally, a wonderful couple and I figured a new strategy and had the most beautiful day holding and kissing (really!) the stingrays in the cove. Did you know there is a career called "Stingray wrangler"? Don't you just love that! Did you know that the stingrays are the puppies of the sea? They told me that if they don't go out to the sand bar to visit the rays for a few days because of inclement weather the rays are SOOOO excited to see them when they finally return! It's not for the food...they are affectionate creatures!

I'll try to post a picture.

I started my new job yesterday and chanted a mind blowing two hours before going in today. More about that later. Keep chanting. Keep living a life of ultimate victory. All of my dreams are coming true....all of YOURS can too!!!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Off on my Cruise

I'm not sure if I'll be able to post from my cruise~ But I'll be chanting!
I'm back on the 25th.
Have a great, victorious week!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!