Friday, September 25, 2009

Great Benefits - Practice for Oneself and Others

Practitioners of this Buddhism live by several outstanding ideals. One o them is "Practice for Oneself and Others"

Our lives are the most filled with benefits when we are chanting and encouraging each is essential to our own happiness to be also working toward the happiness of others.

Here are some recent highlights and benefits surrounding my life and Daimoku Campaign:

Birthday week! Such a great week! I got two really unexpected surprises on my birthday that touched my heart!

One is the start of a whole new friendship that will bring me great joy!

The other was a magnificent arrangement of flowers...from someone so dear in my heart...the most beautiful flowers I have ever received...with sunflowers that look as striking right now as they did four days ago.

And I'm not the only one with great things happening. Every week I've been getting together with three friends to chant. Tonight we met again. These great friends are having benefits all over the place.

Jenny's about to go to a nine week Bikram Yoga teacher training...and is also buying a new condo "in heaven" on the 14th floor really close to where I live...she also had some realizations that have made a huge difference in her life.

Mary's about to go on a Wisdom course single's cruise and she's lost 8 pounds and looks better than ever!

Melissa has such cool benefits in the works that will be shared at a later time.

And Mom had to have a procedure done today to help stabilize her heart rhythm and she's in great shape. I chanted my daimoku for her this morning and she truly had angels around her for the whole procedure...angels in the form of incredible nurses and Doctors at Good Samaritan Hospital in Downers Grove. Tomorrow Ben goes to Homecoming, I go to Bikram Yoga for the first time and my friend Eddie Lee comes into town!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Birthday notes

This morning I chanted an hour and a half with determination for this year in my life. I thought of a year from important birthday...and where I want to be then...and how many people I want to have chanting along with me in Downers District!

I had a great birthday...with so much love in my life...
so many wonderful friends...and such great family...only my Mommy fell and hit her head and I spent the afternoon with her in the ER. They kept her overnight, but I was there for the crucial time...when they were trying to put in IV in. I have to demand a paramedic for her and her tiny little veins. Then I have to chant while he puts it in...they've blown so many of her veins...but all was well...
Then my sister came for the evening and I was off to see Jersey Boys. I know, I know...I'm probably the last person in the world to see this play. It was all they said it was and more. What a wonderful show.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

New Responsibilities!

Wonderful Weekend! Wonderful day!
Today I took on the reponsibility of supporting a district of the SGI.
I will be hosting meetings every Wednesday night in Downers Grove Illinois. They will be filled with the excitement of tapping into our own inner strength. Each one of us will leave feeling excited and ready to take on new challenges. We'll chant, we'll study, we'll make new friends. Each meeting begins at 7 and lasts until 8:30.

You know...problems don't stop when you start chanting...but you develop an unshakable spirit...knowing you have all the power of the Universe right in your problem can possibly defeat you.
If you're anywhere near Downers and want to attend just send me a comment.
By the way...I moved my exercise bike up into my living room and believe it or not you barely even notice it...and I'm biking away. I'm not giving up...I'm not giving up!!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Prayer in Buddhism

Prayer in this practice is very different than most forms of prayer.
While we are chanting we are busy focusing our thoughts like a laser beam cutting through our karma.
We are not "asking" anyone for anything...
We are instead making a vow or a determination
to accomplish something.
That's so different, isn't it?
We are chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
and at the same time vowing to win in whatever endeavor we desire.

Daisaku Ikeda says it best:

When your determination changes,
everything else will begin to move
in the direction you desire.
The moment you resolve to be victorious,
every nerve and fiber in your being
will immediately orient itself
toward your success.
On the other hand, if you think
"This is never going to work out,"
then at that instant
every cell in your being
will be deflated and give up the fight,
and then,
everything really WILL move
in the direction of failure.

For Today and Tomorrow
Daily Encoragement
for September 20th
Daisaku Ikeda

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Delicious Daimoku! Chanting from my heart!

I just finished the most delicious daimoku (chanting of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo)! I have to share it with you quickly before I head off to my wonderful job.

I chanted and hour and a half straight...only stopping to fill my mug of Earl Grey tea and milk!

I could feel the power welling from within my body...chanting from the "bottom of my heart" felt even more like chanting from deep within my body.

I chanted in appreciation for my life, I chanted to fulfill my mission for Kosen Rufu (a world that DIGNIFIES all of life), I chanted to be an inspiration to people...and to somehow strengthen my faith that I can accomplish my goals...I will be healthy, and pain free, I will be able to wear size 8 clothing, I will fulfill my goals, I chanted with faith in my own power to create my own other words...enlightenment! I chanted for all the people I have on the wall by my altar...for all of them to be incredibly happy, I chanted for my family ...for my sons to RUN FREE and be strong and have great Cross Country seasons and create life-long memories. I chanted for the Community I work in, and the town I live in! I chanted for the leaders of our country to have wisdom and make the best decisions. And I chanted for my own sparkling day today...that I be bright and productive and that I appreciate and enjoy every minute. I chanted for this blog to inspire and reach people everywhere! I chanted for you!

You can see why I never wanted this daimoku to end!

I hope you have an exhilarating and magnificent day!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Chanting 5 minutes can be enough for a breakthrough!!!

Would you be interested in knowing that chanting only five minutes has the power to turn your whole life around?
I know, I sounds too good to be true, but I have seen it happen!

The first 5 minute experience happened with a dear friend when I lived in San Francisco. Her daughter had been going through numerous challenges ever since she was quite young. Now she was a troubled teenager. She couldn't seem to fit in anywhere...she couldn't seem to save herself and my friend was really at a loss.

My friend is an intellectual...sometimes the smartest people have the hardest time chanting! Their brains just won't stop telling them that they are too smart for all of this! They want to figure it all out...but you can't figure this's experiential! You have to do it!

However...this one the end of her friend chanted.

Her daughter was in jail...again...and my friend came over. I said "what do you have to lose?" and she chanted FIVE minutes with me. She was chanting for her daughter to be allowed back into the place she had just been. I'll never forget chanting with her.
After that, she went to visit her daughter in jail and they chanted 20 minutes together!! OMG!

The daughter did not get back into the place they had hoped for...she ended up in a much better place...a place that saved her life. It was a place in Colorado that WOULD NOT kick her out if she ran away...and they had a beauty school, something my friend's daughter really wanted to learn. It set her on the right course. It was life changing.

It all started with 5 minutes.

Whenever you chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo it's as if you are reciting the entire Lotus Sutra. You are, in a way...speaking the words of the Buddha that you REALLY are...and accessing the power that has always been yours!

Chanting is a tool to access your own Buddhahood.

Rock and roll!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Buddhist Meetings

Soka Gakkai Buddhist Meetings are so cool.

Many are held just in normal people's homes. Some are held at the many culture centers throughout the world. They are all conducted by lay people like myself. All of us are equals and there are no priests.

They take many forms...discussion meetings...tozos (chanting meetings) and other types of lectures etc.

I love hosting them at my house.

They usually last an hour and a half. In a discussion meeting half an hour is chanting, then the rest of the time is made up of study and experiences.
There is also a time where we discuss some aspects of the overview for guests.
We talk about why we started practicing...and what we have achieved.
Then someone gives an experience. Experiences detail a challenge someone has they've chanted about it...and how they've overcome it and triumphed.

If one of my readers wants to share an experience let me know! I would love to include you in this blog.

Have you aver attended an event that fundamentally changed your life forever? Your eyes were opened and you never saw things the same way again? That's how I chant for every attendee at my meetings.
I chant for the success of the meeting...for every single person to be a different person as they leave the meeting...more inspired than ever...seeing themselves in a whole different light...Ready to take on each adn every challenge they're facing...I chant for each and every person to never be the same after a meeting! In an awe inspiring way. And I chant for all my Buddhist friends and all people chanting every where to really GET how awesome the power is in their own lives!

Remember : Dream Big...chanting is to make the impossible come true!