Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I received an email from a reader who is very unhappy. 

She told me she doesn't chant every day or go to meetings, but something inside her made her write to me. I offer these words to her, and to you. I have always said that practicing Buddhism is not easy. It requires courage. It not only requires courage but it helps to BUILD courage and a strong sense of self. When you practice as I've outlined here you will be strong. You can take on ANYTHING. You will be happy. It takes perseverance, but I am here to tell you that you can achieve whatever you want. You can be happier than you ever imagined possible. But it takes work! And your life and happiness is WORTH IT!

There are 5 KEY aspects to a correct practice of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.

And when we are activating them ALL we are all HAPPIER in every possible way. Until you have activated these actions in your life you will never really know your own full will be able to ROAR LIKE A LION. You will have power in your won precious life! 

1. It is important to be in the ORBIT OF FAITH! Attending SGI meetings is crucial. We really can't practice adequately alone. We all act as mirrors for each other. Our meetings serve to deepen our ties to each other and our ties to the world. If there is something you don't like about your meetings, chant to change them! How you feel about your Buddhist meetings is really a reflection of your own tendencies. If you "look down" on all the people at the meetings, you also "look down" on people everywhere. Have patience with yourself. See if you can summon the Ichinen (will put into action) to make a difference. Many of us have struggled with this at some time. I love being a leader because I infuse each meeting with energy. I chant at least an hour for the success of each meeting...I chant for every member to have a deep and meaningful experience at every meeting - refreshed in faith, more determined, happier!

2. Help others! Encouraging others in their faith is crucial. And telling others about chanting is crucial too...even just giving them a Nam Myoho Renge card. I give out cards every single day. I have to. I feel I have discovered the key to absolute happiness and it fills me with joy to pass it on to others. I went to the doctor yesterday and the two lovely nurses may come to a meeting soon. I always give cards to people who help me in stores. They are always happy to get them. I love makeup and perfume and love to spend time trying new things. Last night I got a call from someone who I gave a card to TWO years ago at Sephora (a makeup store). She said she now works in the makeup department of another of my favorite stores and she told someone about me, and they had one of my cards too. Tonight she is coming to my study meeting!

3. Chant every morning and evening. You decide how long you will chant. I know that the more effort I put into my daily practice, the harder I work to stay focused, the MORE I connect with the Gohonzon (which is my life itself) the easier the rest of my life goes. I chant a minimum of an hour in my "laboratory of my life" every day. When I began this blog I was chanting a minimum of two hours a day. I often find I chant more when I have a lot of challenges, and the more I chant the more I WANT TO chant. Try it!

4. Study with the intention of deepening your faith.  In Nichiren Buddhism FAITH IS A VERB. It is the power you muster while you are chanting to activate the power of your prayer. Studying is like working the muscle of faith. It will help you produce results. It will strengthen your faith. Studying the Gosho by Nichiren Daishonin, and the words of our mentor, Daisaku Ikeda will help you become happier and healthier and stronger in every way!

5. MAKE A STRONG DETERMINATION. Write it down. Really, writing it down is powerful! What do you want? What do you really want? How do you want to feel? What do you want to make happen? Who do you want to BE? Avoid the tendency to blame your environment. Blaming the people, things, jobs etc. is not useful. Instead, accept that your karma is your karma and vow to change it! That is where your power lies! Not in complaint!

1 comment:

  1. I must say that I have been following your blog for quite sometime. I love everything that I have received from you. I am based in Europe in France. Practising for twelve years and facing challenges of my own. Our lives seem to be in tune as you always seem to tap exactly what I am struggling with. Deep deep gratitude to you for your wonderful work and for your words of encouragement that touch many like me. I am inspired by you to keep on chanting, achieve my goals and overcome my karma.

    Thank you
