Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Master and Disciple PowerPrayer and Explanation

What is the Mentor Disciple Relationship? Yesterday a reader wrote me and asked that question. 

As many of you know, I am facing a huge challenge...a crucial moment that I can use to deepen my faith!

I am putting the master and disciple relationship at the center of my life. Here is my understanding of it: 

Daisaku Ikeda, the President of the Soka Gakkai International has committed his life the happiness of each individual through peace, culture and education. Since the age of 19 he has spent every moment working towards our happiness, and the happiness of all mankind. He has published hundreds...hundreds of books, written more speeches and essays than I can possibly count, visited with world leaders throughout the globe inspiring them to be their best selves, founded cultural institutions, universities, grade schools, kindergartens and museums. He has received over 300 honorary doctorates...more than any living human has ever received. And he has inspired ME with his heart for us all. So the mentor disciple relationship for me, is chanting to feel his heart, and chant with the depth of his prayer for the whole world. 

When I chant, I chant to see the world through his eyes, to feel the world through his heart and to have the depth of prayer and compassion towards others that he has. I literally chant to deepen all my levels of compassion so that my prayer is as deep as his. I know he is a human being. A deeply committed human being. I am a deeply committed human being who has the wonderful fortune to be alive at the same time as Daisaku Ikeda. I respect him as a towering force of good for all of humanity and I aspire to chant like him and have his heart. 

This morning I chanted with this 

Master and Disciple PowerPrayer:

I chant to experience the deep faith of my mentor! I chant to deepen my faith so that I chant with the same ICHINEN as Daisaku Ikeda. 


Deepen my prayer a million times so that I realize
beyond a shadow of ANY doubt

Remove any part of me
That is not the BUDDHA!

Reveal the brilliant burning core of my life 
and burn this bad karma away!

Strip away the hopelessness
Wash away the fear

I am chanting with the Pure Heart Of Kosen Rufu
for those I love, for my readers, for my members, and for those who are searching to find this practice and put it to use in their lives! I chant to meet those who are ready to hear of this practice and to help them change their lives! 
I chant for the land, for the planet, for the universe. 

May every breath I breathe 
every word I write 
everything I say
Serve to strengthen EVERYONE'S FAITH! 

Shoten Zenjin! 
Support me in all my efforts for Kosen Rufu! 
This is what I am making happen through my strong determination right now!!!_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________!

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